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May 2019 · 303
killing me
spilling over like boiling tea
burning me, washing me
near the point of insanity
emerald eyes of sadness
but they're looking right past me
fingers long and elegant
hands of woven silk and
wrapped around my throat
but im not breathing
though my heart is beating
i can feel the ripple
almost electric-shock
as you say you're sorry
May 2019 · 302
its an empty feeling
that starts as a grey cloud
looming in the night sky
before you realize
that its seeping in
between a crack
in the curtains
so you close them
and i am none the wiser
May 2019 · 275
I dont want anyone
who doesnt taste like you
I need that sweet
flavor of love and hate
I need a real long taste
May 2019 · 375
we're in
I am drowning in love
its the fear that
keeps me fighting
remembering you telling me
there's not a person
on this planet
who understands you
like I do
then why am I so confused?
one minute you
cant take your eyes from me
and then every glance is
pain reflecting back
will she wash it away?

high on dopamine
you're killing me
all to forget
and eventually regret
the mortal wounds
you've given me
your hands around
my heart
then the
May 2019 · 275
thick swirling clouds
of black and rotten thoughts
that plague me
how they cry
when I am weary
no soul should feel so
no heat should carry this
when the song in me has died
and the glass slips
from betwix my fingers
warm and weary
the sand shall weep
and so shall you
for the  time is up
and the lights are off
no one is home
inside me
Nov 2018 · 759
I am sick
Of love

I am mourning
Kisses in the morning
There, moaning
Here, groaning
Is it pain?
Is it pleasure?
Will it ever get better?

I am sick
Of you

And the way I feen
That face, my dream
An incessant need
To feed
On your love
High as a dove
In flight

I am sick
Of me

I'm letting go
Don't cry
Don't die
Go on without me
pretty baby,
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
You'll be fine
Nov 2018 · 409
everything is burning
everything is burning
yes, burning
from the ceiling,
to the f
from the roof of my
to the tips of my
they are curled

and im drowning
begging to end

help me end it
so much pain

                      to gain

please please **please
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
soul's mate
i have never been such a loss for words
i want to linger, want to be heard
ears attentive to every word
spend a thousand hours in your wake
split the last piece of your favorite cake
want to grow and to die
with you by my side
and to never ever wonder why
knowing deep down inside
that you were my soul's mate
Sep 2018 · 862
do you feel it, I wonder
buzzing, tingling, magnetic..
drawing us closer together
ive forgotten what it feels like
to just exist with you
the thought alone
making my eyes salty
coming up for air
just to inhale you
and every memory,
Sep 2018 · 1.8k
it's not worth it
my body aches with
every heart beat,
brain flipping through
memories of those first nights
when I couldn't stop kissing you
I was just a target, tho
for your cosmic comet
your dead star of a heart
attempting to settle
**** life from my planet
but I refuse to do it
no love is ever worth
Aug 2018 · 5.5k
looking glass
the pictures all move in silent circles
forming messy representations of
thoughts, feelings, reality
turning mere images into
real art, like paintings
but it has taken over
everything around me
from a mile up,
peering from a window seat
lights of tokyo beneath us
and we're sat, soaring
amazing, isnt it?
like a looking glass
this little round window
on a way-too-big airplane
Aug 2018 · 2.2k
bubble bath
when the water rushes to fill
my ears, I hear the ever-present,
rarely-heard drum
of my own heart beating
at the edge of the water,
I can feel it around my face
as my eyes blur upwards,
here I am blinking and thinking
always thinking,
or maybe deliberating
arguing, even, with myself
pushing the thoughts of drowning
to the back of my mind again
distracted by the soft hum of it
the music I have going
on the sink, by the tub,
filled with water
filled with me
pulling my knees
to examine the bruises
scattered across my legs
a deep breath in,
hold it while pure silence
envelopes me, there
I close my eyes
let the thoughts continue
let them be
im happy
Aug 2018 · 221
loneliness beats
like a hummingbirds wings
in the streets of
every mind
the endless tick-tock
of a hickory clock
telling you
it's almost time
Aug 2018 · 225
my heart strings play
the sweetest notes
when his long
delicate fingers
dance to the very
Aug 2018 · 228
mountain of feelings
my feelings for you
are a slippery
and I
have my gut
pressed to the rock
at the very tippy top
chin to the edge
eyes peering over
i cant see
where i might land
if I stand
if i take the leap
for there is a thick
layer of fog
between me
and my heart
at the bottom
of the mountain
Aug 2018 · 206
You know, maybe
It's the way your voice wraps
All around me when I'm aching cold
How it's there to greet me, to kiss me, when my bare feet hit the floor
Fresh from the warmth of water
Straight into the arms of my lover
And I feel... safe.

