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2.3k · Jun 2017
To my Bestfriend Stranger
full moon Jun 2017
To my best friend who's as good as a stranger now
I wonder what brings us together again
After you left w/o words nor smile or wave goodbye
We meet again today
But you'e cold as ice
Where did my bestfriend go?
Her looks that see me trough as if I'm not in front of her
Her distant gazes
Her words that speak her voice
Her voice that speak her mind
Her mind that's different from what she is before
My Bestfriend, the specie I can't define
We meet again today
Only to bring the pain of the past
You're leaving yet again
This time no turning back
I hope you remember at least our friendship
Sad, longing friendship,
1.1k · Aug 2017
Im Scared That You'll Let Go
full moon Aug 2017
I'm scared because of you
Now that I'm falling
Are you going to leave me now?
Now that you know
Is it time to let go?
Though I'm in love
I don't want to expect anything in return
Because I'm scared
Its enough that you know
I don't want to hope anymore..
I wanna hope but love is a scary thing.. Its hard to get attached. Once you detached, you will be ruined.
797 · Apr 2017
My Gem
full moon Apr 2017
I saw you
And look at you so preciously
Your my gem
My treasure
My infinity
But look at you now
You're in the middle of nowhere
Almost to nothingness
Have that man hurt you so much
That he turned your heart into ash..
691 · Dec 2016
To my Dearest Friend
full moon Dec 2016
To my Dearest Friend
To whom I love
& will love for the rest of my life
You’re the best person I’ve known so far
& will be forever if seasons won’t change you
& even if it does end up changing you
I better change myself too
So that I could walk side by side with you
So that I could laugh, cry & smile with you
Even if the distance depart us
We will still be together sharing the same sky
If you’re lonely & want to cry
But can’t show to just anyone
Look up! Because every night
Stars have always been my companion
Who calmed me down
& made me think that am not the only one suffering alone
God is good after all
He answers our plead in a very unexpected yet amusing way
My Best Friend whom I love,
I always pray to him for your health &safety;
That wherever you are,
He will guide you back to us…
Happy Birthday Bhezt!

