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321 · Apr 2015
Joanna Apr 2015
Can you tell why it feels like my heart is tearing in two,
Why is it that it seems like we are doomed: me & you,
We haven't even started and I already see our end,
we're like porcelain because once we crack there is no mend.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
320 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
I vowed not to love you
But then you looked my way,

The minute your gaze held me
I knew there was no option but to stay.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
317 · Jul 2015
How I Miss You
Joanna Jul 2015
I miss you.

And I don't mean I miss you the way that a chubby kid at fat camp misses cake,
I miss you the way the plants miss the sun because they can't breathe without it,
I miss you the way an astronomer misses the stars throughout the day because knowing they're there simply isn't as amazing as seeing them at night,
I miss you so much because you are my breath of fresh air in a world where people are just smog,

I miss you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
317 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
I want you to break me piece by piece,
destroy my soul so that it extends from the west to the east,
Show me what it's like to be entrenched in infatuation,
Show me what it's like to gaze into eyes full of passion,

Bare me in ways that are more than just physical,
give me a love that is far from typical.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
313 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
I wish I could tell you how angry I feel,
the betrayal, the sadness, how I fought what was real,
it was one thing after another, constantly pounding me down,
I so desperately wanted smiles, but all I could muster was frowns.

I now know what it feels like to be close to the ground,
To be so lost in translation, to never be found.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
308 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
Oceans of emotion,
Waves of regret,
Oxygen has not found me yet
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
306 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
Darling, teach me how to dance at the caress of your hand,
show me how to be strong in times when I can barely stand,
guide me in learning the woes and joys of life,
teach me how to take control and be commander of my strife,

show me beauty in battling pain,
show me wisdom in feeling shame,
but most of all, what I hope to gain,
is the true essence of humanity that keeps us sane.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
303 · May 2015
Cold as ice
Joanna May 2015
I'll miss you, but you'll never know that
Because you were so cold it iced my lips shut
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
302 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
It breaks my heart to see how easy it is for you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
301 · Apr 2015
You're my literature.
Joanna Apr 2015
Before you I was a blank page and now you've left a crease,
You've reassembled the 26 letters of my life in a way that gives me peace,
You make me want to furiously throw ink across my once boring pages,
To resemble the adventures in which you have released my heart from its cages,
You're made up of similes and metaphors that I want to spend all of my time solving,
I grow closer and closer because my feelings are evolving,
I fell for your covers and even further for what I found inside,
I'm lost within you and trust you as my guide,
Teach me your ways with your verbs & your nouns,
You're like the book I never want to put down.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
294 · Dec 2014
What is real?
Joanna Dec 2014
There it goes again,
Breaking further and I see no end,
A false sense of solvency, a bandaid solution,
The ground beneath me dissolving, I'm falling in confusion,
Isn't there supposed to be a max to the pain you can feel?
I can no longer tell if this is a nightmare or truly real.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
294 · Feb 2015
Love Drug
Joanna Feb 2015
The worst part was that I knew you were poison,
But was already addicted,
I'd lay awake at night: sad & conflicted,
It got to the point where I would give anything,
For one more kiss, a touch, the shivers you'd bring,
I look into your eyes as my soul slowly dies,
Like a drug, you're my lows and my highs.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
293 · Dec 2014
Joanna Dec 2014
That was the single word you could not spare,
Could not or would not, it would have released me from your snare,
but you wanted to keep me at your beck and call,
so you simply decided to say nothing at all.
Simple and to the point, yet ambiguous (A paradox I know) is what I was going for. what is YOUR interpretation of this poem? :)

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
289 · May 2015
Sold and Broken
Joanna May 2015
Bit by bit I am sold,
To every lie your body has told,
I have romanticized what I adored,
And it has left me broken on the floor.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
288 · May 2015
Joanna May 2015
You were so sweet, you were rotten.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
287 · Dec 2014
Joanna Dec 2014
We make up reasons for why guys aren't chivalrous, or treat us like princesses.

We tell ourselves that it's because we should be empowered enough to make the first move, or that it's okay to chase after him because he's "secretly" into us and just needs us to make it clear because he's afraid or timid to show us.

We say that maybe they had a really bad relationship in the past and he just needs time to know you're different.

We believe that maybe this is just how relationships are supposed to be nowadays.

We make excuses.
And then we crumble when we realize that that's all it was, and an excuse that kept us from accepting the truth.
And that truth is that he wasn't worth a single moment.
Tried something a little different :) let me know what you think.

