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Apr 2016 · 870
kylie formella Apr 2016
what constitutes a cheater?
because when i promised myself to you,
i meant every part
i meant even my mind, too
i meant i'd never have that kind of touch
that kind of love
to anybody else,
i promised it'd be only you i dreamed of
so why, oh why, do i feel like I've been lied to
because i thought you promised too
i thought you only wanted my touch
but instead, you wanted two
Apr 2016 · 708
how it hurts
kylie formella Apr 2016
if you asked me how it hurts,
i'd answer simply
that it doesn't
that nothing is wrong and I am
perfectly fine
but in actuality
I am a walking chasm
a deep gaping hole
that nobody wants to fall into
and those who love me
must feel so much shame
that they have to
take care of this mess
and if you asked me how it hurts
if you really wanted to know
i'd tell you
it hurts like smiling all day, laughing,
and coming home and attempting
to cry myself to sleep
and when that doesn't work, ill
let the drugs do the job
it hurts like waking up in the middle of the night
willing God
or whoever
to please, please not wake me up in the morning
it hurts in my chest, I guess that's why they call it
so don't ask me how it hurts
if you don't want to hear
that it hurts so bad, i think i might
Mar 2016 · 901
he is sleeping
kylie formella Mar 2016
he is sleeping and I know how
he is grumpy if he is tired
I know when he wakes up
he'll be confused and vulnerable
I know his eyes might hurt if he forgot to
take out his contacts
i know he won't be ready to wake
even if he promised
"just five more minutes"
i know he'll be ready for a smoke as soon
as he opens his eyes
so ill wake him up with a kiss
and a joint
Mar 2016 · 745
kylie formella Mar 2016
and he holds me, wraps his arms
around my body
pushing into me
showing me who's it is
he knows what I want
out of breath
"yes please"
open-mouthed kisses
making love
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
kylie formella Mar 2016
I don't think that people go to cemeteries
to pay their respects
I think they go
because they need to pretend
body is sleeping, only resting
6 feet under
I think that they need the grass to hold on to
So they feel they're not falling
off the Earth
They need to lay the flowers down,
as an apology
"I'm sorry
I have to forget about you."
Mar 2016 · 493
kylie formella Mar 2016
I am an apology
I am a promise
that I will do better next time
I am aching
I am sorry
Sometimes I feel
that I'd rather not wake up
I feel that
I don't need to be a mistake
any longer
Mar 2016 · 451
kylie formella Mar 2016
I kiss goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
to the good times
Goodbye sun,
It's been fun and I don't think
you're ever coming up again
this isn't a suicide letter
because I only mean that everything
is already gone
and it's never
Mar 2016 · 614
Summer Waaga
kylie formella Mar 2016
woman found
stabbed in the neck on butlers lane
but she wasn't a woman
she only breathed 18 years
of breath
and she only got to have 18 years
worth of smiles
laughs, tears,
aches, pains,
her future was stolen by envy
Mar 2016 · 594
kylie formella Mar 2016
I stopped questioning if God was real at 3am one night
in a church parking lot
I was in the front seat, on top of a boy
who would not even drive to my house to see me,
we'd always meet up
and when he told me to take off my clothes I did
and when he told me "I dreamt about this"
it stuck
when I closed my car door, and went on my way home
that is when I stopped believing in God
because I already knew that he wouldn't call tomorrow
and I already knew the familiar bleeding of my wrists would
lull me to sleep
and I already knew he'd be back in a month
speaking of love and forgiveness
I stopped believing in God
when I found it in a person, and I decided
God isn't such a nice guy.