Safe like when I was a child
Where my only sanctuary
Was the corner of my closet,
Where I could write undisturbed
Where I could copy word after word
From every love story I'd ever heard
ever read, learning what they meant
by "happily ever after"

Absorbing information and hoping
It would find me in that corner
Telling myself that, if I could surpass
The knowledge that existed in this
house, I could leave.. I could be free.

Just, maybe
Its that yearn in the glow of your eyes
The moment they catch mine and
I dont feel guilty for staring
In fact I rather like when you catch me
As you grin from one ear to the other
I know you see further than the exterior
And that feels like a hug to my inner self
Who is confident in her brain and demeanor
Yet nervous about the exterior
Since.. we're only human after all

Then you're close to me and I...
I get that same feeling I do when
I climb into my own bed following
nights of being somewhere else
As though I've escaped the uncomfortable premise of being anywhere but home, sometimes
you kind of..
Just feel like home.

Oh, but it feels so good.
The way I shiver when you kiss me,
the tired that washes over me in your heavenly sanctuary

its all the things we have in common
new stuff you show me and
information you teach me
You are never afraid to open my eyes,
While I am never afraid of what I see.

Truly its all of these things
Perhaps its even more,
like the simple idea of being yours
For a lifetime.
No matter the reasoning,
Perhaps I just want more.
Oct 2017 · 1.7k
I think about you
this heart begins to race
I can’t stop thoughts
the way you taste
how your tongue rolls
your low moans your
warm, soft skin
solid smacks on said skin
you shove into me
and I’m pretty sure I might,
be losing my mind
e v e r y t i m e you’re in me
****, with your
tight grip around my wrists
soft kiss along my neck
fast, heavy exhales
ill come for you
time and time again
Oct 2017 · 1.3k
I know bitterness
one of a closed off heart
all exits and no entrances
cutting strings that bleed
for weeks, for eternity
a heart the size of Paris
before you know it...
you can’t sleep again
there is thoughts of them
you're drowning in
Jul 2017 · 3.8k
memories roll like waves
crashing over me,
sometimes unnoticed
persistent thoughts
just about drown me
but still I continue walking
where the ocean floor
isn't smooth and
I'm waiting
for the drop off
which always comes
when I least expect you
Jun 2017 · 283
You were first.
On the list of things I wanted
But didn't need
You came at me
Flying at warp speed
I just stood there
Caught like a fly
In your Venus trap
You stroked my face
With calloused fingers
I melted into you
Every second lingered
And then you were gone
You still are
I miss your presence
For all it's worth
You were the first.
Nov 2016 · 4.2k
oh, how you shine

ten billion stars
all in your two eyes
when I reach for you
it's zero gravity
nerves like electricity
what covers me, is
ten billion stars tingling
i can feel nothing else
entangling yourself to me
ten billion stars
have shown me
oh how i want to love
each and every atom
of every dead star
remember every birth
ten billion is a lot
but here, in this moment
i can taste your worth
I wrote this listening to Day One by Lights and that song feels like *** in the middle of space
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
hope you're listening right now
can barely hold my tongue
for the **** we do
could warm the sun
at night
twisted in a melting fall and
sleeping with the scratching claws
your words
let me know you're feeling me
and seeing all the things I see
Sep 2016 · 405
You know me all too well
I'm terrified of what that means
If you'll see through my walls
You will, won't you?
Because let me be honest
these are no longer walls
they are windows to my soul

