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Jan 2015 · 541
Your skin is covered with scars you wish you didn't make…
promises you throw into the lake.
And your brain is full of self-pity,
and your thoughts are getting gritty.

Why would you take a perfectly good body.
Just to throw it away on razor blades.
Your body is growing weaker with each etch into your skin.
But it can’t make you feel again.
Nov 2014 · 835
Draw-on smiles
Un-walked miles
A million places
A million faces
Around... and around.
I guess my ship can sink underground

Cling onto the trends
Finding war that never can end
Sleeping on the bend
Children black and blue
Parents waiting in a que
Unsolved cases
Broken vases

Scratched-off names
Billions of un-played games
Life that hasn't been lived
And moments to be relived
Nov 2014 · 748
Alcohol & Tears
I'll get so **** drunk on senseless time
I'll get drunk on all the crime
Hiding bottles in drawers and desks
Smoking underneath stairs to get rid of pesks
Dealing in parks and day-cares
Shooting guns in pairs

Dried-up tears
And dead years
Drugs laced around drinks
Falling down in skating rinks
Broken skin, hoping to numb the pain
Everyone talks while thoughts go down the drain
Taking forever to let it out
Living forever in this drought

Making drugs in someone else's backyard
Abusing children while praying hard
Gambling high while money is low
Crushing heads just to make a show
Molding young minds just to get cash
Taking happiness and turning it all to ash.

But we live like it's alright
Because soon everything is going to die....

Alcohol take the pain of the tears away
Tears take away all the bad days
Drunken nights full of unnecessary tears
Oh my, oh my. oh my.
Maybe I will get drunk again...
Nov 2014 · 454
All I need
Is another night
Another chance to be alright
Because she is the sun and the moon
She is rain in June

Nothing compares to this kind of love
I want more, because I can never have enough
She's way too good for me
But I just can't let her be

A playlist of memories that runs through my head
Every day I think of all the words she said
What did I do to deserve her?
Because in winter everything will be a blur

Hold me tight and don't leave me
Just stay and tell me how to be free
Because she is so **** beautiful
And everything is wonderful

Because she is snow on Christmas day
She is the blooming flowers in May
All I need is her.

All I'll ever need is her....
Oct 2014 · 838
A Million Reasons
There is no way to run away
There is nothing to stop the decay
Just go weak and let the tears fall to the floor
Nothing to hide or hold in anymore

I just need more time
But my hope is smaller than a dime
This kind of life is painful
But everyone says to be grateful

But what can we be grateful for?
Shattered hearts and broken dreams
People coming apart at the seams
Beaten until we're black and blue
Killing the things that could have grew

Killing love, killing innocent kids
Killing hope, burning eyelids
Killing faith and ourselves

A million reasons to hate the world we live in
Seven billion people full of laughter and tears
Full of taken years
Kick the bucket and thank yourself for the win

We **** everything and leave nothing...
Oct 2014 · 505
The Difference
Invisible paint on our faces
Showing who we are
Just an ounce of fear in every step
An ounce of regret for every bar

They figured you out
You're different- you stand out
The beat you till blood breaks through your skin
But you still love

There's nothing wrong with you
But apparently everything is wrong with you
"I didn't raise you like that!" is what you hear from your embarrassed mother
Clinging on to the life of a useless father

"You're going to hell" shoots arrows into your throbbing heart
Screaming for help, wanting to be like everyone else
Hiding in your bedroom and letting them throw their darts
Crying yourself to sleep because the love has left you

You meet the perfect person, but you can't tell them
And you just go over the brim
It's not a choice, because if I could choose
I would choose the easy life
Drowning your thoughts in cheap *****

Kicked out by your own flesh and blood
Hating yourself, and etching patterns in your own skin
The hate comes over like a flood

But there's nothing wrong with you
Nothing has ever been wrong with you
And there will never be a **** thing wrong with you.
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Broken Society
People walk around with programmed heads
Filling our brains with a need to be dead
Killing without regrets
Mouths full of empty threats

Blood spills like water
And we all pretend
Like nothing is going on, no it's not the end

We are blinded by our own minds
Pushing away what they say
Going around in circles in order to rewind

Depressed children with broken hearts
Wondering why the family is split apart
Tombstones with grandpa's name
Playing the same old game

There's no one there
Our dreams are crushed
Nothing matters, no one cares

Empty hearts waiting to picked up
Finger-shaped bruises waiting for back-up
And we run away
Until we're out of breath...
Until there is nothing left.....
Oct 2014 · 599
I Need You
Everything is breaking
Everything is falling apart
Our faith is shaking
But I don't want to be another failed try on a broken chart
We're so lonely
But you are the only one I want.

