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11.9k · Jul 2014
Wind Scarf
Elizabeth Novak Jul 2014
The wind makes a funny
pattern along your skin,
swirling up to wrap
around your neck like a scarf.
Whipping around to tug at your ears.
9.1k · Jul 2014
Road Trip
Elizabeth Novak Jul 2014
The way the sun filters
through the window,
switching over the dashboard
as we change directions.
Creating freckles on your skin.
The way it makes your hair glint
spreading out to flicker in your
5.1k · Nov 2015
White Noise
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
Looking at the world
through sunglasses,
the brown tint of a polaroid photo.
I hear nothing but
the wind in my ear creating white noise,
blocking everything else out.
3.8k · Jan 2014
Your Old Truck
Elizabeth Novak Jan 2014
Hand out the window
treading air.
No seat belts and country songs
filtered through the radio.
Cornfields racing by in the peripheral.

I was quite in love,
with your old truck's feel.
2.2k · Jan 2016
The Coffee House
Elizabeth Novak Jan 2016
Voices blurring
Secrets passing
Dripping through
the coffee filters.
Pooling in
heatproof glass.
Relationships being built
raising to new levels
like steam on hot milk.
Stories woven
like the skilled baristas.
Not missing a beat,
not spilling a drop.
1.6k · Nov 2015
The Worth of Hard Situations
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
Sometimes God let’s you go through hard situations
to let you see a sign
of his power
his love
Like he hardened pharaoh’s heart
working through a stuttering man
he let his glory shine through.
Like he brought Naomi back in mourning
to start a lineage in Ruth
of mighty kings of God.
Like he sacrificed his Son for all
to cross the separation of sin to make a way.
Sometimes God let’s you go through hard situations
to create in you a fire
a desire welling up
reaching out
for him.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Child Like Faith
Elizabeth Novak Jul 2014
Tiny hands and blooming smiles
the innocence and trust of a child.
To be that young again,
pleased with the simplest of things.
Laughter and arms up lifted for a ride.
Content to be carried along
secure in your faith,
minuscule worries.
1.2k · Oct 2013
Elizabeth Novak Oct 2013
She paints the walls
creating a clean canvas for her thoughts.
Words slip through her mind
she reaches, they elude her
Her train of thought is gone
Left with nothing but the feeling
of something dear, now lost.
She waits...
for the words to flock again.
Flooding her mind like a murmuration
crowding to overflow her pen
and spill onto the paper.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Pinprick Wishes
Elizabeth Novak Jul 2014
Oh to dissolve into a soft night sky
while yet the sunset is on the horizon.
To be the first pinpricks
of light to appear.
Wishes freely given.
Oh to be dark clouds
against a darker blue.
Spreading out to touch
the upper atmosphere.
968 · Dec 2013
The Owls
Elizabeth Novak Dec 2013
I could have stood there for hours
listening to the owls love song ring across the barren fields,
but my ears and fingers were freezing.
I tried to rub some warmth back into them,
straining to hear the birds again,
but all was still.
The only sound-the falling snow hitting the firs.
The owls had gone.
928 · Oct 2013
Elizabeth Novak Oct 2013
The flow of words penned by another human being,
describing what you feel.
The moment of connectedness,
when you know you're not alone.
The experience of loving someone for their feelings.
Saying to oneself " that's what that is.
The thoughts of my mind formed by your pen."
837 · Nov 2015
The Decline of the Horse
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
Waiting at an auto place
Mourning the decline of the horse
as good a ride as any
except if they went lame.
769 · Oct 2013
Waiting for Spring
Elizabeth Novak Oct 2013
And so the summer ends
with a sparkle and a bang.
The brilliant flash of a firecracker
a pleasure gone to soon.
The time has flown
and now goodbyes must be said.
As the Autumn creeps back to chill.
I'll wait for the snow
and its soft falling.
To bring me back my darling,
so wait for me by the sycamore tree.
As the leaves turn green once more
and the spring will bloom for us, dear.
The spring will bloom for us.
I really need to work on my titles. Anyone got any ideas for this one?
766 · Jul 2014
Elizabeth Novak Jul 2014
I have the feeling of being a stagnant pool,
watching life go on around me.
Waiting for some pebble
that never drops,
to spread ripples along my surface.
Don’t get me wrong,
I’m not unhappy,
I just feel that there
should be more to life then this…
I don’t know what.
I look back and I can’t say
I’ve accomplished much of anything.
I am not well know and have few friends.
I know I’m young,
but I am so aware of my life slipping away,
day by day.
Change affects me slowly and in small ways.
I can hardly perceive it,
waiting seems all I can do.
So I wait….for life.
743 · Nov 2013
A Love of the Old
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2013
What couple danced to this records gay tune?
Who enjoyed this story long a go told?
Two things never stop giving pleasure, they never die
A well told tale, igniting our imagination.
A tune of beautiful composition, evoking emotion.
729 · Nov 2015
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
An artist’s greatest gift
is solitude they say,
but I see nothing springing forth
from these lonely hands of mine...