Mar 2016 · 645
stay away
kylie formella Mar 2016
it hurts even to remember
the way you used to burn through my brain
and sometimes when I'm alone
ill come across a hole burnt through my head
like drunken nights where I put out cigarettes on my skin
and I draw a blank, I start to feel it again
stay the **** away from me
Mar 2016 · 529
kylie formella Mar 2016
today I started work at my first job
a fast food joint
and when I handed customers their change
I gave them my childhood, too
Feb 2015 · 634
past the end
kylie formella Feb 2015
i've been gone awhile maybe you thought i died
i wish i did, so i wouldn't feel so empty inside
'cause i wake up lately without the motivation to write
i've lost everything except my ******* life
so what do you do when all you can think
is of making more drops of blood in the sink
when nobody's around, you really could drown
in it, and i'm not okay anymore.
i've lost my way, i'm for sure
that i'll never feel okay again
cause my baby doesn't even wanna be friends
i just wanna pass this, wanna pass the end
and i swear to god i've already died, i'm in hell
but no everyone, i'm fine. i'm doing swell.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
self destruction
kylie formella Jan 2015
you can punch your reflection all you want,
the only result will be ****** knuckles and broken glass.
stop pushing it away, you're never gonna be okay.
he didn't want you, maybe it's because you don't even want yourself
self destructing in
5, 4, 3, 2...
Jan 2015 · 530
kylie formella Jan 2015
denied, and died.
let me tell you a story; even though
it's not a good one.
no happy ending, this time.
she fell in love with  a boy
and what a surprise, he cheated.
she gave him another chance.
he did it again. they broke up.
he got a new girlfriend, but he cheated on her too.
and this time, it was with the first girl.
the first girl didn't want to be
part of the aching pain that comes with
the boy.
she only wanted him for her own.
but she wasn't strong enough.
she told the girl about the boy who cheated,
and the girl was angry.
they never separated.
the other girl, the first one,
she was there first!
so shouldn't she get
the mean boy?
no, i guess not.
denied, and died.
the end.
i'm just too frustrated to write anything good. i'm trying though.
Jan 2015 · 352
kylie formella Jan 2015
i felt the burden of ****** shaking the room,
i asked you if i should move on.
you stayed silent, that
said more than you possibly could have said.
it's getting more difficult to say
"i want you back."
the only thing that'll come out is
i don't even want the answer anymore,
i just want to stop. i want it all to stop.
the only escape that i can imagine is
a bullet through the brain.
i can't see myself ever not loving you
and you never loved me from the start.
but you don't understand
i fell hard and i fell fast
there was no one to catch me and i am
laying on the floor,
bruised and bleeding.
just repeating.
new year, new me, right?
well why do i still feel like an island?
one that not even the tide can reach.
so far away and disconnected,
who even knows how to find my heart.
Dec 2014 · 460
kylie formella Dec 2014
let's start the new year right
with your hand between my thighs
Dec 2014 · 397
him pt 3
kylie formella Dec 2014
tall, like a god.
something important, something you have to worship.
you see him and there's nothing you can't find.
he has already achieved the person he is,
he is comfortable, he knows no reason not to be.
everything i do not possess in the form of
perfection i want him.
Dec 2014 · 518
kylie formella Dec 2014
this is an invitation for pretty girls to message me haha
Dec 2014 · 506
kylie formella Dec 2014
this is for the me who i'm trying to break free of:
stop. stop getting yourself into situations you know will ******* up. stop giving people chance after chance. stop telling yourself it doesn't count if it's him, he's only important if you make him so. stop it. find the value inside yourself to move the **** on. stop isolating yourself unless it's him who wants to be involved with you. (usually it isn't.) you're going to be okay. you don't need him to feel like you're actually alive. give other people a ******* chance and stop feeling sorry for someone who isn't trying; you. all your putting your effort into is getting him back.
