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Aug 2016 · 436
Dear Kitten,
JoJo Pantoja Aug 2016
hey kitten
come here,
you know i love you, right?
i really do very very very much,
im not going anywhere,
the way you look at me makes my heart skip a beat,
i love the feeling,
the way you look at me is like when a little kid has eyes on something they want, get and end up loving so much that they never wanna lose it or let go,
i love the feeling,
the way you hug me....

so warm,
i love it and so gentle <3

the way you kiss me...
***.. you take my breath away each time and my heart always starts racing, it doesnt stop racing for a long while.
i love it,
i love you our lips dance so smoothly,
i never wanna stop,
its addicting <3
the way you make me feel is the feeling iv been looking for
you make my path brighter,
when we slowed kissed that night and i started crying, its cuz i was feeling like:
“***, i finally got what i wanted, i never wanna let her go. iv been through hell and i got what i deserve....her”
like that...
i love you,
nobody made me feel like that.
the guys were like FRIENDS,
the 3exgfs  were the ones that ruined me,
#1 did the most damage,
while the other 2 just played me around,
and all 3 of them told me they dont deserve me and to find better. the first 2 i didnt listen til the 3rd one i was like ok
and then....
there comes you,
the girl i will not stop choosing,
the girl ill love with all my heart,
the girl i can imagine living with and everything even tho we known each other for a short time.... time means nothing to me sometimes... all i know is ,
Aug 2016 · 1.9k
If only i had a guitar
JoJo Pantoja Aug 2016
If only i had a guitar and knew how to actually play it,
id sing u a song….
even tho im not the best singer.
Id play u a lullaby at night.
Id sing u a song to make u smile.
Id sing you a song just for fun.
A world without music is just EHH.
If only i had a guitar and knew how to actually play it, id write you a song&sin;; it just to show how much u mean to me…
Aug 2016 · 875
Dear Babygirl
JoJo Pantoja Aug 2016
Dear Babygirl,
I here try to right a poem
I may not do so well,
but imma try anyways because youre my girl.
The first time i met you in person,
My heart whispered to me,

“I know shes the one, just wait and youll see"❤

The moment you first kissed me,
i did not see that coming

"I told you i told you, Shes the one,…youll see.."❤

Your hand fit perfectly with my hand,
I held your hand with pride,
cuz i knew you were mine.
When i first looked into your eyes for the very first time….
id let you see yourself through my eyes, and youll see the beauty i saw within.

"Oh wow, i told you heart skips a beat Shes beautiful"❤

When i first danced with you,
i love how smooth u manage to move when i pulled u close and placed ur arms on my shoulders and neck,
its like you knew those few dance steps.
When we were in eachothers arms…
It felt as if i was home sick for so long….
that i finally got home…

"Im telling you again, shes the one, youll fall deeply in love with her, just wait and see” ❤

As midnight passed,
Oh how things began to happen
(text message i sent to my babygirl one morning)
Aug 2016 · 738
I Did It Alone…
JoJo Pantoja Aug 2016
I did it alone…
When I got my first heart break last November of 2014, I went through it alone….
At home.
I fell to my knees in the shower crying my eyes out going through a break up & at the same time I felt as if I was shot in the heart by a gun, my heart didnt shatter, it just bled out empty as if there was a bullet hole.
I tried to fix it with a bandage, hoping it can cover up that bullet hole.
It did but it just made my heart feel so heavy that I needed to get blood out.
But I decided to bleed a different way out…
Razors slided across my skin,
Not my wrist, but on my thighs.
I didnt want anyone worrying at home because I didnt want to keep them alert that I was depressed and was really hurting having them see my cuts and think I was suicidal.
Im not suicidal, I just wanted to different way to get rid of the pain without taking off the bandage off my heart that was keeping my heart alive.
I walked during the day feeling dead inside and feeling the burning on my thighs.
Walking around with a fake smile to show I was “fine”
I sure fooled everyone
Late nights are the worst though
when everyone is asleep & im in the dark getting my emotions built up and my heart feeling heavy again….
Tears down my cheeks, trying to catch my breath.
So many memories flashing through my head.
They won’t stop, they never will.
I lose a lot of sleep at night but get sleep during the day if I can.
Sometimes I just wanted to sleep FOREVER because I was going through it alone….
At Home…
Sure iv had friends text me & some took me out when I asked them to help me get out of the house, but I still went through it Alone….
At Home.
Im still going through it alone…
At home..
BUT doing better.
Im still depressed but less than before.
Razor blades are no longer slicing my skin,
my scars & cuts have faded.
Some still visible while others are gone.
I still cover myself because I don’t wanna get questioned about them.
I usually distract myself with music, drawing & texting my friends.
The sleeping routine has become a habit…