and you're bound to figure me out.
Aug 2016 · 442
I'm not alright
And you aren't helping
Catching symptoms as though
I am the common cold
Sniffling, sneezing
Worrying about me
I'm okay, okay?
This is my everyday
I don't escape my
thoughts are ever present
I can't turn off my brain
But man I wish I could
Stop thinking about you
And wishing you were
Just go away
I am the common cold
But I will never dissipate
And you'll suffer
Until your untimely death
Jul 2016 · 352
It's the fear that keeps me going
the fear of failing
fear of never falling in love again
fear of slipping, deep into despond
scared to lose my breath,
or my balance
watching as the sky vanishes
above me, barely missing rocks
as waves wash over my face
gasping, aching and reaching
but finding myself alone
that fear
that keeps me going
Mar 2016 · 671
cold breeze
finger tips across
these goosebumps
"you are" he sighs
lips part to my skin
miss the space between
your eyelids where I lose myself
forget about my life
your teeth dug in my shoulder
as I lay there simply yawning
you are right
I am cold and disinvolved
I write my loneliness in poems
you think I'm nothing else
But I, I am
Feb 2016 · 431
I miss the feeling I get when I'm standing five feet from Lights & she's singing a song that's touching my soul.
I reach to the sky and feel alive,
singing every word I know.
Blood rushing through my veins like electric pulses, my feet can't touch the ground, my knees are shaking now;
she reaches out and in that split second -
I grab on and don't let go.
Ill never let go.
Love for music is bigger than any other love I've ever felt. Brighter. Softer.
Easier to hold onto and harder to lose!
Ill never let go, Lights.
You helped mold me into who I am.
You helped me see that my goals can be met.
You give me strength when I am weak; love when I am cold. I will never let go.
Forever & always a fan.
Idek for my bae Lights, you make me happy.
Aug 2015 · 876
Black Widow
I wanna wrap you into my cocoon,
Slowly spinning you into submission
Take a breath, or even blink
And believe me when I say
You'll love me when you exhale,
and open your eyes
Standing before you like a goddess
Pale skin and silky black hair
Approaching you at a slow crawl,
Licking my lips
And inhaling the scent of your skin
Eating my lil lover up
Feb 2015 · 9.8k
You smile when my eyes,
Meet yours.
Which is often.
I glance around and there,
You are.
Staring me down.
I laugh and smile back,
Rolling my eyes.
Glancing away.
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
so this is how it ends?
Let me just say,
I'm sorry for all of this:
The lack of appreciation and the disrespect.
All the times I put my tongue in my cheek,
or my head up my ***.
I never looked in the mirror and saw
someone I didn't like...until now.
I see weakness in my eyes.
My bones feel paper thin.
I may not be perfect but, baby I was trying!
It hurts more than you know,
to come to our empty home..
and sit down all alone.
Yet I did this to myself?
I just ******* miss you.
If I abused anything, ****,
it was calling you mine.
I said it like I knew you'd never leave me.
and it didn't change a thing.
You walked away like I was nothing.
I watched the videos of us,
printed the pictures.
Torturing myself for no reason.
A moment of happiness has slipped.
through my fingers. Or has it?
I'm confused about life,
about who I am.
Without you I'm nothing,
I'm not who I want to be.
I keep telling myself I don't need you.
I don't, okay? I don't.
I wanted to grow old with you.
Never lose those precious butterflies.
You always gave me butterflies.
Sometimes I miss the constant attention,
nagging, screaming, cursing..?
I regret the arguments and I never
wanted to hurt you.
But I did. I did and I understand I
Can never take it back but at least,
can you forgive me?
I'm terribly sorry.
For all the nights I slammed doors,
pushed you out of the room, screamed back.
I'm sorry for crying so much and nagging.
I hate myself when I look back,
I still cant believe I said some of the things
I screamed at you.
I just needed you to hear me.
I loved the way you laugh,
disappear for 30 minutes,
even that stupid ******* smacking
of stupid ******* peanut butter.
I would rather hear you smacking,
than the silence that is now my life.
Does that hurt?
How could you be so dumb?
I just wanna come home, slip off my shoes
Play Diablo 3 with you.
But **** it, I don't ******* need you.
All those nights I waited for you to come home,
Every time I called and got your voicemail,
Every ******* inaudible voicemail I left.
Had I known, ******. Had I only know.
You were never alone.
You were just a ******* L I A R.
And you'll never be any better.
Everytime I woke you up because I
had thought you had slept long enough
just because I missed you that much.
How could you be so dumb?
I loved you like no one else ever will.
I thought that was bad, this is worse.
You are a *******.
How did I love you so ******* much?
I must be missing something here.
And  mean literally.
I'm missing my other half.
Or am I really? Maybe,
just're missing me.
Missing the all night phone calls,
the chats over lunches, smoke breaks
and texts back and forth.
The cute pictures we would take,
I'm sorry for always being so specific.
I remember how much you hated
my selfies with you. I'm so sorry
I wanted to show the world that I was yours.
You made so many arguments and it kills me now.
How could I be so dumb?
I know I can change and, I was trying.
But it wasn't going anywhere. Yet.
And it didn't need to. I was good for you.
Still, I know I can make a difference in myself. someone you would like.
Someone you could truly love.
But I'm good how I am.
You always said I tried to change you,
yet it was you always picking at my flaws.
Oh, am I not the same?
Not that 17 year old with pink hair.
Goofy, care free, college bound.
Not that young, quiet, shy girl from 1300 miles away.
No. I became the loud, nagging wife you lived with everyday.
Have you ever thought it was because of you?
You stole my young heart, took me from my home,
showed me what a man's love was and then,
you just ripped my ******* heart from my chest.
And I will never, ever change. Not for you.
I'm sick of thinking, sick of feeling.
Away from you, my mind is reeling.