When you are no longer the one to love me, then who will hold me?
Who will tell me that it's gonna be alright
When will I give up the fight
Because I can no longer make it through the night
Surrounded by my demons
Lost without my angel.

Too many nights spent shedding tears
Too many nights without cheer.
You. I need you.

When you are no longer the one to hold me, then who will love me?
Because I'm broken
Left behind with forgotten needs
I will sink down to the bottom of the sea
Forgetting what it's like to be free

I need you more that before
I just need you, tonight
So that I will be alright.
Oct 2014 · 740
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Time is running out again and again
Spin your faith around your finger wondering when
When will the clock stop ticking
When will the hopes stop banging
Banging around in your head
Reminding you of everything you dread

Tick tock, tick-tock*
Time is going by too fast
Nothing ever lasts
Nothing ever stays
Things change every day

Tick-tock, tick-tock
Time has run out
Nothing can stop the drought
Closed eyes and pale skin
Begging to forget the sin

Tick-tock, tick-tock
Time has run out....

© Heaven Leigh C.
Oct 2014 · 498
Haven't Been
Suffocating on words that haven't been spoken
Trying to make up new ones to erase the past
Staring at the empty vast
Twenty-four hours to say what you need
But not enough time to say what you mean

Cramps over words that haven't been written
Empty pages full of headaches and stress
Not knowing which word to address
Trying to type with numb fingers
Paper after paper until you fill acres

Drowning over stories that haven't been told
Trying to make the new and re-invent the old
Wrapping your mind around imaginary time
This is something you can't mime
Looking in other people for stories to make your own
But it's hard to find them so you feel weak
And let the pain fill you week by week

Knees aching over things that haven't got old
Gold necklaces and price tags that we leave in bags
Going under debt just to fit in
Using the last bit of ink from the same pen
Needing a new book to write in
But there's not enough money in the couch cushions
So you pack your dreams and start pushing

Worrying over time that hasn't happened
Our hearts beat even when we're down six feet
Burying yourself in things that you can't beat
Rushing to make things great
But still trying not to break

The amount of irony in the world is too much to handle
War that doesn't end with peace
But we're breaking piece by piece
Gluing ourselves back together but missing the tiny cracks between
Stuck on everything with hope for nothing.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
What Happens When You Die
If death is an adventure
Life is the preparation.
We prepare to die, but we try to prevent it
To prevent the end is nearly impossible
But just one more candle that has to be lit
To die is to live
And to live is to die.
Gray hair and crinkled skin
Showing that the end is near
So we turn up the music and drink beer

We drink until we forget the preparation
We drink to forget the end
Mid-life crisis creeping up the older you get
You can't leave at the last bit.
Death is something we don't understand
Though we try so hard to.

You see, the thing is
Only the dead know what happens when you're dead
And that seems to bother us the most
We don't know if we fade to dust
Or if we go somewhere great

At the end we are all headstones with a name
That has been long forgotten
Tears shed that are now rotten

But the biggest problem is:
Only dead people know what happens when you die
And that is the hardest part of a good-bye
Sep 2014 · 443
Good-bye To Us
You could break almost everything
Shattering everyone into nothing
Hold your head up so high
While I want to say good-bye

Good-bye to all the painful memories
Good-bye to begging on my knees
I remember everything from broken glass to the flying keys
Good-bye to us

Champagne classes full of empty wishes
Empty seats that my heart misses
Lost dreams between the sheets
A beautiful melody lost in high receipts

Something too close, yet something too far
Not ready to hear you say "Raise the bar"
The heat is too hot
And I can't hear any of my thoughts
Blurred out by the screaming

One last clink of the glass to say
Good-bye to us.
Sep 2014 · 646
Don't Mess With My Love
They can **** you in your sleep
Chase you in your dreams
And you will never escape because you're in so deep.
All this pressure is like a finger on a trigger
I'm gonna meet the grave digger
And tell him 6 feet ain't enough
Don't mess with my love.

