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Mica Wood Feb 8
Mangonadas for dinner,
or maybe just a snack.
Cooking isn’t my forte—
an unfortunate skill to lack.

But when I was a child,
my brother caught on fire.
He leaned against the stove
as if it were his pyre.

Falling to the floor,
he stopped and dropped and rolled—
and luckily for him
the fire was controlled.

I ran upstairs in terror!
I screamed and I cried!
I thought I’d lost my brother—
I thought that he would die.

Lifting up his shirt,
he showed his big, black scar—
Such a drastic contrast
I could see it from afar.

Anxiety came in,
and never did I learn
to cook myself dinner—
too afraid to burn…
A true account of my first memory with fire.
Alice Wilde Jan 22
And spit it out.

Like a *** of wet paper
Fired straight from a straw

I want to inhale it. Taste it. Swallow it.

Make it take shape in my chest; Douse the fires raging in the bowels of my being as they threaten to burn through, scalding my soft belly like embered iron.

Let me protect you.

I will eat up every last bit of sorrow you hold and endlessly fight for your worth.
Trinkets Jan 20
I make you fight
for what you value
as if it is your own
while to the ground
I slowly burn your home
Ejiro Jan 13
The symbol of fire reaches out to me
lighting every tree in its path
it finds me near the earth’s soil
it circles a ring of flames around my finger
telling me that I have been given a gift
with a smile of ego across its face
it returns back where it once came from
so now where I stand in the corner of time
whenever I am at arms length of a person
and reach my hand out to them
I scorch myself
leaving a permanent burn mark
that I can’t get rid off
leaving me disgusted of my own capability
of such a devastating curse
and so I try to find a solution
with a bundle of sticks from the forest
I dip my fingertips into them
letting the flames do the introduction
the sparks I had released formed smoke
with every breath I take I inhaled it
leaving gray clouds populating my vision
after this experiment I have done
I began to do it daily
throughout this process I found peace
until one day
I inspired the rapture of a wildfire
as it consumes every tree, bush, and ****
I didn’t feel it circling me
and so as the aftermath came
with smoke and ashes populating the burned down forest
where I laid
I felt satisfied but not fulfilled
Cat ꨄ Jan 11
I dance around a fire, burning too hot.
Fire I foolishly threw gasoline on.
If I take a wrong step,
misplace my footing,
I’ll surely be burned.

The warmth, a stark contrast to the cold night,
But the heat has become sweltering.
My hair has began to singe,
my feet have blistered.

Every crackle threatens an explosion,
At any moment it’ll combust,
but still I continue to dance.
St. John's Dance was a nickname for a medieval epidemic of dancing mania.
Immortality Jan 9
I chase stars
not to hold them
but to feel the burn
of hope
on my hands.

The sky was never
meant to be touched
only to be
even when it
feels too far.

I want make my own destiny.... simple :)
MuseumofMax Dec 2024
The scars that I bear so well

They still burn
Sulfur yellow a watery burn
Created in an alchemist's urn.
Water feeds fire as both evolve--
The formula of hates resolve.

You waver rights to be treated fair
Like Sampson selling locks of hair
Or selling age to a 95 year old--
Sheep follow only to die in
their fold.

Fiery seas begin as a rift
Water being the only gift.
But nothing, nothing is ever
once transmuted into this sea.

But logs do drift and beaches
All that gave this sea its name.
Copyright ©2024
Daniel Irwin Tucker

Nahin Nov 2024
The boy I met on the river bank
Told me a truth
Unasked, unruth -

How do you smile
without a fake?
As if,
To cast a fire
And burn on a lake.
Some confrontations of unnoticed truths.
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