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E Townsend Oct 2015
Watching the exchange of two people in love
really validates the small percent of hope
I have left in marriage. It completely overshadows
the bad experiences I've seen between my parents.
You see how she absolutely lights up
when he talks, like the stars have arrived
after a rainy day. For those few moments
of seeing real love, I forgot all my cynical
views and desperately wished I had that exchange.
Hearing him say "This is why I married you"
after she said some intelligent remark about our
parts of speech work sheet, and her smile
spoke all the words unsaid. How so in love she still
is, with this man from their wedding ten years ago, and a kid throughout their ongoing journey. They are a story
so rarely told, and I want to shout to the world that love
remains alive.
I was in my linguistics class and my teacher's husband came in and posed as a student, and their energy played off so chemically explosive. When he was talking she was a beaming ray of joy. I hope to experience that one day.
Destre' Oct 2015
theirs a girl in the back of the classroom, shes always quiet.

Kid one: "whats worse than a truck load of dead babies? No? No? No one? Okay then, I'm Ann Frank, what do I smell? Its my parents burring!" and he breaks into laughter and makes a motion as if hes slashing his wrists "What kind of person am I?? EMO!" he yells and tumbles into another fit of laughter

Kid two: "That's terrible!! You shouldn't joke about that! I don't understand dark humor! Why do people joke about that stuff?"

The room goes quiet and the girl says "People always joke about things they cant comprehend, its a coping method." everyone stares at her but she just goes back to writing as if nothing had happened
H W Erellson Oct 2015
We shouldn't be remembering war
we should be remembering the aftermath
the smoking shells of homes,
the lasting hunger,
no Johnny or Jimmy or Dave or Sandra or Sarah or Marie
at the dinner table tonight
flowers gathering on graves.

Learn a God ****** lesson, don't retake the class
Baylee Sep 2015
Everyone is quiet,
Papers rustle,
The slow speed fan
Creaks above our heads,
The air conditioning
Is broken,
We start to sweat
From sunlight coming in
Through the tintless windows.
We sit in silence,
Unwilling to share
Miserable in this heat,
Someone drops their pen.
As he picks it up
The room sighs,
Almost as if in relief
That he retrieved it,
While no one else moves.
It's far too hot for that.
The table smells like mothballs,
And the people around me
Smell like sweat,
Perfume and cologne.
You can smell the coffee
Oozing from their pores.
Bloodshot eyes,
Aching backs,
And all-consuming stress.
I'm in class.
Marissa Kohlman Sep 2015
My palms are getting sweaty
My heart begins to pound
I’m running down the hallway
Strange faces all around
In my hand’s a crumpled schedule
I can’t read it anyway
Where is that freaking classroom?!
The final is today!!
Another recurring dream of mine.  I graduated from college in 2004 and still have nightmares about missing tests or losing my class schedule!  This is the final poem in my "What Dreams May Come" writing challenge.  Thank you to all who participated!
Delaney Aug 2015
I'm sitting in a desk,
towards the back of the room,
the first time I have a flashback about you in class.

You're sitting across the room,
but it feels as if you're breathing down my neck.
My concentration shifts from taking notes,
to an all too vivid memory.

Suddenly I'm pinned down
on my own bed
with you towering over me.

The teacher talks of hominids,
but all I hear is my own screams.
A chorus of "No"
that was heavily ignored.

My breathing is shallow,
my heartbeat is rapid.

I've missed an entire slide by the time I snap out of it.

I'm not gonna borrow the notes from you, that's for sure.

fun fact: this happened to me today and I'm in hell
Alan S Bailey Aug 2015
You put me in your hair,
twirl me with your fingers
the wind blows me here to there
so you put me on your sneakers.
I'm purple and pink, perfect punk'
upon your forest, atop tree trunk
I always am with you when you leave
and run around the school house trees.
We'll forever remember the rushing air
but we must have lost balance and crashed
the warmth and sun that glinted isn't there
*but still get up again, it's time for class!
Poetic T Jul 2015
It ran between both realms each was a track
One of darkness, One of light.
Every soul waited on the verge,
A precipice of the fallen waited
Purgatory was for those unable to wait
In to the ether, as if drowning in nothing
Then gone. They still waited as the train  
Pulled in, First class was the light, pristine
Setting classical music reverberated
With delicate tones.
Second class, dilapidated seats standing
Were most as so many to fit in.
Some rode on top, not knowing the dangers as
Reapers like crows flew above, food
For the cloak, all were game as they
picked bone teeth.
The Soul train was never on time,

"Tickets please,

The conductor bellowed out,
That feather given at last heartbeat,
But some lost in that terminal moment.
Out in to the wilds where all manner of
Super naturals waited.
Hell hounds ripping souls like tissue paper
No longer at peace, but pieces ingested a worst fate,
Feral angels, thoughts of help, absorbing there souls
More consumed the more insane they fell.

