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562 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
Still waiting for the message that says we're okay,
But things in life don't tend to happen my way.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
560 · Mar 2015
I've been shot.
Joanna Mar 2015
How can I break free when loving you is weighing me down,
I'm so caught up in trying to fly and don't realize I'm still on the ground.

I'm typical and predictable and I never learn,
Too afraid to hit the ground so I never go for what I truly yearn.

I'm drowning in the pool of the very tears I have cried,
Not realizing that all I need to do is simply stand to survive.

Was it love or was it hate? either way it doesn't truly matter,
You took a gun and pointed it at my heart and our memories have stained me like blood spatter.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
555 · Jul 2015
Will you?
Joanna Jul 2015
I'm in pain and I can't escape it,
I'm shackled to it and can't embrace it,
I'm sinking slowly into the abyss,
And I'm not sure if I'm someone you'll miss.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
548 · May 2015
No Second Chances
Joanna May 2015
You do not get the joy of hearing my lips say your name,
You do not get know how I feel inside or that occasionally I'll cry just to feel alright,
You do not get to tell me that I was or am no longer the problem,
You don't.
Because you broke my heart and you do not get to try to pick up the pieces.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
542 · May 2015
Joanna May 2015
As time slowly passes and now I see things I never knew,
Thank you for making it easy to get over you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
535 · Jan 2015
Joanna Jan 2015
Before you I was a closed off person,
I buried my heart under layers of clothing and it never went on excursion,
But something about you brought me out of my shell,
Yet if you ask me what it is something that I could never tell,

Before you my heart was protected from feeling sadness or rage,
But your love cut me open and ripped my poor heart right out of its protective cage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
533 · Oct 2015
Anyone Else
Joanna Oct 2015
Some poems I want to share,
but I must keep them to myself,
because that kind of raw emotion is too much for anyone else
526 · May 2015
Joanna May 2015
I miss you.
But never from my lips shall you hear me say,
How much my happiness revolved around you in some way.
You were a flame that gave me light,
But you also burned.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
521 · Dec 2014
Joanna Dec 2014
All it took for me to fall,
Was the brush of your hand and your smile though small,
How is it so that I could have stepped out line,
Can you explain to me how my heart can be so broken by something that was never mine?
Something short & sweet today :) lemme know whatcha think!
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
514 · Jul 2015
Remember Love
Joanna Jul 2015
Her heart no longer knows how to fall,
It's been trapped on the ground and has forgotten it all,
Every kiss, every whisper, every secret moment stolen,
All of which were tainted when her soul became broken,
So she lifts her eyes to the very sky above,
And prays that she remembers how it feels to be in love.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
505 · Nov 2015
Ticking Time Bomb
Joanna Nov 2015
When I said that what we had was a ticking time bomb,
I didn't expect you to push the detonator.
501 · Aug 2015
A Lifetime With You
Joanna Aug 2015
I want a lifetime of

Unfinished sentences
Stolen moments
Held breaths
And secret smiles

But only if it's with you.
499 · Dec 2015
Joanna Dec 2015
Maybe love just isn’t enough, maybe it never was.
Maybe love is the very knife that cuts us,
Maybe love isn’t the goal,
Maybe it is just making it out alive.
Maybe love is what drives us mad,
Maybe love is just something we will never have.
498 · May 2015
Little pieces
Joanna May 2015
I thought that if you broke my heart I wouldn't love you anymore,
But now I simply love you with all of the little pieces.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
494 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
You broke my heart like someone broke yours,
I cracked and crumbled right down to my core,
the arms that once saved me now are my constriction,
and I can't let you go, my beautiful addiction.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
475 · Jan 2015
You decide
Joanna Jan 2015
Can you tell me how it feels to stand after you fall?
How to regain your strength after losing a brawl?
Show me that failing is simply growing better,
& show me through actions and not simply letters.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
468 · Nov 2015
Joanna Nov 2015
Not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not adventurous enough, not slutty enough, not conservative enough: not enough.

