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Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Look in the mirror.
There’s a lot to celebrate.
That’s all I’m saying.
I wrote this about you.
My debut collection 'Otherness' is available to purchase now:
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
You thought the burden
was going to be shared equally.
Oh, the irony!
They lost their minds
Trying so desperately to
Understand mine.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
When you read these words
It will be too late, my dear
I’m chasing new dreams
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
I love the sarcastic you
The annoying you
The manic you
The quirky you
The happy you
You –
As you are.
Joelle A Owusu Jul 2016
Ask yourself this:
Are the fences you put up
Around yourself
Keeping out the hurt
Or keeping you prisoner?
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
We say the pressure is too immense
And we cannot stand the heat
But aren’t those the conditions in
Which diamonds are made?
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Only good can come of this,
I’m sure.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
England will shake
And Great Britain will break.
Blows to the head, from the heart
Is what’s torn us apart.
Divided we stand,
With no outstretched hand.
United no more
With fear at the core.
A poem about the UK's vote to leave  the EU.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
A girl’s fully grown
Not by her lips,
her chest, or hips
But at the moment she knows
She must unlearn
The words of the world
That sparks friendly fires
And wish her to burn
In cruelty dressed as compassion.
Joelle A Owusu Jul 2016
This place doesn’t feel like home anymore
It’s not the people who have changed
Nor the signs, shops or houses
It is I.
I am neither better, nor worse
Just grown
No longer bound like a dog to a lamp post.
This place is frozen in time
With the same old rituals and practices
I just cannot do
With sayings and languages
I can no longer speak
So I choose to leave
And pave a new path
Out of rubble, dust and anything else that is in the way.
I don’t mind
Because the frozen streets taught me well.
So well that the chill can no longer reach my bones
And call me home.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
The world won’t stand still for you.
But, you have so much life in those bones
And love in those veins.
You may as well change the world, my dear.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
She is dark and her mind is a palace
She is dark and her knowledge will take her places
She is dark and her body is for herself first
She is dark and her voice is valid
She is dark and her thoughts will lead nations
She is dark and her just being is bravery
She is dark and her soul will keep dancing
She is dark and her dark has a purpose
She is dark and her dark is bright
She is dark and her dark is beautiful.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
Every birth mark
Every mole
Every scar that imprints my skin.
Every stretch mark and wrinkle
Every bold vein and pimple.
They tell the stories
of my being
I have earned
each and every
one of them.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
Oh, but my darling
Don’t your wounds heal themselves
After the pain subsides?
You must remember that
Next time you reach for his clenched fist
instead of your own open hand.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
Be honest, he asks me,
Would you gaze at a mirror so much
If it reflected back your
Instead of your face?*

I had never felt so exposed.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
How interesting is it that
We are so quick
To sacrifice our sanity
In the belief that others can
Hold up our sky?
Joelle A Owusu Nov 2016
What is it like to break off bonds with the toxic people in my life?*
I don’t have all the answers
but I will tell you the truth:
it is like breaking your own heart
and mending it all at the same time
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
When you’re your own worst
Enemy, you will break your
Own heart and like it.
My debut poetry collection 'Otherness' is available to pre-order now. :)
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Of this, I am sure:
They’ll write stories about us
On how we survived.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
It hurt, what you did.
Pushed away like a stranger.
But my life goes on.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
My nose is too broad
And my hips are too wide
My big lips swollen with stories
About my lack of self-pride.

I can’t buy cheap makeup,
Flesh plasters or tights
But I can’t really moan
‘Cause I got civil rights.

I see the bold stare.
She masks her intrigue with kindness
Then ruffles my hair.

I’m told that I’m different
Then told I’m the same.
But when push turns to shove
It’s myself who’s to blame.

Weaves mean I crave white
Curls, hidden from view.
And everyone’s a critic
In this real human zoo.

I’m exotic and feisty
Though I’m from where you live.
Should I just play along?
Or move on and forgive?
My curves are so ghetto
But it’s what most girls crave.
It belongs to everyone, but me
And that’s the path that we pave.

Fetishized by the pale
But ignored by my own.
Lord, what did I do?
To deserve this skin tone?

“I’ve never been with a Black chick”.
I say: “Neither have I”.
If that’s all we have in common,
My humour runs dry.

I’m forced to smile at old strangers
So they don’t cross the street.
When paranoia takes over,
I stare down at my feet.

I shouldn’t need to remind you
That we all bleed dark red.
But when pixels and spin divide us,
It’s my flesh left for dead.

