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Flow Nov 2017
I see a creative class...
where there's no class to teach the past.
No passing kids
for the fact
that they remembered all the facts.
No black and white
No stress to fight
the inner bliss of the creative kids.
a vision I have for future exposure :)
Harry Roberts Nov 2017
Parasites and their schemes,
Gaia shaking with innocents screams.

How they set up society,
So they could get more
While you become emaciated.

Because if your Black or of ethinic
If your disabled
And let's not forget

You'll reap more poverty at
The hands of these parasites.
These politicians &
This monarchy.

But you're to short sighted to See.
Weight of reality presses like
The pressure of the sea.

These people born to poverty,
Did not decide it,
Just in the same way
You didn't pick a womb to reside in.

Yet you have the media
Inciting Anger and misplaced Rage.

Against those that can't afford a pen,
Let alone a page.

Because if your Black or of Ethnic descent, disabled and poor,
You're the parasites these
Fat Cats scheme about.
Class Genocide, there'll only
Be more.
There will only be more
Dedicated to the victims of Grenfell Tower*

She stands amid the buzz of metal flies:
This obelisk, memento of the dead.
The sirens crudely mimicking their cries
As pilgrims in their guilt leave much unsaid.

A once sweet hive is now an empty husk,
Her armour was to be her Achilles' heel,
And as the cold grey sky fades into dusk;
I speak not what I ought, but what I feel:

Instead of words there comes a cry of pain -
A strangled howl and heavy sobs of guilt.
What can be said when words are all in vain -
Like rain, on this gazebo that we built?

While politicians bluster “Nevermore”,
We will remember them forevermore.
chloe fleming Nov 2017
I remember when I was 10,
And I saw my father cry.
I asked him "Daddy, what makes people sad?"
He told me people get sad because the warriors
Go to sleep
He said, people get sad because the sun will eventually fall
Even though it just began to rise.
People get sad because one day someone can wake up and say
"I don't care about you anymore."
I think I understand why people get sad,
I am sad too.
The warriors have gone to sleep,
The sun has fallen into an endless horizon,
And even my father has told me,
"I don't care about you anymore."
Steve Page Nov 2017
The Last Priest
smiled his blessings
a new priesthood

beyond borders
across tribes
ignoring gender
discounting class
blind to race
snubbing rank
denying privilege

and preferring
a new holy nationality
for refugees
for stateless souls
like mine
- like ours
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Galatians 3:26-29
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,
27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Viseract Oct 2017
I'm like a teachers pet except what I  learn I regret
Eager to be the best but stressed when it comes to the test
I'd rather lay down mindful practicing in my head
Then to lay down mindless depressed as s__t in my bed
just a couple bars :)
Aaron LaLux Oct 2017
Comfort Over Fashion

Making the Stuffy Suits nervous,
uncomfortable under all their outerwear,
which is ironic because we’re the ones underdressed,
because it’s still comfort over fashion and function over form,

so I guess it’s not that ironic,
that I didn’t iron anything I have on,
honestly these words speak for me,
I don’t have to say a thing as I sit in the front,
row of the show with a girl as good as gold,
I don’t have to prove anything to any of you,
never let your perception,
of their perception of you fool you,

better yet,
never let,
your perceived perception,
of their assumed perception,
fool you,

it’s not our fault that they feel uncomfortable,
we didn’t commit their sins for them,
we didn’t those two stiff shoes on their feet,
they chose their own clothes and decided to wear them,

we didn’t place them in their own insecurities,
so don’t let their insecurities make you feel insecure,
you’re not obnoxious it’s the sausage that they ate,
stuffed their face now they feel nauseous and awkward,

it’s not your date that’s making them nauseous,
it’s the sausage and the conscience that can’t be washed quick,
so stop this feeling awkward because they feel awkward nonsense,
just stop it and let us be us because to be us is an honor,

let you be your self let us be us,
and let them just be their uncomfortable selves,
all overdressed with all their uncomfortably stuffy stuff,

and we can just continue to make the Stuffy Suits nervous,
uncomfortable under all their outerwear,
which is ironic because we’re the ones underdressed,
because it’s still comfort over fashion and function over form…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

@aaronlalux EVERYWHERE

I wouldn’t like this.

A class full of uncomfortable individualised strangers.
An over head projector,
prodding, obvious questions,
trying to ascertain the exact purpose or meaning.
The space for ambiguity is closed up like a canon eclipsed by an earthquake.
Highlighter and underlining of a spontaneous experience.
They are trying to make water into concrete.
I just want it be able to bubble and foam and languish
but they want to pin it down.
I would be sad and disgusted if I saw my floaty feelings
pin boarded up onto the wall for dissection
Do not treat my insides in this way
poetry classes hurt me
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