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I had coffee with myself from 10 years ago. We both ordered the same thing: a grandé white mocha.

As I sit down, I see the sadness in his eyes; the same sadness I remember all too well. I want to tell him that it gets better, but I can't bring myself to lie.

We both sit in silence, but the emptiness of noise between us tells each of us all we need to know. Finally, he asks me a question. "Are we married yet?"

I tell him no, we're still single, not even dating. When he asks me why, I tell him the truth: because I don't believe in love anymore; because I don't believe it can happen to me, so I stopped giving it out so freely.

He's shocked and disappointed. Love is all he knows. It's why he does everything he does, it's what makes him who he is. If we don't have love, then what else is there? What's the point?

So, I tell him that all the love I had left died when dad did. But he can't bring himself to admit how sad that makes him feel. He's too mad at dad right now for being unfair, for not being there when he needed him. He doesn't understand the sacrifices being made, the demons being fought.

After a bit of silence, he asks how Dad died, but first he assumes that he went peacefully, surrounded by family and friends, that we all got the time and closure we needed. He asks me if we ever made up with Dad and got along.

With a tear in my eye, I tell him no. There was no grand gathering, and no one got any closure. It was sudden and it devastated us, so I'm the provider now. He asks how I provide for two households. I laugh lightly and say that I don't. We never got to make our own life.

He asks about work. I tell him that we've been through some adventures in the jobs we've had and the friends we've made. There's a good amount of money, but it still sadly isn't enough for everything. So, he asks why I don't look for something better. I change the subject.

Next, he asks about our health. He sees the changes, the wear and tear on my face. Our health was something we were once proud of and took seriously. Before I can answer, he sees the monsters in my eyes. The ones I face every day. He's petrified. I tell him it's okay, we're making it. I don't tell him about the disease, the scary hospital visits, the testing and procedures that we go through. I don't tell him about 2018, or the darkness and trauma that comes with it.

I see a light in my younger self's eyes that isn't there anymore in mine. He's so hurt and longing for more, but he doesn't realize what he has; he doesn't understand true loss yet. He'd be happy if he'd quit being so stubbornly sad.

I smile a sad smile at him and tell him the good news: we make an impact, a real difference, in people's lives. Not many, but enough. That's what makes everything worth it. There's a lot of loss and pain, but also a lot of laughter. We become so strong and courageous that the monsters eventually don't scare us anymore. God becomes a bigger presence in our lives.

As my coffee cup empties, I bid him goodbye, and tell him to tell a better story when he's the one sitting in my place at the table. As I walk away, I feel a part of him taken with me, and I feel a part of me left with him.

Neither of us will be the same. But we'll be okay, because we have to be.
I've seen a trend of people doing this, and I thought it would be therapeutic for me to do too.
Jul 2024 · 1.5k
The Woman Made of Stars
You've been my biggest fan, my ever-glowing, shining light
Showing me the way and how to do what's right
There are those that wonder, and ask me where I get my strength
I get my bravery from you, someone who would go to any length
I am the man I am because you taught me how to be
Without your love around, I do not think I could be me
These words may seem small, and they don't say what I want well
My gratefulness for you is something words could never tell
I thought I would try to write at least a couple bars
It is the least that I could do, for the woman made of stars
Whose heart has traveled galaxies; whose soul has traversed dimensions
I know that raising me was difficult, yet you always had the best intentions
Though the evenings may turn dark, there is always light in the dawn
No matter what happens, or where I may go, I am blessed to call you Mom
You say you love me to the moon and back, and I love you to Mars
Please consider this a birthday gift, to the woman made of stars
A poem for my mom on her birthday today. It's the first one after my dad's passing in April.
Jun 2024 · 1.6k
Poem for Dad
The days go by so slowly, but the weeks fly right on by
Echoes of you everywhere, and all my heart knows is to cry
The emptiness without you is almost too much to bear
With a pain this intense, my best and only tool is prayer

It takes all that I have in the morning to just get out of bed
I keep thinking of all the regrets and other things not said
They say that time heals all wounds, but I do not think this one will
The world just keeps on spinning, when it feels like it should be still

Every night I go to sleep, thinking I will see you tomorrow
Then reality hits me when I awake, and I struggle with the sorrow
This was not supposed to happen, and certainly not this way
But if I were to see you again, what would I even say?