Dec 2014 · 803
kylie formella Dec 2014
because when i see your pretty hips
i want to be between them and looking up at your pretty
sparkling eyes
i want my cold hands
on your warm thighs,
you angel
and i love the way you
i love the way you
when you came
feeling females tonite
Dec 2014 · 668
kylie formella Dec 2014
have i forgotten what it feels like to be needed?
i'd rather gouge my eyes out  than look in the mirror,
and it's not the reflection that disgusts me.
it's this small person inside of me,
too much of a coward to actually be passionate,
too big of a ***** to actually fight for what i want,
to actually stand up for myself.
i want to **** the person inside,
not myself.
i love myself. it's the doubt that lives inside me
who needs to die.
he whispers in my ears
that i need to cave in again,
that i need to fall apart.
if i need him gone, i may need
to hurt myself too.
this is a very personal side of me i've never shared before
Dec 2014 · 368
kylie formella Dec 2014
you make my fingers shiny
Dec 2014 · 718
kylie formella Dec 2014
i told you baby i told you
that i didn't know if i could stop
i told you i might be addicted
sorry i'm so reckless,
i can't stop i can't.
you make my days
like removing a stain
from my life
i can do it to my clothes too!
when you left,
bloodstains just became a part
of my shirts.
(and you took them away.)
how am i supposed to let my favorite
my favorite bad habit leave me?
my favorite way to **** myself
has always been being with you.
you make the pain
you couldn't make anything matter
until i decided to let you.
i wish i could scrape
the resin from my lungs.
get us high one more time,
god, would there even be anything left?
but you're perfect
you keep me the best kind of
****** up.
don't make me quit you.
Dec 2014 · 467
him pt 2
kylie formella Dec 2014
I remember you. I can't forget.
You clean sailboats for a living,
and you love it.
You're already who you're meant to be.
And I'm just wandering from
state of being
to state of being
trying to figure out
how to be the one for you.
Your favorite color is blue.
You told me to remember that, I do.
You were born in June,
the 13th.
We didn't know each other yet when you turned
I know you probably look at me as being
so reckless,
for a 15 year old it's probably
not okay.
We knew each other by my birthday,
late September.
I guess we weren't on good terms then,
and I wished to see you when I blew out the candles.
It was kind of dumb, my wish didn't come true
Now what are we?
We're hundreds of different types
of oppressed emotions,
battling each other all at once.
And to put it quite simply,
I love you
Until there's nothing left,
I will love you.
Regardless of whether you love me back,
even if you push me away,
even if you love somebody else,
I know that I won't be able to stop.
I'm sorry for not being able to
give up on you.
i miss you so much
Dec 2014 · 470
kylie formella Dec 2014
before i open my eyes and realize i'm alive
every morning
it's you
and it is always you,
you remain inside my mind and you live there
i wouldn't have it any other way
because when i was falling apart
you took the hurt away
all i had to do was look at you
and it wasn't sudden
i didn't notice i'd lost all my troubles
until we parted ways again
it's like every time i'm with you
it's us; and nothing else
you make my world spin backwards
and when i can say the words
"you're mine"
i wake up excited to start the day,
and that's really something i've never been able to say
but it's you who made me remember what
a smile felt like
when i need to escape for awhile,
i'll give you a call
and my grin becomes a tattoo
for the duration
of our communication
i love you
couldn't ever feel this for anybody else
be mine, i'll be yours
we'll be "we"
kylie formella Dec 2014
Please, don't.
Don't make your life a tragedy just to make it interesting.
It becomes permanent,
and unavoidable as the time passes.
As you get older, you stop craving the attention.
For instance,
when I was 12, I cut myself everyday.
Not, however, for the reasons I do now.
I used to cut so that I would have cuts,
and now I cut because I have to.
When I was 13, I stopped eating.
I knew I was thin,
I've always been underweight,
But I needed more baggage if I wanted to be somebody.
Now, I cannot eat without wanting to throw up.
When I was 14, I fell in love
with every boy who shot me a glance,
and gave them everything.
Now, I have nothing left to give,
(or to offer.)
And when I turned 15,
I started depending on drugs so I could
I can't stop cutting, starving, and falling back
into self destructive habits
because when I was 12,
I needed attention.
Now, yes, my life is ****** up,
but maybe I'd know how to cope
If I'd never picked up the blade, starved, or tried drugs.
