Each day will blessings flow your way
From your sure and consistent pace
Like the story told of a speedy hare
And the tortoise who won the race
Your dreams need daily attention
Which draws them to your embrace
So trade your fitful stops and starts
For that steady, consistent pace
Yes, quick and powerful actions -
At times they may have their place
But more success is gained by far
From a stable consistent pace
So when you plan your daily life
Save some focused time and space
For the daily thoughts and actions
That keep your consistent pace
This is Prosperity Poem 106 at ProsperityPoems.com and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below). https://prosperitypoems.com/delivery106ConsistentPace.html
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I've been putting some classic (old) parables and some new parables on my Mom's website for her. As I built the page about the tortoise and the hare, I thought how effective (and prosperous) we can be when we act with consistent pace.
We all have different personalities, and some lean toward a consistent pace naturally. My Dad and I can easily take a huge project and work a bit a day on it for 100 days. Some others in my family... don't naturally do that.
However, there is magic and power in a consistent pace!