We stayed so distant because we both needed our own space
Yet all I feel are hurt and regret, now that you're in another place
Are you looking down on me, watching me from above?
If all I feel is grief, does that mean I feel your love?

I have so many questions, the main one being, "Why?"
Why did you have to leave us, and why could we not say goodbye?
Did you think that you were sparing me, to take away my begs and pleas?
I still want more time, and for us to make new memories

The house feels so empty now, without your presence around
I listen for your voice, and your heart in every sound
Can you come stay with us, and sit with me for a while?
I would do almost anything, if I could get to see you smile

These are the words that came to mind, and they don't feel like enough
But it is too hard to think that clearly when dealing with something this tough
I keep expecting you to come back, to say it was all just a scheme
That it was some secret plot, or even just a dream

You would walk up from your office and sit down in your seat
I would hug you tightly and just listen to your heart beat
I would yell at you for leaving us, and bury my head in your chest
You would say that you just needed time, because you were so stressed

But since that is not reality, no, just my wishful thinking
Instead I look to the night sky, and notice the stars that are twinkling
I will pick one of those, and choose to believe it is you
Because as much as I am hurting, I am sure you miss us too

So I will do my best to be a man, and soldier on without you
For no matter what anyone else may think, I will always talk about you
I will never stop hurting, this just means we had a lot of love
I cannot wait to embrace you, when we join you up above

Mom and I will be okay, you do not need to worry
The love of God is with us, the author of our story
For although this chapter hurts, and there are tear stains on the page
I will remember you in every sentence, and with the coming of every age

For to have had a father in this world, it truly was a blessing
You are no longer in pain; there is no more hurt or stressing
We may have had our differences, but I was lucky to call you dad
I see it all too clearly now: you were the best I could have had
My father passed away on April 4th, 2024 at 1:27am. It was a big shock to us all and we're still devastated. It doesn't feel real. I tried my best to put it into words but I honestly don't feel like it does it justice. I miss him so much.
Jan 2024 · 564
If These Paws Could Write
If these paws could write, I would tell you thank you. For my food bowl, for the water bowl, for the treat bowl I loved ever so.

If these paws could write, they would tell you how much I loved your warm clothes from the dryer. The way you held me in your lap while I slept. I would write about how much I loved being your baby.

If these paws could write, they would write about how you saved my life and gave me a second chance. I would write unending about how I could fit in the palm of your hand, and how you gifted me with sight that I would not otherwise have had.

If these paws could write, they would tell you how grateful I am that I got to see you and to be loved by you; how wonderful to have become part of such a large family, and to be surrounded by my own kind and people that loved me.

If these paws could write, I would write you a sonnet that Shakespeare could never dream of. I would tell you how happy I was to make biscuits in your lap, and how you put up with my sharp claws that dug into you with love because I felt safe.

If these paws could write, I would write to you about how happy I am now: to be free of pain, to be able to see without any problems, and to be with my sister, brothers and nephew again.

If these paws could write, I would tell you this: do not be sad because I am gone, but be thankful that I was here. Cry if you need to, but not for too long. I understand that goodbyes are hard, but you will see me again. Don't let your heart get so heavy, that you don't let another in.

