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Mar 2019 · 117
Name that THING
Bhill Mar 2019
Are you tired of, that same old thing?
Tell us all that thing, then you can sing.

What really is that same old thing?

                    Is the thing
                        a thing
           that stops your swing?

                        Is it old
                     super cold?

                    Is it dragging
                possibly nagging?

                      Is it painful
                 not at all grateful?

                What is that thing?
                  Name that thing!
                  Hit that swing....!

Brian Hill - 2019#63
Inspired by changing up that thing...
Before you can change it up you have to give it a name...
Just saying...
Mar 2019 · 194
New Thing
Bhill Mar 2019
New Thing Haiku

Thinking of new things
Controls the wants of old things.
How do you stop it?

Brian Hill - 2019#62
Inspired by thinking about new stuff...!
Is it important to
have someones
opinion on
New Stuff?
Mar 2019 · 180
What is MORE?
Bhill Mar 2019
It's not crazy,
wanting life to be more.
What really is more,
How do we explore?

I think it takes time,
to really decide.
What's more, to one,
may not be the guide.

More, is more,
this is a fact.
Do you need it for sure,
to stay on track?

Can you do, what you do,
without finding more?
Are you stuck in the mud,
can't find the door?

That door, is often,
shut and it's locked.
Is more, just a key,
to unlock the lock?

Before you can tell,
if more, is a need.
Take time to review,
then slowly proceed...

Brian Hill - 2019#61
Inspired by a song about MORE!
Needing and wanting more is something that everyone is familiar with...
Mar 2019 · 121
Fun Haiku
Bhill Mar 2019
Fun is a fun word
Saying it brings happiness
Say it twice and see.. :)

Brian Hill - 2019#60
Inspired by HaaaPPy thoughts....  :>)
Mar 2019 · 138
Is change the question..
Bhill Mar 2019
Is what we do
every day
It's not right
It's not wrong
It's just
what we do
Can changes be made
Do you ask
That question
Would it change
Would it change
Do you
want to change
I'm not sure
I do....

Brian Hill - 2019#58
Inspired by thoughts of the morning light.
Mar 2019 · 81
Open your eyes...!
Bhill Mar 2019
As the day starts up,
you open your eyes,
what goes through your mind?
Are you after new beginnings,
or are you staying blind?

Staying blind is fine for some of you,
let's hope, it's not for all,
Without the ones,
who can see it though,
time would seem to stall.

Don't get me wrong,
there are those here,
who really DON'T want to know.
How and why,
the world really works,
what it takes to GROW!

Be not, the one,
who causes the stall,
and keeps us in the dark.
Start your day,
with open eyes,
give the day some spark...!

Brian Hill - 2019#57
Inspired by just opening my eyes to see...
My mornings are spent with a cup of coffee after walking my dogs...
I open my eyes to all things surrounding me.
I fill my soul with the new day...
Mar 2019 · 1.0k
Is it Saturated?
Bhill Mar 2019
Hey, HEY, what about,
Rain falling from clouds,
beautiful in a misty, foggy way.
Clouds rolling in
they appear to be
a never ending
just plain storm clouds!
Water, water everywhere.
Tap dancing on the roofs,
Cascading off cliffs,
Filling in natural washes,
Flowing out to local rivers,
Water converted to mud...
When is it too much
NOW is when...
And YES!

Brian Hill - 2019#56
Inspired by the tapping of rain on the roof..
They rain here lately has been beautoful and scary..
Mar 2019 · 185
Bhill Mar 2019
People Haiku

People do their best.
At the time they do their best?
Do The best you can...!

Brian Hill - 2019- February
People who try most often do...
Yoda said there is no try.  I disagree.  One must try...!
Mar 2019 · 333
Ask ?
Bhill Mar 2019
Did you take the time to really ask?
What is the reason?
Why did it get done that way?
Where did it disappear to?
How long will it take?
What color?
Why are you going?
Where was it hidden?
Who was there?
How is that even true?
Why are you leaving?
Where will you go?
Who knows?
How did we get here?
What, Why, Where, Who, How?
Ask, Ask, Ask and figure it out!!!

Brian Hill - 2019#54
Inspired by the ?
I have found that you can get as far and receive a whole lot of info by just asking...
Mar 2019 · 4.1k
Drip, Drop, Splash
Bhill Mar 2019
Drip, Drop, Splash

Drip, drop, splash...
Water, as it finds its final resting place below.
Falling with fellow (drops),
Falling off the cliff side, (drip)
Falling to form very special, beautiful waterfall, (splash).
Coming out into the light.
Waters from storms aged years ago.
Making their way through the tiniest of sandstone cracks.
Having been inside the mountains above for eons.
Not seeing daylight for all those years,
What a surprise, when finding themselves
falling and falling,
to make,
Drip, Drop, Splash...