It's because I'm finally seeing that you,
you are the one at fault here.
Jan 2015 · 740
Ice Queen
I am the Ice Queen.

Fading in and out of a dream.
I dont choose to be cold,
But this body is barren.
My fate is untold,
as I wait for my life to unfold.
Jan 2015 · 411
Of all the regrets,
I should have wrote more
the feelings you gave me
in the very beginning.
The butterflies, the heart pounding.
Now all I feel is sadness.
A constant reminder that
you weren't the one,
How I look weak and null.
You've said things so honest
For the first time I know the real you.
Knowing you would sleep with her?
Touch her, kiss her, **** her.
Things I did with you that made it special.
That made it love for me.
I suppose I've learned not all ***
is love, romance and forever.
This place is home, where I can vent.
Even if this isn't poetic..
Lord knows I'm not poetic.
I just have feelings
Thoughts and fears.
They either turn to poems
Or tears.
Jan 2015 · 402
Sick of thinking
Sick of feeling
Away from you
My mind is reeling

Images of kissing, touching
Gently her hand and face

Every memory of touch
And feel with you
Gives me chills
I miss those

That greedy feeling
Of your naked skin
Rubbing mine so tender
I gasp and exhale slow

Where does time go?

From the way you kiss
Bite gently
Run your fingertips
Down my belly

The warmth and love
Is nothing I've ever had before
A man's touch is like a drug
One I hadn't tasted before

I was weak and in love
I would give you the moon
And the stars above
I would give you my heart

But you've stolen that, too.

Like my virtue
My happy
My lovey dovey tender

Away from you
My mind is reeling

Are you kissing,
Touching, holding her?
Do you miss the way my skin
Smells and feels like home?

Or is she home?
Jun 2014 · 2.2k
Ode to Dad
Hey dad
Do you remember me?
As a baby?
Do you remember me,
Remembering you?
As newborns typically don't do.
Smile laugh and reach for you.

I imagine the same reaction if
I were to see your face
This Father's Day.
I love you pops.
Nov 2013 · 713
Squirming your way from me
I blink and feel empty
Slithering down my face
Until I taste you on my teeth.

Salty and rather warm
You make my couch wet
Where i lay and quiver
And shiver with sweat

A cold sweat and a chill down my spine
His eyes look away from mine
And i feel the crack of my heart
That, thats what tore me apart

You lay in the room and im here
On this couch, feeling far
Far away off in the land of lonely
If only you would come to me, if only

I could see what i have done wrong
Writing this poem thats too long
And rhyming like a middle school girl
Whos world has been crushed
By a crush