And since these paws do not write, I will say that I love you, and my last word will be the first one I said to you:

We had three of our cats pass away unexpectedly, and the most recent was this morning. I cried writing this because I am overwhelmed with grief. We all are, and we're trying to figure out what's going on. It's hard to see the light at the end when it just keeps getting pushed further back. It really hurts so much, and I just had to cope with it somehow, so I wrote this for my mom, from the perspective of the cat we lost this morning, Midnight. Prayers appreciated.
Jul 2023 · 1.3k
Echoes of Grief
Though you've left me, lost not found
It is your voice I hear around
Silence of sound permeates this room
A life remembered, hearts filled with gloom
All friends and family gathered 'round
I can't bring myself to make a sound
A love undying; a heart felt broken
I lie awake with arms wide open
In the dead of night, I witness your embrace
I feel your breath upon my face
I dream once, and dream again
Your love I feel, though not like then
As these ghosts of our love surround
My memories open my heart abound
Echoes of our love remain
Grief and silence, sound and pain
Those sapphire roses that I once bought
Say thee nothing, they were for naught
All the thoughts of which I find
The echoes of your essence remind
I see you not, but hear you there
Though in my mind, you're everywhere
A love as ours shall remain long and true
Even with only echoes of you
May 2020 · 1.9k
The Phoenix and the Dragon
As the Phoenix rose from her ashes
And the Dragon silenced his roar
The distant lighting flashes
And he swoons as he watches her soar
For he had seen never something so bright
She burned with a fire that could not be doused
In this the Dragon felt contrite
And all her enemies the Phoenix would roust
She had this way about her, something so soothing and warm
Legend told of her beauty and intensity
And how she could calm every storm
The Dragon enjoyed her propensity
He found her beautiful, alluring and strong
The Dragon was mesmerized by her brilliance
She sang such a beautiful song
She exalted such resilience
The Dragon could not help but sing along
Though the Phoenix may have her battles, she will always win the war
For the Dragon sees the warrior
And her magic quiets his roar
So the Dragon is no longer a worrier
She moves in a way that's enticing
With every move that she makes
The Dragon will never abandon her
No matter how hard the ground quakes
The Phoenix is a one of a kind
An answer to a prayer
There is no greater light that the Dragon could find
Than the beauty of the Phoenix's flare
Apr 2020 · 483
Been There Before
When you met her, she melted you with her words
She soothed your aching heart
Made the dragon inside you cower in fear
She brought you hope and became your light in the dark
You fell for her, hard and fast
Because that's what you do
That's how your heart works
Should that be considered your fault?
The way you feel, so intense, so unrelenting?
It isn't hers, and you know that, so why are you hurt?
You didn't listen, you never do
Because you're fooled by illusions that you create for yourself
Imaginations of a life that could never be
She's in love with someone else
How can she possibly care for you the way that you do for her?
It's not her fault, so don't be upset
You can't help but wonder if you really mean anything at all
Because you've been here before, haven't you?
Yeah, you have, several times
You're so used to being the other guy
A place for the hurt to run away
And seek shelter from their pain
Even now, deep inside somewhere you're hoping
That somehow in the future things might change
But you know all too well how futile that is
Because you've been there before
Yeah, you still remember that night in that apartment
You knew better but couldn't resist
And all you were to her was a pawn to make HIM jealous
Should it be your fault that you gave that woman something you can never get back?
It didn't matter how many times you gave her the answer, she kept asking
"No" was not something she wanted to hear, so what did you do?
You cracked, because you didn't want to make her mad