A MONTH LATER on the night of my 20th birthday I hung with my friends making me happy and forgetting about the past. When I went home my small family planned a birthday party with just us 5, before the party started they let me sleep a few hours. Those were my last ZZZs I caught during the day because the day after my birthday I woke up early on my own & was awake all day feeling good :) and since my 20th birthday… NO more overthinking or being unable to sleep and staying awake during the day feeling good :) I DID IT ALONE im not 100% out of my depression BUT im almost out :) I GOT THIS!  -J.Pantoja
(old 2015 drifted note off my tumblr that i didnt know was saved)
Aug 2016 · 605
JoJo Pantoja Aug 2016
dont i know you?
long time no see
where were you?
iv been looking all over for you
i missed you
kiss on lips
…I love you <3

we are totally soulmates

our love story was written in the stars <3
Feb 2016 · 720
All that matters
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Its that if we go out in public & you are mine,
the people around me don’t matter.
I will kiss you cuz ill be proud to be with you.
I will show them im not afraid to be who i am.
I will show u that i love you like i said i do.
I will kiss you like i mean it.
let them stare,
i don’t care.
Let them talk,
i won’t give a ****.
Because i love you and thats all that matters ♡
(Random Thought)
Feb 2016 · 6.3k
Dear Val,
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I came here for a vacation
i didnt expect to meet you.
But now you got my attention,
And id like to get to know you.
You’re pretty
you’re fun
and you’re kind.
I dont know if ur gay or straight but the way you act got my attention.
And i guess i could say,
i like you.
You helped me in San Juan when i was walking way up front, u didnt know u helped me cuz u thought i was sleepy since it was 3am.
You didnt know that when you placed ur hand on my back then held my hand,
it helped me & snapped me out of what was happening inside me.
Iv liked u since i met you that night.
I like how fun you are.
I liked when u played beer pong & when u danced at thw party we went to.
And for some reason when you blew me a friendly kiss last night as u said hi,
it made me warm inside,
made me happy.
i know you see me as just a friend
& i see u the same way but also as a crush…
I hope we hang a lil more before i leave.
you’re fun to be around.
So can i get to know you?
& you can get to know me too :)
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
I fell in Love with the Sky
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I fell in love with the sky tonight.
it was so open and so big.
The stars were shinning so bright just like the city light ahead of us.
I lay at the sidewalk of the San Juan Memorial & felt at peace.
Feeling the breeze that the ocean waves were creating.
The path was dark which made it better to see the stars and all the city lights.
it was perfect
It was super late….
but it was perfect.
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Laying on the rock path/side walk of the San Juan Memorial building
Feb 2016 · 543
On the Edge of Crying
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Walking on this dark road back to the car, i feel happy but tired
Suddenly as i keep looking down to my feet with a hoodie over my head,
YOU pop up.
WHY you?
It felt like a arrow just hit my chest
i suddenly thought of u after a while of not having a single thought ,
I was on the edge of crying.
i shook my head, trying to stop myself.
I walked way ahead of everyone else just so they dont see my face and ask if i was ok.
Im glad one of the girls kept an eye on me and helped me slow down because idk where i was going and i wasnt thinking.
I just walked.
I could’ve done something stupid
Thanks to her i didnt.
I was forming fists with my hands.
I got to a dead end of this walk.
The girl held my arm gently then my hand and helped me get back on the right path.
i dont know her.
we just met.
i dont even know her name.
BUT she was nice.

Feb 2016 · 739
Still in Love with you
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Its been 5 months…..

& I know im still in love with you…

You still cross my mind everyday.

There is always something that reminds me of you, or something I wish we couldve done together.

