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NvrMnd Oct 2015
It's not what the book describes
That winged human-like flying above the sky playing a harp
That silvery immortal being shining so bright
That hero protecting you from any evil situations and suddenly show up to save you wherever part on earth you are
Or... or that angelic face that by looking, makes you feel heaven is so near
Cause literally I've never seen one that'll make me believe that heaven is for real.

No, I've never seen one, none when I was in the hospital twice
None even when my brother died
That angel the book describes never appeared to say I'll be fine
That angel I hope to show up in front of me and literally sing an angelic song and make the whole scene bright
Literally I've never seen one, none in those darkest days of mine
Nothing like the book says come.

But I've known Angels! They save me million times, a miracle in disguise!
Angels that are not human-like but humans like me, breathing and living
Though they can’t fly, they always come and sing with me to brighten those darkest days of mine
Angels that somebody God delivers when I'm in trouble with myself, trouble finding my way
Strangers I've met in those moments whose voice were so angelic that I can't refuse to listen, that everything they might say will matter
And likewise Angels that are burning in space twinkling shining so bright that by staring, makes me dream and smile in those lonely nights of mine.

An Angel could be that anyone or anything that touches our hearts in those moments we need most
An Angel is a family, a friend, a stranger, could be a star for what I believe!, or anyone, anything that'll make you feel that life is worth living
An Angel is the one that inspires us to do something good and to be good for the people we care, who care for us, or just for all the people
An Angel is the one that saves us in those desperate  moments, held us and whispers to keep on going despite the pain this world brings, we’ll be fine
An Angel is the one that helps us find our way in those strangest places we’ve been and makes us believe that there's a dreamland waiting to be our sweetest home
An Angel is the one that shows kindness, and make you feel that heaven is for real.

"An Angel is a Miracle, or... that Miracle is An Angel".
brandon nagley Oct 2015
The real me, the spiritual me, break's free
From mine corpse;
Stepping into reality.

A rushing sound filleth mine head
A popping sound, mine spirit's above mine body, aloft the ground; I'm dead.

I seeith the nurses, the doctor's art frantic
Mother's praying outside the door;
Father's nerves art shot, he's panicked.

I couldst heareth mother interceding to the lord
On mine own behalf, the operation was over;
Tis mine blood got cold and fast.

The scalpel was thrown into a glass
I heardst the surgeon's word's, we couldn't save him, we tried ourn best, I kneweth he didst all he can, he worked harder then the rest.

At that thought of mind, I shot through space and time,
In a tunnel I ended up in, mine sin's hadst crossed mine mind;
The wormhole I was in, was dark, at the end; a pinhole of light.

I felt none worry, distress, nor unease, I kneweth this was living, as I was floating, without walking nor running, an unseen presence carrying mine feet: I felt the calm and light warm me.

I hadst read of this, from mine Christian belief's, and the spiritual book's and video's I hadst studied; the other's account's were true of this tube, we move freely, towards the brightness with none toe's nor feet coming.

I ended up inside the light, it engulfed me, it taught me, this is where all wouldst be alright; I stood at a gate, not with Pearl's, but as other's saidst, Pearlescent by heavenly view and sight.

There were no demon's like at mine abode, no stress filled hour's, no Pain nor Human insight; I was met at the entryway by mine great grandmother whom hadst passed after me and mother left her side during her death.

Granny saidst Brandon " we hath been waiting for thee, I sawest generation's of mine kin; French, English, Scottish, Greeks, natives, swiss, Irishmen.

Mother's and father's side both, hadst known I was coming, their already aware, as the lord telleth them there, the time and dates of their loved one's succumbing.

I was overjoyed, none word's to slip mine tongue, here I was an adolescent of knowledge, though all I wouldst learn in big sum's;
I kneweth this was safety, rest, peace, I felt with mine loved one's as one.

Mine kin stepped aside, the one I've begged for help was in mine vision, he hadst three robes, ivory white- with a purple sash, there were holes still in his hand's, though his beauty burned bright on his father God's behalf.

His eye's were as flame's, though his amour' was overwhelming, I felt mine body as a tuning fork, vibrating with his brightness, as if this was his second coming, the universe was seen through his core.

