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Apr 2015 · 443
Cloudy Night
Carsyn Smith Apr 2015
If the sun and moon
Are lost siblings,
Then stars and clouds
Are tragic lovers.
The soft grass ground
Was meant for clouds,
But with snowy rope
They hung themselves
After the stars kissed
The longing night sky.
Now they reach
-- forever --
Towards sister moon
While the stars sit
With brother sun
In the cavity of space
Alone and so far away.
Word *****
Apr 2015 · 657
Carsyn Smith Apr 2015
Slow and paced, like the waves of a lulling beach;
helplessly at the whim of chance. Nothing but
anticipation to tell when the crest will come or
when the water will draw back, revealing the
soulless ocean's raw skin like the soft belly of
an exterior peony petal. The collision of water
and rock, a spray that deliciously cools my
forehead, the back of my neck, the space under
my arms... a single bead that runs from my
hairline to run effortlessly over my temple and
over the rolling hills of my cheek. It whispers to
me in the recesses of my head, pulsing with the
increased beating of my heart like a child's
first drum now pounded upon like a war call.
The crest comes as expected, rushing the silent
sand and coating my eyelids in salty kisses as
I lay awake in this bed so far from the sea.
Insomnia + migraine = all nighters and weird poetry.
(the poem is about a headache)
Apr 2015 · 378
"Nothing" explains my fear
Carsyn Smith Apr 2015
Fear is often reasonless, compulsive - like survival.
No one can quite explain why they fear the dark,
Although we try desperately to blame the parents,
It remains to be simply “because.”

Often times a story accompanies the fear of spiders.
Or the realization that soaring heights are terrifying
Comes from a close call, a misplaced foot on the edge.
But “nothing” explains my fear.

I fear the sound of tires rolling to a stop on asphalt,
The crunch of loose gravel and the sound of a car door.
I find myself locking my doors when I am alone
And seeking something blunt when the moon rises.
But “nothing” explains my fear.

My trembling soul is ripped raw from screaming “no,”
But my lips are soft from the whisper of “okay.”
They always told me words are the most powerful,
And yet his attention was elsewhere when it tumbled out.
But “nothing” explains my fear.

It’s true, he never laid a hand on me without “okay,”
But he’s like nature’s wrath: “no” couldn’t stop him.
So now I grow my nails to claw, not to paint,
I wear sneakers so I can run, not at the gym.
But “nothing” explains my fear.

No tangible evidence except the tears of a heart,
The sweaty palms, the shaking, a dry mouth.
Why speak out if emotion is your only witness?
The jury will not be out long, to them it’s obvious
Because “nothing” explains my fear.

Nothing” haunts dreams meant for escape and bliss,
Nothing” reminds me of slow tires on asphalt,
Nothing” is the echo of hands on my stripped bare body,
Nothing” becomes the reason I fear an empty house…
But “nothing” explains my fear except “him.”
This might not be me, it might be me, either way it's from the point of view of a tormented person. I'm sick of being afraid to post poems about emotions/experiences true to my heart (be them personal or prompted).
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Forest Nymph
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Have you heard what the babbling brook whispered to me one evening?
Did you listen to the whistling willow’s song brush the pond?
Perhaps you have not seen what jewel crusts the setting sun’s crown?
It does not surprise me that the Earth rejoices in your name:
You are the embodiment of everything good in this world.

I walked in the never still forest and heard you in the dance --
The sporadic and simplistic pat of small animal feet.
I listened and found you asleep among the white pond lilies
And painting the golden crust of the sun’s blood red diadem,
Yet, the brook did not utter a simple shadow shape of you.

Following the now silent stream through the forest dark and deep,
Crawling through the pointing, shredding claws and heavy, lonely eyes,
I found you swaddled in the arms of the cursed crying willow
Shaking in fear and anger, sharing tears more precious than pearls --
Take my hand as the sun rises only when we expect it.