"Last stop, seats please,

Was spoken out, as each carriage dethatched,
First class was engulfed in an ether of light, gently
Stopping caressed by clouds of white.
Second class was jolted as engulfed by brimstone
Flame, screams were swallowed as the carriage
Exploded and all souls were caged in eternal flame.
The soul train will ride again, which carriage
Will you ride, depends on the toils of your life.
Big Virge Jul 2015
So What Does This CLASS Thing...
... Mean To YOU... ???

Someone Who Went...
To A... " Public School "... ?
Or A Gent In A BOWLER...
Whose Demeanour Is Cool... ?

If This DEFINES Class To You... ?
Watch... Laurel and Hardy...
They Wore Them TOO... !!!

But All They Did Was...
... Act The FOOL... !!!!!

ME... Well I Went To...
Your Average State School...
Surrounded By Kids...
With A Few Who Were Fools... !!!

And Some Came UNSTUCK...
... WITHOUT Any Glue... !!!

Cos' They Left School...
WITHOUT Paying Their Dues... !!!

Like... LEARNING In Lessons...
Instead of GIRL STRESSING... !!!

That Proves That Some Lessons
Can Leave People STRESSING... !!!!!
And Yes... Second Guessing... ???

What Class Am I From... ?!?

I'm... NOT From A Class... !!!
Except A... " Classroom "...

But THAT ISN'T TRUE... !!!!!!!
My Mum And Dad KNEW...
What Couples Should Do...
In The... "Privacy of "...
A... " Double Bedroom "... !!!

IC1... IC3... ?
How About... IC2... ?

Do These STUPID Groupings...
DEFINE... What Is YOU.... ?!?!?!?

Well... If They DO...
Good Luck To You... !?!

But Police Like The Government...
Just So Their PUPPETS...
Can... DISH OUT ABUSE... !!!!!

Being BLACK Is A Class...
ALL of It's... " OWN "... !!!!!

Cos' Most OTHER Folk...
... DON'T Enter The Zone...
Where Blacks Are Deemed...
To Live UNCONTROLLED.... !!!

A... Couple of Times... !!!

But Now I Stick To Writing Rhymes...
To Show My Class By Using MY MIND... !!!

Go With NARROW Minds... !!!

While Words I Write...
DEFINE The Times...
WITHOUT Class Signs... !!!

I'm Just Another VICTIM...
of... Western Systems...
That KEEP US... A P A R T...
By The Use of.... " Isms "....

... " CAPITALISM "...
Is A CLASSLESS... Ism... !!!

Cos'... If You BELIEVE...
You're Just CASH DRIVEN... !!!

While... " RACISM "...
Is A... Class Filled Ism...
Where Blacks Are Deemed...
To Be... FIT For PRISON... !?!?!

But That's NOT ME...
Cos' I Haven't Been In Em'... !!!!!

I Grew Up........
In London... " West Ealing "...

But This DOESN'T Mean...
That I'm Liking DARJEELING … !!!

This Class Thing Needs CLEANING... !!!
Cos'... Living This Life...
Does NOT Have A Ceiling... !!!

This AIN'T Monty Python... !!!
Life Has... DEEPER Meaning...........
Than Visions of... " CLASS "...

Houses For LOUSES... !!!
And I'm NOT Talking Scousers'... !!!
They're ALL Right With Me...
It's People From London...
With... NO CLASS BELIEVE... !!!

I Can Tell By Their Looks...
When They're Looking At ME... !!!

These People Are FULL of HYPOCRISY... !!!
This IS How CLASSY TRUE Londoners Be... !!!

Who Then Have The CHEEK... !!!
To DEFINE... Who I Be... !!?!!

My Father And Friends...
Used To Run In BARE FEET...

My Mum Used To TEACH...
And Both of Them Came From...
That... Bajan' Country...

With Sugar Cane Fields...
And White Sandy Beach...

My Father Is NOW...
An... OSTEOPATH... !!!

So Let's LOOK At That...

He's Treated STAR Athletes...
And White Folk That's FACT... !!!!!

Does THIS Give Me A PASS... ?!?
To Be... " Middle Class "...
Even Though I Am BLACK... ?!?

This STUPID Class Question...
Is Simply A... FARCE... !!!

Divisions Are... VAST...
Like A Galleon Mast... !!!
But BREAKING These Boundaries...
Is A Task... BEYOND Class... !!!!!!

And This Is UNCERTAIN... ?
Who... REALLY Has... ?!?

.......... " CLASS ".........
British folks and their ... " Groupings " ... !!!
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