I'm gonna bury the memory in the corners of hell
And I'm gonna do it by myself
Make sure all the screams can't be heard
Gonna cover you in dirt

Suffocate you just to see how you like it
I won the fight this time, because I got the last hit
Next time don't play with the lion
Or you just might get bit

Take one more swing, I dare you
I'm going to watch your tan skin turn blue
And I'll have no regrets
Don't mess with my love
Unless you're ready to test the bets

I'm gonna say "6 feet ain't enough to hold a cheater"
Sep 2014 · 588
Your tongue has been ripped out
And you've been thrown out
Into the darkness with the beasts
A fire burning at your feet
People chanting for your defeat

Nails ripped off
****** fingers with throbbing pain
Eyes taken out
Letting your skin burn as you try to shout
Slowly leaving the world
As your insides twirl

Not enough breath to say goodbye
Not enough time to save your life
Sep 2014 · 402
We want things we can not have
We wish for dreams that are ripped in half
We desire love and attention
We need compassion

Too little time to spend
And not enough endings in the end
The perfect amount of tears in our eyes
But too many goodbyes

Never finding true happiness
Stumbling upon accidental love
Almost reaching the wings of a dove
Always finding things we don't desire

Holding onto things that left such a long time ago
Wanting to follow the way the wind blows
Not enough time to chase rainbows
And too much time worrying about when our life goes

We'll sink into the the cracks of the Earth
Waiting, and waiting for rebirth
Another time to worry about when time ends
Another heart to mend....
Sep 2014 · 815
I can't breathe, the dirt is filling my lungs
Trying to scream out the lies of their tongues
No one hears, and no one cares
All they give is glances and sad stares

Pierced hearts and missing eyes
Thinkin' they won a prize
Saying good-byes with no tears to be seen
They say they don't remember
But I know they do
Skin is turning blue

My life is fading
Never dealt with this kind of aching
Spine broke in half and neck snapped
And now I'm trapped.

I'm running out of air
Take me to place of bare love and tear
Aug 2014 · 391
Can someone help me?
I can't seem to find where my heart once lied  
And I keep going on a loop of the empty bride
My mind on a rotten evergreen track
But no one can take me back

I'm just traveling along the side
Living on the day where everyone cried
Lost and confused, don't know where to turn to
Nothing I've ever knew

Can someone help us?
We're confused about all of this fuss
Separated cries, can someone dry our eyes?
We don't know where our hearts once lied
Aug 2014 · 469
All alone, nothing to live for
Surrounded, and can't reach the door
Step over the line
But apparently I'm fine
Hidden bandages and countless lies
Putting on the same thing everyone hides

Gripping onto hope
But going crazy trying to cope
Screaming for someone to help
But the help never comes
Scratched eyes and bleeding gums
The craziness has only begun

Where is everyone who said they'd be here?
I can't face this fear
Where are they now?
Nobody wants to help me now
They're letting me take the bow

All alone, no where to run.
I'm drunk on ***** and ***
No where to go
I go alone...
Aug 2014 · 373
Empty hearts in crowded bars
Teary eyes chasing cars
Drinking life away
Trying to remember a time when the sky wasn't gray

Dead fingertips with a tight grip
Teardrops that don't drip
A smile covered in tear stains
Blood that doesn't run through veins

Just one more time
Darkness in daytime
One last breath
Didn't know that it would end in death
Aug 2014 · 579
Fighting Demons
Too many voices in my head
Too much silence while laying in my bed.
Never open my mouth, but I say a million words
Dying only to be called a coward

Buried 6 feet under ground
But I can still hear every sound
All the words you used to hurt me
Won't let me break free

I'll arrive at night dressed in all white
I'll be ready to fight
And I don't know if I will survive
I just know that I have to win this fight.

I've got to fight the demons that are inside of me!
Jul 2014 · 427
Let Me Go
Your grip is a bit too tight
But you know that I don't wanna fight
You tell me that you love me
But that's not what I see
I'm *******, no way to escape
And you're bent all out of shape

If you love me, won't you let me go?
Because I'm tired of living on death row
Rip the tape off my lips
And remove all of the grips
Take the burning off my hips
Please, let me go

If you love me, you will let me go.
Jul 2014 · 625
It's a blanket wrapped around your dreams.
Suffocating everything you've lived for
Removing every extreme
And replacing it with gore

You give up on everything you think is gone
But it's there, and you've left it in a pawn
Plastering on the fake smile
And swallowing all of the bile

Give up.
It whispers to you
Give up!
It yells at you

Then finally you do.
Then finally, you see the brightest light you've ever seen.
It's the beginning of peace for you
And the beginning of eternal sadness for another.
Jul 2014 · 373
We are everything
But we are also nothing.
Grains of sand compacted with color
Hoping to find love with another

The texture of another's skin
Telling us to be born again.
Lips against lips
And hips against hips

Waking up to the flames in the sky
With them right by your side
Perfection- sweet, sweet perfection
And all of the bright affection

Our color spread through our fingertips
Waiting everyday for our ****** eclipse.
Timed just right, but never planned
Something that should never be banned.

