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Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Right in the midst of
A thousand and one persons
Forcing a fake smile
To cover his frustrations
All the while, dying in silence...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jul 2014
Like a traveller without direction
A seeker with no sense of purpose
Walking through life aimlessly
Existing but not living
In an infinite maze of time and space
Shrouded in a mist of uncertainties
Darkness has become his light
Pain has become his plight
As he drifts endlessly into nothingness...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Big Bird, a rare, fine brand
Taking off to air from land
Flapping her wings in midair
She soared, into despair.

We waited in your nest
But you vanished from the rest
Drowning hearts amid tears
Birthing panic, pain and fears.

What happened to you Big Bird?
Your voyage got so weird!
We awaited your return,
But our hopes, time has burned!

Two hundred and thirty-nine
Burning candles ceased to shine
Times like this I ask, "God WHY?"
As hearts and souls, melt and cry!*

© Raphael Uzor
May their souls Rest In Peace!!!
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
With a blistered heart
From unnumbered breaks,
A cloud of unshed tears
From untold betrayals,
I reenter the world
After an eternity or more
Of self imposed asylum
From a world of superficial bliss.

A world unchanged!
A cruel untended garden
Of deceptive beauty
And unkind thorny roses.
Lovelorn shadows,
Masquerading venomous claws
With beauteous flamboyance
And undesirable attraction.

Lethargic feelings,
Dousing my desires
With drowsing memoirs
Of countless emotional abuse,
Causing momentary spasms
In cerebral regions
Parading nocuous images
In the plenitude of projected beauty.

Scarred beyond immediate cure,
I recede from said world-
Too adverse for tender hearts
Back to hibernating moods
To nurse evergreen cuts
Cuts so deep, so lethal
Only the indolent strides of time
Can attempt to stitch!

Awaiting prophetic moments
Moments with mirage qualities
When in-love I can fall again
When a damsel I can trust again
When my heart can beat again
For one with pure intentions
Not putrefied by Hollywood mentors
But virtuous in biblical ways...

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
For you, I'll shed a tear
To you, I'll say, "my dear"
But ONLY if you'll dare
To show me that you care!

In words, for you I'll die
In deeds, to you I'll lie
'Cos much as I may try
My love will make you cry!

But there is One so pure
Your tears, His love will cure
He'll hang upon a cross,
To gain your love and trust!

He'll bare unspoken pains
To free you from your chains
With a kiss, He was betrayed
But still, for us He prayed!

© Raphael Uzor
Don't take the cross for granted.
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
I've learned in poetry,
Not every piece...
Is a masterpiece*!
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
She touches gently...
And conquers my aggressions
She does, every time!
Raphael Uzor May 2014
What I said...
What you heard...
Were light-years apart!
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
After all this while,
Mona Lisa of poetry
Is still a mirage...*

© Raphael Uzor
Still searching for that almighty piece. Have you found it? Anyone?
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
As Moon comes
To Earth every night
To court her affection
In the presence
Of a million Stars
Yet oblivious of their stare
Only focused on his love
Scaling her in circles
Never tiring, ever following
In orbital woos...

So will I circle you my love,
Till you say yes...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
You gave me two
Yes! Your two *******!
And I suckled at will
Till my teeth got in the way
Parting me
From your protective *****
Against infant wills!

Patiently, you led me
Through my first tears
Through my first smiles
Through my first steps
Through my first words
Teaching me by example
To love, respect and trust!

No words can convey
The values you've bestowed
The sacrifices you've made
The pain you've endured
Your love, can no woman mimic
And though boys have become men
To you, a child I'll remain!*

© Raphael Uzor
Happy Morhers' Day mom! Love you to bits!!!
Raphael Uzor Feb 2014
Sweating on my mat, I curse!
As the light dimly flickers
Off and on it wavers
Like a torch amidst a storm.
For the ten thousandth time I wonder
What is wrong with mother?
My aggrieved home and country
Her pain is mine to bear.