So what can I do
To soothe this 300-year itch?
Nothing, just take it!
You angry, Black *****.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
I can do it.
I will prove you wrong.
**And I will make you proud.
My debut poetry collection 'Otherness' is available to pre-order now. :)
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Repeat after me:
I will not just be.
I will live
the best life
I possibly can.
It won’t always be perfect,
But it will be mine and mine to share if I wish it so.
Once more with feeling - repeat after me:
This life needs me, so
I will not just be.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
Your Otherness
Your beautiful, beautiful other
It is not to be denied
But distinguished  
It is not to be endured
But embraced.
Joelle A Owusu Jul 2016
They might as well
have dug two graves
Because I, as well
Died too that day.
Life tugs at my heart
through the bones and the veins
Until hollowed out maiden
Is all that remains.
Joelle A Owusu Sep 2016
I am me and you are not
You are you and they are not
And now you are problematic
Because you made a decision that changes things
Now people can’t make money from your blissful state, your solitude, your happiness
Because now, no one can sell you the life you’re meant to crave
People like us should not exist
But yet, against all odds
here I am
here you are
existing, surviving, thriving
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
If self-love
Is about being
Unable to accept the simplest of compliments,
Playing down achievements
Masking it all as “modesty”,
Then I want no part in it.
Fore, I have learnt to undo
the world’s wicked teachings
That wanted to keep me trapped
Within a shell of myself.
I reject that.
I celebrate myself-
I sing myself-
I dance myself-
I laugh myself-
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
She is playing with fossils and Lego figures
But is then made to play with dolls to convince
The other kids that
She is not a lesbian.
She is 7.
She is forced to pay tax on tampons
Because they are not as essential as,
Jaffa Cakes.
She is 12.
Now of age, she is promised to the son of a family friend.
Traded like cattle or a crop, but should be grateful that she is wanted.
She is 13.
She is sending nudes to an older boy
Because she has been told that that is the only way
Of showing love and commitment.
She is 14.
She wears a fake wedding band in public
To stop strangers asking her out.
She needs evidence, because her word isn’t enough
She is 15.
She is picking her A Levels
but shies away from Tech, Computing and Physics
because she thinks girls are not taken seriously in those fields.
She is 16.
She learns that strangers shouting and whistling from a van or scaffold
Is a compliment and she should be grateful for the attention.
She is 17.
She is called either ‘one of the lads’ or a ‘****’ for having more male friends than female.
When the word they were looking for is ‘friend’.
She is 18.
She uses earphones as armour
Against men in the gym who insist
On interrupting her session, to show her how to lift the weights ‘properly’.
She is 19.
She is required to wear makeup and heels to work
Because they are the basis of a hard-working employee.
She is 21.
She easily confuses male kind-heartedness with seduction
Because meeting friendly men without an agenda is so unfamiliar to her.
She is 22.
She is asked about family-planning by her employers. She fears that if she speaks out about the discrimination, her contract will be terminated.
She is 23.
She is told the gender pay gap is a myth
When she knows that her male colleagues are paid more for the same work.
She decides to remain quiet.
She is 26.
She is called ‘bossy’ and ‘sassy’
When leading a small team with confidence.
She now notices that those words are specially reserved for women.
She is 28.
She is unmarried and therefore the family joke.
The sponge that has no choice but to absorb
All the comments on her character.
She is 35.
She finds herself pregnant and is unsure whether there will be a job for her if she goes through with the pregnancy.
She is 36.
She decides to become a stay-at-home mother in order to not miss her baby’s growth.
She is called ‘lazy’, ‘backwards’ and ‘a disgrace to feminism’.
She is 37.
She goes back to work and now replaces her partner as the main breadwinner.
She is now a threat to male egos everywhere.
She is 39.
She is overqualified for the job role
But females over a certain age are neither commercially or aesthetically desirable in this industry.
She is 42.
The timeline ends here because
She is tired
After finally realising that
A woman dies soon after she is born.
SHE IS SOMEONE’s daughter
SHE IS SOMEONE's grandmother
SHE IS SOMEONE’s girlfriend
A woman dies soon after she is born.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
How could I forget?
Those brown eyes that spark up fires
They still shine me home
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Fear stings us all
With the pain that it brings.
But the heart is deceitful
Above all such things.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
I know this hurt will
Leave me alone
Once it is through
With finding and exposing
The diamond side of me that it cannot break
Or even touch.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
You say: “I love you.”
And I say: “I don’t blame you.”
But you had your chance.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Does she notice the four sugars,
You sneak into your tea?
What’s she like, this girl?
The girl who isn’t me?