He grabbed mine shoulder, we walked farther in, I felt none sense of time,no age limit just a frame of mind; where the young and unborn were, as well as oldened in age, there was aloud none sin.

The messiah showed me the street's paved with literal gold, something unseen back on planet earth, a place where a river of life floweth from God's throne, everything's sharper, senses heightened, as well as sight, sound, feel, touch, taste. Holy grace.

Color's, tints, hue's, all loud, everything was alive, LIVING, I was aware of all,whilst I heardst angel's singing call's, they sung different song's, yet on Earth a million song's together wouldst be nonsense, this place the music all perfectly was fused.

There were mountain's, Hill's, real mansion's built, as if an acid trip back on earth we wouldst conjoin with the planet in a false trip; here this was what was, amazingly struck me how all was one, no illusion's like earthly drug induced fantasies, no if's, and's, why's, or because. Though question's flickered through me faster then I couldst speak.

Here there was no need to move mine Lip's, telepathically we knoweth all, no brain needed, none memory enhancer's, no need to speaketh with human Lip's, thought's talk back and forth, though by free will we canst use ourn mouth if desired.

Christ took me into mine creator's throne room, the amazing part is God and christ art one, no comprehension of that back on the blue globe, beneathe the sun; as God sat down on a tall structured seat.

A river of life flowing out of his feet, inside were seraph's, cherub's, a divine meet, Christ was on mine right side like another story of a man I hadst read, I was living, Christ interceded for me, I was far from dead.

Mine great architect spoke living word's from his mouth, he was pure light, not as if the bulb in thy house, he shined, gleamed,he was the reason the third heaven needed no sun nor moon.

He spoke to me , " Brandon mine son, thy work is not yet done, continueth in love, though go telleth more of mine forgiveness and grace, telleth man to love another, and to respect their whole race; as tis at that moment I turned to Christ next to me interceding, the lord christ cried next to me, we must remember Christ took human form on earth, tis he kneweth the feeling of bleeding.

At that moment I was out of God's sight, Christ took mine hand and body back into the tunnel light, I flashed shot like a bullet into that tube out of sight, mine great-grandmother took mine finger's and locked them, and took me back to mine carrion, I didst not want to go back though god spoke the day and dawn.

I felt as a glove mine soul slip back into that cold corpse, mine pastor I heardst around me praying with part of the church;
Mother held mine hand next to me, dad I listened to saying this he didst not deserve; at that moment mine eye's opened.

Mother didst not knoweth I saweth her praying outside of the room when I was out of mine body, she held me, felt me, a child again I felt. I sensed mother's love again, as I told mine mother granny saidst hello, and she's waiting for thou to, and I told dad that his father couldst breathe once again, his cancer's not in heaven, that dad's father was renewed.

As still earthly being's I kneweth mum and dad didst not yet understand all the thing's of the bible art true;
As tis when I left the hospital I thought of the one's waiting for me, generation's of family, as I was waiting for them to.

As tis the memory hit me
Of Christ's Tear's;
How he crieth like men
How he Hurt's when he seeith us turneth against him
How O' how I remembered freshly the hole's in his hand's and feet. He told me to touch them, as he didst to his disciples
I remembered how I bowed
To mine Christ
Mine savior,
I remembered god his father's strong word's
"Telleth man to love one another"
As tis men art forgetting the reason why we art here;
To love.
To love one another is God's purpose.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
1Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
John 14:1-3
Ronald J Chapman Oct 2015
In the darkness,  before Dawn alone,

Standing high, Looking far to the East,
Seeing a night sky filled with stars,
Dreaming about you,

Looking into an immense blackness,
Dotted with cosmic explosions, like flickering candles,
In darkened windows,

A bright star appears like a torch placed on a windowsill,
As if put there, too,
Guide me out of the darkness of life,

Listening, I hear the easterly wind singing,
Follow the brightest light in the sky,
Come back home to me,

For at the end of this long journey,
Guided by starlight,

You will see an Angel with a bright Halo,
That shines brighter than any star,
That warms your Soul more than any candle,

With her divine voice,
She will lead you out of darkness into the light.

