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 Nov 2014 Genie
Just Melz
Tracing the patterns
                       of the stars
          Onto the peaks
    and ridges
                      of your spine
        the galaxies
                    and universes
       Of all those
          I only want
      to be *mine
 Nov 2014 Genie
Poetic T
Death has a voice, it whispers
From birth, a scratching
In the back of your head
Flutter by, but still that
Lost voice from birth, an echo
Getting louder as time passes by,
You are of the
But as all things it grows old,
"You hear it clearer now"
As it speaks not in whispers
But that moment you know
That life will cease
It has been telling you since birth
Till this day,
This is your last breath, it quietens
With those who understand,
Who know there is a time and place it must end
But those who scratch that itch
The voice becomes
All screaming, the end, the end,
As they scream
You scream, insanity takes hold,
The insane don't fear death, the voices
Speak through mixed tongue, an
Spoken, They all say the same thing
Even though not spoke
Tears of joy, tears of fear, tears for
The moment is near,
That voice you hear louder through age
Its been telling you the moment,
That moment it will take you away..
 Nov 2014 Genie
Poetic T
The dead see darkness only
Decomposing teeth taste stale air
Odours of parts decayed
The dead never die
They are inanimate, like a ornament
Peace forever frozen on their face
They sleep on a bed of maggots
Digesting them over time,
The screams never heard
But they reverberate through
Above saturated with their terror
Slowly dies,
The eyes closed shut,
Darkness is the keep sake,
That hides the horror in there still formed
eyes, but everything decays over time
Turns to dust, that which was there,
Still lives on in a vacant skull
The horror lives on energy
Of life, trapped in
A void,
A prison,
With no bars, never to be free
The dead don't die, the torture in death lives on inside..
i want to write something sweet about this but nothing about you and us and that bad temptation is sweet and this isn't even a poem don't go thinking this is meant to sound pretty it ******* isn't.
******* thursday 11th september '14 ~ fireproof and jtr and sweater weather and facebook conversations and unanswered snapchats
won’t you keep my photograph in the pocket of your ripped jeans, tucked in tight and close so you can always hold me?
monday 22nd september '14 ~ had the best weekend with my home girl ~ inspired by ed sheeran 'photograph' ~ currently listening to pink floyd
the night he told me he loved me, he held me in his arms and said, "are you crying?" as he surrounded my shaky body, and i told him, "no, i just really do ******* love you, too."
wednesday 15th october '14 ~ there's nothing to add to this except ~ it's 12.05am 15th october holy **** it's my sister's birthday i completely forgot
 Nov 2014 Genie
God must be a lonely man,
Sitting high up above in his chariot,
God must be the only man,
Who knows why there's no love when you reach the top,
It must be so lonely,
When only, you are all that holy;
So lonely,
When slowly,
You can see that,
God must be a lonely man.
June 1st, 2008:
They'll never convict me, they don't have any real proof, I cleaned up all my mess, no one knows the truth

January 29th, 2009:
**** Lawyer, says he's got so much evidence. Wait until he hears my defense. Rock solid alibi, I wasn't even there that night!

March 10th, 2009:
My lawyers a shmuck but I think he knows his stuff. Talking about blood patterns and mismatched knives. Can't this jury just admit I'm innocent and get on with their lives?

November 14th, 2009:
Well, now there's a new witness, says he saw me that night. I know it can't be true, I kept outta sight. Supposedly he heard her scream, but I know that's not right. I had her mouth duct taped tight

August 15th, 2010:
Guilty! How the hell can this be?!  This wasn't supposed to happen to me!

February 12th, 2011:
That girl was asking for trouble, it was unavoidable, anyone can see I didn't do no wrong, this **** jail cell ain't where I belong!

May 2nd, 2011:
I'm getting the chair!? This just isn't fair. I got a lot of family to think about, they believe I'm innocent, beyond a doubt

July 21st, 2011:
I don't understand why they haven't come to visit me, it's actually starting to get kinda lonely.

December 25th, 2011:
Well, it's Christmas today, here I am in my cell. I can't even remember when I actually fell. Why did I **** that poor young girl?  Robbed her of her chance to make it in this world.

March 30th, 2012:
Please God, forgive me for my sins, help me find salvation. I'll never again bow to wicked temptations. I'm getting electrified in such a short time, can you help me find a way to ease my troubled mind?

April 6th, 2012:
Please God, please, I beg of you, just get me out of here! I'll trust in you, in YOU I'll fear! Please save me from this awful fate, in you, my love will be great!

April 8th, 2012:
Well, God, I guess you haven't been listening, are you even there? I tried to change my ways, do good, but I'm pretty sure you no longer care. I'm sorry but I just don't believe anymore, I'm not even sure why I'm saying this prayer because tomorrow morning I'm getting the chair

April 9th, 2012:
I'm walking the dreaded green mile to take my last breath. I admit, I did wrong, but what will I say to Death?  Sitting here, while they strap me down, through the glass in front of me, looking all around, I see the faces of her parents, crying. Well, I guess they're getting their wish, I'm dying. I repented, I asked for forgiveness, they ask if I have any last words. There was only one thought going through my head... So I said..  "Where does my soul go when I'm dead? Of all my evil doings here on earth, what price am I really worth? Do you all really believe that I truly deserve death?" and as I take my last breath, nobody answered me


I'm not claiming to understand what really goes through a death row inmates mind, this is simply my interpretation of one made up 'Dead Man'
I hope you all like it.
Please comment any thoughts.
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