She hasn’t even realised,
The weird dent on your knee.
Who even is this girl?
The girl who isn’t me.

It’s been more than a fortnight,
Since you made me leave my key.
Did you give it to the girl?
The girl who isn’t me?

She’s thinner, smart and cooler.
No one can disagree.
But can you learn to love,
A girl who isn’t me?

Your clothes are where you left them,
in piles on the settee.
That girl calls it a ‘sofa’.
The girl who isn’t me.

**** this, I’m getting wasted.
One shot turns into three.
I’m tempted to drunk text her.
The girl who should be me.

It’s not like I’ve been stalking
Your profiles frantically.
I just can’t believe you’re seeing
A girl who isn’t me.

Does she put up with your mood swings?
When you’re loathing your degree?
How can you stand to be with?
A girl who isn’t me?

Just answer this one question:
What do you really see?
In that wretched girl you’re dating?
That girl who isn’t me?

I must be going crazy.
Who still writes poetry?
I bet your girlfriend hates it.
The girl who isn’t me.

I’m keeping your new console,
And your comfy blue hoodie.
That’s what you get for kissing
A girl who isn’t me.

Maybe I’m just jealous?
I think it’s clear to see.
You clearly love your girl,
Your girl who isn’t me.

You told me all your secrets,
Under that big oak tree.
Can you trust this girl?
This girl who isn’t me.

You can’t, that’s why you grab her.
Silence her every plea.
You laugh and call her stupid.
That’s what you did to me.

I must have dodged a bullet.
I know I’ve been set free.
I hope she breaks your heart.
The girl who isn’t me.

I cannot be the girl,
The girl I used to be.
I guess that’s why you’re now with
A girl who isn’t me.

I see this as a blessing,
It surely has to be.
You’re now stuck with a girl,
A girl who isn’t me.

Your days, my friend, are numbered.
You listening to me?
‘Cause I still know your secrets.
And they’re not safe with me.

The cuts, the bumps and bruises,
I claimed I could not see.
Does your girl have them too?
The girl who isn’t me?

I’ll do my best to save her.
She’s too naïve to see,
that you can’t control your temper,
with a girl who isn’t me.

I wear these scars like war paint,
For all the world to see.
They show how hard I fought,
For that girl and for me.

I did my best to save her.
I tried to help her flee.
But you damaged, hurt and ruined
the girl who’s now like me.

The creaking of your window.
How cold your house must be?
You’ll always have to live with,
the girl who once was me.

