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George Krokos May 2020
Take all necessary precautions as we may be in for one hell of a ride
as certain forces are descending that will likely cause us all to slide.
It was foretold and written long ago by those ancient prophets of old
and again in the 20th century by One who claimed to be of their Fold.
He was recorded as saying that ¾ of the world's people would perish
and they would do so in spite of anyone or all those we may cherish.

He was called Meher Baba and many recognised him to be an Avatar;
a Divine incarnation of God Who was humanity's most Brightest Star.
Born towards the end of the 19th century at the beginning of a new age
to usher in a New Humanity and in spiritual matters take centre stage.
So much like all those Who'd come before Him He was destined to be
Divinely awakened and authorised to go about setting all people free.

With the words given that were recorded and written down He did say
the world was in the throes of undergoing a Spiritual rebirth in a way.
Like an expectant mother going through her motions and birth pangs
this new age would consume and devour many people with its fangs.
We only have to look back and see the horrors of late with world wars
and the advancement in technology opening up so many hidden doors.

This so-called New Humanity that is being now gradually ushered in
is the next stage of mankind's evolution that will free it of its past sin.
Individually and collectively most will all sometime have to undergo
a purging of their ignorance hidden within them that God does show.
Meher Baba has brought together all religions like beads on one string
and set the stage of the Spirituality that this New Humanity will bring.

He'll work through and with all those true religions of mankind's past
that are still around now though fading lately renewing them so to last.
By showing and revealing the underlying similarities behind them all
He beckons everyone in the world now to so therefore heed His Call.
And all that anyone will ever have to do is to keep Him in their heart
by following the precepts given in the religion of which they're a part.

The manifestation for man of Heaven on earth is what it's really about
a divine experience so great and Holy that it will cause us all to shout.
Come one and all to be a part of this New Humanity that's being born
heralding a glorious age of mankind's place on Earth by a New Dawn.
It's by the elimination of ignorance, falsehood and all our superstition
that we can all now be in and a part of The New Humanity's transition.
One of my very latest poems which I felt compelled to write due to what is happening in the world today. I don't mean to be a scaremonger but in the wake of a possible worse case scenario the poem actually gives much hope as well if indeed this is actually that time.. May God help us all.
Written in March 2020
Kewayne Wadley Jan 2020
If the world were ending tonight
You'd still make time for me
wouldn't you?
Even if it were all in your head

If the world were ending tonight
you'd still give me the same smile
you always give, right?

No matter the crumbling buildings
& people playing hop scotch
Avoiding the large craters in the earth.

You'd still make time just before
the final impact,
Before we're wiped into oblivion, right?
On top of crumbling cars
& huge chunks of rock.
Even if it were all in your head,
would you still come over & make believe
that everything is alright?

If the world were ending tonight,
would there still be time
to go some place nice,
Even if it were all in your head
El Dec 2019
I'm brainstorming up a riot.
One where people will die
When they're asleep
And quiet.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
Where you can hear all types of war cries.
One where all types of people will die

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
With lots of fire and guns.
One where all you can hear are
The traumatizing sounds of bullets being released.
And the blood curdling screams of people dying.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
That the government can't handle.
With bombs designed as food,
And no ruler is there to rule.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
To where when you step outside,
There's a 98% chance you can die.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
Where all you can see is blood,  
And corpses.
And all you can smell is the putrid scent of rotting flesh and dried up blood.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
One that can't even compete with war.
One where peoples hearts are took over with hatred.
And the only thing on their mind,
Is death and ******.

You read it right.
I'm brainstorming up a riot.
And the funny thing is,
I don't even know why.
Just another psychotic thought.
lua Nov 2019
When the world implodes and burns from the inside, I will not fear God
I will hear the prayers of folks fallen to their knees
Calling out to you
Calling out your name
In begging for mercy
Fear of death
That soon would swallow them whole
As the earth devours itself
But I will not fear you
I will not
So be it the planet dies
So be it it crumbles beneath my feet
So be it I shall die too
So be it the death I shall go through is slow and painful
So be it I will scream in anguish and agony as the life drains out of me
So be it the hundred, thousand hands grasping my ankles
Calling out to me to kneel before you
Crying out to me to beg before you
For your forgiveness
To be spared from retribution
To be spared from the cackling fires of Hell
I will not kneel before you
I will not ***** my knees for you
I will not cover them in bruises and mud for you
I will not bow my head in silence for you
I will not silence my voice and thoughts for you
I will not cower under your stare
I will not fear you.
You are nothing to me
Mark Toney Nov 2019
it's the end of the world as we know it - time I had some time alone
1/25/2019 - Poetry form: Monoku - While this is truly a Monoku, this is the second instance of me using a lyric line from a well known song for my Monoku.  So I am designating this particular form of Monoku as a Lyricku - a type of Monoku that is made up of a single horizontal line consisting of seventeen syllables or less, in addition to being a lyric line from a well known song. Lyric credit: Songwriters: John Michael Stipe / Michael E. Mills / Peter Lawrence Buck / William Thomas Berry | It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) © Universal Music Publishing Group - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
lua Oct 2019
I saw you in the underworld when the earth collapsed

The incendiary skies burned bright;
And I saw you beneath its scorching glare
Standing by the banks of the river Styx
Your supple skin marred and stained
By soot and mud from below your feet
And burnmarks;
I know not where you got them

I called your name
Shouted it
Screamed it
But you did not hear me
You did not listen
Simply stared off into the distance
Body glowing, body burning
World glowing, world burning
I never saw you again

part 4
lua Oct 2019
you slipped and slipped from my fingers
until i could no longer feel yours
and the earth devoured you,
swallowed you,
ate you whole

you left me alone as the ground rippled and cracked beneath me
you left me alone as the waters grabbed my ankles and pulled me down
you left me alone as death came like raging ocean waves
like an explosion so spontaneous
i never had the time to open my mouth
to scream your name

you left me alone.
part 3
lua Oct 2019
i don't want to die, not yet at least
but the world is eating itself from the inside
and i feel your fingers slipping away from my grasp
the dogs are barking, their howls resonating in my head
bouncing off the walls of my subconscious
like sirens, a sign
a sign of the end of times
one that all should know of
when the waters begin to swallow nations whole
when the fires begin to devour the earth
when the earth freezes over and shatters, drifting across the solar system
when the earth burns to nothing but ash—

—"but i don't want to die"

i'll take what you said to the grave
even if its the last thing i'll ever hold on to.
part 2
lua Sep 2019
My heart pounded against my chest so hard
It felt as if something was punching me
We ran,
Hand in hand
And never took a second to look back
For there was nothing left to look back on
But the charred silhouettes of memories
Soon to be forgotten.
we left it all behind when the fires started

part 1
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