“Whisper & he will definitely hear”
full moon Apr 2017
Live your life to the fullest
Love to your hearts content
Never let sadness take over your happiness
Don let it bother you
After all life isn't long enough to experience half the world's greatness...
have fun and don't forget to give thanks... God love us...
660 · Jul 2017
"My Wondering Thoughts"
full moon Jul 2017
In my life
I had met and encountered people
In and outside the house
Everyday we pass through one another
Everyday we laughed and talked
Everytime, I thought of only one thing
Was I able to left a mark on their heart?
Something that will live with them
Something that will make them remember me
Even when I'm gone
Something that will make them say  "thanks god, I met her"
I want to always be remember
628 · Jul 2017
The Voice
full moon Jul 2017
What happened today still lingers on my mind
Your expression
Your smiles and laugh
Your stupid yet cute gestures
Your crazy talk
The voice inside my head
Tells me not to let you go
I'm afraid that the voice inside my head will explode
And you'll find out that your best friend is in love with you
It ***** that I can't say what's on my mind despite the words exploding on my head!
588 · Jul 2017
The shattered pieces
full moon Jul 2017
Am I too scared to say goodbye?
I know that somewhere in my heart im alone so why?
I know that even if i wait I won't be notice
I was made alone from the start
With every small shattered pieces of loneliness
I was meant to stay the same
The same old fellow that everyone knew
I won't be the person I want myself to be
But I'm becoming the person I myself hate to become
Everyday i grew a little different
And everytime i choose to change
I end up becoming even more broken
A broken piece of life
But there's no hoping
I can't scape the faith laid in front of me
I will always be the regret living among the rhytmn
there is this regret i cant shook off. I know that i will always be hated
full moon Jun 2017
Today after a long time of being together
I muster all the braveness I had in life
And tried to confess to you
It must be your intuition that tells you what I'm about to say..
You told me "I hate love that starts with friendships.."
I said why?
And you told me "it happened before."
You lost your bestfriend after her confession.
I asked him"did you turned her down?. Don't you like her."
He answered me and said "I did turned her down but I liked her a lot.. So much"
Then I asked "if so why?."
Then he said.. "I'm dying, and the person I want to be with to my last breath is my best friend"
With that I cried not only because I found out that his dying. But because what he need is not the person he loved but the person he's been with from the very start.
:his best friend:
Only your best friend can give the peace of mind that you need at your very last breath.
Must be because seeing you die hurts those you love so much that you can't be of peace. But with the tears of your friend its kinda weird to be at peace.. I can't explain why.. But that's how it is sometimes..
571 · Apr 2017
Let The WIND Take YOU..
full moon Apr 2017
Cheer up.. Heart doesn't think
Don't be deceived by your feelings
Every step you'll make
Every decisions you'll made
You're heart will never think of the possible errors that you may encounter..
Never trust your mind for it only think not feel..
Sometimes don't think and don't follow your heart..
Just let the wind take you to where your soul truly belong..
We are never what we think we are
517 · Dec 2016
When Change Changed Us
full moon Dec 2016
It’s easy to accept the changes that comes
But when that change changes us
Why is it so hard to accept us?
When we face that fact,
Reality slaps us with a very painful truth
512 · May 2017
Favor from dear old self
full moon May 2017
One day I will be gone
Leaving only pains behind
Sufferings to heart
Tears to those I love
Scar to those who choose to put their hearts on me
My dear self
Cant we be gone silently?
Can we please fade away unnoticeably..
500 · Apr 2017
My lover and friend
full moon Apr 2017
I saw her sitting under the cherry blossom tree.
Shedding tears
Shouting as loud as she could
Doesn't paying mind if someone's seeing her
I doubt she would notice
I'm just right here
I'm never gone
And will never leave
I maybe dead
But not my soul who loves you still
Have faith
One day we'll meet once more
And we will never depart ever again
My love for you I will wait till next life
470 · Apr 2017
who are you to me?
full moon Apr 2017
Ever since I met you..
I started looking forward for our next encounter,
And not seeing you somehow disappoints me...
Ever since I have known you i started laughing and smiling like an idiot and not being in that state made me think of myself strange..
Ever since we get to know each other I think I have fallen for you...
You have change me
Because I have you that I started liking my life...
And how I live now is all because of you too...
Doing things that may hurt you scared me..
You getting hurt hurts me
Does that mean you're my everything?.
466 · Apr 2017
Give Hope..:);)
full moon Apr 2017
Share thy heart
And never keep it stashed
One smile is equivalent enough to lighten up one small soul..
Share happiness
443 · Dec 2016
full moon Dec 2016
Among the door of chances
Never choose regret
Open your heart
Close your eyes
Kneel down and pray
For a better answer
437 · Dec 2016
full moon Dec 2016
How amazing it is that I had a brother
Although he’s always a bother
I wonder why I can’t love him just like any other
He’s cool and chubby
With his face sleeping like a baby
He smiles when he’s asleep
And got mad like a black sheep
I just can’t treat him like a ****
I love my brother and it hurts to see
How he act as though he cannot see
How precious his life can be
If only he will try not to turn his back and flee
I believe he will love everything as much as I do
425 · Sep 2017
Troubled Heart
full moon Sep 2017
How can someone's smile
Easily break somebody's heart?
How innocent can it be?
To not notice the pain of others
Is she numb?
A clueless?
Perhaps inexpressive?
Taking all in everything by herself
Was her smile a facade?
To hoard the sadness inside
Sometimes its better to smile and laugh on things despite the pain we're keeping inside
420 · Oct 2017
broken heart
full moon Oct 2017
i wonder why im broken
when all i want is to give a token
a token of love and appreciation
but ended up receiving a depression

if i have not given any
will i receive many?
if i have not tried to act clingy
will someone see me freely?