You are the green weeping willow life-bound by endless sorrow,
But definition is a cage that should not bind such beauty:
You are both the warm summer breeze and the winter frost topped trees,
The soaring mother eagle and the light notes of a spring song --
You are the babbling brook that speaks only of hope and the dawn.
(4 of 10)
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
Good, Green Eyes
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Close your heavy eyes and picture for me, if you please,
The way your hair catches in the warm summer breeze,
The rose tint of your cheeks as if they are petals to breathe,
Your soft skin kin with the snow caps of the evergreen trees.

Your good, tired eyes so gentle and lush and strong forest full,
See a world so harsh, yet gaze upon it so steady, fierce and tactful.
Great lioness, with white teeth so sharp, prowl the preys so pitiful --
They cower in corners of deep darkness, dreaming of your downfall.

Open your easy emerald eyes and look as me, if you might,
To understand this is what I see so this is what I write:
Your charisma, your grace, your gentle laugh like a kite in flight,
Your electric vim, your vivid aura, your strive to force things right.

You’ve fire in your fathomless green eyes that challenges our sun,
You’re a phoenix, soaring through the sky like a bullet from a gun
Screaming   C O M E   A T   M E   at the top of your lungs.
How lucky am I to call you a friend, you strong and beautiful woman?
(3 of 10)
Mar 2015 · 744
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Friendship* is defined as *being friendly,
But somehow the word becomes something more:
An overt assertion; warm, open arms.

Little more than two syllables,
It carries a weight mightier
Than anything found on this Earth.

Endless laughs, countless tears,
Gossip and roaming thoughts,
One word holds so much love.

As cruel time shrinks,
As distance strains,
We grow stronger.

Friendship is defined,
By our words, as
*I love you,
My dear
(2 of 10)
Mar 2015 · 844
Leader of the Virgin Path
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
You are that fire in the midst of a raging winter,
the first and single daffodil at the brink of spring,
a summer storm that breaks the hovering heat,
the last green leaf to fall with the slumbering oak.

Hope and clarity, like the single candle that starts a vigil
Light and sensitive, as if heaven’s rays concocted your body
Strong and beautiful, a comet that inspires and ignites
Lovely and fearless, the red sunrise after the darkest night.

My dearest friend, you are louder than any hurricane,
Mightier than any wind yet soft as a young rose petal.
Your back against my own, together facing the tides
Of tsunamis that should’ve destroyed us, but here we are.

Time is a fickle thing, it falls like a rock and flies like a feather.
Distance is a cruel creature, pulling and bridging the strains.
But you are so valued, so precious in my memory --
Like a swollen chapter with pages lined in platinum,

It would be a sin to forsake such a person as yourself.
If ever a moment of dysphoria befalls you, take comfort
In the memory and ever beating heart of our friendship:
Call me up, *****, ain’t no way you’re escaping me.
(1 of 10)
Mar 2015 · 384
Page One
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
I feel so distant ...
I'm no longer what I was,
For better or worse ?

Babe, the love is gone,
The smoking gun burns my hand;
Boil'ng under your blood ...

Am I gone or lost ?
I no longer feel your arms;
I'm missing something ...
Am I numb or heal'd ?
I caught your cologne and thought
All guys smell the same ...

Am I blind or broke'n ?
I met your dark eyes and thought
How common brown is ...

Am I deaf or will'ng ?
I heard your husk voice and thought
Not of a deep heart ...

