Theres a beauty in a baby, who just opens her eyes and looks up at her mom and gives her this little beautiful smile, lighting up her moms world.
There's a beauty in a little girl who, every time she falls, she gets up, shakes it off, runs to her mom, gives her a big hug and continues doing what she was doing.
There's a beauty in a teenage lady who struggles with puberty; school, broken hearts, insecurity and even pimples, a lady who knows that throughout everything her mom will be there to listen to everything she has to say.
There's a beauty in an adult woman whose confidence comes from experiences;
unemployment, pregnancy, sickness but still calls and visits her mom everyday.
There's a beauty in a Mother, a mom, a blessing.
One who knows exactly when, why and where she has to be when her child is hurt.
One who knows how to love her husband through his stubbornness.
One who trusts The Lord with all her heart.
A woman who can fall, pick herself up, and move on.
A person whom I'll always be able to go to and say "I love you" and be 100% sure that even though she jokes that she doesn't, in her heart she does.