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Raw words Jul 2014
She's really ****** tired
Really often wired
She's tired bones inside cry and she dreams to rise 
From the bed 
Go to work instead 
Hopeless dreams became reality when she realized the rose glasses needed to be cleaned
For her insides cried in disbelief to what she used to be and what has been done 
But the past doesn't matter 
What's done is done 
Keeping a hopeful heart keeps putting her back to the start 
For falling 
And hitting the dirt 
Heart first 
To be bitter would be an option 
To be angry seems so far away
Sadness turns that way but a hopeful heart puts her back at the start
To hope for a man to love 
A man that truly does 
Hopeful hearts find each other.
si May 2014
You were once around.

thought we were sound.

A flash of light.

Sudden plight.

You use,



I lose.

Emotional fall back,

your safety net.

Not anymore.
Annie May 2014
She was told to give up her mythical struggle
She was pushed away a thousand times
The walls could hear some words being mumbled
But who could actually stop the cries?

She was the one who hung the chimes
Just because it was too silent
The girl whose heart was free of crimes
But at night, she used to be so violent

Suffering from trauma
She hit herself
Slit her arms
That once were adored

Now it seems that she is doing fine
Yesterday she said "I have been a nike"
I wonder - wonder if her soul is at peace
How long will she have to fight?
You're not alone.
JoBe Arenas May 2014
Why am I too innocent?
My responsibilities I neglect
Why am I not responsible
Unlike the rest

I'm younger than most of them
But I can keep up
But I get used...
Abused by those who dislike me

People you least expect
Take advantage
And abused my innocence
They left no mercy for me

Until when
Will I have to keep swimming out
The neck deep ****
Being dumped on me

When will I grow up?
When will it all stop
Alyanne Cooper May 2014
I bet you don't know
How I waited for you
To come home,
Scared I'd never see you again.

I bet it never occurred
To you that I was frightened
Of how quickly
Your eyes would turn black.

I bet you don't understand
Why I had to go to bed
After I heard everyone
Come home and the front door lock.

I bet you didn't hear
Me wake up hours earlier
Than everyone else
So I could make sure everyone was still there.

I bet you don't know
What is was like
For me growing up
As your daughter.

I bet you don't know
What it is like
For me as an adult
Without a mother.

Every time you walked out
Because you were angry
At my dad or me or my sisters
I sat by the front window.

Every time I saw your eyes
Go from greenish blue
To cloudy black
I steeled myself for the beating.

Every time I went to bed
I prayed to God
That if He was good
My family would come home safe.

Every time I woke up
I went from bed to bed
Checking that my family
Was still there and alive.

Growing up I was
Proud and honored
When people would say
"You're HER daughter!"

As an adult now
I avoid any talk of you,
Association with you,
Knowledge of you.

It was good,  
For the most part
"Basically good,"
Having you for a mother.

Even though missing you
Hurts my heart every day,
I have to say resoundingly,
"Not being abused feels better."
smarak93 Apr 2014
tired of being the punchline
of your knock knock jokes..
W Winchester Apr 2014
I found something today, in an odd place

I stumbled upon it and it was all. Fragmented

Alone, pierced, and abused

I wasn't sure what it was at first, but upon looking closer I saw it
and barely recognized it

It was something I'd lost a long, long time ago

And here it was before my eyes: dead, broken, and hidden
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