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28.3k · Nov 2013
Your Smile
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
Love me as a whole
or love me not.
Love me with your heart,
not just with the eyes.
Smile if you love,
or not if you don't at all,
because when you smile
I fall where the mind doesn't think,
the eyes never see clearly,
and the butterflies don't ever leave.
7.8k · Mar 2014
Liz Delgado Mar 2014
Your atoms were once a part of the stars and maybe that explains your brown eyes and the shine inside them. The atoms that sculpt your body used to sculpt the ocean and maybe that explains the depths, hollows and dark corners of your mind I've yet gotten to discover. Maybe your rough edges are explained by the solely fact that the atoms forming who I'm deeply in love with were once rocks with gems inside them. It has been a privilege to fall for a beautiful, bright and amazing combination of Earth that is you.
5.9k · Dec 2013
I Need You
Liz Delgado Dec 2013
The pencil scraping along the paper, forming a masterpiece taken straight from the mind and the nerves along my spine was a lullaby.
And so I drew a gorgeous, full moon and shaded its craters,
I drew furious ocean waves because my Science teacher told me there was a relationship between the moon and the ocean.
It was so intriguing to know the closer the moon, the more revolting and furious the waves.
But my Art teacher also told me that art is a form expression.
I was expressing my feelings, explaining our situation, and my brain and hand agreed to compare us to the moon and the ocean because that's what we were.
You were always so beautiful yet distant; watched and loved by everyone, but explored by few.
I was always so revolting and mysterious, no one willing or able to reach the depths and hollows of me; better maps of the surface of Mars than my vast ocean floor.
We were so distant and different yet I needed you to be.
You were always waking up every emotion I thought I had been drained of; turned my lowest tides to crashing, fierce waves; always dependent of your full or new state.
You are my moon and I am your ocean; so different yet it feels so right.
The ocean wasn't so realistic until I felt salty tears of it run down my cheeks,
there was no more silence.
I was at low tide, and I needed my moon.
5.3k · Nov 2013
Run Away
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
Even if you could run away from everything, it wouldn't be enough because deep down, you know all you want to run away from is yourself.
3.9k · May 2014
He's Complex
Liz Delgado May 2014
His mind was a very dark place with very thin, occasional streaks of light,
when he managed to think about a future.
It was knots and swirls;
his mind was twistingly bittersweet,
and his smile was too.
He is not perfect and even as much love as my eyes held whenever I looked at him,
I knew this perfectly;
then again,
I'm not perfect either.
The truest person you could meet,
not an ounce hypocritical.
Knew his tricks,
paths, ways and corners of life,
had this talent to get to the darkest corners of your brain without you being aware of the intrusion.
I knew my mind did not have an easy entry,
but with him...
I felt vulnerable,
there was no lock in this universe that would click closed if he were the one to be opening the gates,
let's not talk about my heart.
He's a person you love endlessly or hate passionately,
Could be your best friend or your worse enemy,
could even make you love and hate him at the same time-
but there is no color grey with him.
He was a control freak that couldn't be controlled.
Responsible for a lot of poetry and well-arranged words,
metaphors and similes,
analogies and paradoxes.
He is not forgotten easily,
I also know this perfectly.
His mind is addicting,
his heart is addicting,
his smile is addicting,
he's addicting.
And I was and still am insomnious.
My happiness should not depend on another being,
especially one so dark and emotionally unreliable at times,
someone so reckless yet thoughtful.
I am incredibly guilty.
But then again,
the heart never listens to the brain.
3.4k · Apr 2014
This is not infatuation
Liz Delgado Apr 2014
I could miss my favorite part of my favorite song just to hear the sound of your velvety voice and not bother about repeating the song because there wasn't anything else I wanted to hear but your voice.
No music, no metaphor, no lyric could surpass it.
There's not a problem in missing today's sunset if I get to admire your breathtaking face and examine it's imperfections, which make you absolutely perfect to my eyes.