E-ating away at my soul as I feel you slip through my fingers,
N-ever wanting anyone else to kiss my lips but you've already gone
O-ver you is what I claim but alone at night I'll cry,
U-nder your spell all I can think of is you
G-oing further and further down the spiral that made up our doomed love story,
H-appiness used to just be a feeling independent of you,

But as I try to hold the pieces of the girl you left behind, I see it just wasn't enough
I just wasn't enough.
465 · Jan 2015
Joanna Jan 2015
It is both sad and funny how your heart can break in two,
when you're surrounded by people who claim to care about you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
461 · Sep 2015
Joanna Sep 2015
She was a free spirit

And where the wind went, she did too,
and though she smiled, she was blue,
but she hid it so well that you never knew,

Her eyes didn't sparkle because of light but rather tears,
but you would never hear her voice her fears,
she liked uncontrollable laughter because it'd help her forget,
all of her worries of things she didn't know yet,

She'd find herself thinking of lost places and faces,
that she could only be with if in dreams she went on chases,
there is something to be said about the girl who feels alone,
because she's surrounded by a world that she feels she's outgrown
459 · Mar 2015
Poisonous Closure
Joanna Mar 2015
Break my heart again
this time I dare you,
Shatter my mind and soul
This time I'll be over you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
454 · Nov 2015
Joanna Nov 2015
I feel like screaming.
I want to forget everything.
Forget every moment you made me smile, every hug that made me feel warm, every promise that passed through your lips.
I want to forget how your voice sounds, I want to forget how your eyes squint when you smile, I want to forget the way you used to look at me
I want to forget.
I want to cry until my eyes couldn’t see you if I tried, I want to tell my brain to forget you were ever alive,
They say you don’t know heartbreak until it’s too late, I should’ve known you weren’t a risk to take.
Someone give my heart the memo: love is just a game,
And it always seems to start with your name.
I wonder, if I removed myself from the equation would you be just fine?
I wonder, if I hadn’t opened up to you so much would I have been hurt so deeply this time?
Do I stroke your ego? Is that why you keep me around?
It’s nice to hear pretty things from pretty girls,
But you were just a pretty boy with pretty lies.
One day, one day, one day.
But always chasing tomorrow doesn’t mean you’ll stay.
How could happiness and sadness be so alike?
So this is what madness feels like.
450 · Nov 2015
If only
Joanna Nov 2015
When you jokingly say that I love you,
If only you knew how much that was true
431 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
Fall in love with everything about me that makes you question,
"Why?" You may wonder,
Because my goal is to leave you breathless.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
428 · Jul 2015
Fleeting Moments
Joanna Jul 2015
I love unfinished sentences and forgotten laughter,
I love the pauses between words and the conversation that comes after,
Love confessions given only through stolen glances,
And I'm a hopeless romantic who believes in second chances,

I like falling for stars someone has already wished on,
And enjoying fleeting moments until they are gone,
If there is something I am learning in this journey through life,
Is that there are beautiful moments worth living twice.
425 · Aug 2015
Whom Shall I love?
Joanna Aug 2015
I want so badly to be in love
But not with you
I want to be in love with myself
Because then it doesn't matter whether you stay or leave
424 · Jan 2015
Nothing at all
Joanna Jan 2015
How is it that I saw galaxies in your eyes when you never saw mine,
Trickle disappointment down my body through my own spine,
Was I blind or were you just a good faker,
You were nothing more than a joy taker,
Time goes on and my heart grows small,
Surely soon enough it'll be nothing at all.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
422 · Nov 2014
That kind of romance.
Joanna Nov 2014
I want the kind of romance that makes sirens jealous,
where your eyes are like oceans and overwhelmingly zealous,
kiss me like the breeze, all over my skin,
Show me your depth and places I've never been.

Move me rhythmically just like the tide,
open yourself and know you never need hide,
you can rage on but I'll calm your stormy seas,
and we'll wake in the morning at the sun's pleas.