Im sure you know i still care for you & still love you by the way I talk to you when you message me on Kik. We have cute conversations no matter how strange they be, there is still a connection between you & me.

I was asked by a friend:

“Do you think you’ll get back together?”

I told her I wasnt sure.

No for right now but YES for the future.

I told her I do have hope that one day in the future when we are a little older& wiser that if we bump into each other & still feel that connection we always had since the beginning…..then I hope that we get back together & give it another go :)

I cant give up on HOPE….so if it comes true in the future with you and I….then it would be a dream come true…. because I know that once I see you again, my heart will skip a beat & Ill know I still LOVE YOU…… ♡
(OLD WRITING. lost hope with them, this is just a poem)
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
Im Gone....Good Luck
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I wish you good luck,
Good luck in finding someone who is willing to actually be patient with you…
someone who will sit down & listen to your pointless drama that you had with your family or friends
Someone who will HOLD you when they see you cry in front of them
Someone who will try and HELP some way that is possible
Someone who is willing to STAY even though you try to push them away when you’re mad at something randomly
Someone who sends you a “Good Morning Beautiful” text every morning just to put a SMILE on your face…
Good luck finding someone who is willing to actually LOVE you even though you can be mean & violent sometimes when youre upset.
I wish you good luck finding someone who is willing to put up with your Bipolar and try their best to understand you…
because its all I ever done for you…
I was good to you. 
Never once have I raised my voice, 
never once have I gotten violent or mad with you 
But you walked away…
and now you said you didnt love me…
You couldnt handle the 1 hour distance…
When you realize how good I was to you & that you will not find someone with the same kind heart & patience as me…
You’ll realize iv moved on…
You try to apologize and try to hold on to me again but…
im sorry…
Feb 2016 · 443
I Pray
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I know I love this girl so much & care so much about her when I feel like breaking down when something happens to her.

Why do bad luck or stressful things happen to her?

God, why would you plan a stressful life for a beautiful girl like her?

Why would you plan a life like this for someone?

God, I know you put me in her path for a reason & I tend to take that challenge.

Did you put me in her path so she can have someone like me to keep her alive?

Did you put me in her path so she can have someone as caring as me to make her smile?

To make her day better?

To show her that not everyone is the same and that there is someone out there that wont give up on her?

Someone who will show her love and care?

I don’t know your plan but I plan to stay where you put me

To stay there for her

To love her

To care for her

To keep her alive and to show her im there for her no matter what unlike people who treat her like trash.


God, can I ask you for a favor?

Can you watch over my girl for me when im not able to? Can you give us both hope for us to be together?



Give her strength to hold on

I want to be with her…

I want to be the reason shes happy and alive and the one person she can turn to when she needs me…


When shes happy

Im happy

When shes sad

Im sad

When shes stressed or doesn’t feel good because of her anxiety attacks

I feel like breaking down because I wish she didn’t have to go through this ****

I never felt like this for anyone

I just felt sorry for other people and hope they get better

But for my girl….

Its like I can feel her pain even though I never felt it before myself….

I just want to break down and cry because  I WANT TO BE THERE FOR HER!! I WANT TO ACTUALLY BE THERE TO GIVE HER A HUG AND MAKING SURE SHE DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH EVERYTHING ALONE even though she tells me that she prefers to go through it alone….

I know I CANT fix everything but I CAN be there for her…..

I want to be the person that will take all her dark smoke she has holding inside from her depression….

I want to be the one to put light and hope inside her and let her know she will be alright…


She told me she wants to start new once she graduates high school

She wants to start a new life without the negative people that brought her down to this…

& I want to be the person to be there when she starts new

I want to be in her new life making her happy….

If I lose her, I wont know what to do anymore…

Its scary….

Because I have hope for us and want the best for her

The best for both of us…

My world might just end if I lose her

So I pray every night that we will have a good life together

Because its what I want

Its what I want for the both of us

For god’s sakes

(I made a few people cry with this so i knew it was good writing, old writing but good)
Feb 2016 · 376
First Love
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Shes this girl who needs someone…..

Shes this girl who still has a brick wall up so nobody can break her heart again…..

Shes this girl who needs me….

She cant let me go as for I cant do it either….

