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you have been on my mind lately.
i think about you constantly.
you're in my dreams.
you're in my prayers.
i just can't seem to let go of-
5 lies I used to believe as a kid.
1) Santa Claus is real, and he visits every child’s home on Christmas Eve,
Delivering presents all around the world.
I guess he is real, though in my eyes he only comes to
One house and prefers Indian food to cookies.
2) Fast food is bad for you.
I mean, it’s definitely bad for your body,
But it is like a bowl of blended greens
For your soul.
It’s a spiritual experience to get your food through a window in a bag.
3) I’m not good at the flute.
See, one day in the 5th grade we played with some
Band instruments and got stickers if we did well.
I did not get the flute sticker and I supposed it was a
Sign from God telling me the flute life wasn’t my life.
I guess I forgot that effort builds talent,
And practice makes perfect; everyone has potential.
4) Everyone is as they seem.
I see all the colors in the human rainbow but underneath that layer
I guess some people hide behind brittle plastic.
I wonder how their blood flows through their veins,
And I wonder if their blood runs warm or if it’s a cold cry for help.
5) The world is innocent.
As a kid I thought the Earth loved everyone equally,
Like 1) Santa Claus is real and 2) Fast food is bad for you
But turns out that once you put on a few more years,
Grow a foot or two, gain some weight on you,
The world reveals itself to be a battlefield, and you realize the truth.
Things like 3) Everyone’s not good at something whether it’s
The flute or this constant battle for confidence against society.
Things like 4) Everyone has a plastic layer of some kind whether it
Conceals their vile warfare or thinly protects them from
3) The negative thoughts that tie people into knots.
These truths against these lies make me wonder if
1) Santa Claus ever really existed,
Even in the minds of children;
But between nice and naughty there may be hope yet
Before the Earth falls into coal.
innocence is so so fleeting in a world like ours.
this is a spoken word piece i performed on Apr. 21st. it got a lot of laughs at the beginning, which was perfect! i like how it's slightly personal, but more broad at the end.
Just knowing you looked into another mans eyes and felt comfort
You know it is wrong, but cannot help yourself
You feel the sense of danger and adventure with every breath he takes
And the rush of your veins surprises you

Just knowing you are hurting everyone to the point of break
You know it is evil, but cannot stop doing things for you
You feel the sense of loyalty and commitment you are ready to give
And the shock of feelings confuses you

Just knowing you are trying so hard just to be happy
You know it is wrong to be selfish, but cannot stop the pain
You feel the sense of love and care you have around you
And know how wrong you really are
one day (or night)
it hits you
(the feeling that you are not alone anymore)
and even though you were never afraid of
you don't want to feel it anymore

red cliffs of Wales
night stars sparkled
the edge of
blinked off and on
red blue and green
Lean, limp, and covered in hair,
Holding him close I watched his blank stare.

Powerful poison to start the fall,
A swift injection to end it all.

Pain was the first to touch my heart,
Screaming in horror, it tore me apart.

A mass of anger followed so close,
Welcoming lover, a lethal dose.

Take me away dear firey friend,
Smother my pain - a hand you shall lend.

In my lap lay my Sun oh so still,
Tears to your body from eye they spill.

Blame on the one who is to protect,
Sleepless nights are what I expect.

Body to ashes, soul set free,
"I love you little one" - Mommy.
In that place, I learned the borders of insanity and satire are a thin line.
You come wise to the hypocrisy and pain, delivered in vain
and try to escape it;
12 pills to a blissful, peaceful snore; and somehow,
you’re insane.
I know better now. But I saw, 2 patients, man and woman,
who played hopscotch over that delicate line.
They wanted to see if the medication was working. They asked me to define the word ‘many’. Word stew splatters on the floor when I fumble and foil to try and explain, and they thanked me.
They said it meant a lot to them...
They’re clinically insane and I’m unstable.
These chalk lines must be dashes.
You've cut ff your feet
to spite your head
Is there nothing left
in between?
is your whole life
and squandered
rotted and
by gangrene?

Join me, come in.
Cavort with the dead
Join me, come in.
I can't be alone in my head.

How can you sit
with blood on your face
and not feel
it dry to a crust?
How can you sit
with gore on your hands
knowing you shiver
from lust?

Join me, come in.
Cavort with the dead.
Join me, come in.
I can't be alone in my head.
You, too, must feel torment
and torture.
You, too, must be plagued
without cure.

Where are you going?
to hell and not back?
Did you buy your ticket
to ride?
will you walk
the bottomless pit
draped with your badges

flesh putrefied?

Heads on lapels like
an Easter corsage
dead lilies like
those on a grave,

a grave that you dug
stepped in to forage
to eat as a worm of the flesh.

Flesh young and tender
that flamed with desire
till your curse
the fire.

*Join me, come in.
Come into my fire.
Join me, come in.
We'll wade through
the mire
with blood
in our mouths
and our eyes.

Taste of the pain,
the glorious pain.
Like a gift
I give it to you,
offered again and again,
a philanthropist
swollen with bounty,
who bestows what
he has
like a prize.
After seeing "Silence of the Lambs"...and wishing I hadn't!
the universe shakes me awake with an ache in my chest
and for a moment i think it's just my ribs getting stuck again except
I'm not having trouble breathing
like i sometimes wish

i look in the mirror and know I'm not alone
it's four AM
and not a soul stirs
not even my own
i think that's why my chest hurts

mine's dead
i think
and now the spirit it leaves paints itself gold
stroke by stroke
"FALSEHOODS" i scream in the mirror
"falsehoods" the reflection whispers

and i weep
a broken fragment trying to make itself new and worthy
but what a lie
the lies we tell ourselves
and the lies they tell themselves.
nothing is worthy
but hush, just paint them gold
What a torture it is
to long for someone
who was never yours.
Who will never be yours.
And i swear you were made for me.
I haven't met someone who looked
at me the way you look at me
in years.
It's like your eyes are saying
"I know, I can feel it too,
maybe in another life
things could be different
but for now, we must
go on with heavy hearts
full of love
wishing we could give it
to each other."
And i'll smile and nod
knowing that you are my favorite person.
And how cruel it is
that i can't be around the one
person that made me feel
like i could do anything.
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