i am the living prof of a masochists trying to be brave
loving as if im about to go to grave
believe it or not
but i am not nuts

im just in love at the moment
and get driven by the heat of the moment
i was fallen deeply
and broken gravely..
i am in love at the person that is not right for me
416 · Dec 2016
full moon Dec 2016
Even though I’m oblivious
And might be more than just an idiot
I’ll spent money, time and life if necessary
But it looks like misfortune seems to favor me
Because I had nothing but life and a little time left
I’m useless,
I can’t say a word,
I can’t hear a word,
I’m only capable of reading moving lips,
Looking how much time of happiness this illness took away from me
Seeing how futile my life have become
I can’t help but cry
I’m just a child longing to be a normal kid
Playing around, helping around, smiling a lot and working hard a lot
I’m hoping to be that kind of kid
Who’s capable of making everyone happy not broken
Although I’m like this
Just like any other human being
I also wish for something
I only wish of one thing
Just this one time,
I want you to say
“Im proud of you”
Even though I may not be able to hear your words
Even though it’s too late
Just for one last time
Before we depart
Make my wish come true
“Please utter my NAME once more”
415 · Dec 2016
Stupid Love
full moon Dec 2016
Love has always been a part of me
When I met that man I thought
“Yes, it might be him“
My Mr. Right

Seeing him happily walking in front of me
I thought “aww he’s just right in front of me, what a great day”
No wait, I look again, I saw him really happy
Taking his time walking happily

Walking happily with the girl beside him
So just like that I got mad and run away
Without knowing the truth I hated and resented the girl
Poor girl, unknowingly I hated her
414 · Dec 2016
My Tragic First Love
full moon Dec 2016
I accidentally fall from the rooftop
Even though I grip so hard I can’t stop
Falling hard from the third floor
Made me feel like am in a horror
I fell asleep for a year
It’s a coma that some people fear
It’s somewhat like a spear
That in instant will make you disappear

While my body lay on the bed I heard them cry
&they; talked to me, they did tried
As I heard them cried
How I wish I died

There is this someone’s voice
It made my heart rejoice
From then I made a choice
Just a bit more I will hear his voice

Every time he touched my hand
✓ the pulse monitor in his hand
I feel my heart skip a beat
I hope he didn’t heard my heart pump in my hand

Is this love?
I hope am not in love
If so, I might end up broken hearted
Because I don’t know until when I can be able to calm my heart

The next day I heard another voice and says
Come on! Breathe and stay!
It's hard to breathe and it's killing me
From then w/o knowing everything changed

Two more years have passed
The time clicked so fast
It's like a magic spell casts on me
Loud cheering voices awaken me

Even though I can now open my eyes
I shut it anyway to hear his voice
I tried searching using my hearing
As to whom the voice I fell in love with belong

Alas! I heard and ask his name
I found myself no shame
But then I saw a frame
They looked just like the same

This man in front of me
And the man on the frame in front of us
They were brothers and both doctor,
Isn’t it cool?
This man phones ring and he answered the call

That’s when I realized
That this man is just a new
And the man on the frame is the one I knew
The person whom I fell in love more times than a few

I saw the two dates written on the picture
It’s the info’s my mind can’t seem to picture
Or maybe I just don’t want to figure
The truth behind the picture

Then that man pops out beside me
And say my brother now resides in heaven
He’s famous and he enjoys life more than anyone else
And was filled with love more than anyone else

There may be this one regret
Because my brother fell in love but cannot convey
Because the girl he loves is on the verge of death
As he touched her hand in heavy breathe

