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 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Rosie Dee
Deoxygenated blood flows from the body to the right side of the heart through the Vena Cava.
From the Vena Cava to the Right Atrium.
From the Right Atrium through the Tricuspid valves.
Through the Tricuspid valves to the Right Ventricle.
Up the Pulmonary Artery.
Through the semi-luner valves.
Out the pulmonary artery.
To the lungs.
Blood becomes Oxygenated
Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs to the left side of the heart through the Pulmonary Vein.
From the Pulmonary Vein to the Left Atrium.
From the Left Atrium through the Bicuspid valves.
Through the Bicuspid valves to the Left Ventricle.
Up the Aorta.
Through the semi-luner valves.
Out the Aorta.
Oxygenated blood is sent around the body.
Blood becomes Deoxygenated
Deoxygenated blood flows from the body to the right side of the heart through the Vena Cava........

SO If you tell me your heart is "literally broken" just don't.
It isn't broken.
It just hurts.
It's just feels horrible.
A feeling that hurts you and feels like your heart hurts so much that it's actually broken.
But your heart doesn't actually hurt.
It's just a feeling.
The cycle stills goes on.
It is still functioning.
So, next time you feel your "heart breaking" and literally being "torn apart",


Deoxygenated blood flows from the body to the right side of the heart through the Vena Cava.
From the Vena Cava to the Right Atrium.
From the Right Atrium through the Tricuspid valves.
Through the Tricuspid valves to the Right Ventricle.
Up the Pulmonary Artery.
Through the semi-luner valves.
Out the pulmonary artery.
To the lungs.
Blood becomes Oxygenated
Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs to the left side of the heart through the Pulmonary Vein.
From the Pulmonary Vein to the Left Atrium.
From the Left Atrium through the Bicuspid valves.
Through the Bicuspid valves to the Left Ventricle.
Up the Aorta.
Through the semi-luner valves.
Out the Aorta.
Oxygenated blood is sent around the body.
Blood becomes Deoxygenated
Deoxygenated blood flows from the body to the right side of the heart through the Vena Cava.............
So it's been a while since i wrote here..Maybe i just gave you a biology lesson instead of a poem who knows. (also i it is isnt perfect biology wise im sorrrryyyy...i tried-the heart's supposed to be the area i'm good at.kinda ironic really). I got quite angry writing. Lot of strong feelings appeared to come out of me...i wasn't gonna post this because i don't know how i feel about it till but i was encouraged to so here goes. Criticize all you like Opinions are great-good or bad.
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
in this.
Feeling a writer's block coming on. Don't think this stuff is helping me feel
it leaving.
A stronger feeling than ever before
Must be immediately disbanded
For golden claws on wooden desks
Have told you what is right
and what is wrong

You must abide
You must curse it from your mind
But it Itches and scratches and turns into such an unendurable pain inside of you

And there's memories
Hopes full, heart empty
Another day, another shiny white light to gaze into with dead, bloodshot eyes
And it feels like it would take a million cautious hints
For you to finally see
What has been so very wrong
all this time with me
I've lain beneath a million stars
With friends and pasts who've touched my heart
I've picked a fight where none should be
And thrown away such precious treats

I've scarred myself and those around
Just so I can still feel proud
I've held my hopes up in the sky
And tried my best to still be kind
I've walked too many lonely walks
and sat at home with painful thoughts

I've lain beneath so many stars
And have watched them all so very hard
I've closed my eyes and from them walked away
I've stalked the moon till there's nothing left to say
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Four moons rose tonight.
Each one bad.
A ****** tetrad.

I looked for stars
But Mars look alikes
blocked my search.

And as I watch on,
it dawned on me.
This life, is null and void.
Soon to be destroy,
just look at the four moons.

A prophecy foretold.
Hypocrisy withold.

Fate and Death entwined.
Mankind's breaths abates.

Slowly but surely.

Then nothing.

But I remember,
ex nihilo nihil fit

Not all prophecy,
are destined to come true.
So I questioned everything.
Knowing that nothing can come from nothing.
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
You wore a Rolex watch
which was fake
and didn't even tell the time.

I know that isn't a crime.
Nor is buying complex coffees
but it did perplex me.

I ignore this, naturally.
But before the finale,
before you forsaked me
into the Vally of the Dead
where few did tread.
I saw the cracks.

I saw you slack and caught a glimpse
behind that facade, behind the blinks
to see that you were flawed, just like me

Still, I ignored this.
I didn't take you serious,
blind to your spurious nature.
Nothing more than specious appearance.

It wasns't till the Persecco
that I felt your echo.
And it all came pouring out,
All the more doubt than before.

Adore turns to abhor too soon for my liking.
I can't stop you if you're a quitter.
Just like I can't stop the bitter memories,
flitter by my mind.
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Thomas EG
Blue* fades to green and then what?
Only happy when blue, only when blue.
Green hurts, stings, bruises... Empty apologies echo throughout the silence.
More red than anything now. Beads of sweat drip-drip onto the floor. Too late to quit.
Purple blacks beneath eyes... Do it despite them. Beside them. Above them. Anxious voices, when pressured, project loudly, but shake. Steady-steady beat. Must not whisper, although secrets are vital... Vile. Keep them.
Pink now. Cool down. Not too pale, please. That's too pale. TOO PALE! Breathe in, out, in, out... Praying didn't really work tonight. Alive, but unhealthy. Safe, but unwell.
Green again.
Always green, in the end. Love the colour, hate the feeling... Hate the being... Hate being human. Humanity is such a disappointment. Everybody is one, in their own eyes, at some stage in their life. On some stage in their life. Some, even, until they die... So dance-dance while it's still an option. Congratulating all around. Thanking all around. Welcoming all around. *Goodnight, and goodbye, for now.
Dying to play live again, to feel alive again...
To feel blue.
My friends stand behind a half shut veil
Two metres in length
I can see them watching me
They're Shaking their sour heads at me
Clinking glasses together in darkness
Plotting against me
Or worse, without me  

my skin burns  
bones popped out of place
Like tarmac on eyelids
Baking hot streets full of buzzing flies
And I wait
Wait for some kind of calm to come
 Dec 2014 Marie-Chantal
Mark Ball
Je vais à la fête
pour boire.
Mais, vous savez
que c'est ma
bête noire.
I miss studying french.
To dispose of these thoughts
There's so much to say
But I can't
I really just need to stay well away
From the barbed wire gate  
Which is etched on your face
the old glare and stare
my melancholy disgrace

And all I want is to be by myself
A rest from the doubts and tears
And most of all just your voice in my ears
It's cruel But it's true
You're poison to my heart
Putting kinks in my future
Right from the start
So I'll stay away
Believe me I'll try
Or before you do know it
I'll crawl up and die
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