But this doesnt feel petty
i feel rather strange
In a way
Being in love
Breaks your heart
Aug 2013 · 487
Is love as sacred as we believe it to be?
As you probe

   and pick

            and skin me alive due to curiosity

words amount to nothing
actions scream into my ear.
I fear for not what hurts
but for what I can not hear.
Jul 2013 · 609
and this is your life
You are no Alice, stupid girl
There is no white rabbit
These are your dreams
All is not what it seems
On a ***** bus to somewhere
A drug trip to nowhere
When does it stop
Does one line of coke make you drop?
Where do you get off
At the very last stop?
If all the world is a mind
And your trip is to find
That one corner that is you
I suggest you go find you
Yellow teeth blanket white skin
Push pull yank and dig in
He hands you your money
You walk sweet like honey
And this is your life.
Jun 2013 · 780
I am the winds
That rock your ocean
You are the chimes
That play my melody

You, me, we're dexterity
I love you to such extremity
Connected on another level
It's extra terrestrial

We both are so lost
In the world
I'll save you, but at what cost?
Nothing I don't mind paying.

Don't fear for me
For I have you and I finally
I finally
Feel complete

There is no sorrow, no longer
Does fear linger here
Jun 2013 · 836
Dark Passion
Sinking and sinking
I question my dreaming
The constellations swallow me
Suddenly I am nothing, everything
Everyone relies on me
My fingers pinch the sun
Drag it to the one
I bring the dawn
Yet thrive in the night

Falling and falling
I ponder my longing
To fall from the sky
From so mighty high
Wonder when I hit the ground
If it will make a sound?
All I feel is emptiness
All I feel is desolate
Arms out to catch myself
Lingering on your last breath
All I feel is worthless
All I feel is emptiness

Crashing and crashing
I embrace the fall
I kiss the ground with my body
and  wait for my soul
Will it  evacuate the emptiness?
Does it even exist?

Soaring and soaring
My mind is
And it lingers
On every moment I hated you
Can't nobody hate you like I do
I hope you feel guilty
As my world is closing in
Yet the commotion around me isn't sinking in
I can hear the whispers
Calling in the night
Tempting me to do
What I think I might

Breathe and breathe
I attempt to, but do not strive to
Death is not my fear
That would be you being near
Don't touch me
Someone does, checks for pulse
But I am already flying
I shoot into the sky, back up, arms out
Im crying out
Reaching, grasping, failing
To touch the body I once inhabited
I know I was not meant to be
So why do I feel sadly?

The hearts content
I say that dont please her
Happiness is on her face
As the man greets her
His voice is just dance, just colors
On an empty canvas
A bit of something inside
A little of me, a little of her
I am the demon
The soul whisperer
The one who tells her to do it

Dancing and dancing
My demon whispers to him but I still move
Who is in control?
Who holds the ropes?
I dont think I can save myself
I'm drowning here please
Somebody help?

Digging and digging
My demon knows it all
Her silky, snaky voice surrounds everything
I am suffocating
Although I am already dead
I shall live forever with her in my head
do you ever imagine your own death?
Jun 2013 · 951
Well, shit
There is no hiding how I feel
A way to mask what isn't real

My perfection, your demise
What we are, isn't wise

If we fall, down this *****
I'll force myself, not to choke

Fear and anxiety, rushing through me
Tempting my morphed reality

I swear that I'm fine,
You think that I'm worth it

****, I wish you could see
What lies behind is a monstrosity

I'm psychotic, I feel it
I'm demonic, I dream it

Help me, help me, help me
I wished for no feelings
No feelings at all

Help me, help, help me,
help us all
this *****
but ill make it better when I can think straight again
May 2013 · 899
Symphonies, oh symphonies
When dragging my bow
Long, drawn out, and dull
I often wonder what they hear
If my violin strikes their ear

But I know they will not hear me alone
I'm playing a concert in this home
To many a fair, to many a famous
Still I sit tall, still I sit shameless

My fingers are dancing, turning the page
I stand near the end, and bow, on the stage
Hands are joyously clapping
I yawn, because, I'd rather be napping

We close our last song with a little soul
Some girl, as we're leaving, drops her cello
And I already feel ready to be back in school
****, could playing the violin be anymore cool?
May 2013 · 449
I wish to have no feelings
And I want to make this clear
My heart is beaten, battered, torn
From one I once called "dear"

I wish to have no feelings
No empathy, no resolve
I do not want to feel
This silly thing called love
May 2013 · 616
I know that you'd be scared,
If you saw what I have prepared

Razor, sharp and ready
Pills, and there are plenty

I don't want anyone to see,
An extremely gruesome scene

So I wont cut out my heart
Like I want to
and leave it with a note
Addressed to you

Just know my heart is yours
It has been all this time
know that my death wasn't so planned
But rather thought of, and divine

I love everything about you
Please believe me, cause it's true
I miss every word you said,
I replay it in my head

And this was all a lie
Goodbye, my love
May 2013 · 541
Can we live without death?
Can we love without hate?
Can we want without need?
I've fallen once again.