Hearing this man says those words
Made my heart as hard as ice
As cold as a bloke of ice
Now we can never meet in the eyes…
410 · Dec 2016
We Fought and End Up Broken
full moon Dec 2016
We always fight
We always do
To the extent where I no longer knew
As to what and where we started the fight
Many words have spoken
& it clouded our minds
No reasoning’s can come in our minds
We can no longer accept nor think about it
All we can do is complain & debate
With the most stupid things we remembered
We both throw a stone with anger & madness
We fought & fought & fought
We ended up hurt both in body & mind
The wounded physically heals
But the scars inside will never be mended
we often do the things we didn't want to, when ever anger goes in between us
406 · Dec 2016
Love and Friendship
full moon Dec 2016
They say am boyish
& am stylish as a guy
Does that mean am cool?
When I said I love you
& you know it’s true
Am I a bad friend?
When I listen to you
Every time you complain
Do you need someone else to hear your pain?
When I lean on you
& cried on your shoulder
Am I a bother?
Every time we discussed about us
Do you feel so disgust?
Even after the rain
& all we have is pain
Are we not deserving to gain?
If love can’t be found between the line
& we never cross the line
Friend can we start again from the starting line?
398 · Aug 2017
Safe here with me
full moon Aug 2017
I was told to always keep you safe
That I must take good care of you
That i should not make you cry
That I'm lucky you have found me
That of all people you choose me
Forgive me if I'm being too paranoid sometimes
If I'm being too protective like our very own mothers
Well you see, I'm just a girl trying to become a knight
So that I could protect my princess
I'm your girlfriend after all,
I just hope we would last forever
Knowing there is no such thing, only as long as we live
Haha! Who would have really thought?
We would sway this way?
But baby, I love you so much that I want you to take good care of yourself even more
Trust me, all I could ever do is stay
And promise that I'm yours alone and you're mine.
As long as there is us, I will love only you
But if ever you want me to stop.
Just say so...
And if not then I shall continue
love can be found everywhere in any forms and in any status
396 · Sep 2017
full moon Sep 2017
when you were overwhelmed
and dont know what to do
if you need to runaway
but where to?
just tell me
and i will get lost with you
all we ever need is a hand to hold and a friend to run to.
393 · Sep 2017
Deeply Hurt
full moon Sep 2017
When we are hurt
Sweet words turn into knives
It cut deeply despite kindness within

Care turns into a killing intent
That we even selfishly hurt the person we love coz all we want is them to be ours alone

And love became nothing but words of emptiness that envelope our entirety.

When we are broken
We tend to say harsh words
And worst..
We may end up punching them on the face

But when you're hurt
And that pain is because of true love
A genuine heart that feels a deep pain

Shows a never ending...
A love that never cease to exist
The stare of kindness despite the pain keeping inside
Even if you hurt the one who loves you

He will look at you preciously
He will look at you with so much kindness
He will always accept
He is the one who has the heart of gold

He whom you hurt
Will take goodcare of you till last.
He whom you hurt will love you and accept the pain you gave
He whom you hurt will let go if you ask him to.

Though his truely badly deeply hurt!!!
You're nuts if you let go of such person. You will never find him again even if you search. There's only one him. So if you have one please treasure him/her. Breaking his heart will only means of breaking his golden heart.
393 · Apr 2017
full moon Apr 2017
One day I found myself holding back
It was my first love
A unrequited love
It hurts
Its worrisome
Its bugging me like crazy..
I wanna let her know but couldn't
I do think if she found out
its friendship over...:(
Sometime keeping things inside **** us
full moon Sep 2017
I knew from the start
That this day will come
There are changes along the way
And as day and time passes by
You made me feel needed no more
When frights became reality
My nightmares visits me even daylight
And when the sun comes down endless thoughts and restless nights occur
Love comes in a very unique and unexpected way
And when it leaves
It takes a way a part of us that can never be mended
Some part of it are the ability to feel and think simply
Like the simple questions with simple answers
But our heart can't seem to acknowledge
What to do?
How to move on?
Tell me what was it that I have to do
To rest my heart
To mend this broken heart?
I can never utter the word
#you came too early
And leave so easy
You teach me how to love but not to move on
383 · May 2017
12 colors
full moon May 2017
My heart in twelve colors
I want to express to you
Before it fades away..

