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Here Now - Where?
  -right of Berehaven.

... fast moving.

  - on the right-

followed       by      the left

                          __ A great many places

Yet, not very many.  
But always:

Here Now - Where?

Rose Ruminations Oct 2014
I tread on the tightrope
Suspended between thinking too little
And thinking too much

I balance precariously
Tiptoeing towards optimism
But humanity sways me
And I shakily creep
Towards despair

The costume chafes
There is not enough chalk on my shoe
The lights are too bright
And a pearly bead of self-awareness
Trickles past my temple
And drips on the dirt baseness
A thousand feet below

And yet--

The crowd smiles
And gasps
And cheers
And claps
And I am reminded
That everything
Is a show

So I smile
And I bow
With a flourish
And I soak in the adoration

And try to forget
That the struggle repeats
Each night
In each town

But the show can
And does
Go on
Tessa Aug 2014
I think i may be falling in love with people
all too easily
I see their faces and their clothes
but i know there is so much more
I make up the stories of strangers who pass me
I imagine their heartbreak, i can taste the sadness
I know the pain that they feel
carrying their dead around with them
everywhere they go

so do I
I carry you, I carry my memories
they slouch around nosily behind me they will not leave
some are small little moments which i sort chronologically
some are wrapped neatly into small bundles
some are fiercely independent and will not be wrapped

we are all so similar, we all feel the same things
we love we hurt we breathe we walk on
how can we choose to close ourselves up
when we are all the same on the inside
people need hugs more often
everyone has their battles
please be kind to everyone
Anastasia Webb Aug 2014
we are all falling
and eating our eggs
so blindly we eat them
we chew up our teeth
like a mouthful of chairs
like a gathering of bears
like a discordant tea party
we lap on our legs
we love all our swines
we swallow our foetuses
we plant pretty flowers
and consume each other’s mouths
like we’re trying to really taste
our mouths are so dry
we saliva each other
our insides are outsides
we are all sea creatures
we are all so wet and bubbly
we are so blatantly in love
like drawers full of teeth
like hands full of piano keys
like carpets soaked in birth fluid
we all are so slippery
we’re blinding our faces
we’re deafening our toes
we’re eating our eggs
and we’re falling
Half man, half tree:
Describe limbs with leaves
And when the reader reads, looks only at
One part: wood
but not sees

(Paolo Jerome D. Cristobal / 2010 - Parañaque)
This is not really inspiration, like the usual feeling that a poet waits for. I just know that i was deeply moved by this commercial by the National geographic channel about a certain group of people, or a family who had warts that looked like the bark of trees. This is for them.
Amitav Radiance Aug 2014
Sometimes desires can be cruel
Tugging you towards the blind alley
Mind is in conflict with the heart
Dragging you along the ground
Getting bruised all over by desire
And the heart somehow craves
To walk the path towards rejection
Living in the world of denial
The whole world turns a blind eye
Hurling down the path to oblivion
Bearing the brunt of collision
Waking up from stupor quite late
Xander King Jul 2014
They aren't just things that appear at night
They take over your mind and heart and soul
Is what floods through your veins
When your overcome with who you are
is that ******* pull
Like gravity that makes you get out of bed
Its that veil that covers your mind of all common sense
When you wanna get where you gotta be
These three things keep us
Alive and help us move on
They are what make great men great
And weak men weak
pookie Jul 2014
What is the question?
That no one knows,
What is the answer?
That no one can give,

Why were we made to live, love and cry?
Just a few question.
i Apr 2014
-the deep feeling
of being alone or
feeling loneliness;
the morbid dread
of being alone.
*i guess i finally
found my condition,
and no cure for it.
at least i am going
to die alone,
there will be no one
to show fake sincerity
for my death.
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