Is this page one of a new chapter?
~~~~~~ + ~~~~~~
Mar 2015 · 599
Sacred Scarred Sunlight
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
You are the enrapturing, encapturing, sunset I wish I couldn't remember,
the warming, warning, spring rays I wish never freckled my shoulders,
the beaming, beating, summer heat I wish hadn't seeped red on my entirety.

You are the shunning, stunning, sunrise I wish I couldn't see,
the scarred, sacred, autumn sun I wish didn't make me stronger,
the blight, light, winter sun I wish stayed hidden behind grey clouds.

My dear, you are the most bewitching chapter of my life,
the tear-soaked pillows and the bar-coded mascara face:
another heartbreak ready for the card-catalog among masses.
I reached out for help recently to make an effort to "get over" a certain person. I was told to write my story, go figure, so these next few days/weeks will either be filled with poems or absence as I open a wound to let it heal properly. Thank you for your support/understanding <3 Love you all <3
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
I was a quick-wit boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys.
Then when the cops closed the fair,
I cut my long baby hair;
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere.

Have I found you?
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue.
Watching the warm poison rats
Curl through the wide fence cracks,
******* on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain stream.

Have I found you?
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill, stuck going down
I woke up this morning singing this song and can't get it out of my head. It's been years since I've listened to it, and now that I've read and understand the lyrics, it's perfect.
Mar 2015 · 406
Outstretched Hand
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
No          words          on          Earth
                                                                ­          more
                                                                ­                    powerful
                                lips.                                                       than
                ­your                        I do                                              an
             on                                     not want                                    outstretched
        syll­ables                                          habited                                  hand.
      than                                                    declarati­ons                           Nothing
    more                                                      or                                          more
   are                                                ­           shrouded                               than
    words                                                     whispers,                               a
     those                                                    I       ­                                   breeze
     me                                                   want                                       in
        show                                        daring               ­                        the
           me,                                   proclamations              ­           everlasting
              tell                              and an                                   vastness
                  not                     outstretched hand.                   of
                       Do                                                         space,
                          once did.                                    words no
                                        longer ignite me as they
I'm really sorry if it's hard to read; this is my first attempt at a spiral poem, so please be gentle
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Stark, empty bullet shells scattered, by chance,
At her feet -- bedecking the ablazed brooks
Like young poppies glistening from the rain

Of the hellish hurricanes yet to come.
Man’s fear fans flames stronger than any wind --
Strength that ruins cities, yet keeps her sane

Like the arms of a mother now afflict’d --
Boiled black, bloodshot eyes. He is not her:
Take his hand, your pride has nothing to gain.

This darkness sated with dimly shining stars
Is not the end of your heavy heartbeat
Take his hand and see the red dawn again.
I felt like telling a story about new love and forgetting the destruction of the past. <3
I explored the two different views of red's symbolism: passion and love versus anger and destruction.
I still need a title, perhaps you have an idea?
Mar 2015 · 433
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
There's a pyre in my chest, silver and gold
tracing the mountains of jewels and silks,
overlooking the cliffs of lost dreams and
broken memories like a woe lost in hymn.
It constantly burns, but like throwing a
flag onto the flames, it changes intensity --
colors green and purple and blue.
  Sporadic, bursts and sparks
    that threaten to engulf the soul
      that stands too close. I'm absent in thought