Copyright © 2015 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Angels Calling Me Denean (432hz Music Video)
Might add on this when I have the time.
Viseract Oct 2015
I turn and look inside myself
And I enter a world of angels and demons
The light, and the dark,
And so I watch these ethereal visions

Variant: Angel    

The wind whips at my hair
As I stand in a deserted parking lot
With birdsong playing all around
Angels as doves, reminding me all is not lost

They circle high, and swoop down
I look up and my face is bathed in light
And am given the strength to push on
To succeed at life, to keep pressing the fight

I silently thank these angels from above
For allowing me
To find serenity
From the visions of a dove.

Variant: Demon

Surrounded by darkness,
Crows peck at my flesh
They steal the air from my lungs
And laugh as I suffocate without breath

They caw at me, laughing,
As I fail to live my life
Showing me my own torture weapons:
Scissors, razor, knife.

My scars rip open
And my blood comes gushing out
Yet it's not this that kills me
It's my mind being smothered by doubt


I open my eyes
And think: torture or serenity?
Do I wish to feed my demons
Or release the angels stored within me?

Ask yourself this question,
Every time you make a decision
Will this choice drop me dead
Or keep my heart, pulsing, beating?
Something new, in terms of formatting. Hopefully it's enjoyable to read :) stay frosty, y'all!
Brent Kincaid Oct 2015
If there are angels where you are
Can you ask one of them to come see me?
There are things I want to know
How do I live without you beside me?
Life with you was perfect for us
Now I have no idea what to do with my days.
I didn’t realize how much of me
Depended on you in so many wonderful ways.

Calling all angels.
I really need you here with me.
Guardian angels.
Sometimes I think I need three.
I’ll be here waiting,
Maybe not exactly patiently
But when you get here
I will be grateful as can be.

I know you’re in heaven
You were an angel here on earth
I always felt it;
Not only I knew what you were worth.
You made me stronger
So I have not quite fallen apart
But that is a miracle
Because I have lost half my heart.

Calling all angels.
I really need you here with me.
Guardian angels.
Sometimes I think I need three.
I’ll be here waiting,
Maybe not exactly patiently
But when you get here
I will be grateful as can be.
Solaces Oct 2015
()" The world was much like ours!  A perfect distance from the sun.  A goldilocks based planet that we found one the other side of our galaxy.  It was then we met them on the surface.   Green forest and the bluest of oceans.  We called this place Eden.. " The only difference was this planet was the size of our sun.  "()

<>" Early at sunrise he came.    Like a slow falling star.  He came out of a door of light and embraced us so.  We did not know how to greet God.<>

()  " Could it be possible! Could it be real!? This may be heaven.  Is this where we ascend? It must be if humans are here!()

<> "  He looks a lot like us? We are molded from him. He comes from the heavens above the stars. <>

() " I am among angels. ()
<>" We are among God.<>
To find each other among the stars..
I am simply a rough caretaker of my
Temple, vessle, canvas, corpse..
Whatever it may be
There is so much more than you can see
Too much if we were able to we'd be overwhelmed
Our eyes would probably burn out of our skulls
Because among the deamons we manage to see
Random, rough draft
Kale Oct 2015
I remember,
When the sun kissed the moon
On our first date.
We were shackled
By our romantic stares.

I remember when you stood
Down the aisle
Waiting for my warm embrace.

I remember when I cried
You consoled my breaking heart,

I remember the call
That told me you were not alright.

I remember you being taken
By the glowing angels
That wanted to be selfish.

I remember being blind by
Fury and alcohol

I remember being drunk
I remember the cliff
I remember the pain
I remember you meeting me
At the big white door.
Cari Hannaford Oct 2015
Do you ever feel like you dont belong?

Look around and feel like everything is all wrong?

That you can't fit with all your crazy dreams?

And that maybe this isn't really you're scene?

But not as in a bad way
But more as in a good

Like you have known your life has been somehow off

Like you believed more then your friends

Or maybe that you knew you were just a little different

Have you ever looked around and wondered why light has become your enemy?

You may be broken
But you can now see

You may have fallen deep
But you can still be set free

Because there's a little saying you should know

It might be common to those around

That god knows

Even angels fall
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