Please just don't
Dec 2014 · 921
high vol. 2
kylie formella Dec 2014
wow, this music is loud..
or is it quiet? i feel it in my fingertips,
are my senses just intense?
wow, this **** is loud..
or is it mids? is my ****** tolerance
low? am i high? yeah, ok.
i may not be much of a
poet, but i'm a great **** lover,
or am i? let me show you.
then you can tell me how it feels,
to be loved by somebody.
i cannot tell if this makes sense
Dec 2014 · 392
kylie formella Dec 2014
i bet your eyes would look
(if that were possible)
if they were looking up at me
while i was sitting on your face
and if you ever want in lemme know
Dec 2014 · 347
kylie formella Dec 2014
i've been bottling it up again and my insides
are packed so tightly with the poison of my negativity
i think i may burst and no ones concerned
and it hurts and i cant
take it so i get wasted and get too drunk
to remember
i am so tired of waking up wishing that i hadn't
i am so tired of waking up ready to **** my sobriety
i am so tired of feeling like my soul is a burden to my body,
leaving scars where my skin should be clear.
and if here soon
i disappear
don't be worried
it's what i wanted
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
kylie formella Dec 2014
in my head, I feel wavelengths
with every movement
I feel at peace
I have lost all knowledge of the words
"comfort" and "discomfort"
I only Am.
I Am Earth, and I Am God.
I Am everybody,
I Am no one.
I could Be a mountain.
or a canyon,
if I Tried.
Dec 2014 · 790
kylie formella Dec 2014
i'll be 23 at a liquor store on my way to a party
the boy who i'm with will think my name is sorry
maybe the cuts will be scars by then
but that doesn't mean i'll be better
i still won't know how to be sober
i'll be in a stranger's bathroom
crying my eyes out,
they'll think it's just the shrooms
but it'll be you, it'll always
be you
i'll talk about the boy who didn't love me back
even with *** and alcohol in the equation.
maybe i'll be okay then,
but it'll never hurt less
Dec 2014 · 583
kylie formella Dec 2014
sit down for dinner with my
happy happy family
my mother is surprised
i came out of my room
they ignore the giant bleeding hole
in my chest
but i can see their discomfort
they all put their hands together
and they bless this food
(when they should be praying
for this "God" to help us)
my step-father shoots me a glare
when he sees my hands are apart
and both of my middle fingers
are pointed up at God
i don't even take a bite before
i feel the elephant in the room
pushing me back to the comfort
of isolation
Dec 2014 · 668
kylie formella Dec 2014
Remember when you played your first song on the piano?
Why are all the keys broken now?
The music has started to sound like screams.
You hear it everywhere, don't you?
It scratches at the back of your brain, until
all your thoughts are drowned in blood
telling you to cave in.
Your father's worried,
about those bruises on your knees. He didn't raise
a *****.
(He didn't raise anybody.)
He'll scream it, so the neighbors feel uncomfortable.
"Well, I think you mighta, Dad.
Because right after we ****, they all leave."
He'll start yelling,
You'll be the example no one needed to set.
We all know we're not supposed to
leave our still-beating hearts
in the boy who doesn't want us'
mailbox. You just
had to do it didn't you?
You had to rip our family apart,
just to know you could make somebody
feel something.
Dec 2014 · 383
kylie formella Dec 2014
"have you ever had suicidal thoughts?"
yeah doc, i surely have
i've seen it in my head thousands of times
all the ways that i could just
stop existing
i've felt the bullet through my brain and it didn't even
i've tied the noose and jumped,
and watched my body fight,
even though my soul didn't want to.
i've died a thousand times.
Dec 2014 · 419
kylie formella Dec 2014
He taught you about cars; tell us about how you've started
bleeding motor oil.
Remember the days after he left?
How it took your car half an hour to start?
You were like that in those times too, you know.
You were trying to find a reason to get out of bed.
He doesn't call anymore,
so there's no need to see the sunlight.
Your mother's been worrying. she's been terrified.
You smoke those pipes so much;
she's scared you'll see a glimpse of him
in the ******* exhaust pipe.
There's no need to worry,
though. You're not lonely.
You've made a friend, in one of those pipes.
