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Colm Jun 2017
Where does the desire come from?
To send someone words on a paper screen?
Where does the inkwell saturate, and settle deep?
Mixing until you’re your dammed up thoughts
Break loose and spill out onto the ground
Flooding the valley at hand below
For when you spill yourself onto a page
You need to be comfortable with the mess you’ll create
It’s inevitable
But why should you worry about that anyway?*
I mean it, I say this with a laugh but…
Does any of this matter anyway?
Why should you withhold and hold back?

The rushing words
The kind which actually meant to be swept away
How to write with Sean - You just write until you are. And then one day you realize that you've always been to a certain degree. And forever will be. You! (:
Jawad Apr 2017
My dam broke with you for good
A river repressed for years
Now I have a massive flood
Sweeping away all the fears
My chest exploded with words
All emotions storming down
Watering all the burned lands
Inside the ditches and ponds
Heavens for guppies and barbs
My birds are finally home
Butterflies are living here
The red soil is dark brown now
Uakari, and brocket deers...
Aguaje and row cacao...
No more dust, but lots of rain
Washing away all the pain...
This tropical life is nice
Please, don’t build another dam
And cut off the water from
This marvellous paradise...
Love is tropical, hot and humid, full of life...
Cat Fiske Jan 2016
I walked with my communist looking blanket tied around my neck,
I had long ago stolen them from an airoplane and like then,
they still did everything you wouldn't expect from a thin blanket.

getting prung and pricked as the buckberry bushes punctured,
me and my communist looking blanket, but atlass I made it,
torn by thorns and all, to the half iced over ****** dam,


this is where I was greeted not by my friends, as they happened to be there,
No, I was greeted warmly by the fire they made,
as they burned detention slips, and failed tests, and anything alike,

it made me take fire 101 control of things, as I spit out,
you can not put wet leaves in this fire, stay ten feet away from the fire,
but it would soon be done,

when it was, we broke up some of the remaining ice from the dam,
placing it on top of the fire as gracefully as you could,
my fingers were once so warmed by that fire, now so cold from the ice,

we went and sat on the rock, and I wrapped my communist blanket around me,
I went into my bag, and pulled out my sock that had my bogs inside it,
I never like to smoke with people, I never really smoked more then two drags

when I needed to let my edge off, I smoked, and it was a rare thing I did,
under my communist blanket, with ice cold hands I unwrapped my sock,
I pulled out my new pack of spirits and my lighter, and offered anyone with me a bog.

Everyone but one of my friends took me up on it, so I told him,
he can have the rest of what I don't smoke, I only smoke two hits,
I put the bog in between my ******* and my ring finger on my right hand,

I couldn't lite it with the wind, I said,
but, it's because people were there.
He lit my bog for me, I smoked more then I normally do and handed it off,

What was to come soon after was what one,
wishes they could escape to there bedroom with their communist blanket,
and then cry,

he finished what he wanted on the bog,
leaving me with a little more then half,
I put it out and put it away,

my other two friends pulled out a bog each of their own,
as I began to pick up all the little pieces of paper that didn't burn,
I threw them with my ice cold hands into the dam,

by then they were almost done with there bogs, when one asked me,
"Can I try to burn your arm?"
as she stuck her bog in her mouth before I could respond,

she went into my communist red blanket, and pulled my arm out,
hold my arm with one hand, she took the bog in the other pressing it lightly,
She asked me "does it hurt?" I muttered "no" still shocked,

She went and did it again, this time higher up while twisting it in,
next to a set of new burns I had done myself a few night back,
I didn't even feel what she did, but she went through a layer of skin,

her and the other girl, proceeded to try to lightly burn themselves,
a half a second touch on the top of the arm, that's what hurt more.
I looked at my friend, and he looked really confused, I was too.

I went into the iced over pond, and pulled out ice,
trying to get the ash out of my arm,
only causing my fingers to freeze more under my communist blanket,

*I was unable to continue watching them play around and burn their flesh,
I walked back up, and said I need to be alone,
and I never made myself feel more alone under my communist blanket.

I know it was my fault, for I had let her do it,
I didn't dare say stop, but then they did it to themselves.
why couldn't me of been enough?
bogs where I am from are cigs. if you didn't know.
MdAsadullah Jan 2016
Unconstrained, Free flowing stream.
Glitters and glimmers with sunbeam.
With obstruction, blockage and dam;
How long its itinerary can they jam.

It cannot be subdued for much long.
With time it will become very strong.
One day all barriers it will surely blow.
Then the world will see its mighty flow.
bear Jun 2015
Rivers are wet
Dams are hard.
Dams slow and block rivers.
Everyone knows

BUT Other times
Dams make the rivers flow and flow.
It doesn't take much to to evoke a dam
Once its raised
There is no way of stopping the course
But who would want to stop it anyways?

Night after night
Day after day
river keeps the dam working.
dam keeps the river flowing.

Never running dry
Never growing weak
but occasionally reaching a peak.
This is something very few people see

This poem isn't about water and concrete
Things that happen at 4 in the morning
Nameless Poet Jun 2015
Would you?
Would you report this poem if I made a connection?
With a foul mouth rough inspection.
Cause we all got that person we would ****'in connect with!
Then that person we would **** and connect with!
Then if they break the connection,
we take our fist or the nearest object to break their neck with.
Curse words that's got so many uses.
You can say **** and mean so much.
To come out in anger or love once you got that passion.
What about when you get hurt?
***'ed out?
Then yuh like "dam I'm ******"
I just waned to let out a little, not trying to be belittled,
but I know there's someone out there to connect with
Poetic T Apr 2015
A shark did invite a fish to dinner, the fish
Said what is the menu. the fish thought
Hopefully not me. Never would I eat a friend
Who has been this loyal to me.

So they swam around the ocean to see what
They could see, a muscle or two would not
Go a miss. The shark said that is far to crunchy
This is not for me.

So time did pass and they came across a sqiud,
How bout this morsal, the shark replied have
You tried to get squid suckers out from one
Of my hudred of teeth. so with a sigh the
Fish moved on.

Tummy's rumbled and still no meal for these
Friends did they see. Then what happened
Next the poor fish did not see, for the shark
Shouted sushi and then in bits did the poor
Friend go down.

But the shark did not motion did not shed
A tear, as a shark is only your friend for as
Long as its not hungry and you will have
Nothing till it rumbles then you will fear.
Rae Slager Jan 2015
The dam began to crack
And all eyes turned away
A single crevice
That I watched
Day after day
Like a web it branched out
And yet no one could say
They gave a **** about the dam
Until they were washed away
Aaron Bee Nov 2014
**** that
**** dam
because I hold
in too much.
When their is
a leak
I break into
a rut
Mind to fast,
spoken to slowly.
Chances missed because
I hold in
too much.
I will break
and it will be big.
poetry exercise: writers block
Kay Tailor Apr 2014
Sometimes I just want
To cry.
To let it all out.
But I can’t.
I just can’t.
No matter how bad
My day was
Or how down
I am,
It just
I can feel it there,
Bubbling and brewing
Just under the surface
Like water building up
Against a dam.
Maybe I've held it in
Too long
So that now
My mind doesn't think
To cry.
But I want to
And I can’t wait
Until my dam
Floods and breaks
And I can be

— The End —