And then I'll close my eyes and you will stay tattooed into my lids and I'll go to sleep, you'll show up in my dreams.
I could miss going to the beach- my favorite place on Earth- just to be in your arms, just to be home.
There are no other stars I'd rather take in sight other than the ones in your eyes along with galaxies and oceans and worlds inside them.
No cup of coffee can compare to your lips in the morning when my eyes are barely opened from a deep slumber.
It has only been 9 months since and it just hit me- this is not infatuation,
*I'm utterly and hopelessly in love with you.
3.3k · Apr 2014
Liz Delgado Apr 2014
I'm a fool for having the need to rely on someone for happiness.
My happiness has two legs and a full name.
I know I'm supposed to depend on myself only,
but how can I do that when I feel whole when I'm with you?
How can I depend on myself for happiness when whenever I think of home,
the first name, the first face in my mind is yours?
I'm a fool for calling you my happiness because nothing lasts forever and I'm afraid that if you walk away,
I'll have to go down that road of pain all over again before I met you because everyone always leaves,
and what guarantees me you came to stay?
2.4k · Apr 2014
Caring Too Much
Liz Delgado Apr 2014
To care for others more than yourself in a world full of egocentric individuals is not living.
2.1k · May 2014
Paradoxical Feeling (10w)
2.0k · Jan 2014
Finishing Arguments
Liz Delgado Jan 2014
It was one of those days in which nothing went right, and rain was loud against the window.
Our mood was gray as the sky and we argued about every insignificant, very little thing.
But each insignificant, very little thing soon evolved into bigger matters,
and feelings caught in-between, and our voices raised.
When you called things off, in my defense I could say I met all your demons, yet I decided to stay.
You stared at me speechless, said nothing in your defense,
and that was the day I realized we both said I love you, but only I was saying the truth.
Liz Delgado Apr 2015
A little part of me breaks when I catch you leaving through your eyes to some place you'll never tell me about,
leaving your body living dead
and me to wonder what to do because I want so desperately to be your home like you are mine.
No matter what I do,
I don't feel like home
and that's maybe because I am not a safe place to live in.
My windows have been shattered
and someone stole the door,
the walls have been ruined with spray paint
and droplets of water spill through the cracks.
But when you're here with me,
it stops raining
and the broken crystals from my broken window dance with the sunrays,
making beautiful light art,
the door-less entrance lets butterflies along with pollen from beautiful flowers in
and the spray paint looks like it's fading.
1.8k · Aug 2015
Liz Delgado Aug 2015
You were my flashlight, but I am no longer afraid of the dark.
I thought I needed you to survive, but the world is so much bigger.
1.8k · Feb 2014
Summer Solstice
Liz Delgado Feb 2014
The stars chose you to be special and so
every Summer Solstice you use to
celebrate another year of walking the Earth,
forming a part of the Universe.
That day two stars were born in a pool of brown emotions.

As life slipped through your fingers in a matter of seconds,
Summer Solstice was just another day
and those lovely stars were loosing their shine,
and you learned to tame the waters completely.
And soon, only the razor,
red lines on your pale skin let you breathe.
Lines kept appearing, and more flowers grew.
Maybe the constellations aren't in your favor,
but trust me when I say that 90's Summer Solstice
means the world to me.
1.7k · Jan 2014
Screaming Eyes
Liz Delgado Jan 2014
My eyes were an ocean of emotions I battled against everything to hide them,
and I tried to tame the Pacific into the Dead Sea.
You asked me what was wrong,
you had absolutely no idea,
if you only looked.
My eyes had screamed I love you too many times,
but you never took the second to look at me in the eyes.
1.7k · Sep 2015
Promise Sonnet
Liz Delgado Sep 2015
I looked at your eyes and they weren't just brown.
They held mysteries and secrets inside.
I noticed and was immediately bound;
you didn't let me in, all you did was hide.