You named it Caesar. Et tu, Brute?
Brutus was his friend. Come on, Romans.
Don't let him get away with this. Stabbed
33 times.
Obituaries lose details as the
time passes.
He was your biggest supporter
when you found out even he wanted you dead;
you stopped fighting for your life.
Burn the body
Burn the ashes.
Dec 2014 · 355
if you don't love yourself
kylie formella Dec 2014
nobody can love me until i love myself,
well, every time i've seen my reflection
since i was eight years old
i've felt a temptation that's hard to fight
to throw my head
into the glass
(with all my might)
and my mother still tells me
that she loves me no matter
i guess what you have to do,
if you don't love yourself
is find someone
who will help you to
Dec 2014 · 449
kylie formella Dec 2014
your eyes never shined like that when you were
looking at me
i can't make my poems sound that poetic anymore
they all just sounds like
repetitive pleads,
begging you,
just let me be good enough this time
just settle for me
my poems used to sound like screams
they're not that powerful anymore
they're more of whimpers now
because my poems and i?
well, we;re tired
we've been crying since the day you left
and we ran out of tears
we ran out of new things to say
but we haven't given up yet,
this poem is a plead.
come back.
Dec 2014 · 292
last night
kylie formella Dec 2014
last night I drank a whole bottle and it gave me the same butterflies you did;
a boy tried to get me to go into his car alone with him
I laughed in his face
it was funny because he didn't know how broken I am
I smoked so much I was flying
I don't remember how I got home
and I was surrounded by people who were saying my name
but I knew that they didn't know me
I'm bad at writing when I'm hungrover
Dec 2014 · 525
coulda been
kylie formella Dec 2014
**** me goodbye since that's all you came here for
lock the door
nobody knows they can't see
we got so high we smoked trees
we called it a forest fire
you stupid, ***** liar
we smoked til I cried and begged you not to leave
I swear I'm not as crazy as I seem
we coulda called it making love
if we didn't hate each other more every time we ******
we coulda lasted for ever
we coulda been real special
Dec 2014 · 413
kylie formella Dec 2014
i just write and i write and i write
i don't even know where the words come from;
it's like theyre bleeding from my fingertips
and the ink is the blood
i wrote 4 pages today about falling in love
another 6 about how much i wish youd just come back
and i scribbled in the margins how i wish i could get away
there were sentences abut my insignificance
and paragraphs about how i feel disconnected
my hands hurt so ******* much
but how am i to stop when its the only way to stop the hurt
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
kylie formella Dec 2014
i've always loved adventure, so i tried falling in love
i wouldn't call it falling, really
more of a plummet
into an abyss i can't get out of
yeah, love is an adventure
but i'm lost
and you won't give me the ******* map
Dec 2014 · 483
kylie formella Dec 2014
there's nothing poetic to say i won't beautify my word choice
there is nothing good about this pain
i do not know how to stop these thoughts and they scare me
please help me i am so lost
Dec 2014 · 369
kylie formella Dec 2014
at which did you decide that i was no longer good enough?
nothing ever changed for me
something inside you has died and
i'm not even allowed inside the funeral because
nobody knew that we were lovers
how am i supposed to breathe
when your breath is still inside my lungs
from all the smoke i shotgunned
i'm your favorite scar;
your favorite sad story'
to tell your grandkids one day
"i broke a girl's heart once,
she still writes me everyday"
you can't just look at the glass
you've got to shatter it
so every one knows that you were the one that did it
nobody can ever break me again,
you do it everyday
the me who smiles is dead,
i hung her in my closet
with my father's belt.
i never gave it back to him because i never saw him again
after he said "see you soon."
just like you, you promised too.
