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When Calories Over Load
They Explode - Into Another Form!

© Debra Lea Ryan
Ask me one day what I mean.  I may choose to Answer! LOL
Malia Dec 2024
sometimes your heart
its seams and you have to
pour it all out before it

i can feel it now…
but i take the sharpened end
of my pencil tip and i pierce
a hole in my heart so that i do not
explode and then implode again like
a supernova, then a black hole,
crushing in on myself.

but i take that pencil tip and i
slip it through the hole until it is
all crimson dripping,
perfect! now i can write all of it
write it all out so that i never overfill

oh no.

it does not erase.
funny in a sad way?
Sadie Grace Jan 2024
seems so selfless
how could it be just to keep me from exploding from guilt?
turns out forgiveness is for the offender
there is no comfort for the victim
except a way forward
Tamara Walker Mar 2022
I don’t care anymore
I just want to see you glow
And then explode
Become a star.
I S A A C Dec 2021
my mind is going to explode
not sure how much longer I can stay on this rope
my arms, legs, and hands are giving up
my days blend into weeks, there is no living up
no laughter-filled dawns or innocent wrongs
all so mundane, just a playing pawn
in a losing game, just losing weight
it's depressing this depression, I wish I invested but now I am stressing
they say it's a blessing which is distressing because I feel like I am suppressing
underneath the weight of academics, surprised I made it through 12
first-year almost broke me and second year is not discerning
my mind is going to explode
the candle won't stop burning
my cup is overflowed
Tetra Hachiko Apr 2021
All the words I want to say
Balled up, I throw away
Because at the end of the day
It doesn't matter anyway
What will it change if I were to say
The things in my chest, boiling away
Coiled up, as if it were to say
I am going to explode any day
Cardboard-Jones Mar 2021
Stand clear
I’m a bomb and I’m set to explode.
I swear
It’s best that I do this alone.

Head for the hills love,
Go lock your doors.
It’s how I’m programmed,
I can’t do more.
Leave me be and let me explode.

You can’t stay here, love
I can’t disengage.
My manual is missing pages…
Tonight, I’m shooting straight for the moon.
Oh, I won’t be back soon.
Tonight, I’m going to detonate.
Oh, I don’t wanna be late.
Don’t wait.
Don’t wait for me.
Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
be careful when handling me.
my body was built with gunpowder,
and someone lit my fuse
long before we met.

be aware that at any moment,
I could burst.

you can run away now
and never look back,

or you can wait here with me
and together, we'll look up at the sky.

it's entirely your choice.

but, darling, if you can't accept
the chaos inside of me,

then you will have no right
to comment on
my beautiful explosion.
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