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 Jun 2019 Vic
Do you ever want everything to stop
Or is that just me
Do you ever want to just collapse
Or is that just me
Do you ever feel like no one cares
Or is that just me
Do you ever feel like no one understands
Or is that just me
Do you ever want to get in a car and just drive until you run
        out of gas
Or is that just me
Do you ever wish someone would just **** you because it
        would be easier that way
Or is that just me
 Jun 2019 Vic
• You're not a burden
• It's ok to be struggling
• It's ok to tell people you're struggling
• Please tell people you're struggling
• Don't suffer in silence. Tell someone. Get help
• It's ok to need help
• The world is more beautiful because you're in it
• You are worth it
• Thank you for existing
• You're beautiful
• Please stay alive
• If you're looking for a sign not to **** yourself, this is it
• People love you
I love you
 Jun 2019 Vic
comfort food
 Jun 2019 Vic
why does no one talk about how scary recovery is
Like being mentally ill is not fun
But I also am terrified to get better because I don’t know
Who I am without depression
I don’t know who I am without self harm
My personality is mentally ill

This is all I've ever know
Self harm is my favorite blanket
Depression is comfort food
And anxiety is the love of my life

And I don’t understand how there are people
Who can get out of bed every morning
How people can be social and not feel
Like a volcano is being forced down their throat  
How people can just raise their hand in class
It just sounds fake and impossible to me

So idk know if I really want to get better  
Because I don't know who I am without this
 Jun 2019 Vic
She Writes
**** doesn’t always hide
At parties and outside clubs
**** doesn’t always hide
In dark alleys and empty parking lots
Sometimes it is right in front of you
But you choose to look the other way
**** doesn’t always hide
Behind the faces of strangers in the night
Sometimes it is hiding behind the closed doors
Of your uncles
And brothers
**** isn’t always loud-
Screaming, yelling, and crying
Sometimes **** is quiet-
Gasping for air and silent tears
 Jun 2019 Vic
peter pan
 Jun 2019 Vic
I just realized that peter pan is actually an angel
And neverland is heaven
Those kids didn’t age because they were dead
I wish I didn’t age

I try to put my mental health before education
But then it affects my education which effects  
My mental health which effects my
Educ- you get it

Do you realize we are the kids our parents
Warned us about

I am an overly emotional
Distant private person
Who has the tendency to overshare at any moment
And I don’t know what the **** that means
But I'm going with it

This poem doesn’t really have a meaning
But I think that might be the meaning
 Jun 2019 Vic
Guy Furniture
 Jun 2019 Vic
Guy Furniture
I think about you every single day.
From the moment we first met,
To this moment today.

You simply amaze,
My heart is ablaze;
I fell for you in all sorts of ways.

Now here I am, missing you today,
As I sit here in silence, my heart feels astray.

And as the day comes to an end,
The thought of you drifts into my mind.
I lay back to relax,
After all, dreaming of you helps me unwind.

As I close my eyes,
The thought of us drifts through my head.
We're going places,
Full speed ahead.

You take my hand,
We're running through a prairie.
And before I know it,
We're surrounded by fairies.

To our left, there's a pirate,
Who's missing a hand?
"Look, flying above us!
It's Peter Pan!"

So Neverland is where you've decided to take me.
Where we never grow old, stay young, and fly freely.

Well, now it's my turn,
Take my hand and count down from three.
I'll give you a hint,
We'll be deep beneath the sea.

As you open your eyes you gasp!
We're right beside a whale.
I point down,
"Look, you've got a tail!

Come, follow me,
Through the deep blue sea.
I'll introduce you to my friends,
And of course, Chef Louis."

We swim down through a city,
To a palace, we are let in,
Where we meet Ariel, Flounder,
Sebastian, and of course,
King Triton.

A throwback to our childhood,
At least for me,
"I know you love water,
So let loose
Swim free"

After a while,
You give me a kiss,
"What was that for?" I ask
"It's for all of this"

You smile and say
"Even though this is great,
It's my turn now,
And I cannot wait."

You take my hand,
As we swim towards the sky.
"This time will be different,
It'll be just you and I."

"Where are we going?"
I begin to ask.
"You'll see soon enough,
Now put on this mask..."

"I feel so distant,
It's silent, are we far?"
You slide off my mask,
"Look at all those beautiful stars."

I stand there in awe,
Then look back to your face.
"Dear, wh-where are we?"
"You dingus, we're in space."

All around there are stars passing by.
To our right,
To our left,
Low and high.

"Dear, this is wonderful,
I love space!"
"I know," you say.
"It's an amazing place."

I hold your hands,
This dream has been so fine.
I lean towards you,
And feel your lips press up against mine.

As I open my eyes,
I'm back in my bed.

And missing you,
That's back in my head.
 Jun 2019 Vic
Poet X
with each lonely night
I could feel the
cold of nothingness
ease its way into my bones .
and to be honest,
I don't think I have any strength left
to fight it ;
I don't think I want to .
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