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Jules Jun 2016
she is a child on the streets in the light of day.
she has made a world of her own, here,
in tattered clothes and still-bright eyes.
who lives in fear and smiles still—

this is the life she lives:
a fight for freedom even now,
a thirst for better days,
a kindness that remains.

this girl—she is a child.
and she is fury.
(beneath the worn-out dress there is a knife.
this child—she has been a fighter in so many lives.)

this lady—she reclaims her royal right.
for far too long she has been dealt too much dirt;
my child. she hurts.

generous child; sometimes I think she has been far too kind.
she has been cheated too many times.
good lady, take back all that they have taken.
I want it back; I want it back. we will take it back.

(this is a shout, a hope, a full demand.)

good lady, you deserve far more than what you have been given.
my lady, dear child,
still you smile.
my goddess,
stay bright.
unsheathe your knife;
raise your voice, speak honest words—
let battle cries be battle cries.

old heart of mine,
old heart of this land I love:
stay bright, stay bright.
we will take it back and more.
heal her.

(6/12/16. maligayang araw ng kalayaan, pilipinas.)
His skin is a battlefield
He was taught to run
But his mouth screams war
With a predator like grin
And his eyes beg for fights
With an unnerving intensity

He calls for danger
And that's what you are
Your mind full of mines
He steps on all of them
And you aim to scar
*But when you both draw your weapons
Love is fired, instead of bullets
Alienpoet May 2016
Blood shot eyes
Awake in flashback nightmares
Screaming in silence
Lost in guilt ridden violence
Everyday is a brutal regime
There's no distinguishing no changing
What I have done
Screaming victims is the war won?

A burning temper
A cold December
I try not to drink.
Realities torment I try not to think
Everytime their faces come back to me
I stammer when I talk, I just can't be
Screaming victim is the war won?

My family tries to support
My ravaged soul
I see the flames
They are burning out if control
In the distance a ray of light
Paralyzed by anxiety
I look to my family
Is the war won?

I am getting beaten
But I won't back down
I forgive myself
I won't back away
If there is a god
They'd forgive me I pray
I have let my war fade away...
Crysta Gingras May 2016
Flames burn around us
as the battles have taken their toll
After all this fuss
Surely we’ve reached our goal
I only want to be with you
Is that so hard to understand
Yet they fight us relentlessly
Blood flows through the land
Our distance their advantage
For I don’t have you in my sight
Our love they try to banish
They underestimate our might
For you I will riot
Wage a war in the streets
I’ll start every altercation
As the drums of combat beat
I’ll find my way to you
My angel
My darling
My love
Through any trial I’ll pass though
We will surely be blessed by God above
For my Angel
Crysta Gingras May 2016
For into the battle we ride
Screaming at the top of our lungs
Each matching the other’s stride
As the enemy fires their guns
For honor
For pride
We wage our crusade
For hope
For love
We are not afraid
The ice in your eyes
Stops our enemy cold
To stand against you, unwise
For no prisoners you hold
The fire burns in my soul
Leaping forth across the field
Blazing without control
Our enemy forced to yield
Together we outclass them
They cower and shake
We thrive in the mayhem
They struggle not to break
Do mercy we show our foes
Or fierce coldness to display
It may come again to blows
Until then our blades we stay
To each other we look
Our eyes soften for the gander
Like a story out of a book
Especially for a bystander
This battle was not easy
Nor will it be the last
So I reach to kiss you sweetly
Before the calm can pass
For my angel
RisingUp May 2016
My mind tells me lies
It jumps to conclusions
Spits out so much negativity most would be disdained.

I try to reign it in
To ensure it doesn't win

But sometimes the thoughts seem so true
It feels like it's mud I'm trying to wade through.

I have to fight every single negative inclination
Be strong and fierce.

To not give into the poisonous thoughts
Like daggers, my mind they attempt to pierce.
Little Toy Soldiers going off to war
None will ever live to  see age twenty four
None of them even  know what they're fighting for
Little Toy Soldiers going off to war

The world has always been this way
With Emperors and Kings
Fighting with toy soldiers
And the glory that it brings

Land, beliefs, religion
The basis of the war
fought by young toy soldiers
Who all die by the score

Time has taught us nothing
But, it's changed the way we fight
War is a full day job
Now that it is fought at night

The boards of little armies
Are now shown up on the screen
With all the little soldiers
Lit in different shades of green

They used to be all metal
Painted up in nice bright shades
With a General on horseback
Leading all his smart brigades

Then, the men were plastic
glued to bits of wood
Behaving as a unit
Just like a soldier should

Now, the war is different
They're up there in different hues
You can watch them fight in real time
Just like on the nightly news

The only thing remaining
The thing that's stayed the same
Is that nobody in power
Know the Little Soldiers names

Little Toy Soldiers going off to war
None will ever live to  see age twenty four
None of them even  know what they're fighting for
Little Toy Soldiers going off to war
Crysta Gingras May 2016
I’ll fight from the saddle
I’ll brave the streets
For life is a battle
With variable beats
There’s one with a roar
And two for a tug
There’s three filled with gore
And four for a hug
There’s beats with vitality
And beats that push and shove
Some drum deeply about mortality
Others of beauty and love
For on these beats I fight
Every single day
Some make me feel like a knight
Others, only a forgotten stray
Then there’s you standing there
With a beat all your own
You like to kiss and swear
Inspired by the history of Joan
Your beat stands out above the rest
Like a heart in an empty mine
This battle surely is the biggest test
But from what I see, you’re doing fine
Though you tend to hold back
You’ve fought with each beat
Like a wolf leading the pack
You know not of retreat
I long to fight beside you
To help strengthen your beat
For surely with two
We would sound like a drumbeat
Ready for battle
The two of us will be
Our horses all saddled
And our beat full of glee
beat for my angel
Ishita May 2016
My brain knew we weren't meant to be together,
but my heart couldn't stop making promises either.
Just a little try on lost love.
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