It was not fair how much I opened up
while you bottled all and left me guessing,
as if I were a person that would rob,
as if one day I would leave you hanging.
I don't know who you thing I'd turn into,
but I promise you I'm not like the rest.
I would never leave you, nor learn how to,
I promise I will give you all my best.
So please, let me unlock your mystery,
I promise we can make some history.
Liz Delgado Jun 2014
I've spent restless nights writing poems to and about you with heavy eyelids; poems you'll never read, poems I'll never have the guts to let you read, poems you'll never even know about.
I've described every single part, perk, quality of you with the most beautiful words I can find in the dictionary because you don't deserve simple, ordinary words.
Even your flaws are beautiful.
And still, I cannot string any of the million words in any language together to describe you or my love for you perfectly.
And I write about you like you sank your paintbrush in a cup of universe and created hundreds of galaxies; like you placed the stars in the sky, neatly arranged them into beautiful constellations.
Here is yet another poem for and about you, written with eyelids as  heavy as the ocean at 3:36 in the morning, after deciding there was no way I could sleep as my mind was still awake and thinking about you- as always.
I hope you went to sleep thinking about me.
1.3k · Sep 2016
September 19, 2016
Liz Delgado Sep 2016
I'm so jealous of your eyelashes,
they get to kiss your cheeks approximately twenty thousand times a day.
Needless to say, I'm jealous of the breeze intertwining in your hair
and the pillow you hug every night.
Lucky your coffee mug,
which you kiss every morning and in the nights of induced insomnia.
I envy your books,
the ones you caress and read with infinite interest.
I wish I was motherland,
so you could love me up to my rivers, faults, caves, sunsets, trees...
You go through the day, unknowingly inspiring verses in other people, and I drown in the unknown.
I want to get to know you as much as the shyness keeps me from fearlessly speaking to you.
1.3k · Sep 2015
Liz Delgado Sep 2015
Colors all around me,
the grass tickling all my body,
the wind blows melodies.
1.2k · May 2014
How can I forget you?
Liz Delgado May 2014
How can I forget you when I gaze up at the starry night and stare right into your eyes?
How can I forget you when I'm so used to your presence in the mornings that I subconsciously make enough coffee for two?
How can I forget you when the bed has gotten too big for me alone and your side of it has gotten cold?
How can I forget you when all my poems were inspired by you?
How can I forget you when I'm the one that has to turn off the lights before going to bed ever since?
How can I forget you when I'm so used to hearing those sweet, three words every day?
How can I forget you when you've carved your name in my heart so deep I doubt will heal completely?
How can I forget you when you bring out my true self?
How can I forget you I'm so dull without you?
How can I forget you when our song hits the radio every time I get into my car and there's no one to sing along with?
You ask me to forget you, but tell me, how can I?
1.1k · Nov 2013
The Garden
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
It used to be a garden with
daisy chains and flower beds,
a little girl with a flower crown,
laughter in the air and butterflies around.
Then came the storm,
it stole the charm.
The once innocent girl lost her sight,
warm eyes turned cold as ice.
It was then guarded by razor blades
and the sky had darkened a couple shades,
no longer the breathtaking sight of flower beds.
This little girl was now made of stone,
the happiness had been withdrawn,
and along with the garden,
the innocent, once-happy girl was gone.
1.1k · Aug 2015
Brown eyes
Liz Delgado Aug 2015
The first time I saw you,
I knew your eyes weren't just brown.
I stared into your eyes
and they reminded me of soil.
The comparison itself doesn't sound so pretty,
but I stared a little longer
and your eyes reminded me even more of soil.
Soil that life peeps through to spit beautiful flowers,
Soil with rich health growing among it,
Soil that holds more than billions of lives;
memories, tears, laughter and anger.
Soil that trembles the world averagely two inches into disaster,
Soil that covers the nickel nucleous of our precious blue star,
Soil that preserve resting ansestors,
dust they became.
Soil that clasp secrets scientists breathe for revealing,
Soil that hides the bones of the first organisms to roam this planet.