She has many a tale to tell
Troubled much from deep her belly
Wonder how much she can endure
Till body and soul give in.
She was blessed by the heavens
Much to the envy of all
Yet! Alas, she mourns
And weeps in pain untold.

Time and again she follows
Sheepishly trusting her shepherds
She has had a quite a number
With tongues unknown and known
Her plight is not their vision
As she inevitably learns
Her wool and meat and milk
Are all they dare to care.

She breeds enough to share
And feed her dying lambs
But much is lost to thieves
Who lurk in shadows of shepherds.
Destined for royalty she was
But penury has robbed her glory
Awake! Oh mother Nigeria!
And reclaim your lost birthright.

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by the untold hardship in my country Nigeria.
Mother, her, she etc refer to Nigeria
Shepherd refers to the leaders-elected public servants
Belly refers to her various socioeconomic problems
Body and soul refer to unity, prosperity and her survival
Heavens refers to God (Who blessed her with much natural resources)
Mourns, weeps and penury; refer to her untold hardship and suffering
Tongues refers to divers ethnic groups
Wool, meat, milk refer to her numerous mineral resources especially crude oil
Lambs refers to the masses
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Entrenched by Your enigmatic demeanor
I stand in utter bewilderment
As tropical winds caress my face
And mosquitoes serenade around me
Drawing blood for unsolicited company

Mesmerized by Your colossal vastitude
I sit in the sand, in sheer gratitude
As tiny rain drops moisten my face
And toads serenade in the distance
Croaking aloud an undesired masterpiece

Encompassed by Your endearing cognizance
I retreat to my hut in abysmal surrender
As I scratch from itching bites all over
And crave Your celestial affection
Bowing, I join them; to worship You!

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by worship!
Raphael Uzor Sep 2014
Between good and right
I have fought many a fight!
Raphael Uzor May 2014
The intermittent, distant rumbling in the skies was suggestive of chronic flatulence. The sun struggled in futility to shine – like a crying child who had been forced to smile. Lightning flashed in quick successions, momentarily throwing brilliant streaks of white light across the room. The angry growl of thunder that followed was enough to send a troop of Howler monkeys scampering for safety.

The lights flickered as though unable to make up their minds to stay or not to. But apparently, the wind had zero tolerance for such petty indecisiveness. And like an enraged, stimulated, demented animal, it gusted through the windows and doors, hauling loose papers, light bulbs in every direction, shattering the bulbs to smithereens, as if to punish them for being so fickle. The lights died.

Thick black blankets eerily stretched across the skies with gusto, menacingly extinguishing whatever was left of the sun’s brilliance. More rumbles and flashes followed in royal herald of the impending storm. And in no time, slick sheets of rain torrentially came pouring down, cascading the roofs to form puddles almost as soon as they hit the ground.

​I looked in horror, fervently praying that whoever God had appointed to build the ark in our time had not diverted the funds. I was trapped in the office, and I knew exactly what this meant…flood, scarcity of buses, hiked transport fares, heavy taffic and very likely, at least one month of blackout.
It would be another three hours of steady downpour before the rain eventually stopped, as gracefully as it had been ushered in.
I picked up my bag, rolled up my trousers in earnest anticipation of the inevitable flood, and made my way home.

​To my utter bewilderment, there were no floods! The lights from the street lamps cast a soft golden glow on the slick roads, seemingly creating mirages of pools of water from afar off. But they were mere illusions. The gurgling sound coming from the underground drainage was proof of where all the water had gone. It was a strange sight. Like some alien cyborg from space had been fiddling with a time machine that had accidentally propelled us twenty years into the future.

My new world was a three-fold utopian dream. So surreal!
I could see beautiful, high-rise, state of the art edifices with mind-blowing architectural designs that blatantly seemed to defy the laws of gravity. I could see world-class hospitals that admitted ailing dignitaries from around the world and top-notch schools that offered scholarships to deserving indigenous and international students.
Sure enough, this was Nigeria! The Nigeria we all dreamed of.

