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Zhanara Jul 11
Life is not life
Without LOVE
Love is not love
Without you
Author: Zhanar
Zhanara Jun 30
I am changing
My age is being changed,too
My appearance is being changed, too
My wisdom is being changed, too
Everything depends on time.
Author: Zhanar
Zhanara Jun 21
I wanna be your angel
I wanna be your devil
I wanna be your time
I wanna be your line…
Zhanara May 16
How they smile?
When my heart is broken
How they are happy
When my soul is crying
Author: Zhanar
Zhanara May 16
I am too tired…..
To wait my smile
Zhanara May 16
When my day comes?
When my people come?
When my soul will smile
I am too tired
Author: Zhanar
Zhanara May 16
I am too tired
I know
Life is unfair
I know
Life is not beautiful
I am too tired.
I am too tired.
I am too tired
Let me smile without any stops
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