Your eyes weren't just brown,
they weren't just ordinary brown eyes.
Your eyes were heavy with the world.
And as I clawed deeper and deeper into your soul,
I felt how your body cracked
little by little
like fragile glass wanting to burst with burning hot water.
Your eyes are so brilliant,
but to cradle tremendously vast amounts of the Earth's existence must be
so frightening.
Liz Delgado May 2014
You said you needed space once again, so I stepped aside and you put me back in your shelf.
I waited weeks and months to be taken out, but, "give me another week," you said.
And so I waited and I waited, and I cried, and I missed you like crazy.
I was left insomnious.
Eventually, I found my way down, went through the door and you never heard of me again.
I had hoped you would come looking for me... but you never did.
942 · Sep 2015
Liz Delgado Sep 2015
He left with that same blue button-down shirt to our third date.
I remember the fire wavering at our dinner table.
He wore that same smile everyday
but I needed to see that smile more times,
though I'm thankful for all the times I did.
Years later I can still feel his lips on my temple,
"plane's taking off, I love you," deeply incrusted in my mind.
I can't stand texting anymore.
I stared into the eyes of the flames when I turned on the news
and felt the world around me shatter
and the ground beneath me quiver.
I can't stand watching the news.
And even though I celebrate on my own
the date we decided to be one,
there are 11 days into September that hurt and burn.
I can't stand September month.
And so I went  to bed the night of the 10th
not knowing my heart would go the next day,
14 years ago today,
and never come back into my chest.
*14 years aren't enough to forget.
Never forget 9/11
Liz Delgado Nov 2014
i cannot explain this bitter feeling of feeling like you are being forgotten, like you don't exist for a moment to the person that you name stars after and all I know is that it eats you from the inside out starting with emptiness filling the stomach, a dull pain in the heart and making its way to the mind, filling it with cyanide.
it makes its way to the eyes and rivers spill (if they haven't poured out already) and it keeps you from feeling the least bit cheerful enough to do anything.
all you know it that you loathe yourself for not being intriguing enough for them to at least spend treasured seconds of such relatively short life to send a good night message when more than just dear seconds of your relatively short life turn into minutes; minutes turn into hours to ponder and puzzle, to overthink and look for keys that are not there.
i cant explain this poisonous feeling of not feeling enough for a person that sparks metaphors and poetry that will not be read by a single soul, not even reread yourself.
and this is where you crave another body, another soul, some peculiar and truly fascinating pair of eyes.
you sink yourself lower and lower than you accustom to until rivers turn into oceans and you hit the Mariana Trench.
your insides have tightened, your eyes have iced and you cannot feel a thing.
you just want to have the honor of reaching every corner and junction of that person's brain all twenty-four hours of the day like they linger in yours.
you want to have your eyes compared to at least shining stars like you compare theirs to galaxies, to dedicate at least precious seconds of their such a lightning life to you, just like you dedicate beloved hours to them.
768 · Sep 2015
Liz Delgado Sep 2015
Veins that hold
A** talent only his.
Not confident, but
Great masterpieces.
Oh, what a shame
Gogh died without
High hopes for his art.
753 · Sep 2016
celestial being
Liz Delgado Sep 2016
Perhaps, the stars gather up at night
in the hopes of gazing into your eyes.
Liz Delgado Jul 2016
Late night thoughts are tying a knot with late night urges to splatter my brain in a blank canvas.
Countless of brown shades I've made, I've mixed.
Not even close.
I gave it a touch of green.
Wrong, your velvety voice whispers along the back of my head.
None of these can even closely resemble your eyes, none can grasp them.
Why can't I grasp them?
I laced my fingers through my hair in frustration and I went into an archive in my mind, remembering that color.
Velvet. Another color I could make a thousand shades of, but they could never match your voice.
Why can't I grasp you?
