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5.1k · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Is it so
or taboo
or unbecoming
to scream aloud Senpai! notice me?
I don't
can't say it you see
for i don't want the student body to think i'm a creep
Anime she watches
she weird
oh no
So for it
my love i cant show
2.1k · Apr 2017
Bufu Man
Miguela shine Apr 2017
When you touch me
My body screams with pleasure
Your eyes boring into mine
legs intertwined
Ive never felt like this
Gentle kisses
Hugging me tight as our hips clashed
and the **** cuddles
So easy to mistake my feelings after *** for love
Science says it is love
So many hormones released
And before you know it
You're infatuated.
I don't know you
But what I do know
I love
and it KILLS ME
Dear Boof Man,
You will never read this
But I love you in a way...
And im sure you dont love me back.
I dont expect you to.
Weve known each other-
27 days
6 hook ups
100's kisses
1000's of words spoken between us
But you live over 300 miles away
We've meet in college
And what are labels really?
Promises that we can be what i want without the names.
It felt like a match made in heaven
We were raised the same
Knowing lifes games
How to play them
When to quit

So why Boof Man, why did we play this one?
*and why is it not over
I want to be more than we are
1.5k · Nov 2015
Love,....or likeing...a lot
Miguela shine Nov 2015
There's a phrase
I wan to say
Through barrier
Of the tongue
Em thich anh
Rat nhieu
Gosh I like you so much
I could say
Or even
No matter the language
The look is the same
The feeling induced by eyes
I've caught his gaze
My hips his hand graze
Language will not be our demise
1.4k · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Its been awhile since I've smiled
Life doesn't care
I don't like how sad I've been
Time just goes on
So maybe I need to relax
There is beauty in everything
And simply take a really deep breath
Sit back and smell the roses
And then maybe, just maybe
Hakuna matata
I'll be able to smile
When you can't find anything to be happy about, let happiness find you.
1.4k · Jan 2016
Cats Fishing Blind Sonnet 1
Miguela shine Jan 2016
I thought that I would be happy to find
What I thought to be the end of my search
Distraught, a sad, and lost, tailless feline
Whose whiskers when in dark will make me lurch
Instead of clear and happy carefree days
The tempest that I feel inside my being
I question if this is the right of way
Results I heed are sitting unforseen
To tumble back to where I once began
Traveling to a wider range of sea
I’ll cast my line with bait of truth and love
And see what type of rarity will be
Maybe this catch will be willing to stay
And i’ll vow not to fish another day.
Part of An Animal Sonnet series I'm doing
930 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
I feel as though I've made mistakes
To drown in love to be my fate
But yet mistakes I've made so far
Confused to wander with no alarm
I want to be the one he wants
Yet when conveyed its fear he flaunts
Hes awkward im scared i wont find love
to wander alone in this void conclove
so i end with fear in my heart
I've scared away the one for my heart.
923 · Nov 2015
It Doesnt Make Sense
Miguela shine Nov 2015
I start to love before reason
Feelings fall upon sight
And at that point
I've already lost

Love is a war they say
Most of the time
With me
Its a onesided battle
Against myself

He likes me
I love him
He's nice
I'm perverted
He hates me
I'm cut it back
He calls me beautiful
I get tongue tied
he expects me to talk
He looks at me
He said I'm glad to see you
*What do I do
Same guy as before
836 · Nov 2015
Lets Not
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Let's do this
We should do that
look I just want to read
I wanna do that
Do this with me
Selfish I feel indeed
What are you doing
Nothing I see,
Then come and do this with me
Am I bad for wanting peace
I can't have it I see
Your bad at what you do
Why do you try
I wanna do this instead
You sell me short
It hurts so much
Should I tell you......
How could you
Your negative thoughts
They depress me
I'm not allowed to feel
Your bad at every thing
God don't even try
I'm prettier
Don't you dare complain to me
Of course, I'm sorry for bringing it up
You should be
When you keep it bottled...
705 · Nov 2015
Living Shadow
Miguela shine Nov 2015
I live with my best friend literal
Yet my life drags on
She has a complex like that of an arch angel
By this I mean one higher than superiority
It's hard living with her
Shes thin
Yet curvy
Her hair
It surpasses her waist
I don't have self esteem issues
I don't think I'm ugly
I just know when someone's prettier
And its hard to live with.
So in a way
I don't feel like I'm living
666 · Dec 2015
Miguela shine Dec 2015
I can't help but hate my actions
There I stood, heart open and filling it with everything you did
When I saw you
My heart seized with joy
When you spoke my name or said Hi
I would almost die from loss of breath.
My best friend was better friends and when you guys laughed!!!
My heart would commence with the Trichotillomania...
the best friend left and the chance was mine!
But take it I didn't.
At the moment to jump you SANK
At the moment to fly you FELL
You choked
Gurgling on the fear of rejection.
And now the cycles started again. And this time
the one he laughs with isn't a friend!
Why couldn't you make him bust a gut God WHY!
He's no longer yours
never was but
but whatever!
Anger directed at him, you ignore cause you can't handle your feelings and in the end

