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 Mar 2016 DM
Just Melz
Fading Away
 Mar 2016 DM
Just Melz
She lost her mind caught in a web of lies laced with deceit
Tangled in knots made of suicidal thoughts left on the concrete

She lost her heart in the aftermath of an unrequited love
With more passion and pain than she could ever have dreamed of

She lost her soul to a man she didn't know and can never get it back
Crying inside and constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack

She lost her faith in life with so little to show for all that she'd done
Burning all the bridges she'd carefully built, fading away from everyone
 Mar 2016 DM
Just Melz
The heart it leaves is broken and cracked
All that remains can't get itself it back
In the withering hours of the starless night
The tattered bits work hard to make themselves right
As the dark and cold winds blow across those feverish dreams
Pieces slowly get sewn but it's less effective than it seems
The air holds a certain mystique hidden under a scary mask
With feelings of pain and envy, and questions too difficult to ask
 Feb 2016 DM
jesse rose healzer
Hello me
it's me again
I get the feeling
I can't come in

it's been months now
on the outside
and I don't have a soul
to confide

Confusing as such
try my world much
the TV talks

yes to me
there are things Im sure
others just don't see

and suicide cheers
outside jeers
it would be sadder had I succeeded
lord if they knew the world that proceeded

Hello me,
its me again
I'd like help getting back outside
see I'm locked in

a place others fail to see
when they smile and look at me
Wait no, covering is getting harder
reality is getting farther

mixed in the madness is truth I know
but how do you tell them what is and ain't so

I think the truth finds me
my job isn't to make others see

Why is beauty hidden in lies
Why does my mind stay jailed while my soul flies
" about my personal journey into crazy "
 Feb 2016 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
I used to flip through my pages
There were some interesting points
  Some high, some low, some kind of just sitting in-between after the good and the bad cancelled each other out, but mostly I
       Skimmed by,

         Until I met you,

                 You can't be summed up, there's too much to you, you're too rich, too deep
Too interesting to be confined to a few measly paragraphs and sped-read through

     You deserve attention, you deserve time,

       And the more I've gotten to know you, the more I realize you're the entire book, the entire story in beautiful, vivid detail.

                *I'm going to take my time getting to the end of you, and I dog-eared the page where you entered my heart, so that if I ever forget how it feels to fall for you, I can go back to the start
And then
In a single moment
You were the oxygen I breathe
I found it hard to believe
That I might die without your touch
Just your presence and your scent
Was more than enough
But a tiny drop of your love
Could never be too much
 Feb 2016 DM
Just Melz
 Feb 2016 DM
Just Melz
in love

You get hurt

You get caught

But either way

It never turns out
Like you *
 Feb 2016 DM
Just Melz
 Feb 2016 DM
Just Melz
Mystery, slow and steady
As I watch the stars take form
Powerless in this shell
But at least it's kept me warm
Concealing the outside world
From me, just a scared little girl
With no thoughts of bravery
Or curiosity to wonder about the storm
As lightning strikes
Through the scars in my eyes
And imagined tears take form

Tunneling through the hole in my brain
Trying to find a spot in which you still remain
Getting lost continuously along the way
Finding old memories,
Some dreams previously lost to me
Leaving my thoughts in disarray
If only I could find you, you'd say
'Take my hand, I'll guide you home
And never lead you astray'
But that destiny is clearly lost to me
And deep inside, I start to pray
Seems like
I'm stuck
 Feb 2016 DM
DaSH the Hopeful
Your love hanged me high
       And watched me sway
              A puppet with a master placed in a play
    *What if you go
      What if you stay?
         What does it matter to you anyway?

                          It's all written down and the stage is set
     The drama ensues and my lines are said
    As I choke
                 You pulled the string tight and cut all my ties but your rope never broke and those puppy dog eyes made me forget

             You feel so real this must be free will
              Your hand on mine is no more a guide than a dot is a line fingers long and divine purchase grip on my spine and I really start to shine a star with a mind all its own
    Super nova behind my closed eyes
     Your love is asphyxiation and gets me so high I can't breathe without it
               I'll never kick the habit
                    **I'm addicted to an addict
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