i tried stitching us back together with
"i need you"
but you didn't even care
i have dreams where you **** me
and in my dreams,
you have the courtesy to keep pretending you love me
home is where the ghosts are
home is where the heart aches
home is where you got all your scars
home is in his chest;
it's a beating heart
and you don't know how to untangle yourself
from his nooses made of veins
let me go,
let me go to heaven
my time in hell is over with
Dec 2014 · 440
scream about it
kylie formella Dec 2014
scream about it if you need to
how you were bleeding on the ground because you were too drunk to stand
and nobody at the party even noticed
or looked up
or you can say it nonchalantly like usual
"i'm really not significant, it kinda suffocates me sometimes,
i'm dumb" you'll spit the words out
and you're forcing a laugh
paint the words on the wall with the blood
from your sloppy wrists
tell them about the day when you were in school
in gym class, shaking because everyone was looking at you
and you knew in the locker room
that they saw the scars that trailed from your hips to your knees
tell them about how you called him and blurted out
that you couldn't get over him
that you missed him uncontrollably and that
was never gonna change
and he said "maybe one day if things change.."
spill your guts,
write about how you haven't had a lover since just in case he chose to come back
you could even paint a picture
of the look on your face when your mother told you
"you're the most ****** up person i can think of,
where did i go wrong?"
write about your drinking habits and the way you
start to feel like you're digging your own grave if you
stay sober for too long
tell us you're not okay
i mean we know,
but tell us anyway
(i'm dealing with a lot)
Dec 2014 · 305
kylie formella Dec 2014
remember when you thought love was always a shared feeling?
come on,
tell them about the day you fell on the rocks
and you were too high off the pills he gave you to even get up.
even your own reflection looks unfamiliar,
and tell them you feel out of place in your own body.
all that's left of the old you
is all the graves you dug for the nights you intended
to bury your sorrows alive
Dec 2014 · 334
kylie formella Dec 2014
im trying to find some way
to describe how much i need you
with only 26 letters
and it's impossible to capture your worth to me
with something so meaningless
Dec 2014 · 540
kylie formella Dec 2014
what do i want for christmas?
santa wants to know
i want chains and whips and lots of blow
i wanna x out the christ and call it xmas
i wanna stop thinking about all the exes i miss
i want stale smoke and sloppy kisses
i want fist fights and sneak disses
i don't want no jolly ****,
i want some of that molly ****
so if that fat **** with a beard wants to shimmy down my chimney,
tell him im not interested if he doesn't have whiskey
i won't bake no cookies for that cheerful *****
**** christmas it's halloween and i'm a witch
i wanna stop feeling suicidal
i wanna be my own teen idle
so if you really wanna get me something i want,
roll up a couple fat thick blunts.
some self confidence,
and someone to ****.
Dec 2014 · 371
kylie formella Dec 2014
replaced and im defaced
im ******* my
hearts racing
i cant face it
blame me
i might get blazed if i
find space
and its okay
ill find a way
to hold on for one more day
ill be safe
ill be great
i wont cry
ill be fine
we both know im lying
but sometimes life gets in the way
Nov 2014 · 644
kylie formella Nov 2014
11:11 i wish i still had a hand to hold
and i wish i didnt fall in love every single time you open your mouth
i wish i didnt cry so much
i wish i wasnt high so much
i wish i didnt notice the lies so much
i wish i wasnt alone
i wish i wasnt so cold
i wish i could just have you one more time
i wish i could have your soul one
Nov 2014 · 874
seven minutes in heaven
kylie formella Nov 2014
i wonder when my skin will feel safe and comfortable again
i know you don't want to be
in this small room that smells like
my grandmother's clothes
(she died five years ago, did you know?)
your hands are on me and we can go ahead and pretend it feels natural
we're kids playing at being grown ups
with mommys high-heels
they have you walking on hell and the shoes are much too big
for your little feet
and the boys, wearing their father's ties which are much too long
they've got daddy's guns too, in the trunk
they've got daddy's drinking habits too
and you've got your big sister's cigarettes
why do they call it seven minutes in heaven when
this feels much more like the
firey place they call hell
we're all smiling, we're all laughing
we're upside down and floating in the sky
asking ourselves why
because we're too shy to say these words
too high to say these words
we can leave the closet now,
its been far past seven minutes
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