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Tony Tweedy Mar 2019
If someone tells you they are blind... do you test them?
Do you doubt them? Do you disbelieve them or judge them?
Do you deny the Labrador in harness or perhaps the cane in hand?
What dogs and canes must I present for your eyes if I say I am broken? Will you believe me if I have nothing to show in evidence other than my word?
Will you see and believe or would you test me to cross a freeway unaided?
I am broken. I have no dog. I have no cane and the traffic is heavy.
I am blind shouting to the deaf.
David Hasselblad Mar 2019
Final Sunrise: Ode To A Soldier

I ran all throughout the night,
Scrambling clumsily through
foreign forests,
Exhausting my mere mortal might,
Hollers and whoops follow in chorus,

Struggling to believe, this is true,
This tree looks tall and strong,
Perhaps I’ll rest for a wink or two,
Rest the wounds that bleed my brawn,

Arrow in the back,
A deep **** along the torso,
They overcame every attack and tact,
My tried true tunic red and tore and Lo!

And behold, defeat of invincibility,
Pierced by impervious persons of pouncing pinpoint power,
A score of potent soldiers perished in peril,
A leader forced to cower,

As I sit, my breath won’t catch,
I know, they must **** me, it’s the only way,
Broad, rabid dogs play fetch,
Bark! Bark! It’s fine... just let me live long enough to see the day,

I’ve exhausted my mere mortal might,
Sun threatens to break the black skyline,
Dawn! I long for your divine lights song,
Yellow, red, orange and blue pierce the starlit sky and draws a yawn,

The air gets crisp, the mornings fate,
Dew forms on my broken breastplate,
The brisk night, ordaining dawn,
A starry umbra moves a long,

Odd that I feel no fear or hate,
Coming to terms with my current state,
Black frames preclude my sight,
Bleeding out my mere mortal might,

Light hits like a flash of flame,
Warming fingers and blood flecked face,
Finally caught my breath, oh hark!
Bark! Bark! Bark! Drawing closer with axe and mace,

Yet the hunting voices fade,
What a rush, quite the chase,
Comfortable in the position I have laid,
Blood on pain, I laugh fore they will find me slain,

On this tree I lean, down and slayed,
Sword on chest a humble pawn,
The sky clear blue mixed jade,
Feeling peace, bestowed by dawn,

One by one my mere mortal might, severs ties,
Drifting off to sleep, Lo!
My final sunrise,

The foreign soldier bled by dawn,
His sword, rested on his chest,
A face of peace yet the sword lay drawn,
We buried him under that oak tall and strong,

His respect has been earned,
Paid full in blood,
His gods bury their dead,
Commanding bodies be unburned,

Under that oak he lay unplundered,
Tall and strong, was the oldest oak,
“Coincidence he picked this ancient tree?” I wondered,
We sent him on his way, sword unsundered,

So Ode to you Soldier dead at dawn,
On your death we lay no claim,
May your gods catch your soul,
In your peaceful heavenly plane,
Empire Mar 2019
I can feel it
Closing its cold fingers
Tight around my throat
I want to fight for my life
But I can’t move
Its poison
Running unobstructed
Through my veins
Into my heart
Into my brain
Everything goes fuzzy
I’m so confused
My head is swimming
It’s taking over me
I’m losing control
I want to let go
What if I give in?
Would it be so bad?
I’m forgetting to fight
My body is weak
Stumbling and staggering
I don’t think I can take it
I’m letting go
I’ll never have peace
If I keep fighting it
So why not
Just let it
Take over?
This is the sickness.
nick armbrister Mar 2019
Events Besides
We went to a place where hundreds died
Soldiers in a battle far from home
300 Japanese soldiers
100 American troops
And many more besides
Killed in many ways

Death by bullets
Death by bombs
Death by bayonet
Death by by blast
Death by by besides

The place was Storm King Mountain
The battle happened long ago
Are we the only ones to remember?
Mohammed Arafat Mar 2019
I was in a geography class,
in a country, my parents immigrated to years ago,
after a war waged,
in my city I never knew about.