        when another memory splices the embers;
          effulgent, phosphorescent, lustrous, scintillating
            with a radiance unparalleled and unchallenged.
              The burns of your skin on mine clutching
                at my throat with such a wraithlike intensity --
                  I gasp.
                    The skirts of my soul catching, ablaze and unforgiving.
                    cowering at the echo of your lips teasing a mere inch
                    from mine. It does not run, does not leap for the
                    chilled waters below, just simply lets the fire burn
                    the smell of your clothes into the air around me --
                    whimpering all the while.
Sorry for the repost, but I liked this formatting better than the last one I did.

Mar 2015 · 578
10 Wishes
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Remember as if I am sand
See as if I am a mirage
Listen as if I am a prophet
Breathe as if I am nectar
Kiss as if I am ambrosia
Speak as if I am stone
Touch as if I am glass
Fight as if I am life
Forget as if I am death
Walk as if I am a mile
Run as if I am plague
Love as if I am her
Old - January 30, 2015
found in an untitled document
Mar 2015 · 872
Les Femme de la Neige
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Elongated fingers claw at my scarf
As I walk down this narrow and lonely road
Between the bakery and the local consignment shop.
Only the brave venture the snow storm,
Only the strong return home safely,
Only the wise find a way forward.
The lost ones, the ones who wonder narrow roads,
Call back to les femmes de la neige,
The tarnished creatures lingering on the road side,
Hidden in the far corners of alley ways;
Endless piles that soar heights, yet invisible to the eye.
They whisper of loneliness, of endless woe, a soft place to rest,
A bed to sleep away the sorrow.
They breathe your name, a puff of heat in a white tundra,
Because, you see, I could walk anywhere I like,
But I walk the lonely narrow road
To remember spring has come before;
One day it will come again.
Mar 2015 · 450
Insomniatic Thought #2
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Time is such a heavy concept, it falls like a rock but flies like a feather. The more you try to ignore it, the more it burns you; if you were to stare it in the eyes, you would likely go blind. What I'm trying to say is, I hate thinking that in less than 3 months, I won't have an excuse to see you everyday. That, in less than 90 days, they'll give me a piece a paper that is the key to the cage forbidding our distance. In less than 4,400 hours, I'll be packed and a couple hundred miles away. Of course, it'd only be 2,102,400 minutes until I dawn the cap and gown and am released into the world, but God only knows where you'll be and who you'll be with. So, in these last 7,776,000 seconds we have until they call our names and we walk the stage, I'm asking if it's worth it.

You are such a beautiful thing. Brighter than any star, stronger than any metal, softer than any heart... even though you try to convince me otherwise. Call me jealous and selfish, but the thought of you loving another makes my heart concave in a silent implosion. I think it's so very ironic that my heart decided to stop working not long after we said goodbye. It's like a small child that knows what it wants: your arms around me, your lips on mine, your smell on my clothes, your laughter in my ear, your beautiful brown eyes staring back into mine... and I wonder if it's been too long. And I wonder if 7,776,000 seconds is worth it.
Is it worth saying "I love you," if in a few months we'll just have to say "goodbye" again?
Mar 2015 · 428
Insomniatic Thought #1
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
Mar 2015 · 733
Piece of You
Carsyn Smith Mar 2015
I still have your tshirt.
I found it a few days after giving you back your stuff --
I'm not sure why I still have it, but it hasn't moved
Still on the bottom of my dresser drawer.
There've been 147 nights where I've wanted to crawl in it
And sleep like I used to, but I'm stronger than that, right?

Do you remember how I stole your tshirt?

We were hanging at your place when I got really sleepy
And you knew I absolutly cannot sleep in a bra.
You were a gentleman and left me to change
Into that baggy grey tshirt you offered me.
I crawled into your bed and began to drift off
While you finished messing around on your computer.
After a while you came to lay with me. I remember you
Kissed my forehead, or maybe my shoulder, probably both,
But we laid together and just forgot the world;
Completely entangled in each other in the most innocent of ways.

It's one of my favorite memories,
But I can understand if you need it back.
I've held on to it too long, clutched it too tight
Now that lifeline is cutting my palms,
Trying to find a way back to you.
I'll give you back the piece of you, if you give me the piece of me. Then you can go chase the girl whose smile lit up your world the way that I can't anymore.
Feb 2015 · 526
Earth showed me her heart
