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Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2020
Christmas is over
New year has begun
Not sure I'm ready for another one
Done all the things I resolved not to do
The lights blazing down
Time just flew

The world looks newer than before
Burning bright with colors galore
Feel it turn as I go through my day
Long years behind
Short ones on the way

Lighting life with the glow from ahead
Steps have went the wrong way instead
Branch is just too high to reach
Consumed in never-ending breach

The flame marks the proper route
Spells cast make it hard to get out
When my foot bravely goes to tread
Suddenly cells are made of lead

My fire drags me the opposite direction
Everglow remains in the darkest section
Memories of long ago linger in my head
Love I lost
Can't let go of
Remains in words unsaid

When asked my resolution I always respond
"Stop saying yes to things I am of rather not fond"
Of course I never commit and fail within a week
I try nonetheless though my attempt is too weak
Written 1-1-20
LightToBurn Apr 2020
Brought me to my knees
Edge over the sunset sea
projectile *****
a senryu
(similar to haiku)
LightToBurn Apr 2020
Distorted empaths
Cheap wine bottled friendship, gag
Spiritually dull
a senryu
(similar to haiku)
Dez Apr 2020
I was asked to describe myself
So took a dictionary from the shelf
And I read the definition
Of a word I thought best fit my disposition
Failure was the word I thought best
The descriptions said, “lack of success”
I closed the book and looked at my questioner
And confessed I am on the road to no where
And in faling to prepare
I have prepared to fail
So I guess this is the way I say beware
Even good looking trains derail
Even those who look like they have it together are falling apart. Many people have told me I am a good young man and I will go places in life. But I feel as though I am not that great and in truth I have not prepared much.
Samuel Esther Apr 2020
I have always expected more from life
Yet the dude never fails to fail.
Getting carried away by all the hails
I left my dreams in jail
Sail back to your shore!
That was a cry from my soul
She has gone too deep to turn
But that which she runs from
Await her at her peck.

S. O sther.
A cry from my soul.
Cayley Raven Mar 2020
What is a boat good for
where there's no water?
A coma tied to dockside
missing it's blue waves.

What is poet's purpose
when he's a lousy knotter?
A lack of words on paper,
his mind is short of tales.

He's fishing for ideas
on a ship that won't sail,
oblivious to his surroundings,
he's only bound to fail.
Let the boat be the poet's attention.
Daniel Pokorny Feb 2020
When the leader fails at their job,
The people become angry,
When the leader makes a difficult choice,
The people decide that it was wrong,
When the leader gives it their all,
The people are filled with spite,
In the end,
The leader can't please everyone.
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