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Joshua Adam Jul 2015
You won't believe this, rightfully so, you'll think it’s not true
but a person will do anything, when he starts losing his *****
I didn't feel that any one loved me, so I devised one day
to test out my theory, in the most bizarre type of way

I found a way after considerable thought, to put myself on display
and to be able to stay inconspicuous, from a secure distance away
I watched them attend my eulogy, peculiar as it may sound
enjoying the reception, it was nothing short of spellbound

Who could think, a person as crazy as I might be
going to such extremes, who would ever foresee
to accomplish this great task, of convincing my heart
someone would somehow care, if I really did depart

In the back of the room, with shades covering my eyes
sinking into a chair, surrounded by this chorus of cries
who would ever suspect, that this stranger sitting in the back
was really not far away, from being deemed a quack

When my funeral was about over, I watched those flowers start to bend
they too seemed to be saying, haven't you yet been able to mend
so I pushed myself up front, in order to get a better look
this deaths looks too real, what if I really did pass over that final brook

As I approached my casket, overtaken by this powerful desire
could this really be happening, shaking with a cold perspire
to escape from this nightmare, there was but one thing to do
hastening to relieve myself, running from bed to bathroom, I flew

The lesson here to be learned, after thinking about it, was simple and clear
we often have these fears, and yet are not always aware
what’s important for us, is to truly recognize in ourselves, which is the key
understanding our need to feel loved, and the absurd lengths we go, in order to see
Do You feel loved? Just how far would you go to find out? Read on....
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A day started out, it really looked bright
no one could recognize just what was in site
how was I to know, the heavens were about to flow
soon I would be escorted, to that place we all must go

When those angels came for me, I was ill prepared
didn’t pack any clothes, wouldn’t need anything to wear
yet I knew that it had to be good, whatever would be
because G-d is calling the shots, to this we all do see

Lost opportunities to reflect on life, and all that my body once did yearn
how it has now been reduced, to little more than food for the worm
stoic indeed was I now, since during my life I maintained my belief
preparing my soul for this journey, so that I could now expect relief

I knew, therefore, when I was young awaiting me was this court case
even though it was much in the future, eventually, it I would have to face
so I made sure to invest the time, helping both friends and strangers in need
for I knew the secret, heaven would certainly treat me likewise, indeed

Measure for measure does our Creator deal with us, for this is part of his design
not always perceivable to man, because it emanates from the realm of the divine
ultimately making known his true righteousness in judgement, for all to see
A day of judgement truly awaits, and our very souls will be forced to agree

Only in this world are we constantly challenged, many tests emanate from within
because there has been put inside of us, an evil inclination trying to get us to sin
having made known to us, there is a medicine for our benefit he has deployed
patiently hoping for us to choose wisely, our constant sinning for us to avoid

This medicine is a secret, and is made known to only a select few
and is given over to those, choosing to staying far away from the untrue
I have recognized this fact, a fact that is difficult but does hold true
when you starve your body from sin, merit for your soul do you accrue

After leaving this world, we hope to paradise we all shall surely go
not wanting to contemplate, the existence of that other place down below
the message is a simple one, tailored for all those earnestly wishing to know
do many acts of kindness in this world, and in the next your soul will surely glow
Spiritual/Inspirational Poetry with a message
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
you may laugh at me, maybe cry, but I won't let you sit still
evoking emotions deep in your soul, and you need to know
feelings that define who you are, from your heart they flow

A message of truth and hope, to those feeling they live alone
as you read, you begin to think, you can no longer postpone
my words enter your heart, since that's from where they came
thoughts of truth meant to incite, because in them is no shame

Words from within, an absolute truth, is with what we do battle
trying to stir sleeping souls from their slumber, with a rattle
having considered the desired goals, they're as clear as is day
within reach to all, because acquiring the truth is not far away