all you ever wanted to do was to love him.
And be loved back.
but don't forget
*you did this
Not much of a poem I know, but was wondering if i am the only one who has ever messed so bad.
606 · Nov 2015
You Know
Miguela shine Nov 2015
You know
Every time you put me down
I find a reason to prove you wrong
You see
When I look at myself with pride
You call me ugly, I used to believed you
Yet now
Your words fall upon deaf ears
Its not what your called, but what you answer to
Yet now
I begin
To think
Could you be saying these things to build me up. Taking me off the rugged, unstable, tower I was trying to build
Or are you truly and simply just mean...
Could you be saying I'm ugly to help me find my own self worth? Not relying on societies false hopes
Or are you as Narcissistic as you seem...
Could you, I sadly say, simply be telling me the truth that I refuse to hear
Or are you lying to me to keep me where you want me
You know
*I really don't
Are they really your friend. I feel like she is. Yet actions prove otherwise
555 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
It is the sword you swallowed
threatening to pierce through.
A voice you can feel
pushing you to the edge of perception
It’s seeing the absent evidence
It is being enveloped by a product
of your own doing.
And when the facade thickens
you find only one way out,
and its existence gossamer
528 · Nov 2015
Just Yeap
Miguela shine Nov 2015
It pains me to write sad poems.
Because later when i'm happy
I revisit them, I try
With remorse my heart blooms
Sadder than a blue lagoon
As happy as could be
As angry as a boiling kettle
Frothing frivolously  
hurt is an understatement for the wound in my back
There's nothing as consuming as the guilt in your heart sack
shame is a game i play quite often while at school
Cause homework is something that revulses
And stings like cosmic drool
Just for a moment i wish i could
Stop feeling all of these
Feelings are a curse wrapped gift
We all must have you see
512 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
My emotions roll in waves
Ups and downs are an understatement
On the surface
Events are the same
Flowing in one direction
Yet beneath those steady waves
Are currents flowing in any direction as they choose
I can only sit back and observe
These happenings in nature
I am not in control of myself
504 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
You know
I really like Centering my poems
The ways it focuses
For me at least
What I don't like
Is how got dam flirtatious you are
You look beautiful
Turns around and says the same to another chick
Your the only friend I have
I thought we were friends - he says to another girl
We arrraeee! -  *
she retorts

You don't make me feel like a centered poem.
And I learned how to say Em Which Anh Rat Nhiue for you, ugghh.
Sometimes, you just gotta rant.
504 · Apr 2017
Sea Bent
Miguela shine Apr 2017
Light pollution
Plus my ****** camera
Means you cant see the sight i'm seeing
It also means the sight i'm seeing isn't all that it could be
I just want to StarGaze

Sitting here,
Staring at the stars,
It reminds me of how lonely and sad I really am.
No one to hold-
No being held-
And if it happens-its short lived-and in the end-what does it mean?!?
I want it to be something its not
its because i'm prone to rush into things
and then...
...then, its just sad.
Because while hes being a normal person
I'm off on some spaceship
Willing myself to believe
Believe in what isn't
Being extra and non-terrestrial
Making something out of nothing
-well not much-
And debating with myself in my head
I let my wants and realities **** each other

Now I float
No more *overthinking
No more over-hoping
Just going with the *flow, until I float upon some foreign and beautiful shore
Its about a boy. I think i care too much, like him too much for the amount of time we've known each im putting a cap on my feelings. Im being irrational. Dont tell me to tell him how i feel, itll just scare him away.
490 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
There was a guy
A rather pale fellow
Odd though his complexion was mellow
Who courted a woman
Far darker than he
Though her complexion
He did not see
He loved her still
Despite protest
His love for her would outlast nothing less
Than the time its takes for world, love, peace
Where ever with her is where he wanted to be
Her skin the fruit of a chestnut tree
T’is was soft and her hair curly
Her smile was timid
Her knowledge was vast
And with him also her love would last
So off they ran
Despite protest
To live long together
Having complete life’s quest

