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Feb 2018 · 199
Why stop?
Keely Feb 2018
Your eyes, your truth, your brain, your mental state, your situation, your lies, your actions, your sacrifices, Your cemichals, you're looking for someone to understand.
This is why we try to connect with other and find simalarity, but I found the more I look for people to 'get it' the less I'm accepting the fact no one will ever fully understand. We are all different and we all have our differences. You see and experience your own exsistance and no one else does. This is why I stopped talking about my problems and failing to connect with people. They won't understand so why burden them with a hypothetical emotion.
But that doesn't mean I stop. That means I continue to grow within myself and find strength and love to gift to other. Life itself and all living beings always have just been  one disgustingly beautiful peice of art.
This isn’t meant to be sad or depression, but it’s rather just something I am currently experiencing that I had yet to explain to the world (from my perspective)
Jan 2017 · 839
Keely Jan 2017
I gave you hickeys
And you gave me a tattoo
But the mark you made on me was permanent
Unlike all the ones I made on you
Apr 2015 · 415
Keely Apr 2015
Why are either of us writing poetry right now?
And I just got puked on by a baby.
Mar 2015 · 561
The Me I Want To Be
Keely Mar 2015
I fell for the girl who knew she could be more but loved what she had-
The twist as if I want to be talking about myself...
Mar 2015 · 575
Keely Mar 2015
"What are you waiting for?"*

Something worth while...
But when will it come?
Feb 2015 · 633
To Where has it Gone?
Keely Feb 2015
Its just not there anymore...
I want it back
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
The Chances
Keely Jan 2015
If I dont want something to happen
Ill make it happen,
Because if there's a chance of it happening,
And it does happen
I want it to be because of me.
Is this only me?
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Lying To The Mirror
Keely Jan 2015
How do you love yourself
When all you want is someone eles.
It kills me to see everyday
What I've always wanted
But could never pay to have.
I was born the way I am
Whether I like it or not
And it makes me cry at night to visualize what I want
But now know is impossible to have.

It hit me like a train
Frozen in time
The seconds seemed like minutes flowing by
Tears streamed down my face and I couldn't make words
I couldn't speak
Being told I'll never have what I've always looked forward to
Always wanted to have
Sincerely shattered me.
I was told I needed to look at myself in the mirror
And tell myself I love myself
And will make what I have work
That would be a lying,
But I guess I'll have to learn,
Because if I dont soon

Im not sure how much longer I'll last.
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Keely Jan 2015
I love to hate love, but I hate to love.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Classic Trouble
Keely Jan 2015
I thought love was a game,
Something to be played.

But I was wrong.

People do get hurt.

The conversations layed out in front of me
like cards to be picked,

Choose the wrong one
and your fate could be flipped

Love turned into a guessing game

As if trying to step around an erupting volcano
Love explodes
Love runs out
Love turns to war.
You used to love them with all their imperfections
And they loved you with yours

But with all the ash in the air
No one could see it clear.

Love has blinded me
And I can no longer
see the rules.
Jan 2015 · 1.0k
Keely Jan 2015
It was on the 182nd floor
When I first saw you and my heart
began to soar.
It wasn't long after that day
I begain to relize I would have to pay,
For the love you never deserved in the first place.
Days went by as I became broke
Looking at you I had started to sulk.
Realizing you'd never love me
like I'd loved you
All those day spent thinking of you?
And you never gave a single ****.
You watched me follow you like a dog
But i'd never envisioned you thought of me like a hog.
You're a ******* I hope you know
And I should of never went to that show,
On the 182nd floor
Where I had no idea my heart
had accually started to sore,
And I've had a realization now you're accually
a ******* *****.
Dec 2014 · 617
Keely Dec 2014
I kept forgetting I was living
Thinking maybe I could zone out and wake up in a better life
Where people liked me and cared
Hurting myself was like a reality check
For me to see I was really there.
Maybe I could look into the blood and see a brighter future.

— The End —