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Earth showed me her heart, and I feel obligated to brag.
The yellow beat of its core reached to me,
stretching over the miles as if it were a Sunday stroll.
Its brilliance enraptured me in pinks and oranges;
spilling her love like a drunk poet after heartbreak:
               beautiful yet tragic.
Framed in the white snow; pouring over the slumbering land,
singing to it as a Mother should to a restless child.
Paint strokes, long and smooth, parallel the canvas edge
like a signature move to Earth's greatest artists.
Earth showed me her heart, and I felt my own skip a beat.
Saw an amazing sunset and had to share :)
Feb 2015 · 719
Dodoitsu - Equinox
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
I'm a bloodied battlefield:
Caught between passion and ice,
In warm sheets, on cold shoulders…
Am I spring or fall?
Am I falling in love or falling further out?
I wish I knew.
Feb 2015 · 471
Chilled Toes and Warm Water
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Beat me down,
break my spirit,
all I need is one reason to cry in the shower;
to give myself completely to a
thousand lovely drops.
When I lay on my back and
let the water pour down on me relentlessly,
I realize I'm not sinking;
                                           I'm still here.
When I bow my head and
watch the water create a curtain of my hair,
I realize I'm still visible;
                                           I'm still here.
When I arch towards the ceiling and
let the water beat on my raw red chest,
I realize there's still a heart inside;
                                           I'm still here.
Yet my toes are still chilled, aching,
remembering how far I've come and
reminding how far I have to go.
Each stream that runs hastily
down the curves of my barren body
defines more than a physical adoration,
but a renewal:
I am not his,
or hers
or theirs;
the only thing that binds me is my mind.
Wash off the feel of his touch or
the scent of her perfume,
let it fall away like every other lovely drop
and see the world's beauty through your eyes again.
Shower thoughts
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Title (optional)
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
It was a cool morning in January
when I cracked my blinds
and peaked at the world I knew.
Bright breasted robin, perched in the azalea,
watched me dress and curse this life.
He did not sing, did not so much as move
as I dragged my feet and clutched my chest.
Bright breasted robin, soaring the skies,
always came back to make sure
each morning my lights turn back on.
He watched me tie myself to my bedpost,
hide away the razors, suffer through headaches
because I convinced myself I lost the aspirin…
It wasn't until a warm March morning
that I could open my blinds
and gaze upon the robin that sang me awake.
A nest, perhaps two feet from the glass,
perched on the limbs that clawed a child's dreams,
sat the bright breasted robin and three others:
A choir, A reminder, A hope.
You woke up today, you survived every dark day that's been thrown at you. You are strong and able; you are not alone.
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
Reign Quote
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
"I hear you. I do. But of all the reasons you've expound of why we can't be together none are of the heart. I have to fight every instinct I have pulling me toward you. When I'm near you I am aware of every breath you take and when I am away even the wind in the trees reminds me of you."
"You will be the death of me and I of you."
Feb 2015 · 386
Let him go.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
I know you can!
Forget the tainted heart
Block the screaming head
Follow your gut.
You don't need him this time --
Or any time! --
To feel the warmth of happiness.
Let him go, you can do it.
Feb 2015 · 455
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
I love rereading old notebooks,
Scanning forgotten phone notes,
And rummaging through filled diaries…
I like to see what I thought was important:
         Love Notes
                   Cute Texts
                             Unfinished Poetry
They're almost like gravestones,
The way they define a moment
And hold dear to their date of creation.
Even the ones without a month or year,
I know: your name is in most of them…
Back when you used to randomly tell me you loved me;
All the poetry I wrote for you
But was too scared to ever tell you about it;
The nightmares where you weren't there
And the dreams where all there was in the darkness
Was the sound of your strong yet soft voice.
I love these notes and pages,
These tombstones of a happy time,
Too bad they're gone now--
Just like you.
1:24am insomnia poetry
Feb 2015 · 615
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Suffocated by a web of a world that does not understand:
Words in my throat, caught like little flies struggling against the weave,
Emotions suppressed deep, encased in the widow's cocoon --
I am silenced, hidden under the surface.

Like a star, hope trickles down soft as a weak creak stream.
Light but dull, a beacon in an entire world of darkness;
