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The written word,
The smitten hurt,
Dance hand in hand,

Step to the silent beat,
Wave your hands at the paper white,
Send me write to my dreams,

~Robert van Lingen
If I could turn back time
I would hit Backspace all day,
Id put on Caps Lock
and SHOUT what I say.

I'd use the whole Alphabet
To tell you hello,
Press seven Numbers
Til you picked up the phone.

I'd Tab through the comments
I didn't want to hear,
And use the Arrow Keys
To drag your body near.

I would Delete the harsh words
I didn't mean to speak,
And Insert the "I love yous"
I before couldn't leak.

I would use Ctrl to
Keep reigns over my heart,
And I would Escape lies
That tore us apart.

I'd Print out your photo
And kiss it goodnight,
Use the Calculator
To check that we were right.

I'd Paint you a picture
of us, you and me,
Then I'd hit Enter
Just so you would see.

Those are the things
I would do in my strife,
If only Backspace
worked in real life.
This is the first poem (that I have a copy of) i wrote that I actually thought was good. I was in seventh grade, twelve years old, and I wrote it for a newspaper competition. I knew it was really great but I didn't think I would beat all other applicants in the state in my age group. So you can imagine my surprise I'm sure when I DID win! That is the first time I was proud of my writing. So this one has a lot of special sentimental value. Thanks for reading.
Love blunt my blade,
Set in stone my firebrand,

And show me a new way.

~Robert van Lingen
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
There will be a morning
Like all the rest
When you turn over and open heavy lids
As you exit slumber you are startled
Because you are alone

You fell asleep alone
Yet you will be surprised
You call out, remembering the lives that once mingled with yours
They can be heard calling back
But they are not calling back to you

You lay in your nest
Wondering how all the birds flew away
When you've barely hatched
Just missing Kevy lately.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
I choke and I panic
Because you can't love me
I claw at the windows of my soul hoping to break one
This stagnant air is suffocating
My prayers are that you aren't the tornado I fear you to be
******* up the remaining parts of me
Spin me around and spit me out
This is what attention is about
No validation
Only violation
Imploding expectations of the girl advertised
She is not the same as the prisoner inside
You can't love me, self
You never will
Thoughts. Late night. Impulsive write.
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
AD Sifford
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
AD Sifford
I wouldn’t ask You to forgive
if I thought that I was worth it
Shut You out, turn around,
I do my own and I feel worthless
But I’m holding to the promise
that I know I don’t deserve
You sent your Son to pay the price for me,
and knowing this has changed my world

Yet it’s not a one-side deal;
Christ washed the blood that I have spilled
but You require that I follow
and obey, to know your Grace
You came to make me not condemned,
so You said, “Go and sin no more.”
If I can’t turn and follow You,
then what was it all for?

Why can’t I give you just a speck
of the wages that I owe
I could never pay You back
I’m a sinner, and You know
You didn’t come to heal the healthy
You didn’t die to pay the wealthy
You came to heal a sinner’s heart,
to wash all sin out from the start

One thing You ask in return,
one tiny little payment:
that I would repent from the life that wasn’t life
and cast it to the grave, spent
That I would rise anew and worship You
That through You I’d be remade
So why is it that I refuse
to give back some of what You paid?

When does apology lose its taste?
Like this I’ll never see your Face
Lord see this darkness in my heart
Cast it out with shame
Fill me with your holy light
Take my lust away
and renew me,
restore me today
|Written Saturday, March 24, 2012|

© 2017 A.D. Sifford
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
AD Sifford
Take it
where I cannot go
Take it
where I cannot follow
Bury it
in the ground,
far below
where it can't be found

Burn it, Lord
all to ash
Pick me up
like shattered glass
Find the pieces
here in me
Take me, now
and crucify me

Because I can't do this
on my own
You know that
You've seen that
You see this
You see me now
in the ground,
not breathing,
lying far beneath,
and grasping
just for air to breathe

Well this dirt on me
has made me see
exactly what I need

So take it, Lord,
all away
Wake me up
to a brand new day
I'm holding up
a yoke of shame
Replace it, God
Don't leave me the same

This load's too much
for me to bear
You see the Truth
in every tear
But I can't turn,
so please come here
And take me to a place
where I can look You in the face
And feel the comfort of your Grace

I long to crucify this sin
I hope that You will take me in
I want to take it
to the grave,
throw it down,
and be remade
(I've tried, I've tried, I've tried)
But I can't do it,
not alone

So I ask You now,
once and for all,
to intercede
for me
I’m asking You, Lord,
just *take it
|Written March 24, 2012|

Still religious and still struggling with addiction at the time this poem was written, it was a prayer of desperation.


© 2017 A.D. Sifford
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
MaryJane Doe
  Are star dust
   And I
The bliss
Of this
Of energy
To survive
We are blessed
At best
To be alive
Are star dust
And I
The bliss
Of this

I'm ever greatful
& Oh so thankful
That you
And I'd collide
Thank You ❤
 Feb 2018 Inkveined
MaryJane Doe
I exhale
  & watch
As you go
  The essence of me
Caught on the window
   A constellation
      Of condensation
       & I trace your name
    Bleeding the meaning
Of true window pane
This has to be the short version. Must expand on this still.
We are a poem,
My mom and I.
But I’ll never let her read it.
We are the kind of poem who laughs over pizza,
And my little brother crawling on the floor.
We share stories of her history,
Each one a fossil,
I try to recreate its towering beast.
But even so,
I can never get a word in.
A mask was created,
As to never let her in,
Block her from meeting the real me.
I crave her acceptance,
But hide through lies.
That’s the kind of poem we are.
I wish we had more in common,
Things we like to do together,
But excuses slither from her tongue,
As if these snakes are second nature to her.
Most nights I dream of what life would’ve been like,
Had I stayed with her,
And the nightmares begin,
Soon I catch myself crying in my sleep.
Because of her,
I am scared of myself,
And any potential for evil I may contain.
This is my least favorite poem,
The kind I wish I could chop off,
But somehow it’s seeded itself into a heart,
And grew there,
A wilted tainted tree which should have never sprouted.
We are a poem,
My mom and I,
But I’ll never let her know.
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