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The Cripple Jan 2015
My new CD case is broken

It happened on  Friday; post maths
I opened the case, reached for the disk  and...
It broke.

I wept for seconds.
It was not even a month old
(Got at Christmas)
And yet, before my eyes,
It was destroyed

I was only allowed weep for a bit
After all, there was Stuff to do: Maths Irish French
And the cd was still there, right ?

Why do things break?
They need to, sure but why not
So that we may have time
Before the Brush Up
of our
Present Days
RIP McFLY CD Case: 2014-2015
The music climbs inside my empty shell and fills me up with fountains of color and swirling geometrical patterns, becoming a vortex ready to touch down as soon as the gentle bristles kiss the rough canvas.
Oh, the canvas!
My life raft in a sea of faceless, indifferent individuals who exclude any person with the sense to push back against their idiocy. Anyone strong enough to demand answers.
Favorite hobby is to paint while listening to music. It keeps me sane.
Quill plus ink,
The sum of imagination.
Paint plus brush,
Sums the arts.
Notes plus chords,
Sum of sound.
All in all creativity found.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Autece Soul Jul 2014
Stroke, stroke, dip
Stroke, stroke, dip
The writings on the wall
The words from my lips
The vibrant red is live
On the brush it drips
Paintings of my pain
Sanity losing grip
A world now warped
The handle starts to slip
Years of wear and tear
A heart with a small chip
Cracks began to grow
As the wall starts to bleed
Stains scar the surface
A wounded soul in need
Acrylic love ascends
Brushes with such speed
Paintings of my love
An attempt of good deeds
Soon is forgotten
As the walls start to strip
Unable to let go
The paint starts to rip
The tears began to form
The shaft loses grip
The writings on the wall
The words from my lips
The vibrant red is dead
On the brush it drips
Paintings of my pain
Stroke, stroke, dip
Unable to escape
Stroke, stroke, dip
Paintbrush by Autece Soul is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Amitav Radiance May 2014
A blank canvas, inspires a painter
A blank paper, inspires a poet
From a blank we can draw inspiration
They are not blank, but an empty space
Untouched with the creative juices
To be filled with different moods of hues
And written on, with the most fertile thought
From a blank, we can draw a conclusion
Inspired to come up with most enchanted sketches
As artistry is the masterstroke, drawn on a blank
An abstract idea sketched, to inspire*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Elise E Apr 2014
My feet are bare, my toes are curled
I stand upon the wet winter morning grass

My arms are down, my nose is up
The winter morning wind is on my face

But as I stand there, what is to catch my eye?
It is, indeed, the winter morning sky

How I love it, the way the sky glistens beyond the treetops
The rainbow of orange, pink, then purple

This show of colors, it brings the cardinal and redbreasts out their nests to sing
And yes, we do have them in the winter

This display of wonder
How it makes me feel so warm yet so cool

This display of beauty
How it makes me feel at home yet so far away

This display of greatness
That paints the whole sky from horizon to horizon

This display of colors
How they dance across the sky from cloud to cloud

It's beautiful, isn't it?
How He starts every winter morning with His artwork

His brush strokes are perfect
He makes sure every colored cloud is in its place

He truly is a genius
To think He does this every morning, different every time

To think
It's so beautiful and complex, so elegant

To think
He does it on purpose, just for us

To think
Every winter morning, He sits down, and paints the winter morning sky

If you're ever outside at daybreak in the winter, you know what I'm talking about. If not here's what you're missing.
Liz May 2014
My freckle flecked love
      stirs the speckled paintbrush soft, dousing it's hairs so that,
    as I pull it back,
all the bristles bend
     seamlessly, and when I let go
they ping forwards,
a scattering of stars,
         onto snowy canvas.
Jacob Traver Dec 2013
Across an ocean of canvas white
A stroke of beauty comes to light
The patterns even, contrast, and fair
Complexity in the mind created with care

Do not allow a single smear
To blotch the canvas and make unclear
What blossoms made with hand and mind
What intricacies you will find

A root of commons grown within
of Artist and Gazer's ken
Now engrossed with personal thought
Through paintings on canvas, connection is sought.
Lunar Apr 2014
we started a painting
when we met.
i was the artist,
and you weren't,
but i was okay with that.
you painted carelessly,
and i cleared up all your mistakes.
it was a beautiful portrait,
and i was beyond ecstasy.
but one day,
i guess you became tired.
holding brushes
and painting in blotches and strokes,
you decided to stop,
you quit and left me there.
i watched you walk out of the painting,
i watched you walk out of my life.
so then, very slowly
i grew more tired on my own.
from colors, to monochromatic.
from rainbow to black and white.
our painting turned dull.
one day, i ended it all,
never touching a single brush.
i never finished the painting.
how would i,
when inspiration is gone?
and only you,
were my inspiration.

— The End —