Oh how I wish this could be true
Every time I see you my tongue ties
I only want to express the feelings I hold deep
But with every chance given and every moment having passed
I fail
How do I tell him my heart aches for him
How do I make him laugh hearty and true
How can I be there for him as I want to
Without scaring him
Without coming on too strong
Or too weird

Without him running
I really like this guy, I get so frustrated. Its sad, I feel this way and can't even really talk to him.
464 · Nov 2015
The way you make me feel
Miguela shine Nov 2015
It doesn't turn me on
You keep me on my feet now, ba-by
Make my lonely days are known
Gone'on boy
Rewrite to a song whose singer I can't remember.
458 · Dec 2015
Old Lady Love
Miguela shine Dec 2015
I'm sure i’ll die alone
Three cats a bird a snake
Companions they're my home
Mistakes i should’ve baked
427 · Dec 2015
Tri Limericks
Miguela shine Dec 2015
Power Of Love

Here goes the a man in a boat
Whose face resembled that a goat
Alone he would stay
Awaiting the day
When the woman he loves provokes

Odd Summer

The day that you see guys with guns
Your first reaction is to run
Oh yes you should flee
You fear what you see
For guns water filled were in fun

Loves Quack**

A girl she fell deeply in love
The guy he flirts with all the doves
Her heart it will break
The break leaves a quake
When hit he will splat like a bug
426 · Nov 2015
I Think You'll Like It
Miguela shine Nov 2015
I think you'll like this poem you see
The way it rhymes each couplet o'me
The petty way it draws you in
The desperate way to rhyme its ends
The third couplet it makes you think
Its like a dog chasing it's feet
Funny to say while I write this
A dog in front of me it sits
Twas bored was I so this I wrote
Twas was a lie for class emote
I could end it here with not much
But no fun a thing of the such
Inquisite your mind, tell me
Did you like this poem you see.
Its for class, couplets, rhyme, hidden message....that I made obvious
396 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Throughout My time here i've noticed
A Strange thing that does occur
When I want but not think of my want
It just so happens to appear
I call this a universal gift
Though this knowledge it is a curse
Cause when i want
and can only think
It won't happen
i can only incur
When the universe provides and you know its secret.
374 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Not a day goes by
Not a day goes
That I don't think of
What could have been
What should have been
What should be
Then I remember
That what could have been
Didn't happen
Because of me.
366 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Will the world ever understand
the anx of my best friend
as she tried to convey her true self

Mentally she paced
as she tried to fill the space
that would paint a path into her head

Im scared!
i cant say

im here for you
your safe

just tell
what it is your heart conveys
344 · Dec 2015
Mistake I should've made
Miguela shine Dec 2015
Mistakes i should have made
I see results unfurl
But the problem is they don't include me...
you should have told him
i should have
you should have tried
i thought i did
you should have went on a limb
I could have
*it's too late.
341 · Nov 2015
Do You
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Do you even listen when I speak?
Or do you hear only what you want?
I'm sure the latter is the truth.

Do you really think I'm pretty?
Or do you only say that to shut me up?
Its not like I asked for consulence.

Do you even mean half the things that you convey?
Never mind
Your not listening
339 · Nov 2015
Dream Guy
Miguela shine Nov 2015
You are the dream
That I forgot
When I woke up.
And you are dream
That I only ever want to remember.
338 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
The tears, they want out
Yet none fall, a thought held in
A way out is found
334 · Nov 2015
Miguela shine Nov 2015
Left, Right
And down
A shadow I chase
Its form I want found
A message unclear
Hard sight
This problem

Hear my plight
329 · Nov 2015
My Life
Miguela shine Nov 2015
My Life In One Poem
.       .
.      .
  .     .
   .    .
    .   .
     .  .
      .        There is no poem  
        .     .
         .    .
          .   .
             .            you see
              .        .
               .       .
                .      .
                 .     .
                  .    .
                                  *I have no life
I do of course, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it.
298 · Dec 2015
Miguela shine Dec 2015
And the time it runs on bye
I want to keep the day
Night a friend that has no end
It keeps the day away
288 · Dec 2015
Miguela shine Dec 2015
There is a state called love
It swirls and pulls you down
You want it then you don’t
Confused you stare above
244 · Dec 2015
Miguela shine Dec 2015
The sadness in my heart  
Will make me fall apart
So off i run alone
To sing my heart-hurt song

— The End —