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
278 · Jan 2015
Seeing You
Joanna Jan 2015
You bring me to life with a single smile,
Talking never feels long enough despite it being awhile,
You shatter my soul and yet you're my glue,
Now I know why my heart beats fast when I see you.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
270 · Feb 2015
Deafening silence
Joanna Feb 2015
Oh darling,
Silence is not an answer,
But it is more powerful than a scream.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
264 · Dec 2014
Back into me
Joanna Dec 2014
We look for validation in the words of others,
We fear disappointment in the eyes of our mothers,
We feel the pressure to conform to society's lies,
We begin to crumble and no one hears our cries,
How can we find happiness when told to follow steps 1,2,3,
How can we be ourselves when we are shackled and not free,
How can we live never to be forgotten,
How can we save our souls from becoming rotten,
Open my eyes so that I can once again see,
Come over and breathe life back into me.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
262 · Nov 2014
No longer
Joanna Nov 2014
I can't compete with her,
and frankly I don't want to.
It's her you talk to in public,
it's her everyone thinks you're with or at least want to be with.
I'm just this weird shadow,
someone  you hang out with when no one knows
I wasn't built for this silence,
I really have to go,
My name is more than just an arrangement of the piece of the alphabet you know,
My attention is worth more than your stolen glances,
I refuse to be content with your mere chances.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
262 · Jan 2015
Not holding on any longer
Joanna Jan 2015
It was when you said you didn't feel the same,
That I could finally start breathing again.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
260 · Nov 2014
Start Anew
Joanna Nov 2014
Flowers tell stories the world never hears,
they blossom and bloom, and die without fears,
I wish I had strength to spring from the stem,
and be able to start life all over again.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
257 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
You melted my heart
And I didn't even know it was frozen.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
252 · Dec 2014
Joanna Dec 2014
Where I used to find comfort, I now find pain,
I feel I have everything to lose and nothing to gain,
How do you gamble away the pieces of your soul,
How can you love someone when they don't even know?
Can they hear my heart breaking when silence is their reply,
But they will never see these hazel eyes cry.
Comments & criticisms welcome :)

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
251 · Mar 2015
Release me
Joanna Mar 2015
I don't know what's real and I can't tell if it's you,
Is this my reality or have I dilluded myself too far to see what's true.

My heart aches quietly for a rest that will never come,
Except for the moments when it is to you that I run.

You have the power to put me at the very best highs and lowest of lows,
I'm begging you if you love me, if you love me let me go.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
249 · Dec 2014
What he really is
Joanna Dec 2014
She asked for a promise, but he gave her silence,
She gave him her love, but he was only a virus.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
244 · Jul 2015
Joanna Jul 2015
Hold me tighter,
Kiss me harder,
So when you leave I still have your scent on my skin
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
243 · Apr 2015
Joanna Apr 2015
D on't keep using your lips to tell me your lies
O nce again I am broken and left alone in my cries
N ever knowing when I should trust again
E verlasting love is not given by men.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
230 · Dec 2014
Joanna Dec 2014
I'm not quite sure which hurts more, your silence or your rejection,
What once was happiness has now been tainted and it's spreading like an infection,
perhaps if you only had the courage to tell me the truth,
but I suppose that is the curse of the naivety of our youth.
Tell me whatcha think! :D comments and criticisms welcome (:

© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
229 · Nov 2014
Joanna Nov 2014
I thought when I met you, I knew what love was,
but to know love, I signed myself away with an unwritten clause,

You told me my heart would beat better if settled next to yours,
so I sacrificed the freedom that has been the cause of many wars,

I molded myself to fit slots a, b, and c,
I so desperately wanted to be what you need,

with every passing day, I lost a little more of me,
and I would silently wonder if I could ever be free,

As I write my thoughts down on this tear stained page,
my heart finally knows why it's called a rib cage.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
224 · Feb 2015
I like it
Joanna Feb 2015
You're my poison,
And the worst thing is that I like it.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
223 · Jan 2015
Joanna Jan 2015
Every time I think I've forgotten how it felt to be with you,
my memories seep back in and leave me feeling blue.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
198 · Jan 2015
Capture me
Joanna Jan 2015
Show me how the earth shakes when something is meant to be,
Make me fall so deeply in love that I willingly never want to be free.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
173 · Apr 2015
Joanna Apr 2015
Your lips used to set me on fire,
But now I just burn.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
139 · Jan 2015
Joanna Jan 2015
And I wonder, do you write poems about me too?
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved
135 · Mar 2021
Still there
Joanna Mar 2021
oh sweet heart, how long have we been apart?
how long has it been since I held you in my hands?
how long has it been since I gave you the love I so freely give to others?

oh dear strength, where did I go wrong?
melted down, like butter on toast...was I ever truly strong?

where is the line between anxiety and security?
once so defined, but now so smudged...could happiness perhaps spare a nudge?

oh sweet self, where have you gone?
buried so deep, but I know you're still there...

— The End —