I hope this poem haunts you.
I’ll never say sorry.
That girl you called a weakling?
That girl just isn’t me.
Joelle A Owusu Dec 2016
Your lips churned lies you choked on so
I cannot sympathise.
Sweep up your bones
and lift them as
a sign of your demise.
My debut collection 'Otherness' is available to purchase now:
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Adored, yet we frown
Still adorned with a crown
That when gone, we can drift.
Or with pride, we will drown.
Joelle A Owusu Nov 2016
She asks me if I would like to come in now
She asks me if I have been waiting a long time
She asks me to take a seat
She asks me if I would like a glass of water
I rarely turn down free stuff, so I say “okay”
She asks me about my degree
She asks me about how I’m coping in this cold weather
I’m good at small talk and can drag it out until the real issue is forgotten
She asks me how I’ve been this week
She asks me if I have seen my doctor recently
She asks me to grab a tissue from the box opposite her
allergies, I promise.
She asks me why I came to see her
She asks me to slow down a bit
So I do
and she sits
and she listens
so I breathe
I breathe again, but deeper this time
I am exposed, but not afraid
I begin.
My debut collection 'Otherness' is available to purchase now:
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
She asks me if I would like to come in now
She asks me to take a seat
She asks me asks me if I would like a glass of water
I rarely turn down free stuff, so I say “okay”.
She asks me about my degree
She asks me about how I’m coping in this cold weather
I’m good at small talk and can drag it out until the real issue is forgotten
She asks me how I’ve been this week
She asks me if I have seen my doctor recently
She asks me to grab a tissue from the box opposite her
Allergies, I promise.
She asks me to begin
She asks me so slow down a bit
So I do
And she sits
And she listens
So I breathe
I breathe again, but deeper this time
I am exposed, but not afraid
I begin.
My debut poetry collection 'Otherness' is available to pre-order now. :)
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
You are so wonderful
And it breaks my heart
No one ever tells
have come to believe that
you are nothing special
a pawn to their
Why poison your
Sponge-like mind
With thoughts of self-doubt
And pity?
When each little crevasse and pore
Deserves so much more?
Pity parties are never any fun
When all they do is host a party for one.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
I am not my failures
I am not my parents
I am not my rejection letters
Nor am I my anxiety pills
I am not my childhood naivety
Or my teenage angst
I will tell you what I am
When I figure it out
(if I ever figure it out)
Because right now
I. Just. Am.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Sit up straight
And listen up,
Because this is not a drill and
I am only going to say this once:
I am not ebony -
A piece of decorative wood.
Nor am I chocolate-
Ready to melt into myself with the heat of your touch.
I’m not you’re “sista” –
We are not related.
And I’m definitely not your “gurrrrl”.
We never dated.
I will tell you what I am:
You may want to take a deep breath now…
I am a Black woman.
Yes, with a capital ‘B’.
I am a Black woman.
Who is exhausted because
everything I do is silently political.
Whom I choose to dance with in the club
Is political – “is she into white guys, or black?”
The way I answer the question:
“Where are you from…?”
“No, where are you really from?”
Is political – “You look different from me, so I need to put you in a labelled box and **** at you with my mind.”
Like saying I’m from near your ends isn’t a good enough answer.
My accent?
Political – “Why is she so well-spoken? Who adopted you?”
It confuses you, because it doesn’t match my South London skin tone.
The way I choose to style my hair
Is political – I wear weaves because I want to be European and hate myself. I wear afros because I hate Europeans and love myself.
How I pronounce my own surname
Is political – Do I simplify it to spare your blushes when you mispronounce it?
The music I proudly declare to enjoy –
I must be a secret bloke – like that Serena fella of the telly.
‘Cause no fuckable girl has looks like that.
And my skinny arms?
Well, they never fed me in the orphanage, remember?. I’m obviously malnourished like my family back in the Motherland.
You say: “I don’t see race – we are all one.”
Good for you.
but, I cannot afford to pretend to be colour-blind because
I am a Black woman-
Bottom of the rung.
I am affected and I am exhausted.
I am a Black woman-
But that is not all that I am.
Are you still sitting straight?
Can you hear me in the back?
Because this is not a drill
And this woman is Black.
Let me know your thoughts.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
I’m not mad at you.
I am mad at myself-
Because you’re such a *******
But that doesn’t change the fact
For some, wild reason
I simply
Adore you.
Every last stupid atom of your being.
This Poem Is About You
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
My kind of love can
**** you if you get too close
Broken hearts are sharp
Joelle A Owusu Nov 2016
The sun set over calming seas
Shining yellow, blue and red
I smile, like all the others do
But the weather’s in my head.

The moon illuminates my room
as I curl up in bed.
Soft breeze blows billows over me
But the weather’s in my head.

Loud thunder rages up above
and fills my heart with dread.
Still, it and I are both the same
‘cause the weather’s in my head.

Large hailstones bash against my skull
and leave me there for dead.
They’ve frozen up my precious brain.
Why’s the weather in my head?

The sun will thaw my ice-cold scalp
I’m certain it will spread.
For now, I rest in perfect peace
whilst the weather’s in my head.
From my debut collection, 'Otherness', available to purchase now:
Joelle A Owusu Jul 2016
Our bodies are so full of
Love, hate, dreams, lust, fear -
A cocktail we never consumed
You would’ve thought we
Fell from the sky
Under the weight of it all.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
Where the lake meets the land
is where we must part
For there is no love left
In your failing heart

When the sun greets the sky
With light beaming through greys
I’ll dance with your spirit
For the rest of my days
Joelle A Owusu Nov 2016
You waited for the storm in my eyes to pass
and wreck someone else’s home for a change
you waited
ever so patiently
until it became a routine chore
but if you had looked up for more than a second
you would have realised that
Winter raised me
**I am the storm.
Joelle A Owusu Jun 2016
"Ain't I a woman?"
Sojourner longed for the Truth
Yes you are, and more.
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
The words I am trying to say
Are anchored in the soil within my lungs
But are creeping
Up my throat
And sprouting wildflowers that look like weeds.
They crave sunlight and showers
Nurtured by nature
In the perfect amounts.
But what good would all this bring
If they do not attract the bees?
Joelle A Owusu Aug 2016
I sharpen my quill
And prepare for battle
No shield made of metaphors
To guard my self-doubt
And no similes to carry me through the trenches
Like a brave war horse.
I am on all fours
Crawling into the unknown depths of the plain pages
That blinding
I am falling into the unknown -
Falling into the trap of the enemy
Which I am certain is

— The End —