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I wish that someday,
People will raise their heads,
From their phone screens,
And look up at the fleeting blue sky.

And just marvel at it.
With their eyes.
Not through their instagrams,
Not through their camera lens,
Not through the reflection on their screen.

I wish people would just free themselves,
From social media.
The impulsive need to be on the now,
The relentless need to stalk someone or something.

I wish people would just live for a second,
Without being bowed to a device
That clearly controls
Every aspect of their freedom.
Its weird how small things in life,
Will give you so much pleasure.
The fact that another person remembers you,
When you have been trying to forget that world.

That she took out time,
Lowered her ego and called you asked you if you were fine.
With mischeif or malice or sinister intend.

Thats flattering. Thats so ghastly over whelming
For all she wanted to know about were how badly my boats were burning down.
I love how you pronounce my name,
so out of accent or character.
You make it sound so special.
as though it may belong to Someone else completely,

But you spell it out of conjecture.

you are always there,
in the back of my mind.
creeping down my spine ,
with everything that reminds me of you.
I wonder if that's the same with you?

I love how quirky and weird you are.
I love your extravagant exaggerations,
I love how I can pick you out of a crowd.
Even when you are walking miles away
with your back to me.
wearing that stupid scarf I gave you.

just so it reminds me of you

The obsession is just half the queer.
I can't change with your ever changing seasons,
it's everything i know of you
and it's perfect.
Even though it might not look as from outside
and I will never know what's going on inside you,
but I wish whatever it is,
you know that you are not alone
I'm still here.
and if you feel like no fate awaits you,
remember that I'm still here
and if you have to go away
to an island to feel safe all by yourself,
remember that I'm still here.
Just look to your left.
I am still here and I love you.
If I met you
Twelve years from past
You might in school
With your first crush

If I met you
Nine years back then
You might in prom
With your first dance

If I met you
Six year 'fore now
You might have found
Partner in life

If I met you
Three years at once
You might be the one
Always broke me down

If I met you*
Not by this time
You wouldn't realise
You had me as your one

(May 2016)
She survived with a hope
Perhaps,Waiting for years,
Maybe in the heavens to be with the man, who promised they'd build castle together.
© Rabiyazafar
Going through our chapters
feeling those hidden pictures behind,
Keeping count on my tear drops
from your first breath, till my     heart stops
© Rabiyazafar
He blew the Scales off my heart
showed me our world,
it's locked in my blue diary
buried inbetween the mist of the dark ink.
© Rabiyazafar
A room full of broken stars ,
I'm a mistress of dark.
© RabiyaZafar
You left the trail of lily of valley for me to find you,
'cause you knew they'd take me anywhere.
© Rabiyazafar
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