White for my love is pure
Red for my love is only just for you
Blue for my mind is as clear as you
Pink for my love has only just began
Yellow for my trust will never fade away
Green for our start is just as fresh as new
Violet for our love bloom in a really weird way
Brown for despite being weird I felt strongly standing
Orange for the color you hated the most you found me
Gray for even when I get old there is only you
Silver for you are precious to me
Black for hatred never occurs to me despite so much longing
Love is colorful don't you think?.
375 · Oct 2017
Too Tired To Live
full moon Oct 2017
Every day i tried to live
and it hurts to stay positive
for the sake of those who smile for me
when in fact...
to tell you the truth,
every day as i live
im too tired to survive
i always look for a reason to live. but all i find is a reason to let go.
362 · Jun 2017
A Gift
full moon Jun 2017
Is a rainbow
While life for me
Is a gift inside a box
Full of a never ending SURPRISES
356 · Apr 2017
one hello
full moon Apr 2017
We meet
We greeted
We talk like no one else around
With just one hello
Everything changed
I fall
I got hurt
And now broken
I learned to keep feelings inside
Never showing
But never stop believing
340 · Aug 2017
Love on a Moonlight
full moon Aug 2017
Its good to be a firefly
Even just for a day
Even though it will last only for a short moment
They Love
While risking their Life
I know that I have found love, though complicated I know its real!
full moon Jun 2017
As long as you trust
As long as you care
As long as you hope
As long as you get hurt and worried
As long as you feel emotionally attached
You will always receive a Love
A Never Ending GIFT!
As long as you're alive and have feelings you will give and receive love in return
326 · Jul 2017
forgotten meaning
full moon Jul 2017
I often forget the meaning of importance
All I see are the efforts I do
And the gifts from a done favor
I laugh and get thrilled on the things that comes and happened
Only because I will benefit on it
I give and respect
Only because I expect goodness in return
In this world there is this one thought
Have I ever done something
That someone will ever take it
As important as friendship?
I wonder
324 · Mar 2017
full moon Mar 2017
Believe it or not
in my twenty three years of life living on earth
i have never fall in love
not even once

But look at me now
being in a relationship with someone i just met
asking someone i just met to be my girl
im truly pathetic

being her my first girlfriend
and soon might be my first love
and who knows
she might be my first kiss as well..

right now i dont know what comes into my mind that i get my self into this position
the very first minute that we've been in a legal relationship
i already want a break up (im cruel!)

coz for this is a forbidden love
between two forbidden persons
if i did fall
im afraid to have my first heartbreak.
coz im scared to love im cruel
322 · Dec 2017
Keep your faith high
full moon Dec 2017
Behind the blue sky
There are lights that never die

They never fade nor disappear
Instead they help me lessen my fear

Though they seem so far
I see those stars

Its not that bad
I can't get mad

They accompany me and never leave my side
Even day they never hide

Only that their presence is weak
Just like my own every  day and week

They lose their shine when there is light
And when dark they gain strength and shine bright

We are sometimes opposite nor the same
For we are like friends that never change

Though living in the opposite world
No one can separate us even a word

For the sky are made to look upon
And stars to cry and wish upon

When everything seems so wrong
They we're made to make us strong...
full moon Jul 2018
She who doubt herself never gone outside
Afraid if she does
She might make mistakes
However never in her wildest dream did she know
What's waiting outside
Is a helping hand
A friend who silently looks out for her
Waiting that once she walk outside her comfort zone
She will be welcome with the sweetest smile
And a warmest hug
A friend who loves her so dearly
For once trust yourself and be brave, who knows someone might be out there just waiting to lend a helping hand
full moon Apr 2017
My God, my Lord
i have given you nothing but problems
additional suffering to your good heart
your warm never cease to embrace me
you never doubt me
not even once have you thought of me as a burden
you gave miracles that i, us, dont deserve
thank you for everything that you have given.
thank you for giving us our lives
for giving hope
and never ending love.
God forgive me for i have done nothing
but endless sin
for i have given you and the people i love
pains and suffering..
GOD A THOUSANDS AND MILLIONS OF THANKS AND REPENTANCE IS NOT ENOUGH TO HOW MUCH LONELINESS, SADNESS AND PAIN we have all caused you, i dont know where to start to repay your goodness..
305 · Oct 2017
A life filled *Amnesia*
full moon Oct 2017
Day by day I wish
Each day I want my life to end
And every time it doesn't work
Time by time my life  losses its meaning
What is my purpose?
What am I to the world?
Who am I to begin with?
I wonder whybim alive, in pain and hopeless.
292 · Dec 2016
*Ridding on the Wind*
full moon Dec 2016
Ridding on the Wind

