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Jodie LindaMae Jul 2015
I took to you
With the agony of lost submissions
Hot on my tongue.
Years have passed
And time had taken its toll
But today I'm certain
That if you were an angel
I'd snort the dust from your wings.
Sian Carrington Jul 2015
As light as air and pure as light,
Drifting along on celestial flight,
Guided by gentle wind and weather,
Fallen from flocks that fly together,
Behind the shadow of loss and fear,
Is a silent promise that hope is near.
Dangle Jul 2015
I never believed in angels
But then I saw you
my own kind of angel
sara b Jul 2015
Bare that hell, oh Dante's child,
as a crown. Let the flames dance
on your fingertips as you build
your kingdom on ancient ruins.
Light a cigarette and watch the
smoke rise and pollute the
heavens above, the angels
choking on their halos.
When the monsters knock
welcome them with open arms,
streched smiles, and embrace
the beast of your own.  
Scream of the riots, my dear
because you are not the fallen,

*you are reborn.
Julie Grenness Jun 2015
I sense the silent Heaven singing,
Angels in the night us blessing,
Prayers to the Lord are winging,
Old souls at our sides for guiding,
If we could only be perceiving...
Only a constant thought away,
Loved ones beside us every day,
Yes, I sense the silent Heaven singing,
In perpetual light abiding,
Angels in the night us blessing.
A verse like  a vision, feedback welcome.
Solaces Jun 2015
Shadows evade my eyes in your light..
The winds blow your hair under the bright moon....
I sometimes see you there..
Absent of all shadows..
As pure as pure can be..
No sort of dimness to you at all..
Why do you come to me..?
Why do you love me..?
You are my assurance that everything will be fine..
All worry leaves my soul..
Today I will hold your hand..
angels, truth, light and pure being..
louis rams Jun 2015
the cries of this soul entering the valley of death
where others before him sat and wept.
the life you changed is a life that had gone wrong
it was on the road of self destruction , and for
the devil it was an abduction.
your powerful wings brouht you to my side, when you heard
my far distant cry it was  a cry for help so loud and clear
that all others shook with fear.
it was an echo that rang like the bells on a steeple
giving a warning to all its people.
knowing that your battle had begun , they looked down
to the earth to see which one had won.
the wings of the angel knocked the devil to his knees
as his pitchfork struck him and he began to bleed.
the devil jabbing at him with all his might , not wanting
to lose another fight.
the angels wings moved quickly like in a dance
and the devil knew he had no chance.
his arms were tired as he continued to poke
as the angels wings weakened him with every stroke.
with a screech he fell to the ground , screaming to the angel
" you won this round "
no longer did he have control over a child of GOD
because it had become much to hard.
the angel carried the soul to the heavens above
where all he could see was happiness and love.
(C) L . RAMS 062915
Belle Victoria Jun 2015
maybe she was cursed to live like this

feeling all alone and left out in a world filled with love and happiness
the angels won't hear you crying when you are locked up in the hell
they aren't there to save you once again because you ****** up again
or maybe this was all her own little stupid fault, her mistake, blame me

nights like this I shouldn't be drinking, not even one glass
it makes me think things I dont wanna think, do thing I dont wanna do
I shouldn't have taken this so far and maybe you were right in the end
doing the things I did never made my life any better it made it worse

she always thought wolves were the most beautiful creatures
they would cry there whole life for something they could never touch
the wolves always reminded her of when she was just a little girl
she always cried for attention, from anyone but she could never touch

and now 6 years later she is sitting on the ground thinking about
who she was back than and how far she have come
that she could live a beautiful life with this never ending curse
that she needed to accept that the sadness will always haunt her.

the demons made her strong and dark
but now its time to follow the river of light.
Sally A Bayan Jun 2015
(We Must!)
C-reate our own paradise...a cool refuge from the outside indomitable wall, to fight bitter winds...storms that
A-gitate our placid, we seek

O-vercome fear and negative energy, we bathe, and                      

S-hine through their light....and rise from our own CHAOS...

                                We must!
                              (a­crostic-10w x 5)


Copyright June 16, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Courtlyn Quay Jun 2015
there you hide.
I see you between the stars..
between the blackness..
Past the void..
That's where I see you cower..
Between nothing and everything..
Fallen from grace, Angels search for you in spite.
All over one answer we needed, I needed..
Why weren't you there with her?
Between David, Jesus or Lazarus,
how was this...
too much to ask?...
the angels are hunting you for the lies
you told to us.
I guess when you'r dead we'll talk,
Until then, I have a cigarette to smoke.
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