738 · Nov 2013
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
Heart of a thousand galaxies,
newborn and dying stars,
a variety of planets,
bandaged faults,
sunrises and sunsets,
occasional shooting stars,
blooming flowers,
the song of a bird,
the smell of rain,
dark, unexplored depths of the ocean.

Eyes of explosions of blues,
crashing, wavering seas,
fierce hurricanes,
and a mirror reflecting
my heart and rarely,
my brain.
688 · Dec 2013
We Are The Universe
Liz Delgado Dec 2013
You are a child of the Universe,
bright as the stars in the sky,
alive as the flowers on a meadow,
tall as a tree in a forest,
changing as the waves,
radiant as the sun,
no lesser than ground and the rocks,
the clouds or the snow.

You are a child of the Universe,
holding the landscape along your frame,
the ocean as your eyes; revolting and fierce,
the meadow blooming as your hair,
tree branches as your arms,
and your roots are your mom and dad.
Liz Delgado Apr 2016
I don't know how to get you out of my mind (and heart). I've spilt oceans all over my face every time the moon comes up, and letters don't fit in my journal anymore. I've tried to cough you out, but it's dry. I've tried burning you to ashes with the strongest ***** I can find. I've stopped looking at the stars; I can't stand looking back at your eyes. I've stopped talking— I believe that maybe I can **** you in my throat.  It's like you've sank your claws so deep into me, I just can't let you go because I still check my phone every five mintunes. I still find the words to write about you with. I still regret waking up in the morning, you hit me right in my brain. I can't ******* let you go. And it's driving me ******* insane. My hair despises you and my hands keep trembling, and my eyes keep drowning.
Liz Delgado Feb 2016
Just when you notice that no one else will dance in the palm of your hand,
that no one else will bundle up the stars and make a planetarium of your days,
that no one else will stand a thousand daggers piercing their chest,
that no one else will carry the weight of your tears as they carry theirs,
that no one else will miss a ride around the clock with their friends or family for you,
that no one will take time to spill their heart on a blank sheet of canvas for your birthday,
in that still moment,
you will regret not picking out a second to sing me good night... that was all I asked.
And even then,
even if I catch you trying to make me feel fire inside me and try to catch a pinch of my attention,
I promise you can never light up angering jealousy in my chest,
you will never obligate me to crave another girl's pair of eyes.
I was gold you had and never deserved,
you drilled me as if I were infinite- and I was,
but not for you,
just for me.
You thought I was an ocean,
that I would always depend on you,
mysterious moon,
but that's not how it is:
I am the wind running through your hair.
You used to be such a big thing for me,
but I realized I am bigger.
You used to be my significant other,
my other half,
but I realized I am significant on my own,
that I am not a fraction,
that I am a whole.
You used to be the light of my days,
but I am no longer afraid of the dark.
625 · Jun 2014
Unusual, but genuine
Liz Delgado Jun 2014
I used to be scared of thunderstorms, but I fell deeply for one. I used to hate the lighting striking when I least expect it, now it had found a way to get a hold of my heart. Things change, but never completely; I still found and overwhelming amount to comfort when I got to the eye of the storm and I had always loved the rain. Not everyone can get to the eye, and the times I did and still do, I've felt very lucky to.
Our relationship was never pink, we argued more than being cliché, even when we were happy, we would argue. But even so, I didn't need to hear the exact I love you, we were not like that either. You would say "you're such a *****", and I would say, "and you're an *******"; you would smile, and I would too because that was enough. It screamed I love you louder than any "I love you, boo" would. We loved passionately yet fought furiously.
And after all the times I tried figuring out what we had, asking myself why we weren't like every couple out there, realization hit me at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. I didn't want to be like everybody else because you loved me truly and I loved you endlessly. There would be times you hurt me, and I hurt you too, but the love was enough to cover.
You're a thunderstorm and I wouldn't change it for a thing, not even for the stars and the galaxies out there, or the fields of flowers around the land, not even the salty top to bottom of the sea, all the riches of the world, or the key to heaven.