Little ones walking will be the ones to watch it grow strong,
But I, a little fly, will die waiting for a light that is not for me.

This web is a cold and lonely prison,
I pray that, in this blackness, I am not alone
As I wait for more hearts to light the spark
That might burn away this web of a cage.
Shh… don't tell anyone but I wrote this for my friend's research paper. It's about Pride and Prejudice and the feminism undertones Jane Austen uses when writing. <3
Feb 2015 · 3.8k
Temptation's Pull
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Temptation is sweet, subtle,
Like the steady rhythm of beach waves --
Not there unless you're listening and
Watching for the sly and slick riptide.
The wait is agonizing, maddening,
Like walking along shell shattered sand --
Not willing to stop and reason
Knowing the anxiety is pulling people under.
The fall is sudden, quick,
Like the rush of a tidal wave --
Relentless in its destruction and
Scattering the power lusted as the serpent rises.
A poem written for my research paper
Feb 2015 · 398
Father Winter's Bed
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Snow fall,
Crystal showers
That encase me in the chill of death.
Take me in your arms
And lull me away,
Put me to sleep with the oaks,
Tuck me away under the drapes of the willows,
Lace my dreams with memories of summer flowers
Cover me in blankets of soft uncut grass and
Douse me with frozen snowflake kisses.
I fear the cracking I hear
When I try to open my eyes,
The shattering of an ice layer so thin yet so heavy--
Is that the sun I see?
Washing the white landscape in red and pink
Reaching out, but never touching.
It is always the moment before the dawn
That I forget the beauty of the day.
Consumed by twilight and midnight stars--
Hopes that are billions of miles away…
Upon awkening,
The first steps are always hard.
The chill that encases so many holds fast
Only the strong survive
I fear this time I will not rise with the sun,
But sink low, deep into the willow's roots
And feed from the next tortured soul
Who comes to sleep under the drapes of the willow.
Feb 2015 · 320
Some times
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
Some times I find myself thinking
Would it be better if I woke up dead?
That, somehow, all those people
That were my friends
My blood
The ones who thought they knew me
And the people who heard of me,
If by my absence everything would be better.
Too many times I find myself thinking
Feb 2015 · 313
Carsyn Smith Feb 2015
I hate myself

I hate myself because
I'm not strong enough to say no
I kissed you knowing how I felt
I held you even when my head said not to
I let you think… I let myself think…

I am despicable
I hate people like me,
The world needs to be rid of
People like me.
Why go into a coma when you could sleep for eternity?
Jan 2015 · 475
Sleeping Beauty Bullet
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
The space between the sheets
that mastered your every contour
is hollow like the whistling breeze of a mountain high.
The pillow, the top of my thighs,
that cradled you while you dreamt
is stiff like a rose left cracked and shambled in baking sun.
The spot just above your ear
brimming with memories and 'mares
is cold from the barrel of a constant gun.
Your finger or mine on the trigger,
it does not matter to me,
either way waking with a bullet cozy inside
filling like the space between the sheets
and softening the brain like feathers in a freshly fluffed pillow:
A memory that haunts and delights,
a hug and a kiss
a scream and a tear,
one and the same
like the wrath of tidal waves and soft bubbles of sea foam.
Dreams are nothing more than memories refusing to be forgotten
Jan 2015 · 358
Reality (5w)
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
"Let's talk,"
Except we won't.
And we never will
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
I dreamt of being a snowflake while I slept a restless sleep.
It was quick -- painless
Like the death I always thought I'd be given.
I thought I fell from the heavens,
Touched by immortality and morality,
An open book -- open arms
Waiting for someone to save.
The prideful, hubris rotten, humans
Are the first to fall like bodies that could never quite get the parachute to open --
Frantic and regretful until... Splat.
I dreamt I was a snowflake,
But I do not deserve such a painless and gentle death:
Take my life, give it to another,
Surely there is any other more worthy than I --
I who have never reach for another,
I who cannot because pride demands me not to,
I who never learned it's okay to be weak
Until I found myself broken --
Like an oversized icicle, mocking and proud until gravity took it down.
I know it was just a dream when I saw myself a snowflake
Because I will not go gentle into the night.
Jan 2015 · 800
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
They found me curled up in your old Tshirt
Old notes ripped and crumpled from a strong grip
And trembling from the withdraw

I thought I knew nothing of addiction
Until I tried 24 hours without --
Without craving you in some way.

The sound of your name is like
A sip of alcohol to an AA member