nothing but a longing for you.
A longing void that no fancy words
can fill...
665 · Oct 2013
The Pill
Elizabeth Novak Oct 2013
I've swallowed the pill
and it's a bitter one
containing all the lies
you've ever told.
Stuck in this whirlpool of doubt
I can't see a way out.
I find the pill is turning
sweet as sugar in my mouth.
I'm spiraling out of control.
To late to stop my decent.
I'm just waiting for the crash
as I hit the end of the tunnel.
But I'm struggling
tasting the bitterness
again and again.
651 · Feb 2014
Fightful Maze
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
Feel the magic laden air
taste adventure everywhere.
Unlocking secret ways
through the fright filled hidden maze.
617 · Jan 2014
Elizabeth Novak Jan 2014
"How are you?" they asked
"Fine." she said with a
thousand insecurities
screaming from her eyes.
613 · Feb 2014
Stretching for Eternity
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
As humans we are always reaching for the stars,
searching for an all-mighty power.
In stretching for eternity,
we often miss the life of the man
sent to take away our sins
and show us the love of God.
The very one who breathed
the stars to which we look.
582 · Jan 2014
Common Stardust
Elizabeth Novak Jan 2014
As we rubbed the stardust
from our eyes
we blinked in surprise
at the every day beauty around us.
The magnificence in the commons
sudden brightness blinded us.
All we could do is wipe the
tears from our eyes and
go on with our day,
scarcely comprehending what
we had seen.
538 · Feb 2014
Honey Syrup
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
Mix the sweet and the sad
the dark and the light
stir it like honey syrup
then pour it into the twilight
494 · Nov 2015
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
And so it had begun
that frightful flutter in my heart
I had long dreaded it
feeling the responsibility to great.
Feeling myself not ready
no more was I now.
To take another human’s heart
in your hands
and freely give them yours?
Madness, sheer insanity.
"Do not awaken love until she please."
wasn’t that in the bible somewhere?
To late now to wait for
loves delicate advances.
full blazing passion was in my vains now.
I couldn’t stop the race of it to my heart
even if I wanted to
Madness, sheer insanity.
Was just playing around with this one, it doesn't have any personal meaning. So kind of like a fiction poem. It's not even that good.
444 · Nov 2013
Last Words
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2013
What if we spoke every word as if it was our last?
Would we hurry to impress the masses with our wisdom?
Would we capture humanity in a poets hurried flow?
Would you even care?
I could speak as if my words were my last.
But you wouldn't remember them until I'm gone.
436 · Dec 2013
Elizabeth Novak Dec 2013
We are all stars in the end
exploding ***** of love and passion
emoting rays, for the positive or negative.
Exploding or imploding, consuming or creating
419 · Dec 2013
Elizabeth Novak Dec 2013
I'm trying to believe that change is good.
That this heartache will strengthen me
if only I can push through it.
We all crave change and yet
when it comes we cling to the old.
We beat change back and tell the future we aren't ready
...we're never ready.
416 · Feb 2014
Proud to be Different
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
In a world screaming at us to be the same
I want to celebrate being different.
My dear friends,
don't let anyone ever talk you into being the same.
Your difference is what makes you unique.
And what so many people are looking for today
is someone who is uniquely different.
Your perspective,
Your creativity,
are yours alone.
No one in the world sees things the way you can,
if you choose.
409 · Nov 2015
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
Sometimes the inadequacy
is so overwhelming, it just consumes you
and at 1 am you’re curled up in a ball
crying your heart out
wishing this was eternity already
that in all this pain and sorrow
you could just find some light..
An inner strength
a belief in yourself
but more often then not
all you can hear are the voices in your head
running through the list of
stupid things you did
and said the day before.
And you wish you could just
shut it all out
and fall asleep for a few
precious hours of silence.
409 · Feb 2014
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
So I laugh to hide the discord
that's running through my soul.
407 · Feb 2014
The Rain
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
The rain dripped from the tall trees,
pattering onto her dark hood,
rolling to land on her nose
making her sneeze.
Her boots squished in the wet needles at her feet.
387 · Feb 2014
The Female Writer
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
For the female writer
a cup of tea is akin
to the male writer's pipe
380 · Feb 2014
How he Loved Her
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
And she knew he loved her,
not by the words he said,
but by the sparkle in his eyes,
the warmth of his smile,
and the pressure of his hand.
379 · Nov 2015
Our Real Home
Elizabeth Novak Nov 2015
Sometimes the heart longs
for another home
the home where all the kindred souls  
it never met on this earth
gather beneath the stars
talking in meaningful conversation.
The home where the beautiful mingles with the eternal
And laughing and talking with Jesus,
there are no more tears, fear
or the  pain of rejection.
Only beauty and love in His presence,
washing us clean.
We go through life looking for this place
when all along, we know….
we were never meant for this world,  
and our souls long for our heavenly home.
376 · Oct 2013
Beautiful One
Elizabeth Novak Oct 2013
The times we laughed
and I thought you my friend
must have been special only to me,
have you so soon forgotten
our time together?
You abandon me for more popular fellows.
But I can tell you now
they won't be half as faithful
as I would have been.
Taking and never giving
they'll talk about you behind your back.
Remember me
when the whispers leak back
to surround you,when their twisted lies
form as truth in your mind.
Remember there was once one
who thought you beautiful.
356 · Oct 2013
Your Black Twin
Elizabeth Novak Oct 2013
Evil hides in the darkness
and I've tried so hard,
my dear,
to make you see
your black thoughts rear their head.
I'm the knight
and the dragons are all around you.
Your emotions curl and hiss
and all I have is a spear.
But I'm afraid to strike, my darling.
I'm afraid to charge.
Seeing they're so wrapped around you.
I've failed to be your shining knight
because all I'm fighting is your
black twin,
and sometimes I can't see the
difference between the two.
323 · Dec 2013
Beautiful Things
Elizabeth Novak Dec 2013
They asked me what I did
and I told them
"one forth of my time,
I make beautiful things.
And the other 3/4ths I regret
not making beautiful things."
303 · Dec 2013
Little Worlds
Elizabeth Novak Dec 2013
There are a million planets inside my head.
I wonder what would happen if I brought them all to life.
Thousands of little worlds.
264 · Feb 2014
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
The snow
Poor men's diamonds
237 · Feb 2014
Why They Love
Elizabeth Novak Feb 2014
It tells a lot about a person
who they love and why.

— The End —