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J Nc Sep 2015
I lie here, broken,
Or so it seems.
My life half over
Unraveled seams
The dreams I had
For you, for me
Hypocrisy, hypocrisy
Like shadows flee
Among the light
My dreams remain
Just out of sight
Night after night
I lie awake
And wonder
Which wrong path I've taken
Awaken, bleary eyed
And tired
****, I'm late again
Got fired
All in search of dreams

~J Nc
Sept. '15
Clinical depression is not a choice. It's a chemical imbalance. I am an intelligent man, so when I'm in that mood, PLEEEEEASE don't tell me to "just cheer up" or "think happy thoughts", or "be positive" I've been trying that since I was about 10. Started anti depressants at 14. Along with a hospital stay, complete with suicide watch. The only thing positive, is  I'll be positive that I want to ****** you in the face. And I may be an ******* from time to time, but it's not you, it's not personal, you can't fix it, and that's when I need your support the most. And if you think I'm lazy, cuz I can't get out of bed for two days, I would GLADLY like to know what it's like to be a grinning idiot all the time, you simpleton.
Astral Jul 2015
Sardonic is the day against the trees, how it looks to cast judgement upon the ground

What vitirol it holds for the human realm, how it seethes with poison on the soil

The day is doomed with this aura, never will it become more than just a somber storm

For the day has turned a vengful shade of red, it has shown its teeth to the sun, it has scraped its claws against the moon

Out the window the signs are clear, that the tides will not react to this haze, they will restrict and cower

So I look at the sky, and know the day is not at hand, I am alone in souless elements, only my will to call on in trials
Arcassin B Jun 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

Very dark times,
Calls for very dark measures,
What are the measures of you giving your heart to me,
Is it really that bad that lovely human beings enjoy the same sexuality,
I wouldn't wanna be,
Just like he watches all his creations,
I do the same,
Except I wouldn't let you down on the things you desire,
Can restore your mother back to health with the flick of my finger,
Making your dreams come to life with the drugs that you required,
I don't have remorse for anybody but myself and maybe you,
Do you think I like doing the evil things I do , well I do!
That's what makes me ,me and you , you,
But if I spot the sin in you,
Then you'll know when I'll come after you,
When god has disowned you,
If you stayed the same and used the name in vein,
What kind of super natural being just abandons you?................
See The LTE EP
Leal Knowone Apr 2015
The fragility of the heart is the closest certainty I know
I used to think a broken heart was a hyperbola
give a description of your remission  
the loudest sound of all love unspoken
yet we always hear the sound of love broken
and if  you repair something broken
it is never the same even if the flaws are never seen
the more it breaks the harder it will be to pawn off as being in  perfect condition
if you sew up an incision you will most likely see a scar
Leigh Apr 2015
For Idil Ibrahim
In memory of Tim Hetherington - 1970 - 2011

I cannot stay and speak my truth while the front line has no voice.
The carpet doesn't share substance with the blood-clumped
dust of Liberia; Red wine doesn't stain nations and it hasn't
changed the world.

I cannot stay and walk these steps while the fragile youth stand.
Our Sunday morning route doesn't cover landscapes of wounds
and bodies; Central Park has never felt a thousand welted
feet march for death.

I cannot stay and see your face while molten plastic scars her world.
Your delicate eyes have never seen the darkness of a child's grief;
Our democracy cannot fathom the searing, slow drip after a family

I cannot stay and feel worthy of your love while injustice goes unseen.
My lens has immortalised what we held dear, but is yet to capture
the human condition; I spoke to you like I spoke to them;
Through decades of mortar fire I spoke to them.

Inspired by the life of Tim Hetherington, a frontline war photographer and journalist. His story is well told in 'Which way is the front line from here?' A truly remarkable person.

