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 Dec 2014 Genie
 Dec 2014 Genie
I sit here alone...
in the corner...

In the next room over...
I hear them laughing...
hysterical laughs...
taunting me...
of what life has neglected to give to me...
(doesn't really relate but here it is)
piano man
-billy joel
 Dec 2014 Genie
Ena Alysopriono
I am enough**

aren't I?
Thank you to everyone who added a positive comment, it was very kind of you, but this was a rhetorical question. Something I need to figure out for myself.
 Dec 2014 Genie
Ronald J Chapman
She is my Angel.

Because she is my Angel;
I know we will never be able to touch,
I know we will never be able to be in each others arms,
I know we will never kiss.
The saddest thing is.  We will never be able to dance.

But I am so very joyful, she came into my life and
Guards my heart and soul day and night.

Yes, I love my Angel.

Copyright © Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Date With An Angel
 Dec 2014 Genie
She carries
The weight of her world
Upon her small shoulders
Trying to be strong and brave
When really she's dying
On the inside,
Her heart is ready to cave

The pressure
She feels
She tries to escape it
If only she could find a way

But she is stuck
Keeping the world from crumbling down

But it crumbles anyway
She cries out for help
But no one comes around
 Dec 2014 Genie
Poetic T
Seeking those lonely ones,
Every step watched, *dark shadows hidden,
Ritual of the **** *planned,
prepared, precision,  
Is the key to the departing of life,
All will fear that moment,
Looking behind as well as in front,
Kill or be killed,
Is the reaction to that moment of a death,
Life is in their control,
Let the blood seep,
Every moment is a last lingering  breath,
Right now you realise your **time is up.
 Nov 2014 Genie
Peer behind her eyes
You'll find it a surprise
That she doesn't think of happy sunny days

If you analyze behind her eyes
And look at the secrets she confines
You'll feel an overwhelming sense of pain

Cogs spinning in her mind
Trying to slow down the time
To stop it from ruining and hurrying her life

That smile that she wears
Each and everyday
Is meant to dismiss the fear on her face

She fears the
Of the clock
Reminding her everyday that

Time comes and goes
Very fast
There's no way to make the moments last
Soon the present will be past
For time is ticking very fast

Once the time catches up
Her whole life will erupt
Into a new era of change
Traditions she used to cherish in her heart
Will never be the same
     with me

Is like

With a
~you CAN break me down~

Number 7 in my series of truths. Click mytruths to read them all, Thank you.
I wanna be your medicine
               To take away your pain
         I need you to take me regularly
To be swallowed whole by you
                  I want you to feel
  That you'd die without me
          And never leaving my side is

          I wanna be your cigarettes
                          To burn for you
     I want you addicted to me
In your mouth constantly
                   I want you to inhale me.
         Every time you

         I wanna be your music
                     Your drugs
   Your heart and soul
           Your liver and your lungs
I want you to NEED me
             I need to feel that feeling
   The feeling that I'm
                Not just something
                            But everything

For far too long,
I've felt like nothing.
 Nov 2014 Genie
love me
 Nov 2014 Genie
love me
how could a heart like yours
love a heart like mine

your heart is full of love.
you dream of life.
you have no regrets.
you live without fear of the future.

my heart is full of-
well it's not full at all:
it's broken; shattered,
into a thousand tiny little pieces.

and somehow, someway,
you were kind enough;
to hunt for every little piece,
and put me back together.

and this is why i,
will never understand,
this silly little thing,
we call love.
 Nov 2014 Genie
Laura DeLuca
The sound of your delicate voice still gently resonates in my ears, an infinite reverberation.

Sometimes I still feel your subtle, soothing, yet indescribably powerful and electrifying touch gliding upon my skin, reassuring me
that we will last a lifetime
and then some.

Now and then, a warm breeze swifts through the air.
A sweet aroma of calming familiarity, that only makes me think of you.

Often times I see little reminders of you;
bits and pieces of you that sneaked into my life that I had never noticed.

Every once in a while; a flavor that is closely acquainted with my under spoken tongue seems to find it's way back into my mouth, tasting like a sugary sweet, cooling and careless

piece of you.
I can't seem to get you out of my head..
thoughts on this poem would be greatly appreciated.
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