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jai Jun 2018
i just want to go home

but home has only ever been a feeling

a feeling of longing

a longing to go home.
i’ve always felt as though i was out of place in this world
jai Jun 2018
i feel like you put a gun in my hand
you put a gun snug against the side of my head
pulled the hammer back
and then grabbed my hand and wrapped it around the grip
and walked away...
i feel like if i come back
i’m gonna be locked in the closet with the gun again and i just can’t..
the repercussion of me trying to write down feelings about going home after relapsing
jai Jun 2018
i just REALLLLLLY need to know
why the ****
feels the need to totally encompass
with nothing but horrible negative thoughts and memories

me and my are the voices that in habit my brain
jai Jun 2018
i wish i could decipher even a small portion of what is running through my head
each thought that runs thru my mind is in and out so fast i’m not even able to see the image
every ******* scenario of my life for the 50 years is coming and going

every possibility
sometimes things get fast and they get loud and they get extensive and they get intense
all at once
jai Jun 2018
we all have our good days and our bad days, it’s just so important to stay positive and always try and remember that we would never know what light is if we were never exposed to darkness. you literally cannot have good without bad, the ying inside of the yang.

so with that being said, own your sadness!! revel in it and soak it up and feel it as much as you have to that way you can be so much more thankful when the light does come.
my aunt texted me the morning after i relapsed, while i was still tweaking, and told me she was sad. this was my response to her, and i’ve looked back on it a lot since i wrote it, especially during detox.
jai Jun 2018
anticipation building, it’s like the drugs aren’t even here yet and i can ******* smell them
yes i’m manic, and no i’m not making the best choices but he’s cutting up the lines and he looks so hot while doing it

the last thing i need is something up my nose, but sure enough the straw is hand and i’m walking over to the dresser now

my dear **** i forgot how bad it hurts
not sure if it’s blood or snot running from my right nostril, but my eye has begun to pour

it’s crazy how quick the pain passes and how fast the tweak comes
i haven’t stopped painting for 10 hours
i was approximately 2 months clean from all drugs except ****, after spending the previous two months doing ****** everyday, when i made the decision to put **** up my nose. not only that but it was also the day i was supposed to start my new medication, which was a result from getting clean in the first place. i also didn’t research the effects of the interaction between lithium and ****... needless to say i wound up in the hospital almost dying from serotonin syndrome.. and then a few days later put a needle in my arm for the first time, ever.
jai Jun 2018
morning skys

here i sit
cigarette in hand
best friend across from me
and my brain going a million miles an hour

she’s great, my friend
she always listens, and not the kind of listen that most people would lend you
but the kind that lets you know she’s really in it
she retains and recalls details

see this is so important to me because I ALSO do that
not to mention the very hint of someone not fully engaging with me sends razor blades down my spine
it causes some secret trap door in my stomach to swing open full force and empty the tiny bit of courage i had to speak in the first place

but she’s so good at making me feel heard
she truly cares about the opinions i have to offer, however many billions of them there may be
and she gets interested in my ideas so much that we began to create them together
and did i mention that this chick realllllly digs with whatever i have to say, regardless of how fast my words may be spilling, or the frequent pauses to hit the blunt

i once told her that our friendship may not last due to my borderline personality disorder, but she was always going to be a soulmate of mine due to our spiritual connection
and she spent the next two weeks researching the illness
no one has ever shown so much care for me
so much interest
such understanding

i’m laying down now
my cigarette is done
my best friend is still here
and that’s all i could ever ask for
i do love my best friend. she has held it down regardless of the **** i throw at her. she is one of the realest and i have never gotten anything but positive vibes from her.
jai Jun 2018
i looked at him and thought to myself of all the dumb dumb people who had let him slip from their grip.. people who had let him down, hurt him, abandoned him, never offered a shoulder for him to cry on, or an ear to listen to his story.. i shook my head at disbelief that anyone could be so stupid.. and smiled at how truly lucky i was to have gotten him.
& i am so lucky.
jai Jun 2018
he said i knew **** well what the look in the car meant
& i knew **** well i did
because when he looked at me i felt it
& you can’t ignore that
somehow, i’ve become aquatinted with my soulmate. he can read my mind, as can i with him. i feel his light radiating off of him daily, and it only causes mine to grow brighter.
jai Jun 2018
i want to crawl into a hole and die. my face burns and runs wet with the emotions you’ve caused to rise in me. i didn’t ask for this, i didn’t ask for you. see when i’m alone i am concerned with only fixing that issue, not reveling in the solitude. but when i’m next to you everyday, my mind only drifts to a place far far away from here.
i wrote this when my boyfriend had his own **** going on and had to cut me out for a few days. this is what i wrote, but in all real ness i just wanted him. my brain often flops between two extremes when i’m in this state.
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