Your cologne is a shot of ******:
Exciting and gone before you know it

Your eyes are like a sniff of coke
Making my whole body shiver

Your touch is like sitting in a haze
Relaxing, familiar, amnesic…

I wish everything you did could go away,
So when I take a draw tonight,
The smoke won't have anything to cover.
I don't understand why I miss you so much, when I know you're no good for me
Jan 2015 · 697
I am ME
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
I am not lips needing paint,
I am powerful words
       screams into a void
       whispers in the crowds
       echoes that find your ear.

I am not bones in a skin sack,
I am a temple
       created from love
       shaped by something greater
       meant for more than ***.

I am not just pretty eyelashes,
I am speaking in silence
       staring down evil
       unflinching towards darkness
       learning from mistakes.

I am not waiting for someone,
I am rescuing myself
       stitching my wounds
       smiling when it hurts
       leading a fallen army.

I am a warrior
       not a damsel

I am strong
       not weak

I am fighting
        not crying

I am changing
        not complaining

I am running
        not waiting

I am not an object
             a gender
             a ***
             a stereotype

I am human
You're more than what the world claims.
Jan 2015 · 373
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
Actions speak louder than words,
tell me; should I believe you?
Mouth running, but arms are still...
Disregard the tears,
The actionless claims,
Unless you plan to show me.
Jan 2015 · 736
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
They say I'm off my hinges,
That I'm spiraling into nothing
And welcoming insanity with open arms.
The voices sing me songs
About love and loss,
Of great battles
Fought at the birth of dawn
And others in back alley ways.
They whisper dark things
Along side the melody of light...
They tell me I'm off my hinges
But who's gonna believe a voice under the bed...?
Grab a book, any book, and open to page 49.
6th line.
5th word.
Make a poem, and use that word as its title.
Be sure to make sense, and relate the topic to title!

Tag your poems as bookpoemchallenge
Jan 2015 · 685
Glow-In-The-Dark Stars
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
{How many} glow-in-the-dark stars
do you still have on your ceiling?
{More} than you'd like to admit,
am I right?
I only have one left,
but it fills my {nights} like Sirius.
When clouds blanket the stars,
the glow-in-the-darks {must} shine
to keep the monsters away;
to ensure {I spend} my dreams
on hopes rather than fears.
The five pointed stars remind me
I am not {alone}; they are
{staring at} me with such love
that it keeps the monsters
under {my} bed.
I only have one star left,
but its glow makes my {ceiling}
the Milky Way.
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
My armies are in full retreat:
the cannons cold,
boots worn down,
muskets jammed and rusted --
Well fought and ready for rest.
My men seek shelter deep,
deep enough that hands cannot reach,
and they shall stay there for, perhaps, ever.
I was always told "no,"
that money ran the world
and a passion for words will not be enough,
that I will fail...
So my army is in retreat,
tired of fighting a constant defense,
using our last resources to build a keep
to lock away every imaginative flutter of golden butterflies,
and hide away any stray flicker of a thoughtful flame.
The oak trees of my mind's forest have been cut down,
nothing but stumps and leaves
and the smell of industrial smoke
from the bark of my oaks.
This time next year,
I hope not to be completely dead inside
that, somehow, deep in the keep of my soul,
a willow will weep beautiful tears
for lost soldiers and fallen oaks.
Perhaps the keep will thrive,
fighting off the countless sieges
and housing pilgrim dreams.
Perhaps the conquerers will be kind,
offering mercy to the innocent
and a quick death to the ones who deny "no."
It breaks my heart to call retreat,
but a small, crumbling, wounded dream
is better than no dream at all.
"You can't make money with words, you need to stop while there's still time."
Jan 2015 · 532
Mirror Maze
Carsyn Smith Jan 2015
Mind's a mirror maze
The way your face keeps showing
Yet you are missing
Dec 2014 · 347
Did you know
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Did you know
My first love was the sound of the piano?
Its longing chords and soaring melody,
I tried to teach my fingers to dance,
But they could never do my ears justice.
Did you know
I love sappy poetry and lit candles?
The smell of standard vanilla
And the dim glow on flowery words,
But I could never recite them quite right.
Did you know
I love the way silence sings?
That two people can sit, quiet,
And not feel the urgency to speak,
But I could never stop fidgeting.
Did you know
I crave the feel of his strong arms?
The passion and softness behind lips,
And the innocence of a presence,
But I could never...
Dec 2014 · 747
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
They told me to sleep,
I'd forget you by morning
Heart still beating strong.