I'm in love with a raging thunderstorm.
613 · Sep 2015
Everything I do is wrong
Liz Delgado Sep 2015
I have to apologize for what I feel and then you have the audacity to wonder why sometimes I rather keep my feelings buried deep inside my chest, as if you had left me another choice
599 · Sep 2015
Liz Delgado Sep 2015
I saw resentment clearly.
He was harsh and tense, filled with battle scars.
He turned and took hefty, angry steps in my brain.
I saw his balled fists, his toughly furrowed eyebrows,
and all hell broken lose, a war of rage inside his eyes.
I heard him breathe heavily,
and I felt so bitter.
574 · Apr 2016
All I can do is cry
Liz Delgado Apr 2016
I thought I was doing fine,
but it all just crashed over me.
I thought the mere idea of a possibility was far deceased in my mind, but optimism has never been my thing and now I know why.
I thought that because I understood, my heart would bleed a little less,
but now even my eyes bleed every now and then,
and my glass heart dangles on a very fine thread.
I thought my heart was finally listening,
but my mind told it some incredibly hurtful things.
My mind told my heart all about you and about that girl.
My mind described your smile while you stood proudly in a digital memory next to her.
My mind reminded my heart that I wanted her place and moving on ******* hurts.
And there was nothing else I could do,
I could only sit back and watch how you unknowingly knew you cut the fine thread holding my heart,
and feel as it broke down to pieces,
and there was no fire to put it back.
I was doing so fine.
******* it, I ******* thought I was doing fine.
560 · Oct 2015
Liz Delgado Oct 2015
I hate feeling upset after you joke about having lots of girls,
I detest having to be too self-conscious to have that bother me late at night.
I hate to see other girls look at you, wanting to be yours, and even though you shrug them off and spin your head at them,
I despise to think what if one day you'll follow their game, what if they captivate you?
What if you see something much more special and get bored of me?
What if someday, another set of eyes captivate you more than mine?
I hate it when you get mad at me for being this self-conscious, for doubting you,
I loathe that it's my fault because you don't do anything wrong to bring me lack of faith and get me paranoid,
I abhor having to bother you this way.
I hate hating myself.
Liz Delgado Jun 2015
How hard it is to just feel like waterfalls are furiously trying to break loose out of your body, like as if your body was a glass being filled forcefully to the brim and there's no more emotion to hold in left for you to appear composed and collected for what is left of the day.
The day passes by painfully slower by the minute and you feel the water filling your veins from your toes and your stomach and then your lungs and you have to escape.
And then you've hardly made it to the end of the day and finally you get to be alone.
You finally get to have those thoughts swimming around your charcoal brain embrace you claustrophobically tight and the water spills everywhere, making a giant mess.
It is hard as **** to hold your tears for days, to feel hell wanting break lose inside of you, to feel how you slowly begin drown without getting soaked at all.
But I swear nothing gets harder than dealing with the constant pain inside your chest, beating against your ribcage in detached and sharp pieces over and over and you just want it to stop.
You just want it to ******* stop.
512 · Dec 2013
Liz Delgado Dec 2013
I don't know a lot of things about you, except the fact that your favorite color is blue, and that your name is unusual, and that you sometimes wear glasses. It's amazing yet worrying how three little facts can run every corner of my brain, pressing itself into every bit of the mess I call thoughts.
I see you in the wavering, blue ocean; one of the most beautiful sights on this Earth, but also one of the most mysterious; just as your eyes.
I see you in the blue ink I write my poems with; all inspired by you, your unusual name, your favorite color, and your black rimmed glasses.
I see you in the peaceful, blue sky, soon to turn into different shades of oranges and pinks, making the day fall into the other one; another day I'll live thinking about you and your unusual name, how good you look both with or without glasses, and that your favorite color is blue.
Just a draft
499 · Apr 2015
Liz Delgado Apr 2015
How wonderful would it be if I could twirl around on my toes like I always craved to do since I was a few thousand days old?