You felt like you were doing something wrong by saying no
Because men are supposed to always be consenting, remember?
In your mind, you thought you were easing her pain
But really she was causing yours
Four years later and it still haunts you
You're afraid of getting that close to someone again
But she wasn't the last
Because she wasn't the first
Let's talk about someone more recent
Nine years of knowing this other woman and you thought she really cared
Boy she had you so fooled for so long
You always thought that once HE was gone, it could work
But then he was
And you were too
And she didn't even look back
Not once
Not even when you reached out
Because you gave her what she wanted
And all she did was take
So now you're just left thinking
Any love for you must be fake
You're cursed, aren't you?
Placed under a spell
To constantly love a living hell
All you want is love
Just somebody to hold
But it's been more trouble than it's worth
That's why when a familiar face returned, you fell so hard and fast
Boy you must have hit your head on the way down
Because you know that no one could love you like that
A brother, a friend, a close friend
But that's all because of who you are
You've heard it all before
A great guy, easy to talk to, anyone would be lucky to have you
But there's always another guy
You're just the place to run away
And that's all you'll ever be
Because even though you feel so strong for her
And even though you're left wondering if maybe it's even more than just strong feelings
You know deep down that you'll just be alone
Never a place to rest your head
But you didn't want just anybody
You wanted her
But you have to respect her wishes
You don't DARE step a single foot across that line
Because you've done that before too
When you gave what you can't get back
She'll move on and love on and she should
You are not her responsibility
Even though it hurts and it aches and you might feel a little crushed
You can't possibly be mad at her because it isn't her fault
She's special in ways you can't even describe
And you don't want to lose her at all
So even if you are just a place to run away
You want to be that for her
Because you love her, don't you?
You're saying no, you don't, you just think you do
Maybe you're right
Probably best she doesn't know
Yeah, it's just a crush, that's all
It hurts but you'll move on and find someone else
And she'll love someone else too
Because you've been there before
And you'll be there again
Just pure emotion. Parts of it rhyme but it was more of a throw out how I'm feeling and see what sticks kind of expression. It's the inner voice talking to me saying what I feel to myself.
Jan 2016 · 2.5k
The Wolf and The Hunter
I am sorry that I scared you, Sir
It was not my intent
I'm just looking for my family, Sir
I do not know where they went
Have you seen my family, Sir?
Do you know where they are?
I am just a young pup, Sir
On my own I won't get far
What is that you're holding, Sir?
Can it help me find my parents?
I don't want to hurt you, Sir
Have you no forbearance?
What about my brother, Sir?
And the way we used to dance?
I could not fight you, Sir
I never stood a chance
I do not understand, Sir
I am but an errant youth
Why would you do this, Sir?
Please tell me the truth
How was I to know it, Sir?
That I had gone too far?
I can't see the borders, Sir
I don't know where they are
I would never hurt you, Sir
Why are you still lying?
My young life is now fading, Sir
And now I lay here dying
But I can't help but wonder, Sir
What did I possibly do wrong?
You came into my home, Sir
Somewhere you did not belong
I can see my mother, Sir
She is in the sky up ahead
I thought about staying, Sir
But I think I'll go instead
I'm sorry that I scared you, Sir
It was not my intent
But now I know the secret, Sir
You do know where they went
This poem represents a hunter killing a young wolf because he was afraid. I wrote it to help fight wolf hunting, if even by only a little.
Dec 2014 · 6.6k
Whisper, Wolf
Whisper, wolf
Cry as you first open your eyes
As you see the world for the very first time
The world breathes to you
It welcomes you in
Whisper, baby wolf