And there was light…electricity! - In myriad of colours that seemed to have been dispersed from several colossal disco ***** via *“wireless fidelity”
technology. I strained to hear the noise from generators, but I was disappointed. I couldn’t even hear the all too familiar cacophony of horns blaring, conductors shouting, loud discordant music, rattling vehicle engines etc. It was like everyone and everything had taken a crash course on orderliness.

I saw a vibrant transportation system that included high speed railway lines, paved road networks that looked like a child’s doodles, first-class air strips and efficient sea transportation.
I saw a working government - one that had provided the critical infrastructure for her people.

I saw a nation with a large industrialized economy, where the dividends of democracy had been delivered to the people by their government. One consciously founded on equity and honesty of purpose, and courageously sustained by unfaltering faithfulness and unwavering patriotism.      
A nation whose economic boost did not come solely from crude oil exploration and production, but also from crude oil refining, agriculture, manufacturing, infrastructure, food, services, tourism, automobiles, transportation, education etc.
A nation that thronged with international investors from all walks of life, who were not in the least afraid to invest in her.

And then, I saw her people. A people proud of their citizenship.
A people proud to be called NIGERIANS.
A people who were not given to religious, political, or tribal bigotry.
A people who individually and collectively, gallantly bore the torch of the vision of their heroes past.
A people who earnestly and persistently worked to see only goods “Made in Nigeria” sold in their markets.

Where there was once despair, I saw hope. Where there was once fear, i saw security. Where there was once disgruntlement, I saw satisfaction. Where there was once poverty, I saw wealth opportunities and where there was unemployment, I saw jobs. Death had given way to life and life to hope.

I started, as I felt something cold and wet trickle down my forehead. It was droplets of rain from a leak in the roof just above my head. I was still in my office, I never left. The rain had lulled me to sleep. Even more sadly, I realized it had all been a dream.
Slowly and regretfully, I packed my things and left for home. It was pitch black outside as I carefully waded through the polluted waters, jauntily holding my bag, more because I was afraid to lose it in the flood than in a hopeless bid to dignify the situation.

Two hours later, I crawled into bed. I did not have to turn the lights off…the electric poles had gone for a swim. A very long one.

This is NOT my work, but I found it amazingly share worthy.
Raphael Uzor Oct 2014
When the big ball upstairs
Has burnt his day's share
And his little sister
Has awoken to shine

When mechanical birds and horses
Have flown to their nests
And the chaos of daylight
Has given way to peace

When the world's voluntary madness
Dissipates into necessary sanity
And the hot unfriendly winds
Sheath their unseen swords

When earth and sky seem to agree
In the stillness of transient dark
Reviving fast-dying hopes
And healing old wounds

When all hell ceases to break loose
Awaiting the rooster's call...
I merry in dreamland
As my tired body sleeps...

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
There was a time when
all times looked the same
passing through seamless
dawn of ageless drain
We sought, fought and
bought our freedom for an ageless price
At a pace that dares not to take away our
endangered race
But what have brought
this craze of dismembering
the maze we felt less safe in.

The incorruptible men who
once calmed the storm
are now cohorts of a demeaning plot.
Their role in a war of stakes
is a gusty grab for the frontline
as they tussle for the ratio of cake
a game they so delight in.
Exhausted in a place which
was once a timeless haven
as their dignity is torn in shreds.
All sorts of glory are lost
still no one feels this is a shared shame.

If only we knew the journey would abort halfway
but the signs were like flare from the start
as sides became drawn in clear spat.
Two hundred and more of our “prized cowries”
got snatched from our land and our leaders
cannot guard our streets because they say
the times are bad and the enemies are back.
Everything get soured and some of us are left behind
as limbs are severed high into the firmament of red horror
We go hash with our tag
twitting and chanting that they restore our girls
bring back our girls-we pray
bring back our girls- we chant
Bemused, the soldiers assure to search our lands
While Boko bomb us out from our very own sands
Tangled, mangled, limbs and bodies get buried in our time.