Entangle yourself in the waves of my hair,
physically, mentally, & beautifully bare,
I'll meet you where the shore and water kiss,
let us sink further into this bliss.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
407 · Sep 2015
Finally Done
Joanna Sep 2015
I still miss you and I'm not sure why,
Especially when it's 2am and alone in my bed I lie,
I lie physically but also mentally by trying to tell myself I don't miss you,
But you see the truth is that the day you left the sky would never seem quite as blue,
Your lips stained my skin, and oh how your gaze made me grin,
Surely feeling the way that I did was a sin,
But if loving you too much is what made you run,
Then **** you, don't come back because I'm finally done.
391 · Nov 2015
Joanna Nov 2015
The world tells little girls to wear their heart on their sleeve,
But doesn't warn of little boys who deceive,
Alone and broken, she cries in the silence,
The stars absent in the sky as she's left without guidance,
Chin up little princess this is only the beginning,
You've barely opened your eyes to the world of living.
387 · Aug 2015
Joanna Aug 2015
You share your smiles like
I'll never know the answer to
387 · Sep 2015
Too Late
Joanna Sep 2015
In your eyes I saw a promise that your soul could not keep,
I thought it was a hug until I felt the knife go deep,
I thought you were my air until I realized you were toxic,
But I was already falling and it was too late to stop it
386 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
It has finally hit me, something finally clicked,
Getting hurt and feeling pain is never something one picks,
There is a line between perseverance and insanity,
Yet letting go is not part of our human anatomy,
We fight, we bleed, and still struggle on,
But unknown to us it's a battle for which we are not armed,
Waking up from this dream now turned nightmare,
Cut the line and breathe in the untainted air,
Turn away from the past and face the sun's rays,
The day you move on my dear is today.
382 · Dec 2015
Musical Madness
Joanna Dec 2015
I wanted to drown out the world with you,
To put you in my ears and turn up the volume until you were all I could hear,
Because even if you only consisted of a few simple chords, your melody was my favorite
It was so unexpected and broken and yet lovely
I could listen to you laugh for hours, I could gaze at you for even longer
There was something in the way you looked at me and when you kissed me we made music,
Tell me how to relive it all again
The moment I met you, the moment our lips first met, the moment I fell in love with you,
But even the most beautiful of songs come to an end,
And I will never understand,
But I never did learn how to read sheet music.
382 · Sep 2015
Good Enough
Joanna Sep 2015
what happens when all the words you try to use,
simply aren't good enough?
375 · Aug 2015
What it meant
Joanna Aug 2015
I thought I knew what heartbreak was and how it felt,
But then I heard my heart shatter and finally knew what it meant.
374 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
You're my breath of fresh air in a world where people are just smog.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
363 · Sep 2015
Joanna Sep 2015
When I heard people say "it's like music to my ears", I never quite understood,
Until I heard your voice and then knew I always would
356 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
My pride is the one at fault in this situation,
My lips are laced with silence and resigned to damnation,
My heart is angry and beating so loud,
Thought my feet were planted solid but found it was just a cloud,
I'm lost between where I was and where I was going,
Surely the answer to this ignorance lies in just knowing,
But I'm realizing now that this world isn't for the strong,
It's a place for the people who won't admit when they're wrong,
Colossal damnation awaits at the pearly gates,
But the ones not to heaven but rather fancy estates,
I see now I've been searching in all the wrong places,
Looking into mirrors only to find unknown faces.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
356 · Sep 2015
Joanna Sep 2015
Stop meddling with fate,
If it's meant to be, you will see,
Do not waste time making yourself bleed,
And if things don't happen the way you wish,
Just know it's  better than his deadly kiss
356 · Jul 2015
Technological Sadness
Joanna Jul 2015
My heart drops when the screen lights up and your name is not the one on it
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
352 · May 2015
The Nature of You
Joanna May 2015
Funny how you felt the need to cut me to make sure I could bleed,
God how wish I could've seen that you were not what I need,
But your eyes were a poison that seeped beneath my skin,
Killing me slowly not from outwards but within.

And oh the way you made my heart beat fast only quickened the speed of the venom,
It was over before it began and you wiped your hands of me the way mechanics get rid of their oil on denim,
You are proof that this world can change in an instant,
One moment so familiar and now we are just distant.

At first I thought that maybe it was me,
But then I realized that it's in a coward's nature to flee.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
347 · Nov 2014
Friend and foe
Joanna Nov 2014
Dear heart stay quiet, you know not what you desire,
Your only concern is making yourself feel the fire,
The fire of a passionate infatuation,
It threatens to consume with little deliberation,
Your beating shall continue without him my love,
You should be with someone that does not drag you down but above,
He should cherish your existence and hold you close,
Not arrogant and selfish using you to boast.