Whisper, wolf
Fumble and fall through your youth
Shoot for the stars with your eyes
Energy as of the stars
A soul made of sunlight
Whisper, young wolf

Whisper, wolf
Changes are coming for your world
Feel your paws start to ache and grow
Confusion of the world around you
It seems to breathe a different way
Whisper, growing wolf

Whisper, wolf
You've grown through your troubles
Though their echoes torment you so
She looks at you differently now
And you are so misunderstood
Whisper, adolescent wolf

Whisper, wolf
Walk through the chapters
Howl softly to the night
Lay your head beside her
As you dream and wander ever still
Whisper, lost wolf

Whisper, wolf
Trust was not always there
Some wolves were made to run
More beautiful things await you
Though the pain blinds you so
Whisper, heartbroken wolf

Whisper, wolf
Speak softly to the world
You see a familiar face today
Though it is not your own
You look to their soul
Whisper, father wolf

Whisper, wolf
They grow as they follow
As they are led through the night
Guidance is provided where it once was empty
The pack is stronger now
Whisper, proud wolf

Whisper, wolf
For today is the day of farewells
You wonder if your efforts were enough
The moon seems to look to you
And it looks to say that it loves you
Whisper, sad, sad wolf

Whisper, wolf
That old pain comes back again
She's in a better place now
You feel lost in the woods again
Though you know you are not alone
Whisper, crying wolf

Whisper, wolf
Your pack gathers around you
For today is the day of your final goodbye
Though it is not you crying this day
You rejoice for the opportunity
Whisper, dying wolf

Whisper, wolf
For you are home now
Your troubles are finally behind you
You are with her again
The cubs grow in the steps of your paws
Whisper, sleeping wolf
Jun 2014 · 473
You left me to rot in a dark, cold place
There were cuts on my arm, and tears on my face
I believed every lie that you ever said
And I believed, that I'd be better off dead
But now I know, from talking to my shadow
You were a liar; a thief among the callow

All the cuts and bruises on my heart
I sat there bleeding and falling apart
Waiting under the cold, rainy weather
Looking for someone to stitch me back together
Now that seems so long ago, so very far away
I've come so far, to get where I am today
I let go of the past and embraced the pressure
I've finally stitched myself back together
Oct 2013 · 730
Passionate Depths
The heat of our passion could reach the skies
Diving into the depths of your beautiful eyes
Moving between the worlds together
I will be yours forever
They always move to higher ground
While you and I stay lost in the sound
A flood delivered to my door
My heart and mind fought at war
Saving grace came just in time
I can't believe you're really mine
Worlds around us falling apart
All that matters is our fixed hearts
A kiss on your lips so soft and sweet
Our love burning through the sheets
You and me lost loving in it all
Making our own heat in the coolness of fall
For every heartbeat, for every single kiss
Your passion and heart loving me like this
We'll love all night just like it's a sin
Then in the morning we'll wake up do it all again
You and me forever after
Speaking our minds and dying of laughter
The heat of our passion could reach the skies
Diving into the depths of your beautiful eyes
Moving between the worlds together
I will be yours forever
Jul 2013 · 664
She's made of diamonds but breaks like paper
All because it seems like everyone hates her
She picks up the pen and she writes on her skin
A language that she'll have to hide again
Nobody knows it and it doesn't show
Her teachers and family wonder, though
A girl so pretty with eyes so wide
Still feels so much pain inside
She dresses up those pearly white teeth
While nobody sees the pain underneath
Lost in the sounds of falling apart
Silently dying from a broken heart
Her long sleeves cover that scarred up page
No one should feel that at such a young age
She takes a deep breath and rolls up her sleeve
She bares her heart on the paper aggrieve
This poem is to promote awareness for self-harm. Please, if you or anyone you know is struggling, fight it. Find a way to get help. There is help out there, and they won't judge you; they won't treat you different. You have to stop sometime. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Life is a song - don't walk away in the middle of it.
Jul 2013 · 699
I Remember
Through every snow and every flame
I always hear you call my name
In the shadows of what's left
You stole my heart, they call it theft
For every soul and every tear
I love you without a fear
In the ocean or in the sky
I will watch you swim or fly
Let not go your sweet, sweet heart
Thus I shall love thy every part
Through the storm and in the rain
You always calmed my pain
Though the world may seem so cold
And thunder strikes as days grow old
Tornadoes swirl and send us far
I always know right where you are
Miles and distance mean not a thing
Although you are caged, I hear you sing
No bird in hand, nor rose in garden
Shall match the fruit of true love's bargain
Of your sweet oranges I have touched
And from your love, I've grown so much
My heart was lost in time and space
But then the tears fell from your face
I was lost and now I'm found
Of your love I was once crowned
Passion blooms in the strangest places
But back and forth, my love still paces
I walk the floor and shan't let go
For you are the best I shall ever know
In your eyes there lies the stars
They lead me back to where you are
Prayers transcend with help divine
I remember when you were mine
Jul 2013 · 585
The storm has calmed, but the rain is still falling
Deep in the sorrow, I am so desperately calling
I miss you more than what words can say
I think of your voice every single day
You carried me through fire
Through wind and through rain
But you're not here
To carry me through this pain
Locked away is what we once knew
Although our love may have abruptly ended
Still I hope that it shall become mended
Through time and through space
I await your sweet kiss
It is your voice and beautiful face
That I do ever so miss
No emerald or diamond
No silver or gold
Could match what in my arms
I did so closely hold
You spread your wings and you flew away
But I still hope you'll come back some day
I made you a vow, to part not death til
And know this sweet angel: I love you still.
Nov 2011 · 955
The Ghost Of You
What's it like where you are?
Are you living inside someone else's heart?
Thanks for giving me
All that you could
But still I'm wondering
If I even understood