© Chijioke Izundu P
This is not my work.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2015
Tossed in the shores of time
His teary eyes founder
He finds himself in part
Only to be lost in full...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014


               ­        O

­         S

                          ­       I


               ­                                N
                 ­                        T


                 ­      !
This is not a poem
I'm just having fun ;-)
Raphael Uzor May 2014
If Jesus spoke in parables
Then Jesus was a poet
For who speaks in parables
But one so named "Poet"?*

© Raphael Uzor
Just my thoughts...
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Jesus was a Carpenter
Enthroned without a coup d'état
Never drove a Cadillac
He lived, as it were, in lack!

With so little, He was contented
Though He was frequently tempted
All the worldliness of the world
He always overcame with the Word!

King of kings and Lord of lords
He redeemed us from the laws
By His pure and cleansing blood
He has saved us from the flood!

His steps in life should be our course
Each bearing his and her own cross
Our hands and voices we must raise
To worship Him and give Him praise!

© Raphael Uzor
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5:3)
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Meet me on my knees
In my very point of needs

Cause me to tremble
In Your presence, your holy temple

Bestow on me Your blessings
Adorned with divine lessons

Dip me in the Blood
The precious, that calms every flood

Lift me and raise me up
All the way to the top

Remove my wicked heart
Replace with one colorful as art

Tis my humble prayer Lord
Take it and give me Your Word!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
Every night...
Our prayers float towards heaven
Like a million bubbles in a wine glass
Ascending gradually through space
Culminating in the white cloud above
Eventually dissipating into thin air
Giving hopes of answered prayers
Amidst bubbles of faith and doubt
Against pulls of gravity and fears...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jul 2014
Telling God about my problems
Telling problems about my God*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Problem** with problems...
Is, they will cause more problems...
Till problems get solved!
I tried to do a 2 in 1 here. Haiku+10w
Hope I pulled it off!
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
I can't love two women at once,
Does that mean I don't have a large heart?*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Jesus never complained**
Should we?

Complaining has never solved a problem, it only compounds!
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
We wake...
We work...
We return...

Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
If we...
Can't die for life,
Should we be alive?*

Dedicated to fallen heroes who have laid down their lives for others- the military, police etc. May their deaths never be in vain!
Raphael Uzor Sep 2015
From sweet talking for hours
Their friendship slowly turned sour
And with each passing night
Their talks gave way to fights

Her voice was once music to him
And when she spoke, he heard la, la, la
But arguments defiled her hymn
Now all he hears is bla, bla, bla...

She had nothing but good intentions
And dreamed of a life of bliss
But he dwelled on her imperfections
All because he'd lost his peace

Spontaneous, wild and free
She was everything he was not
He stood firm, rigid as a tree
And all she dreamed came to naught!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jul 2014
You have saved my life
'Cos amid countless heartbreaks
You're my pacemaker...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
My life began
When I realized it
"I am nothing!"*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
She wins...
She always does

After a long busy stay
From missing her all day
I go home to her
And she's there, she's always there,
Patient, soothing and tender
Luring me to bed...
As I fight her charms,
Trying to stay up; workaholic impulse raging!

I win...
For a moment or so

Daring to focus
For a couple more hours
Desperate not to give in
At least not without a fight.
She peeks out from our bedroom
Sneaking up from behind,
As I snooze momentarily
But I can't win this fight, there's no use trying!

Accepting defeat, I embrace her
Letting her caress me

She entraps me all night
I'm lost, against my will
I know I'll wake up guilty,
Wishing I could send her away
But I'm stuck with her for life
And she takes so much of my time
Time I could use for work
But no, she won't let go; not when I always yield!

And no, she's not my wife
She's not even my girlfriend
Not some girl from across the street
Just a nobody, named Sleep!

© Raphael Uzor
What were you thinking?
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
You smile at me- uneasy!
Suppressing the frown underneath
You sigh and you say nothing
Not a single word you bare!

Your face is smeared with scorn
Your silent words are cruel
Stabbing repeatedly with pain
Yet, you're too nice to say.