As new born life comes
And replaces the old life on the ground
The remains never really stay
As life depart
Its like the soul riding on the wind
You'll never know where the wind will take you
Its either will return you to where you've always been
Or take you to your last destination
When you're riding on the wind
You will never get bored
But you will get scared instead
It will flashback all the things you have done
& all the things you haven't done
All the things you want done
& all the things you don’t want to do but have done instead
When you're riding on the wind
Happiness, Sadness, Anger & Regret
You'll not understand the head or the tail of where those emotions were from
You may have the idea but the meaning behind it is all unknown
When you're riding on the wind
Whether you like it or not
Seeing your love ones cry
Hearing them shout
Knowing all the pains you have given them
Yet happy being with you around
You’ll helplessly and a bit hopelessly
Nodding as you go to the end of the line
Abiding in the wind with bitter and sweet tears of joy
284 · Apr 2017
full moon Apr 2017
Its already late when i learned
that i have fallen in-love w/o  knowing
now regret enveloped my entirety
i can no longer tell her how much i love her
i can no longer say i need her
im too much late
so late i cant accept it..
i cant tell you i love you
283 · Aug 2018
Knows and Means
full moon Aug 2018
"I hate you but thank you for letting go!"
Everyone heard the words you said
They all believed, chattering and confused
But no one is better than him above
He knows everything
While you knows what it means
The person hearing it under numerous individuals standing in the crowd
Wishing he could dug a whole to hide
Hoping that he didn't did it on the first place and regret
Seeing you as beautifuly strong
Standing in the stage with chins up and resolute eyes
Lips curved into a mesmerizing arc
Dont hurt someone and dont ruin someones life for your own happiness.
281 · Apr 2017
full moon Apr 2017
We meet in the eyes
I look at you
Assuming that you're looking at me too
People says that you admired me
But they didn't know that I adore you
They said you like me
But they didn't know I'm in love with you
I'm always one or two step ahead
But our status is always unsure
That I found myself in a dilemma
I always heared a thing from them but not from you
Should I pursue my love for you?
Or let it pass just like our gazes..
Still remain
281 · Dec 2016
*A Devils Thought*
full moon Dec 2016
Despite the evilness inside
Here I am looking from afar
Watching as you go down the stairs
In a very long white gown
I saw water
Flowing down your cheeks
I bet it’s warm
Because it’s pure
That I want to touch it myself
Seeing you travel that path
I thought its fine
You are in my domain after all
The field that everyone is afraid to walk into
I am a no ordinary creature
I am in a myth
I was also in a superstitious belief
Every mankind knows me
Good and evil
They were all afraid of me
I am a king
A soul hunter
And because I am here gazing as you walk
I think you’re evil too...
If not,
How can you mesmerized a devil like me?
full moon Apr 2017
Love is the hardest thing to erase
Its unavoidable
like a virus
It comes silently and
Ate us whole
Leaving nothing
As long as you have a heart
You can be infected
love can be pain
271 · Apr 2017
Dear heart
full moon Apr 2017
I know love is harsh at times,
But it is the best thing in the world.
So love with all your heart
271 · Aug 2017
Was it wrong?
full moon Aug 2017
Though I'm scared,
I chose to say goodbye
I don't wanna cry
But seeing you leave is what I chose to see
I bear words I can't convey
And so does it mean
I chose for it to die with me?
I chose to let go. I will always be a fool love
270 · Oct 2017
full moon Oct 2017
its the personality
that makes a person pretty
so smile a lot
and make friends
love and fear GOD
he will make you stronger!
God is Love
Love is from Him
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