How fantastic would it be if I could paint a masterpiece as big as the solar system and add the details of every star out there, even the shooting ones?
How phenomenal would it be if I could glide beautifully on thick beds of glistening ice while music invades my ears?
How outstanding would it be to take a bite of golden victory as the anthem of my country performs along in the background?
How bizarre would it be to skate my bow on rosined chords and shape ethereal harmonies?
I wake up every morning full of wonder, puzzling, wanting to try everything there is on Earth and to savor gold as I live every illusion there can be.
498 · May 2015
Liz Delgado May 2015
It gets to a point where I have made myself so minuscule, I can't seem to fill all your empty corners and that's when you look at me just like every ordinary thing in the world and I subconciously shrink further into myself
Bluntly, I feel like I am not enough
494 · Nov 2013
Choke Hold
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
It was sad to know that
the only thing to lean
my head on that night
was the cold, tiled
bathroom wall
as my demons had me
at choke hold.
Liz Delgado Apr 2016
Just when I thought I had shared everything of me with you, I realized I forgot to show you my favorite poems. And I did, and you read each and every one of them.
What made my heart race the most was the fact that you tried. You tried to understand how I would relate to this poem and you genuinely cared.
Just when you began painting of beautiful blues and yellows, reds and oranges, purples and greens, in a world that used to be just black and white for me,
when my thoughts because a little bit more optimistic, time and situations grabbed us both by our feet and dragged us away from each other.
We held on, and we fought, and we tried, and we cried.
In the end, our hands were worn out from gripping and we had to let go.
What made my heart hurt the most was the fact that I kept on reading and reading, and I kept finding more poems, but I had to keep them buried deep inside my chest.
No one else would understand, or at least care to.
468 · Nov 2013
Eleven Word Poem
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
You decorate my mind
like the stars decorate the night sky.
466 · Nov 2013
Thinking About You
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
I stay awake and wonder
what you think
when you hear my name,
what you think
before you go to sleep,
if you think of me at all
because I absentmindedly smile
when I hear your name,
I think of you
when I can't sleep at night,
I think of you a lot,
and I walk the Earth hoping
you think of me the way
I think of you.
458 · Jan 2014
I Moved On
Liz Delgado Jan 2014
It's been so long, hundreds of hours that I've last seen those dark, brown eyes.
My mind's picture of them has lately, simply just blurred,
but the world has sharpen up.
I can finally tell the difference between the people hurrying down the streets of the city,
and suddenly, the world doesn't seem so black and white.
I can finally, perfectly see other eye colors
apart from that only shade of dark, brown.
And I woke up from my at-last-dreamless slumber,
realization hit me hard exactly seventeen minutes after-
my thoughts had abandoned you.
444 · Nov 2013
Twelve Word Answer
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
My eyes did not amaze him
the way his eyes amazed me.
436 · Nov 2013
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
And so the seas of
fresh and salty
liquid pain lapped at
the cold, pale cheek,
painting it the color
of transparency
reflected by the
young girl.
424 · Jun 2015
Liz Delgado Jun 2015
I'm not a person to ask for things or maintain greed over material goods,
but I go out of my way to give you the world and the stars
while you don't take a second to think about details
and just keep me apart,
caged from the rest of the world
while the world is gifted with your smiles.
I just hate feeling like I can't find my way of these knots
or this maze-
****, I don't know what this is.
I am completely in love with him, but sometimes I just don't know if I can carry on feeling like ****.
421 · Dec 2013
I Don't Know What Gray Is
Liz Delgado Dec 2013
I have the tendency to feel and do
too much or nothing at all,
it's either black or white.
There is no in between,
gray just doesn't exist for me.
404 · Nov 2013
Dark Eyes
Liz Delgado Nov 2013
I could jump into the
dark, wavering oceans
as your eyes and find
little parts of me that
captivated me since
the first glance.
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