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Amaris May 2019
Walk a tightrope as thin as a wire
Practice until your feet are on fire
Perform amazing feats, hear the applause
Smile and feel proud your life has a cause
Everyday I reach for the same thrill
Without it I just can’t feel fulfilled
If I’m not making people around me happy
Then what’s the point? My heart is empty
Hussein Dekmak May 2019
To make a great accomplishment:
Rescue someone from his malicious thoughts,
Embrace his sorrows with your humane touch,
And show him the way to a life of great purpose!

To make a great accomplishment:
Brighten up his days with your kind words,
Give him a ladder, light him a candle, and be his angel,
Pour into his heart a cup of compassion and a dash of love!

To make a great accomplishment:
Draw your soul to serve those who are forgotten,
Their dreams shattered, their voices lost in wars,
Be their lights, their champion, and stand up for their cause!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
MJL Feb 2019
Fist in pocket
Rot from within
Rage immortal
Unknown for a cause
Alone in fear
Alone in satisfaction
Perish for peace

© 2019 MJL
Poetic T Feb 2019
We all have questions of our motivations          
              and endeavours of life's
cause and effect.

Then we realise,
   life is a challenge of moments.
      And how we play the game  
                                of our finite continuing...

Do we give up?

                             Or do we collect our strength.
      Showing all that where stronger
                        than a question mark..

That falls at every ending to a query?
           But why must we be hooked by this.
                       Now answering it before
  we need to even explain ourselves..

Be stronger at the start
                        and never  question
                           where we finished.
Because to question ourselves
                     only leaves more question marks..
XyL0S Nov 2018
Colours have faded
off the walls
but the walls remain.
Letters from Lia Nov 2018
I break things
I hurt people
I delete words
I keep secrets
Its because
I am frightened
Its because
I grew up
knowing that
these things
can conceal
my feelings
—I am a lost cause
Mary Frances Oct 2018
We tend to avoid things that can cause us pain.
If we are afraid to be wounded,
then why do we break hearts?
ButterPecan Sep 2018
The three phrases I was given
At a time I thought
I could not go on
I want to share with you

You did not cause it
You can not control it
You can not cure it

Someone who understood pain and loss  
Shared these words with me

I did not cause it
I can not control it
I can not cure it

     I repeated them during my morning runs
          I put them on my to do list
               I read them aloud everyday

It wasn’t until it became my mantra
That it sunk in

At first I fought against them
My mind taking over
As it often does
With overthinking
And inflicting painful thoughts

     If I only I did it differently...
          I did not cause it
               If I only I do this now...
                    I can not control it
                         If only you would...
                              I can not cure it

I did not heal
Until I realized
I really did not cause it
I really can not control it
I really can not cure it
     But I can chose to
        ... Cope

I can choose to survive
I can choose to love myself despite the reasons these words became important
In the first place

Now I give them to you
Karijinbba Jul 2018
The night under the mirror
went through a revolving door.
Eventually I did put a face
to  your loving cues your emails
It had been so long since your destiny had asked you my King
to marry her
that hunting jealous day that began much earlier under a 1975 degree celcious and did burn us to a crisp
Nothing would have given me more assurance more pleasure  such a gracious challenge to a  mysterious
proposition to dig my heart
for the final blow
one queen for his other
prior queen bee me
and a winner I would have been
all night with my King
under the mirror!
to obliterate her wedding band
from his hand
how loving of you cupid of mine
always digging at my heart
for my heart of gold
then came cause and effect of karma blowing up our plans
another King Brad appeared with roses and diamond ring
in hand he had no mask just an hidden agenda
he took my children to his Mom
to make his other queenjealous and I took the bate
for just one hour both my King and Brad
had chosen he same photo E-mailed among several
to both single men seeking bride at Kiss com.
my lovely picture was the same summer dress I wore with the king I loved
as someone something from above and beyond
mirrored the scene in my life a kind of cause and effect
it showed my
old beloved a simple approach to a woman's heart
and me that the woman he married giving her a diamond ring taking her and son to his Mom was more to make
me jealous too fight for his love
an invisible revolving door had opened up
both to win my lover back
or to lose both Knights
fate life karma G**
had bid the greatest game
of love and twin souls
remained split bleeding
both men found a way to another
woman playing their game  

I was sent to worship my Lord Jesus Christ mocking me
beware of Karma
or THINK and get rich and happy
to catch a true king FOCUS
don't take bates, don't settle for new when the heart is taken 
by a true love not followed.

My king was found by his mate
and I returned Brads diamond
lesson played leasson learned

Then came the clock ticking
tax collector King Mr Time
he took my hand
paper INK and pen
to script a new
its Winter he said,
and a new revolving door
appeared here at H.P.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights
ASG/BBA -revised 6/2020.
How do you think a and how do we feel about the one we truly love a nail can't take another out its the heart that will break and the loss is an unsurmountable abyss beware open your eyes FOCUS one single thought two hearts that beat as one cannot distract nor settle and never take a new lover if our heart loves another
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