What you wanted, what you said
Can you speak beyond the dead?
There's still so much we have to do
But all I have now
Is the ghost of you

I keep on living, but not like before
I still smell your perfume, I still hear you pace the floor
There are so many things
I never got to say
And I don't want to be selfish
But I need you to stay

I still see you, standing in the hallway
I still hear you, singing the night away
Tell me, who I am, what to do
I'd have unending conversations
With the ghost of you

Dear God I'm sorry for all I couldn't be
And I know you're still right next to me
It hurts, but I know that you can't stay
So go on, fly away
To a more peaceful view
And I'll always remember
The ghost of you

I feel your lips touch mine
Just for one last time
I hear you softly say you love me
And that you'll always be right above me
No matter where you go, no matter where you are
Forever you'll live on inside my heart
A love like ours is forever true
So I'll always have the ghost of you
Sep 2011 · 597
Mirror, Mirror
Mirror Mirror, tell me why
That all my heart knows is goodbye
Lonely flowers cannot grow
And what you feel, I can not know
I'll be here waiting in the stars
Right where you left my heart
A thousand stitches to my mind
Shattered pieces you left behind
Mirror Mirror, help me now
Bring her back to me somehow
Aug 2011 · 845
They say love is patient
They say love is kind
There's no feeling nor gem
That can match romance divine
They say to love with your being
But you don't hear a caged bird sing
Pace my heart, still my mind
Love is something you leave behind
I love you with my heart, though that's not all
The heart can be broken, so I love you with my soul
Trust me when I tell you, there is Someone up above
If there was not, I could not feel this love
Whispers in the night echo in my ears
When I cry, you're in all my tears
You've wondered how can I love you, and oh how I've yearned
But if there's anything I've learned
Patience is a virtue, more sacred than gold
Temptation may be strong, but on to you I'll always hold
So fall when you're ready, I'll be right here
I'm going nowhere, have no fear
Love as you are, do what you can
And when the time comes, I'll hold your hand
Mar 2011 · 851
Searching for happiness at seventeen
There were few and far in between
Feeling lost and completely left out
But an angel made something sprout
There were logs but they were missing the flame
Then the day came where nothing was the same
I fell for you in this messy town
Didn't know it was a long way down
Every drop of rain fell too
As hard as I did just for you
For a while my whole life was a song
You made me feel as though I belonged
Then there came the day of the storm
Left me all alone and torn
Never loved someone quite that way
If only I could've made you stay
Too fast, too slow
I just didn't know
We passed by in years of quiet
Almost impossible for me to fight it
The flame rekindled deep inside
We left the whole world way outside
Roses blossomed where there were thorns before
You were all I wanted, couldn't possibly want more
Every dream I've had, so real
Promised things I'd never feel
Sudden in darkness, intervention divine
Made me realize you were fine
I found contentment in your joy
Guess I'm just a masochistic boy
Even though before, my heart was broken
To you my heart is always open
Shot by bullets right in the chest
While you're my bullet proof vest
Tonight you will be in my dream
Just like you were at seventeen
This is about the girl I fell in love with in high school. We dated a little while and broke up when I was 16/17. Years later the flame rekindled again and I tried to win her heart. She fell for someone else, and it hurt me a lot. Then I realized, she's happy, and that makes me happy. Now we're really, really close friends.
Nov 2010 · 479
Creature Of The Lost
On a quiet little night in a quaint little room
I feel a little frightened at the darkened loom