Your words would have been harsh
But your silent words are venom
You haven't said a word
But your eyes, they reveal volumes.

Why the difficulty in speech?
Why the patronage and deceit?
If only I could read your mind...
If only I could hear your heart...

It would tell of how I repulse you
Of I embarrass you in public
Of how you hate the hugs I crave
Of how far apart we've strayed!

But why the silent regrets?
Why paint a dead flower red?
For the words you dread to say
Are softer than the silence you sway!

I know you mean well for you
But you're just afraid I'd hurt
Afraid to rip my heart in two
When your silence has crushed to dust!

A little openness if you cared,
Could have left us bound as friends
A little honesty could have saved me
But we've both died in your silence!*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor May 2014
Like crystal sand pebbles
Washed away from seashore
Like shooting stars in space
Propelled out of the night sky

Our beautiful black pearls
Young and innocent and ambitious
Full of life, full of tomorrow
Were stolen away in daylight
Away from unnatural habitats
Away from unsafe clusters
Away from our sleepy watchful eyes
Loosing their buoyancy
To the same fearsome monsters
That have plagued the land much
Bursting balloons at parties
Bringing mayhem as they visit
Making our warriors look childish
Forcing help from the world over.

The sun has gone to sleep
The moon has loomed too long
But to hope, we will cling
Till we find our lost pebbles…

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Feb 2014
Strange woman, cheerful and chase
Charming as cheerleaders, choosy with cheese
Attractive, pleasing, ballsy and proud
But she'll crash you down to the ground.

Strange woman, fine as flour
Free as fire, and fair as flowers
Luring, tempting, **** and all
But she'll break your body and soul.

Strange woman, soft as silk
Sleek as snakes, and sweet as sweets
Alluring, teasing, luscious as oil
But she'll wreck your marital spoils.

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by Proverbs 5
Dedicated to all married men.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
"They got...
Sick and tired
Of being...
Sick and tired!"
10w Coined from Fannie Lou Hamer's quote
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Its an addiction...

When you relish every word
And see beauty in written lines,
Seeing them romance each other
While everyone see paragraphs.

Its an addiction...

When you idolize pens like brush
And adore papers like canvas,
When you see things in 4D
In a three dimensional world!

Its an addiction...

When you see colorful shades of gray
While everyone sees blacks and whites,
When you see words come alive
And embark on every poetic voyage.

Its an addiction...

When everything is beautiful
Be it tragic, happy or vague,
As long it's expressed in words
In a seamless, caressing way!

Its an addiction...

When you peek into Hellopoetry
When you know you should be working,
When you see poetry in everything
And must hurry to write and share.

It's an addiction...*

When you read these lines of mine
And proceed to click ♥
Yes! I am deeply addicted!
And no! I do not need a shrink!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor May 2014
Round tables      and cocktails
Cuisines and   Champagne
Candles and moonlight
Whispers and laughter
Tuxedos and dresses
Flowers and kisses
Jazz and piano
You and I*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
I saw her once in passing
Once only!
But once was enough
For I never stopped seeing her
She was everywhere
She was everyone

All day, all night
My heart gave her no rest
Tirelessly and aimlessly
She roamed through my mind

For days and weeks and months
Our paths never crossed again
I was grieved!
I should have made my move then

But how could I?
How do I approach such beauty?
With what would I catch her fancy?
Why should such perfection, regard me?

Would I ever see her again?
Was she gone forever?
The thoughts made me nauseous,
Made me sweat and shiver all at once.

Time passed
And she faded with it
She was gone forever.
I will never see her again
I dwell on more concrete thoughts now
As I leave the office, famished.

Entering a cafe
I spot a familiar figure by the bar
All fatigue and hunger flee-
She's the one!

I approach her,
As the DJ plays something soft
I forge on,
Fighting my greatest fear.