My classmates came from the Far East,
and Africa.
Some came from Europe and America.
They were brown, black and white.
They were Muslims, Christians and Jews.
A few were documented,
while the rest weren’t.

My bald teacher was so good.
He was asked to leave his homeland,
after he opposed the government with his writings.
I thought he was so happy after coming here safely by boat,
but I later assumed he was so sad.
He got everything but not a life in his homeland.

We opened the book on a lesson,
called ‘the crises of the world’.
The teacher asked,
where are the crises?
I raised my hands and pointed at the map on the wall,
they are in the East and the West,
in the North and the South.
The crises are everywhere…

-Mohammed Arafat-
When migrants are forced to leave their homelands, art becomes the best way to tell their untold stories.
Trump is more justice than Mohamad
Trump took money from Arab nations
Because they had money they don't deserve

He hated Muslims and released his shout
Islam is responsible for any killing occurred
Mosques is the cells for terrorist

Mohamad is the prophet of Islam
Mohamad old nation hated the new religion Islam
As it equalized between the slaves and Masters

It equalized between black and colors people
When one of Mohamad' friends swore another one
The first was white one

Another was black one
He swore with the son of the black
Mohamad got angry and talked

He told that one to apologize
The man turned and put his cheek
Under the another foot and swore

He would not get up until he put his foot over his cheek
They got up, hung and cried
Mohamad invited to new religion

His nation hated him
They put a plot
They had gathered and waited
Mohamad was known as the faith and the honest
His enemies of his nations put the valuable things to Mohamad
They put a plot to **** him

They planned and they decided
There is another power who planned
God told him and cared

In spite of taking the valuable things as requital and revenge
He ordered his cousin to sleep at his bed
As a sort of deceive and to have time to get

They were forty of most trained knights
Carrying strong swords
God put sleep over them

Mohamad crossed between them

They invited all Arabs to **** them
When Badr battle occurred
His enemies were strong

They were also a lot
One their leaders said
We will go as a trip

Sing, dance, eat meat
Then defeat Mohamad
If Arab nations heard that

They fear of us
The winds blew against the desire
They were defeated

After the battle finished
Mohamad had kind heart
Who had money payed for his freedom to be happened

Who had not
He learnt ten of Muslim how to read and write
At this battle one of his friends

Had his sword been pieced
He went to the prophet
Telling him that he had any sword

Mohamad had no sword except his sword
He took a branch of tree lied
He gave it with his bless

The man took without wonder or amaze
He shocked the branch at air in strong
The branch became a strong sword

He still used it
Till his dead
all nations must live ad believe in respect not at killing and terrorist
Empire Mar 2019
Inside me
Is fighting a
For my
Soul, mind, and body
There are so many battles
I can't keep track
I just try my best
To shut out the sound
Of bullets and
Clashing swords
Until the war is won, I won't know who I am.
Anthony Mayfield Mar 2019
And on that night he learned
Never look towards the storm
Unless you're ready to give your fiercest battle cry
And charge right inside
And **** it through its eye
Never look towards the storm unless you're ready to give your fiercest battle cry
nightdew Mar 2019
dampness forms in her eyelids,
slowly treading itself down her honey skin,
slipping down her cheeks;
teardrops are born.

brown eyes gaze into the horizon,
sweeping over the sunset,
forever wondering;
if the pain will cease.

fragile fingertips trace shapes,
twirling and digging themselves,
into the earth's surface;
dreading to be loved.

heart strings pull and release,
yanking emotional impulses,
and flooding imperfections;
coveting for a shoreline.

delicate arms are open,
awaiting for the storm to hit,
a futile attempt to embrace it;
but she is the storm.
when you feel like everything is falling apart beside you,
you are stronger than the hurricane, than the tsunami,
than the sandstorm, than the earthquake. show the world
who you really are.
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