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Michael Murphy Dec 2019
Freeze time
Catch up

Go back

Go forward
Face fear

Let go
Having the ability to control time is the fantasy I embrace when I feel overwhelmed.  It might sound crazy but it lowers my stress!
Dream Fisher Dec 2019
Sitting in thousand year rubble,
Just yesterday felt like a home
A whole city sat here that no one knows
This is my story as a summoned ghost,
A fayth to break the sin and begin
A calm to last forever. Forever for all.
But me.
It's ok from me to you, I catch your gaze,
One green, one blue
I hold the crest and sigil of sun
But I'd burn out without my moon.

The city was massive, a sight seeing to believe,
The lights and sounds roaring from the ground.
Memories too vivid to conceive.
Telling everyone it was toxins
But I remember them watching as I played,
Cheering as I slayed and scored
The blitzball dome, each seat had shown
A fan within my reach.
But now...

It's all rubble, everyone smiles but struggles
The fans still stand and cheer
But only as a distraction from here.
As I look through the ruins at hand,
I know why we keep moving,
Through my home in Zanarkand
kevin hamilton Dec 2019
the cloth is cut
and you’ve been absent
from my dreams of late
phosphene, ever-burning
like a wretched mask
moth-eaten in the night

dearest, am i just the fount
of unsettled dust?
there is something in your eyes
that i cannot place
all this golden blood in me
is a harvest giving way
to the sickle and the blade
rich with rust
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2019
Serafina was a skydiver
And she was always falling.

Jimmy was her instructor
And the next in line.

"The thrill of love," she said,
"Is about how high you can climb."

If the moment's spent
She parachutes out.

A risk,
No doubt.

But on she plays,
Crossing her fingers

This idée fixe
Never comes crashing back to earth.
Inspired by the Interpol song title, "Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down."
Carlo C Gomez Dec 2019
The best tea parties
in the whole wide world
are hosted, not by queens,
but by little five-year-old girls:

They're major dress-up,
with a who's who guest list
that includes
teddy bears, Barbie dolls,
and sock puppets.

They must always have
a special theme,
be it the family pet's birthday
or in honor of a favorite
cartoon character.

What she serves
is anybody's guess,
and indeed,
the menu will vary
for it's all make believe,
but her imagination
is quite real,
and a big part of the charm.

Count your lucky stars if invited.
The phone rings,
Or rather vibrates,
As I stir my instant coffee
Because my Keurig is broken
And I haven’t gotten around to replacing it.
The lady on the other end
Of the call
Says she’s with the bank.
She’s selling identity theft protection subscriptions.
I listen to her
What that is
With mild excitement growing in my stomach;
Not with regards to the
But over the
Tones and intonations —
The way she breathes:
I let her run with it,
Feigning curiosity at first.
A question here,
To really get her going.
I wonder when she was last ******?
She asks to verify my name,
She mentions a credit score package
(Ooh la la)
That will provide me with insight as to whether my identity has ever been
(This call
Is getting steamy)
She tells me that in order to receive the package I need to confirm my enrolment in the subscription.
Could you repeat that?’
I can feel it
My soul,
As I sip my ****** instant coffee.
I tell her
That I absolutely won’t enrol,
That I refuse,
But that she should be a voice actor
Or that if she was a voice option for Siri
I would surely select her.
She doesn’t have a response,
Choosing to wish me a good evening instead,
And to thank me on behalf of her employer.
Thank you dear.
Call this number whenever you like.
I don’t want your talents to go unappreciated by other customers
Who I’m sure are all swines.’
I stare at the ended call
And fantasize about your voice,
And when you were last ******.
Too bad the coffee is ****.
TheScarfIsPurple Dec 2019
I thought it would be just a normal day
seeing the way
clouds drifted across the sky
That is why
I wasn’t prepared
I got scared
when I heard that cry

The entire world screaming as one
Clouds catching on purple fire
blazing into the void of space
Thousand times more scorching
than Hell itself

Seas turning even more poisonous
than they already were
Swallowing lands to feed
the flames above

            Safe to say, there was panic.

Every living creature
in senseless horror
Tearing each other apart
just for a chance
to save themselves

                                     But there is no escape.

In no time
fiery skies and toxic waters
caught them


They were fed pleasures and pains
unknown to God
They were shown their innermost thoughts
and they retched in disgust
at the sight of their true selves

Mutilated beyond any recognition
so they could be born anew

they were ready
They were monsters.
Writing practice. Well this went from zero to one hundred fast...
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