With a husky voice that barely made it out,
"Hello", I whisper
She turns, facing me squarely
Eyes so lovely, piercing my being.
Eternity must have passed, cos she awoke me
"Yes?" She blurted
I gawk for a moment, then I stutter,
"I, I **** at pick-up lines, but can I have this dance?"
She smiles!
Revealing perfectly crafted, white teeth (unlike mine)
Increasing my already rapid heartbeat
As she offers her left hand,
And I take it in my right
And lead her to the dance floor,
Praying for God's mercy and grace.

I awake again- from my trance
As the music fades
Determined, I stop right behind her
And as I dare to open my mouth...
A muscular dude snatches her from the side
Turning, she hugs him and they kiss.

I swallow hard!
Wanting to be him.
Unsure of what to do next, I sit by her
The bartender salutes me
"Nah" I mutter, as I stand to leave; feeling stupid.

I take one more look at her, probably my last
As she giggles lovingly
In the arms of another
Oblivious of my existence

My heart burns
As the DJ plays a familiar tune-
James Blunt's You are Beautiful
I leave the cafe
Sad as ever, as reality dawns
No use dreaming further
She's in love with another
She will never be mine
She's gone for life!

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by James Blunt's *You are Beautiful*.
Dedicated to all shy guys who admire secretly, afraid to express.  Just do it! She won't bite.
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
In the course of a lifetime
We would have asked "what if...?"
Some, a hundred times
Some, a thousand times
Others, a million times.

"What if I don't make it?"
"What if she doesn't love me?"
"What if he leaves me?"
"What if the stock market crashes?"
"What if America is nuked?"

Usually, we focus on important issues
Often, overlooking the most important
What if we asked better "what if's"?
Like; "what if I die tonight?"
"What if I don't make heaven?"

© Raphael Uzor
Accept Jesus today, I beg u...!
Raphael Uzor Aug 2015
Her barefoot feels it again
For the third night in a row…
Something cold and fluid
On an even colder floor
As she raced to the kitchen
Prepping for the day ahead
She almost slips, she’s furious
But it’s not in her to curse.

Her mind is wrapped in issues
As she stares up at the ceiling
No signs of rain, no leakage
But how does the floor get wet?
She sips and smells her coffee
And steps into her slippers
She grabs a mop and bucket
And points ******* in blame.

“Did Tom, my love, spill water?”
Not a chance, he’s too careful
Fastidious and disciplined,
He’d mop it before it spilled!
She’d lay the blame on Tracy
And presume that Tracy peed
But cats are not that messy
As Tracy’s three years had proved.

She starts to get too worried
But decides its not worth it
Once again, she lets it slide
For the third night in a row…

But less than an hour ago
He wakes up from a nightmare
Same nightmare that has plagued him
For the third night in a row…
He slides out of bed slowly
He watches her for a while
She sleeps in peace like a baby
Why can’t he sleep like her?

He sneaks out of their bedroom
To his newfound grieving spot
Three steps to the kitchen door
He falls apart in gloom
He’s in pain, pain unbearable!
Unlike anything he’s seen
After many years in the army
He’s been through thick and thin.

He relives the angst of confession
As he said those dreaded words
“Honey, I cheated on you.”
And shut his eyes for the BANG!
He’d hoped for fire and brimstone
And expected nothing less
But her reply was calm and casual
“I’ve known, and I forgive you.”

Shocked at her eerie response
He died a million times!
He watched for signs of withdrawal
And a possible divorce suit
But after years of waiting
He unforgives himself, and
For the third night in a row…
He cries himself to death!

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand

Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize your neighborhood

And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down

Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell

The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years

And grisly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom

And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver

For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller*

© Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's Thriller remains one of my favorite music videos of all time.
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
By day she was,
A bouquet of red roses
Sultry with honey
Smelling of divine ambrosia
Giving more than I dreamed...

By night she was,
A bouquet of dead roses
Covered in cobweb
Smelling of poison and death
Taking more than she gave...*

© Raphael Uzor
Beware of such "gifts"
Raphael Uzor Feb 2014
From the innocent purity of white
To the hopeful friendliness of yellow

The emotional tenderness of pink
The elegant femininity of lavender

The passionate strength of red
The warm flamboyance of orange

The natural generosity of green
The royal nobility of purple

The peaceful serenity of blue
The durable simplicity of brown

The reliable dignity of gray
Or the deep mystery of black

Whatever your true colours are
Be proud and let them shine!