I care for her way too much to just let go…

Her emotions gets to her sometimes but that doesn’t stop me …

It wont stop me from loving her….

Loving her til my heart stops beating …

or even then……


We met that one day for the first time…

She this girl that ran to me as fast as she could…

With all her might….

Feeling free for the first time in a long time

only for a hug…

A hug that showed our happiness…

Her freedom….

A hug that shows the power of our love……

The love that she needs and want…

The big smile on her face made me smile & made me say …..

“So this is how love is? im liking this” …

The one girl im starting to love….

The one girl I actually want ….

The one girl who trusts me enough to let me hold her heart and make sure it don’t break into pieces…


She trusts me….

I want her to trust me ….

I want her to Love me as much as I love her.


As we walked into the woods

She held my hand so gently

We walked to the small stream just to show her how beautiful it can be…

My leg slipped into the water & she laughs

Her laugh is perfect

Her laugh is what makes me smile

Her laugh is like music to my ears

Her smile is PERFECT

So perfect that I wouldn’t change it


Everything around us was so peaceful

The sky

The trees

Our breaths

Our hearts


Walking back…

I kissed her scars…

I turned my head to her

The first perfect kiss was made

A kiss with passion

A kiss of love

A kiss so amazing that will never be forgetten

Our hearts were saying to kiss again……


Arriving in my room

So quickly we kissed

With so much passion in our hearts

Pinning me against the wall

Showing me her passionate love

The world around us seemed to disappear

It’s a good feeling because now……..

im addicted to this love
(old poem but decided to share because i like the way it's written)
Feb 2016 · 441
Late Nights
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Late Nights…

wide awake

trying to sleep

so much in my head…


get my heart broken

& this is how i end up..

wide awake with my phone


& music blasting in my ears…

Thinking about everything:

-memories from 2014

-how i made it out of high school

-how i came out to of the closet

-how i fell in love with this girl & got my heart broken by her in just 3 months

-how will my life be this year

-how i met a new girl but shes leaving in a month & i want her to stay but i have to let her go

 A LOT of things just running through my head 

sometimes its like a riot

& i dont know how to stop it

Late nights are just every night 

where my thoughts are more active 

i cant control them

sometimes i just wanna shut my mind off

& sleep until im all healed

wake up all new and ready for anything again

Late nights are so quite

my thoughts are too loud 


Music ON



Feb 2016 · 667
At the Exit
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
Just when i thought the person i saw at the blurry exit was going to help me out….
I know its another girl…
I started walking a little faster…
Been yelling back & forth having conversations…
She wasn’t so happy to be in this fog either…
She said she started to feel comfortable because i was there…
I haven’t reached her yet but
She tells me shes leaving…
We both got sad..
im still walking to her…
We just found each other
& Now shes leaving.. 
It makes me sad because i thought she would help me out & we could have a chance to be best friends & maybe end up together…
I want her to stay…
She does wanna leave
she doesn’t wanna leave
because of me…
i want her to stay ….
She starts walking away slowly from the exit…
I keep walking to the exit watching her walk off in this fog….
my face drops….
walking slow again…
watching her disappear 
out of here….
Feb 2016 · 508
Almost Out
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
~”Im still stuck In this fog…
where you left me…
Its ok because im almost out…
I can see a foggy human figure far away at the exit….
I know its not you…
I know its someone else…
I know its not you because that figure is patiently waiting…
Ill reach them soon…
Itll be clear….
but ill never forget you..
ill never forget where you left me…
Ill be moving on
Remembering you but never going back…
Never going back into that fog again where you left me…”~
Feb 2016 · 347
Caught on Fire
JoJo Pantoja Feb 2016
I always loved to play with fire & set things burning.
It somehow amazing to me…

But this time i didnt like it…I got BURNED
I saw the fire in her eyes.. 
& chose to play.
There were times when i would have the fire too close to me & i try my best to keep It away by blowing…
I chose to stay.
I chose to play.
It was fun.
I liked the danger.
but then…
I got burned
She burned me
Burned my heart
Burned my soul

The devil was once an angel with an innocent face.
She could be pretty on the outside…
Evil on the inside.

Never want to play again because…
i got caught on fire

— The End —