And in the distance I hear a screech that pierces the wall
From the vibrations the vases and pictures fall
Insane as I am I inspect the scream
For all I know she could have just had a bad dream
But nightmares don't sleep and the riches aren't enough
She can't be a human; her skin is too rough
I turn around to see what touched me on my arm
From the moment I see him I already feel harm
He bites down so suddenly and the pain transcends
Why do happy beginnings have terrible ends?
Nov 2010 · 531
I Hear You In September
It was a sad day, we were gathered all around
You were laying on the bed, in your favorite evening gown
You made me who I am, and who I always will stay
Touched so many lives, and I miss you to this day
It's hard to be without you, but I'll never say goodbye
I know you were suffering, and now you're learned to fly
Truly you are still with us, guiding us where we should go
I wish you were still with us,  missing you more than anyone can know
When the rain falls from the clouds, I can almost see you there
Every time I am reminded to remain self aware
So glad to have known you, to have something to remember
Your voice echoes out, and I hear you in September
Nov 2010 · 488
The Fire In Her Eyes
Underneath the glistening stars
In a town of love and abandoned cars
We lie on our backs and gaze at fall's season
Our emotions running wild, we don't need a reason
Two young lovers risking it all
Making our own heat in the coolness of fall
Lived all of this new life without a single care
It takes me back when I brush back her hair
I find myself strong, not easy to break
Yet just one simple kiss is all it could take
When my lips touch hers, I feel so insane
At the same time, I know my sanity shall remain
Skin on top of skin, her breath hot on mine
A feeling never felt, but oh so richly divine
Whenever I may be lost, I look in her eyes
She knows quite well I could never tell lies
Now in this closing, I must bid you adieu
I must enjoy these moments, while my freedom still rings true
Nov 2010 · 566
The World
The Earth is not all dead and cold
Wisdom is not always just found in the old
The sky turns black but it always turns blue
Each day presents itself with something else new
In the air you breathe are years of existance
Polluting it are those of nature's resistance
When you can't see the sun, look to the moon
The stars will teach you their melodic tune
The Heavens above are what we seek for down here
Yet it is what we crave that we massively fear
Why can't we wake up to a happier mind?
To retrieve all that innocence long ago left behind?
Once a man asked me if I knew all to be told
I told him "No sir, I am far too old"
Paul T. Shannon Jr
Nov 2010 · 921
Alpha Wolf
The moonlight magic is working its ways
All my perspectives work through a haze
Don't know who I am and not sure what's right
My pack is behind me, I'm not alone in this fight
While I look for guidance and see none before me
I realize then that I'm writing the story
At times I would wish to only be the reader
Then I accept my role as the leader
Whenever I feel lost, I howl it in a song
My ignorance runs dry, the bliss doesn't last long
Often I am sought out, to provide a guiding wind
I ease them away to sail, hoping that their hearts mend
Though I may seem alone, I have all my support
I find all my comfort, when my followers have a fort
So I leave you with this message, and I hope you understand
I've been there myself, and will lend a helping hand
Paul T. Shannon Jr.
Nov 2010 · 647
The Eye Of A Tornado
I hear it again, this storm that I willed
It's too late to fight it, I can feel it all build
What I don't understand is that it's all around me
Where family and loved ones used to surround me
The winds rage on, I feel so alone
The voices cry out, but they all turn to stone
At a loss what to do, I look up above me
Then I finally realize, someone still loves me
Paul T. Shannon Jr.

— The End —