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Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
Water for breakfast
Nothing for lunch
Like hungry outcasts
They scramble for much

No salads, no cakes
Just a day's plate
No chicken, no wine
They hunger and dine

"What is for supper?"
"A plate of sand,
Mixed with a little rice"
They feed with hand

They're hungry, they're pale
They don't need much
The soup we call stale
Will provide such!

© Raphael Uzor
Help the needy.
Raphael Uzor Mar 2014
We blame our fathers
We call them traitors
We wish they had fought
We analyze and criticize!

But; while we slept

Our villages were attacked
Our houses were ransacked
Our lives… shattered!

Under our noses
Our heroes fell,
Like petals of roses.

While we made merry

Our women were *****
Our girls were enslaved
Our maidens… depraved!

Under our watch
Our cattle were looted
Our farms were torched.

While we fraternized

Our children were slaughtered
Our youths were murdered
Our species… endangered!

How long shall we segregate?
While they usurp our heritage.
How long, till our place in history
Becomes a “Once upon…” story?

© Raphael Uzor
Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
What I thought was love
Was really just head knowledge
Love is way deeper!

Such grace, undeserved!
Too obscure for mere mortals
God's agape LOVE!

Loving me beyond my will-
And without merit!

Loving me dearly,
He instilled His love in me
Letting me love Him...*

© Raphael Uzor
The subject of love has been gravely adulterated due to gross frivolity!

— The End —