Isaac Golle Mar 2015
I see it
It's on their faces
All of 'em
This shadow
Like some sort of indifference
Built out of hurt and pain and loneliness
Like they're so tired of fighting that they just gave up
"This is reality" they say
Yea, I see it
Don't think you can fool me
And there's a lot I could say
You know, to them, to myself, or to God
A lot of words that attempt to heal
A lot of prayers that attempt to reveal
A lot of...wrestling...that attempts to understand the brokenness of our condition and how God fits into all of it
But lately I've only been able to think of one thing
One single question that wells up inside whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed by the comprehension of the depth to which you have sunk your teeth

How dare you?

I see her
She's laying it all before me
Her heart
Her emotions
All her past
All her brokenness
Her father who used to chase her all over the house
Call her all sorts of horrible names
Totally RUINING her sense of self worth!
And now, she doesn't know what to believe or what to say or how to say it or what to pray or what to do or what to choose or how to love or when to love or if to love at all and all I can say is

How dare you?
Are you not aware?

And I see him
He's caught up in himself
So misguided by the failures of those involved in his life that he built a wall TEN MILES THICK around his heart, locked it, swallowed the key and never looked back cuz he's so **** sure there's nothin' left to see and all I can say is

How dare you?
Do you not know?

Oh and I see him
Sitting right across from me all full of lies and blasphemy
The things he says only ever amounting to full blown hypocrisy
I see him
So full of anger, hatred and hurt that I don't even know where to begin
The web is so thick it's BLACK
And you say it's hopeless, and I feel helpless, and all I can say is

How dare you?
Can you not see?

Oh, and I FEEL it!
That voice!
Insipid and subtle
So confident and slithering and leaving no room for rebuttal
Give UP it says
You're not capable and they're not worth it!
Your faith is invalid cuz it contradicts all the others
Your heart is too filthy and your soul is too shredded!
You're gonna fail!  Because you always fail you failing, miserable failure!
And all I can say is

How dare you?
Do you not know?
Can you not see?
Are you not aware?

Get to tremblin', beast.
For we are the children of the living God.
A poem about the mess of humanity.  I'm working on a spoken word album and this one is on it.  Preview the piece at the link below.
OliviaAutumn Mar 2015
I want to wrap you up in yesterdays news like fish and chips,
Spending late nights tangled up in seaweed
On a shore that will never be the same
As tomorrow or the one before.
S R Mats Mar 2015
You said, "I love you."
I hear your echoes even now;

Although our love has fallen.  Down
With the trappings of human sentiment.

Who needs LOVE, anyway?  Not
Not sure this is a finished piece...
thommya Jan 2015
We are a fickle bunch that states a need,

A patterned life might only true succeed.

We dance in storms, rather grumble toward peace

Yet every chance we have we seek release,

The pain, oh, the misery of lost time

Fantasy today tomorrow’s spent dime.

However long tradition’s eyes remain

We ought certain know acknowledgement’s reign

Priceless, shattered within our selfish realm

Will become fodder feeds the restless helm.

Ah, the human condition called to believe

Error in judgment, in planning, might leave.

When then we succumb to fears that soon ran

Why then we will know, we have conquered Man
man, time, pressure
Toodleloolove Jan 2015
Love has no conditions
We make our own traditions
This isn't our first edition
Love has no conditions

We fix each other along the way
What gives you the power to say
What is right or wrong in any way
If love has no conditions

Tear me down, wrip me apart  
Condition, condition, condition
Am I not enough
Are you calling my bluff

Do you not see the same me
Standing here before you
Begging you, asking you
For you to accept me as I am

Are you settling with being content
When you strive to be elated
Maybe our love has faded
I didn't know I was being graded

If love has no conditions
How dare you not accept me
If we were sand and sea
Id see how you wrestle me

I never wanted to fight with you
I only wanted to be with you
This was our time to shine
If love had no conditions

I can't blame you, slay you, betray you
I want all of you unconditionally
I find myself adjusting to you
As we dance this rhythm of love

Love is just a game
The players tend to say
Ive never felt so played
Who am I today

If love has no conditions
Pigs began to fly
If love has no conditions
This is the day I will cry
I want to be loved unconditionally, with all of my flaws.
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