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Millie Mar 2018
I found myself
At the end of a bottle
It's been three months
Reluctant solemn months

I said it would be six
I lied
I am weak
The bottle is my best friend

I woke up thirsty
It was a short night
I wanted it to be short
So I found myself
At the end of a bottle
Nayana Nair Mar 2018
As I purse my lips,
trying to push back words
that I am afraid are the wrong ones.
I wonder,
stand in awe,
of those gentle souls
who heal so many hearts.
While I fail
to utter any words,
not knowing,
what might break them.
Maria Etre Mar 2018
It's more
than a shake
when my
SaWal Mar 2018
Shaded, faded, degraded
But i promise you my ending verse would be I MADE IT

Grated, rated, penetrated
Hope is with what all my pain I traded

Waited, bated, segregated
You trying, well so am I, therefore you won't see me retrograded

Pierced, teared, speared
Failing is something I never Feared

Cheated, bleed-ed, mistreated
No appreciations, no acknowledgements, little bit of understanding is all I needed

Raided, shredded, perforated
No matter how dark the tunnel gets, for them dreams I WILL MAKE MY OWN WAY

Alackaday, doomsday, mayday
I have felt them all that's what makes 'it' so special- MY PAYDAY

Bitten, smitten, mistaken
Words above define my ride, feel my rhyme and make the most of THE ROAD TAKEN..
Robert Mar 2018
I like looking at your face
It makes my days brighter
It's a risky business though
Would be weird if you noticed me
Staring at you every other minute
I wouldn't want to scare you
So I try not to look
But I fail
I fail every time
Your face is just too pretty
Anine Feb 2018
Nervous, pressured, confused.
The emotions I swallowed
Every time someone questioned
About the dreams I chased.

"Take it and accept it,
It is who you are born for
To survive in this tragedy
Not to be failed and tempted nor."

Not even who I am knows what I will be.
A war between the want and the need.
Silently depending on someone.
Neither who know the real me.
I'm too tired to care hahaha...
Rick Feb 2018
I was born into construction, I know no other trade.
Im not very good at math, and my writings just the same.
I try to act, I try to sing but in the end I always seem right back where I began
I build the set, I cut the wood, and they're painted by my hand. Could I be another man, I know I choose not who I am, but I wish I could just understand if im a product of this land or am I free to choose my plan.
I will fail at my career, this is my fear. I will be like my father, broken and poor. There is only one door for me, the rest are locked and theres no key that i can see in sight.
Lauren Grace Feb 2018
We sit across the room from each other in hideous furniture.
But still, you scream,
"What is it all about? Why are we here?"
I respond, warm affection dripping in every word,
"Human connection."
"There must be more than that," you insist.
Your words leave me with nothing except an unworthy reparation on my lips.
I glance around the freezing house and realize I have obviously failed to provide enough for the both of us.
Phantom Poet Feb 2018
In life we learn,
If you fail,
Try again,
Even in education,
If you fail,
You are offered one more shot,
To reach the top,
But society, friends mock you,
In class if you fail,
You get to try again,
To take the classes again,
But it has been deemed bad,
By students and teachers alike,
It is used to threaten,
"Don't study and fail",
Makes you feel beaten,
Everyone will mock you,
The mark of failure,
Burned to the flesh,
So what was supposed,
To be a second chance,
Now is a bad glance,
From everyone,
That's just students cheat,
Because they know that they will fail,
And their reputation will fall,
So cheating is the best way,
No one wants to be left behind,
No one wants to destroy their mind,
No one wants to try again,
Just because no one will allow them.
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