© Raphael Uzor
Every color has a negative side too
But I believe in seeing the good in people.
So I focus on peoples' strengths
And try to downplay their weaknesses.
Raphael Uzor Jul 2014
Sometime today...

I look up at the sky
It is cloudy and dark
Flickers of lightning
And growling of thunder
Threatening the day's work
With uninvited wet showers
Bad for business, these rains
Keeping our customers indoors
Filling our potholes to the brim
Drenching our zeal to work
I look, as the drops fall down
In their multitudes
Clattering against my window
Bearing down on my roof
Intent on washing away my hopes
I miss the sunshine and its rays
I miss the warmth of sunrise
I miss the comfort of sunset
And with all my heart
I loathe the rain
Yearning for the sun
Soon a remembrance is awaken.

Somewhere in the past...

I looked up at the sky
It was sunny and dry
Debris of dusty winds
And a hot tempered sun
Worsening the day's labor
With unfriendly heat waves
Bad for farming, this heat!
Keeping our seedlings underground
Drying our boreholes to the bottom
Smoking our will to work
I sweated, as the rays blazed
In their fury
Burning through my window
Melting down my roof
Determined to roast my vision
I missed the rain and its showers
I missed the chills of the storms
I missed the drizzles of dew
And with all my might
I despised the sun
Praying for the rains
As if that would quench my thirst!

Yet I wish it away as soon as it comes...*

© Raphael Uzor
Insatiability of man's desires...
I couldn't decide on a title for this one, so I titled it undecided.
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
It rains heavily...
Roofs leaking, water seeping

Bless'd against my will...
As the tropical storms rage

Causing chaotic...
Rattled windows, doors and gates

All over the house...
Creating theatrical effects

As lightning flashes...
And thunder follows behind

Children play outside...
Trivializing the weather

A good one for sleep...
Except for the leaking roofs

New holes emerging...
Brings to mind a nursery rhyme,

"Rain, rain go away,
Come again another day"

Back then reasons were...
"Little children want to play"

I can't help but sigh!
With the aftermath in view...

Soaked beds, sheets and drapes...
Smelly rugs for days to come

Wrecked roofs and ceilings...
Flooded streets mixed with sewage.

Showers of blessings indeed!

© Raphael Uzor
Inspired by the unbearable living conditions of the poor in the slums of Nigeria. My heart bleeds at the indifferent attitude of the government and the elite class.
Raphael Uzor Jun 2014
Like black and white keys of a piano
Her heartbeat matched my solo chords
Together, our sync created music
Without lyrics, verses or chorus
But rich in unvoiced harmony
Singing our emotions to sleep
Amidst crescendos of fights
And playful passions...*

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Nov 2014
Oft I'm asked, "Why love to walk,
To and fro' your daily work?"
First of all, it saves me money,
Calms my nerves and thins my body!*

© Raphael Uzor
Walk more, its good for your health!
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
I sit and I think
Seeking a poetic opening
Daring to write my masterpiece

I haven't written in a while
At least, nothing worthy of a "Like"
Such poetic redundancy!

I read lines from other poets
Brilliant! Wonderful!! Astonishing!!!
How inspiring, how sweet!

So now must I write
And retain my rightful place
Among the nobles- called Poets!

Life was good- mundane!
Then came poetry- exciting!!
And now it's dwindling- Oh no!!!

Putting pen to paper
I scribble for hours, still nothing
I'm losing it, I freeze at the thought.

I'm sorry to disappoint you
But this is not a poem
For I sought it, but didn't find it.

For poetry is like a chick
Elusive when sought
Flirtatious when shunned.

So, must I wait
Not seeking to find her
But surrendering, for her invasion.

© Raphael Uzor
No inspiration!
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