The feeling of love.
Jul 2014 · 283
You broke my dreams
And tore open my seams
Pretended to care
But you were never really there
Held me so close
Only to let me go
Convinced me that love was real
Just so that I wouldn't heal
Said "I love you."
So you could cut through

Good-bye to the blue skies
And hello to the gray
Because you've left me here to die.
I only have one question
And that's why?
Jul 2014 · 3.3k
The Color Yellow
When you open your eyes for the first time
When you have your first laugh-until-you-cry
When you first climb that mountain to see the skies
It is when your friends get you high.
Laughing about the taste of the stars that you stole

When the man in the moon finally shows up at last.
When you bring your friends over to crack jokes and have a blast.
It is the weirdness of you and your friends
And the quirkiness of your trends
It's the dimming light when you say good-bye.
But always knowing that you might see them next July.

It's the spark of the fireworks and the lights of Christmas.
It is when you feel happy... for no reason.
You're just smiling for the season.
It's when you're free and full of glee.
That is the perfection.
Jul 2014 · 10.6k
The Color Blue
The first time you walk on the beach
And the first time you notice what's so close, yet out of reach.
The first time you dance with him at night
And the color of his voice when he says "It's alright."
Then it's the bump of every sound wave,
Making you hold on to every word

The color of his veins, matching yours at dawn.
Being so happy, until everything is gone.
Then, it's the color of seeing him leave.
It's when you grieve.
It is when you cry yourself to sleep,
Tears running down your face
But somehow it is still your saving grace.
When you wake up, and you have nothing to say

But no matter what, you still see that day
When the pain finally leaves, and you meet them
Their colored hair so contrast to yours
It's when it becomes the warmest color.
It's the color of your dim-lighted eyes
Finally, coming back to life.
Jul 2014 · 726
"New Day"
Everyday you wake up to a new day
But what they don’t realize is that it’s all the same

You look in the mirror and paint on a new face
Anything to hide the pain.

Shifting between bars to hide the scars
Drinking your emotions in bars

Anything to say "I'm okay."
But everything is still grey...
Jul 2014 · 560
If I left today
Would you even notice that I didn't stay?
Or would you go on with your life...
Or would you even know that I was killed by my own knife?

MISSING is the first word you see on the evening news
But you just flip the channel and continue to drink your *****.
You still go to sleep that night.

Everything for you is still alright.
You're okay.
You can wake up to a new day!

But I'm still just a face on the daily news.
Another headline in the papers.
Breathing in all these poisonous vapors.

So maybe tonight I will go missing
And watch you dismissing.
But they will look and look for years.

Until one night I whisper in your ear.
"I'm dead. I'm dead."

Will that finally get it through your head?
Stop looking.

"I'm dead. I bled out. It's all over now."
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
The 4th of July.
Every American is supposed to be full of pride.
But I'm not, and do you wanna know why?

We're not really free

We've got people laying on the streets
And only caring about our treats and cleats.
Half of the people I know can't get married
And people who are alive are being buried.

Yes, it is the day we won our independence
But I'm afraid that we lost that a long time ago.

Freedom is the day when my best friend can walk down the aisle
Freedom is when we can choose our lifestyle.
People are so blind calling this country free

If we are free,
Then why aren't we allowed to be who we want to be?
Jul 2014 · 1.8k
Your words pelted me like knives.
I've tried it once, twice, and trice
I'm starting to wonder if I have nine lives

Deep, ever-lasting scars go up and down my body
I always feel like a nobody.
No one cares if I live or die
So I'll let the blood pour down my thigh.

Darkness covers my eyes
And I look at it like it's a prize.
Dead, the line went straight.
This has always been my fate.

I'm my own killer, so close the case,
Once and for all, I'm finally done with the chase.
Jul 2014 · 550
I just want to drag that blade across my skin
Something, anything!
Just so that I can feel again.

I miss the numbness and blood
And the waves of sadness are coming in like a flood.
I'm depressed and every day just causes more stress.

Yes, I am young
But I have been hurt by people's tongues.
So leave me here to die.
Because today, I don't want to say good-bye.
Jul 2014 · 477
My Perfection
You're my perfection,
My first and only selection.