The spiritual world can be seen, but not with the sight of your eyes
you must first find absolute truth, by submitting yourself to the wise
allowing yourself to perceive, truth resides above a human sphere
a plateau where holy letters and numbers, to Creation they adhere

The world was created for one purpose, to find completion via correction
where humanity will unite, exchanging hatred and jealously for affection
man was created in G-d's image, indifference to be replaced with concern
being able to honor men as we honor ourselves, humanity has yet to learn

Focused on our own needs, we've become cold to just what this life is about
it's not about what I can do for me and mine, or where to maximize my clout
life is about working on our ugly character traits, accepting a need to change
stop looking in that mirror, your vanity is what is truly the thing that is strange

The yesterdays in your life, gone forever and never to return, so try and accept
we down below were not created as angels, each of us with our distinct defect
yet hope exists while we are still alive, we must act now and examine our ways
choosing to follow that safe path of introspection, while we still have those days
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
Poetic T Jul 2015
Birds flew stagnant wings did stay there
Course, frozen gazes like medusas stare
As whispers became silent up stared.

Upon did the phoenix burn, and all was
Ash and fire. Screams of unknown were
Swallowed in moments and silence birthed.

Wings did perch to another place, but
Screams did pierce the silence, as this bird
Now illuminated and embers again fell.

An angel fell, so many did, gracing air now
Pain unfelt. Freedoms innocence did crumble
Did fall pillars fragmented downwards.

Day turned in to a perpetual grey night,
All was consumed in the fallen, swallowed
Was all silence, voices, people consumed.

All were the same that moment, what stood
Tall like the  phoenix now ash fell, covered
In what was inanimate, lives severed gone.

A moment Frozen, sealed in memory, in an
Occasion that history will never forget remember
Those gone, as towers and lives descended down.
9/11 never let us forget
Liam C Calhoun Jul 2015
Eve’s ambient, so
She cries on porcelain floors;
I remain in bliss.
lynn darling Jul 2015
"i stay up all night because i don't have enough pills stashed in my flower pots and behind mirrors and  in my hands to drown out the fire that burns holes in my skull. i stay up all night because the last words you wrote me made me cry searing color out my eyes. i can't see the sky as blue anymore baby. that night i tried to cut my heart out, everything was so red i guess that's the only color i see now. baby i still have the scar, you should see it sometime. that night i stripped my home of the insipid decorations, they were laughing at me. i smashed all the empty bottles around me baby you should've seen it, there was blue and green and silver diamonds everywhere,,like a dream. i stay up at night because when i close my eyes i see you. and your stupid grin you always pull out, like a black ace card. i can't get rid of you,,you're in my head. and your words are stuck relaying in my skull. I CANT GET RID OF YOU. that's why i'm sitting up awake at 4:57 am contemplating whether or not to pull my heart out cause i won't see you in hell,,you've always been the angel baby."
i love him
Julie Grenness Jul 2015
In our Universe,
Far, far away,
Once were aliens,
Or were they angels?
When gods were men,
And men were as gods,
Until the last quark
Fades away, like stars,
Ineffable love,
Perpetual cosmos,
Close but far,
Intangible to feel,
Is invisible real?
Impossible dreams,
We are generations
Too young,
Is the Universe
So very far?
About our origins, somewhere in the Universe.  Feedback welcome.
MonkeyZazu Jul 2015
Not enough pain was felt
to cry
so I just sat here alone
with glass eyes
thinking, trying to figure out why
the worlds too cold
for angels to fly
Ed Sheeran - The A Team
Jon Eric Dufrene Jul 2015
May all who i have lost ride with me
Their hands steady on my shoulder
I ride for them though they not know
that when i ride it isn't for show
I ride for the escape, to flee my chains
To ride the wind and outrun the rain
I ride for being greatful i am still alive
and am saddened for all who never try
And on a sunny day within a mile
i drop a tear or two above a sly smile
To ride is to honor the thrill within
Acknowledge the fear and accepting it in
and if i lay over or my rear stray away
let my allies of angels rite my way
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