Do we ever really live enough to appreciate that we can never truly grasp one without the other?
That a concept has no meaning without an opposing force.
If hate is what's inside us.
And hate it what defines us.
Then we will use our hate to drive us.
And let death not deprive us.
Do we want this or do we need this?
You can always rinse the surface but the stain will remain.
this is an opening to a Motionless in White song.
and I loved it so much I decided to share it.
I didn't write this, k. ;)
Thump. Thump. Thump.
While others flatline,
I live life on the front line.
People starve, and I eat attention.
I crave the spotlight,
You don't have a place to sleep at night.
Complain because I don't have a iPhone,
You cry because you have no home.
I say, "It's unlucky for them."
"Not my ******' problem."
I'm a punk kid, got no care.
Living in a world where all that matters is hair.
Music, ***, drugs, and anarchy.
**** the government,
you think it's rough?
When your dad beats you,
When you aren't good enough,
You're only outlet is having ***,
With every guy who has no reference complex.
Getting knocked up at way too young,
Living off the government you once hated so much.
Welfare, WIC, unemployment.
No husband, not back from deployment.
Think I'm wrong?
Write a song.
Punk rock band,
needed a hand,
So many ways to get ******* paid
To sit on your ***
And dwell in the life you made.
May 2013 · 685
you are my wonder,

all i can not figure out,

all i think about,

last night i dreamt about,

last week i lost,

this week i want,

my hope is all,

my life is,

light at the end of my tunnel,

star in the day sky,

savior of mine,

heart breaker,

one who loved me,

wanted to marry,

didn't want to lose,

had a choice didn't choose,

fell in love with,

had no option but,

saved me from defeat,

stuck me on repeat,

held my breath around,

let me heart be free beside,

wrote a poem just for,

sang a song for,

cried all night about,

died inside from,

caught myself after,

fell back for,

took for granted,






May 2013 · 629
I dont feel your words
Not like a slap, or a sting

Not unless its ******* me
In the brain

Reminding me what you lost
When you were scared

I tried to explain
That I care, that I cared

Only now I regret it
I wish to take it back

I miss the smell of your skin
The taste of your lips

But not your slap
Or the harsh grab of my wrist

Your hands in my face
Lips in the wrong place

I miss the way your skin smells
Like adrenaline and old Hollister cologne

But not the sweat of exasperation
From giving me elaborate explanation

"I didn't mean to hit you so hard.."
But I haven't been here to care

"Did I give you that scar?"
Back then you didn't care

"Who the **** have you told?"
They haven't been here to care

"I'll still love you when you're old."
We both know you won't be here to care.
May 2013 · 1.4k
Violinist, Masochistic
Violin, oh violin
How I let your sweet sound sink in.
String by string,
Mel oh dee.

My fingers dance along thin white lines,
Striped beneath the strings form beginners past.
I play elaborate, and sweet, and soft
But I drag it out at the end.
and oh how he is my violin.
May 2013 · 647
Eyes that do not sink
and lips that do not speak.
Bodies that only mesh,
that only breathe,
when there is need.

His only need
ceases to be desired.
Walking away from me,
Painting a mental image,
That makes me ******* sick.

Love does not exist here.
Although I thought it to be so,
You did not protect me.
You stole my only hope.

Lips that meet
Hips that greet
and hands, shaky hands
Find the path along my thighs

I whisper in fear,
I beg you not to do this.
*** will never be the same,
I wont forget your name.

But he doesnt stop,
He loves it when I cry.
Smacking me into submission,
Loving the sparkle
From the tears in my eyes.

It gets him going,
but it gets me sobbing.
And he finishes, like that
Pushes me away as he pulls
I roll over into the grass,
Throw up in front of myself
Try to stand

He is gone before I know it,
but just wait until I see
His ******* face

— The End —