There is a reason you do not have eyes to see,
You are meant to feel so excruciatingly deeply,  
I know it is hard to choose to let go,
But trust your brain knows the difference between a friend and foe.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
337 · Jun 2015
Vicious Cycles
Joanna Jun 2015
How is it so that my smile can be the answer someone has been looking for,
And the torture someone else has been running from?

When is it that mere infatuation becomes overwhelming damnation,
How can open eyes become so clouded?

Why is that after awhile the pain becomes something beautiful, a daily struggle we gladly bare,
When is it that we choose to sacrifice our happiness for another out of care?

You cannot blame someone for letting you fall when they warned you they wouldn't catch you,
These traps of love are ones we weave but in the end I'd be nothing without you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
333 · May 2015
Joanna May 2015
My mind fumbles for words to express how I feel,
Every memory of us replaying on repeat on a reel,
From the moment you saw me to when our lips meet under stars,
Until you closed yourself from me and locked your heart behind bars,
I've never known how it felt to have a gaze once so warm,
Turn into a stranger who's words would harm,
I'm not sure what triggered the dark change,
But you became the kind of poetry in my heart will rage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
320 · Mar 2015
My eternal ache
Joanna Mar 2015
For now as you kiss me,
I know that you'll miss me.
Even if you say you can go everyday,
Without my prescence and love as you lay,
My lips will always ache for your touch,
But that doesn't compare to how deeply my mind and soul miss you so much.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
317 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
You showed me that living was more than just the motions,
That by simply floating by I would drown in life's oceans,
And even though we were not meant to be,
I shall forever cherish how you set me free.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
315 · May 2015
All I had left
Joanna May 2015
So tired of losing, so tired of bruising more quickly than a fallen Apple,
So tired of grasping onto your words the way saddened people do in a chapel,
How is it that you cut something off that is causing you pain inside,
When I can't speak and instead am doomed to emotions that I must hide,
I'm lost not found amongst your embrace, it is a deep abyss by which I am chained,
There is no bottom and I'm falling faster, there is no hope to be gained,
You were broken and then mended just like a mosaic, a compilation of every emotion,
But your edges are rough and have yet to be smoothed like the pieces of glass that become reborn in the ocean,
You've punctured my heart and now here I lay on the floor solely gasping for breath,
You didn't just take my breath away, you took everything that I had left.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
315 · Jan 2015
Moving On
Joanna Jan 2015
"He doesn't deserve you" she whispered to herself, but her emotions betrayed her soul,
She looked and felt older, her heart slightly colder, because loving him had taken it's toll,
It was a one-way street in which to him she gave it her very all,
but he was never there, he never cared, he didn't even try to prevent her fall,
She made excuses for everything wrong and told herself he could find redemption,
it seemed as if with him, her perfect sin, she could always make an exception,
He made her feel as if she was hard to love, and she would always wonder what was wrong,
She would lie awake at night and wonder why with him she couldn't be strong,
There came a moment when it all made sense, she knew what she had to do,
He wasn't worth it, and he never could be, because you can't love someone who doesn't love you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
314 · Feb 2015
Joanna Feb 2015
You tell me to be happy, but then say choose one, two, or three,
You tell me to venture far, but I am chained and not free,
You tell me to speak openly, but your hand is around my neck,
Everything about me is kept perfectly in check.

I am weighed, valued, and measured by some numbers on a scale,
Told to study and money it's not acceptable to derail,
from the path you have been put on simply by being born,
God forbid, if you did, you'd meet with society and its scorn.

All I want is to be happy and breathe without concern,
Not wake up everyday wishing I could have done what I yearned,
I do not want money if it's stained with my blood,
I am done killing myself for things I don't even love.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
311 · Apr 2015
Joanna Apr 2015
Can you tell why it feels like my heart is tearing in two,
Why is it that it seems like we are doomed: me & you,
We haven't even started and I already see our end,
we're like porcelain because once we crack there is no mend.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
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