Hold me close, and never let me go
This is a feeling that I don't know

But this is the feeling to end all feelings
And that's all I know...
Jul 2014 · 417
Fly with me to Neverland
Where we never have to worry again.

And I promise you,
That everyday will be new.

And every single morning you'll wake up next to me
And every night I'll be sleeping next to you.
Jul 2014 · 317
Take my hand and pull me close and we'll speak our oaths.
So say your vows an we'll live like the wolf that howls at the moon.
And every single June, will be ours.
Jun 2014 · 368
You expect me to lay down and confess
Over something that causes me stress.

You tell me there are ways to fix me
News check- I don't wanna be free!

You put a knife at my throat and tell me to stay calm,
But you've got me tied to a suicide bomb!

You cut me open just to look at what's inside
And I feel like I just died...

You tell me that I'm gonna be okay
But I can already see the grey.

You have always been my enemy.
Jun 2014 · 596
Taken from our land
And taken to no-man.
Starvation and desperation
Is what's building my nation

Blood and death
Roams hand in hand with theft
Thrown in here to die
With the memories of goodbyes.

Hanging of our enemies
Only to realize.. this is infinity.
Men crossing the dead line
As their form of suicide

Maybe we all lied
When we left, promising to come back
But now it is life that we lack.
Good-bye my family.

I'll see you again, maybe someday.
Jun 2014 · 827
Love is found
In the smallest of towns.

Just me and you.
The taste of honeydew.

Plump lips and bare hips.

And at the edge of the night,
I'm not afraid to fight
Jun 2014 · 340
The Broken
The broken see the world loveless and shattered
They search for their painter, someone to fix parts that are tattered.

But some people forget one thing:
Not everyone wants to be fixed.
Jun 2014 · 1.7k
Mentally Dead
Black roses with a white sun
White knuckles, holding onto the gun

Ready to die, but wanting to live
How much more can I give up?

Sounds of bombs exploding
But I'm the only one who can hear it.

Am I dead?
No, it's only in my head.
Jun 2014 · 858
New Day
A shared dream
A silent scream

This is the New Day.

Open my eyes to a new day
But everything is the same.

The sky is still grey.
And no one knows my name
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Without A Hero
"Happy Father's Day."
They all say.

Celebrate your fathers, and step-fathers.
But what if you don't have one?
What do we do then? There is no one.

Then what if you have a wretched one?
People tell you that they are your only father.
They tell you that if you don't show them compassion,
You're going to burn to ash.

Not everyone has their "first hero"
Because some people are without a hero.
Jun 2014 · 579
The End
You say that you can't take it anymore
The teardrops hit the floor

Drowning in the sea
But you're never going to be free

Your thoughts are only screams

There's nothing to say
Except "I'm okay."

Blood pouring like rain
Yet there's no pain
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Silence and empty rooms
Is all that you have left
Broken by the endless lies

This is theft.

Lost and confused by all of the fumes
So please tell me,
Where are you?
Jun 2014 · 2.8k
Running through the maze
In this sleepy haze

Dressed up in blue and white
Here, underneath the moonlight

White roses painted red
And a man, with a messed up head
Jun 2014 · 304
Everyday I will collect the pain,
Then wait to be slain

I'm given the choice: Life or Death,
But I've still not taken my last breath.

Risk it all, and take the fall
But for some reason, I'm still holding on.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
The tears of the blind
And the lies of the deaf.

And the people who wish for their death.

So many people lying in unmarked graves
And the people that we don't even know their names.
Jun 2014 · 449
Eyes Could Speak
But if our eyes could speak we'd say three times the world.

If our eyes could speak, then never again would we have to talk.

But if our eyes could speak, they'd tell it all
Of every ball, of every fall, and of every brawl.

If eyes could speak, we wouldn't have to talk at all.
Jun 2014 · 6.0k
The "Different" Girl
Once upon a time there was a transgender girl
Who cut off her curls

He looked everywhere for love
And only found one.

His parents rejected him
Society beheaded him
And nothing could keep him alive.

**But everyone forgot that he was human too.
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
The Boy Who Died Too Soon
Once upon a time a young boy who seemed so happy, died
But it was by a blade and tears that he tried to hide.

His funeral was full of people who made everyday bad
His bullies, his abusive boyfriend, and his alcoholic dad

Well on that day
They buried a boy that they never ever actually knew.
Once upon a time there was a lonely girl
In this big ol' world

She walked around with her head down

And she always felt like she was drowning
Never said a word, but she was treated like dirt.
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