Brian Hill - 2019
Inspired by Poetry in the Park @ Zions
This was inspired by a storm waterfall in Zions National Park today while going to Poetry in the Park poetry class....
Mar 2019 · 507
What is?
Bhill Mar 2019
What is,
What was,
THE greatest thing,
you have ever known?
Living or unknown.

I know this question,
is very hard,
to answer and explain.
What you've seen,
What you've done,
is over and gone,
and yet,
YOU still remain.

What exists is
and really not
why not do it
Do something
take it as far as you
see how you end your

Brian Hill - 2019 - February
Sometimes as I watch shows someone says something that inspires a few words.  This is one of those...
Feb 2019 · 190
The wonders...
Bhill Feb 2019
The wonders of the world are different, and they're different for us all.
We each have ideas, that make us unique, as with that we get our own ball.

***** are round for a reason, and that is so they will roll.
Keep balanced and roll, along your path, and remember, you can't always control.

Being different is a human trait, and with that, we have a choice.
Take that ball and roll it, and make sure you roll it, with your very own voice.

We try and try to understand, what makes each other tick.
I say we give up on that silly try and make harmony, really, really click!

Brian Hill - 2019- February
Inspired by numerous life conversations...
Feb 2019 · 89
Stress... Haiku
Bhill Feb 2019
Waking up without...
Living your life without it...
Seeing self without...

Brian Hill - 2019 - February
Love doing haikus.
Feb 2019 · 248
Thoughts of a Young Brain
Bhill Feb 2019
When I was a child I thought about wind.
Where did it come from, how did it begin?
Was it caused, at all, by the waving of the trees?
Was the waving of the trees, caused by the breeze?

I still to this day, remember thinking many things.
As a child my mind pondered, how do birds use their wings?
How and why, do rabbits hop,
Why do fish swim and firecrackers pop?

Ants are plum crazy, how they dig in the dirt,
I wear my pants but my sister wears a skirt?
Why does it rain and why are you sad?
Does the light switch frighten away all the bad?

Now that I’m older I still think alot.
The problem now seems...  oh ****, I forgot!

Brian Hill - 2019 - February
Inspired by the mind of my young brain..
One of my earliest memories is of the wind.  Why are the trees causing this wind?  And then we grownup!
Feb 2019 · 347
Bhill Feb 2019
Today's Haiku

Early morning walks,
Wake up the soul of the world.
Has yours awoken?

Brian Hill - 2019 February
I walk my dog every morning and witness dawn waking up.  It is very inspiring.
Feb 2019 · 161
How Far?
Bhill Feb 2019
How far, is my head from the ground?

Does the thought seem to make me look down?
It's not a subject, that comes up every day.
But how far, is my head from the ground?

It seems quite important right now.
Do I measure from my nose or the top of my crown?
How far, is my head from the ground?

I'm falling and falling and falling right now.
How far will I go till I stop?
I think the answer depends, on the answer to the question...

How far, is my head from the ground?

Brian Hill - 2019
Feb 2019 · 183
Why oh???
Bhill Feb 2019
Why, oh why, do we do what we do, when WHAT we do is so wrong?
What did you do, and why did you do it, did you think it would help you belong?

Belonging is great when you deserve to belong, but when you don't, it is just PRETEND!
Don't be mislead, by promises promised, when the promise is highly offend!

Promises come, and promises go, don't be afraid of this fact.
The fact they are real, the good and the bad, it's up to us, to keep intact.

Facts are not facts, I think you should know, in fact some, are not true, not at all!
This fact stands alone, and alone it will stand, till all facts are fact-checked, ( by a guy named Paul...)

Brian Hill 2019
Feb 2019 · 1.1k
K9 Habits
Bhill Feb 2019
Dogs have habits, you bet they do.
They run and play, then eat and poo.

They Sleep all day, zoom, zoom all night.
They bark and bark, at something in sight.

They wait at the window or wait by the door.
To say hello to their people with eyes we adore.

Let's go for walk, they seem to be saying.
Really, oh really, that's my kind of playing!

They love without boundaries, they give the same way.
They are really true family and never, never betray.

Without them we are lost, so much that it hurts.
Pay attention to their habits, life with them, JUST WORKS.

Brian Hill - 2019#42
Feb 2019 · 200
What Changed?
Bhill Feb 2019
It’s so cold.
What brought about this change?
I’ve stayed the same, I think.
It’s so cold.
The whiteness of my view is brighter than before.
What changed?
It’s so cold.
The darkness of the sky has me wondering?
What I can see I can’t feel because,
It’s so cold.
What changed?
Am I still alive?
I’m not at all sure about that.
What changed?
It’s so cold...
What happened???

Brian Hill - 2019

— The End —