Why can they not see
Every night my mind finds you,
Echoing last words?

There is no escape
From a dream ripping at scars
And holding me close.

Please, just one more time,
Cradle me close in my dreams
So I awaken strong.

Fear and lust are kin,
Controlling dreams, actions, thoughts…
You must live with it.

They tell me to sleep,
Dreaming will take me away,
But you are my dreams.
Expect changes
Dec 2014 · 846
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Threads are woven,
like streams into a river;
or wisps into a cloud --
they weave into something beautiful.
Memories laced in violet,
peacock colored romance,
a tear doused in sky blue:
it is the tapestry of a mind
one withering and eroding
like the base of a mighty waterfall;
or the land under a tornado --
it despairs into emptiness
until my name is nothing but
conjoined syllables on her lips.
The unraveling of a tapestry is slow,
a simple snag in the seam.
Over time it falls apart
like a river scattering into the swamps;
or leaves in the four winds --
it lets gravity weigh it down.
We are told that love holds things together
but as she slips away
my weapon is nothing but an empty hand.
Time took something precious from her
without flinching; without a first glance,
leaving no evidence in her mind
but a river of blood in ours
and an eerie reminder
that time is as unforgiving
as the gravity that tore that first thread.
She unravels before my eyes
and time has me by the throat,
the best I can do is follow behind her
and pick up the pieces as she marches
unknowing and unbending.
Dec 2014 · 567
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
The hardest promise
to keep is written in blood
for and of yourself.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Time does not bring relief; you all have lied  
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!  
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;  
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,  
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;  
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.  
There are a hundred places where I fear  
To go,—so with his memory they brim.  
And entering with relief some quiet place  
Where never fell his foot or shone his face  
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”  
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.
One of the poems I'm reading for Poetry Out Loud <3 </3
Dec 2014 · 374
The boy who could have...
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Little boy praying at the shore,
do you not realize what you have done?
That flower, soft red petals and sharp thorns,
freshly picked and found home in your hands --
you tossed it into that achingly slow creek.
Little boy you must've known
that a flower like that would float away;
Yet here you kneel, tired eyes searching for it
and a hoarse voice calling out a name.
Little boy you could've stopped this.
Fingers were meant to hold things dear
yet it slipped, and you used them to point.
Feet were meant to bring people together
yet you watched, sitting, while it slowly washed away.
Little boy, what if I told you a secret?
That flower, with broken stem and burnt leaves,
held onto a passing rock and waited.
It waited for you to fight for it, but you didn't,
so that flower let go, drifting slowly away,
listening to the cries of a Little boy who could have.
baffling how he cried to me when he was the one to let her walk away
Dec 2014 · 545
What a dark time it's been
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
What a dark time it's been,
no dreams to fill this void.
I don't need them when I'm with you.
You make me forget the lost hours,
the blank darkness, the cold silence.
I no longer wake because the sun rises,
but merely because I must see you.
          You may never know that
          your laugh makes me smile,
          your smile keeps me warm,
          your touch drives me crazy,
          your eyes hold me tight and
          your arms house me.
               You may never know;
               that's okay --
               I'm the quiet type.
11/13/13** found in an old notebook and needed to be shared.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
I am no toymaker, I know this,
yet one day I found a small toy car
left on my doorstep with a simple note:
"Try and fix me."
I'm no toymaker, but I tried anyway.
I saw there was a wheel broken,
a door off its hinges, and an engine
that needed replacing. I am no toymaker,
but I tried my best to find these parts,
but I stopped before I switched them out
because I realized I was changing it.
I am no toymaker, but I know you shouldn't
change people; that only they can change themsleves,
and that's what I feared.
How am I to fix something, if it won't change?
I am no toymaker, so maybe I'm missing something,
but if I can not change out this broken wheel,
place new hinges on that door, or a new
engine to make it pur, how can I fix it?
I am no toymaker, I know this,
but I still battled rivers and mountains alone,
talked with Atlas to give up the Earth,
but Atlas wouldn't listen and I told myself
it was because I was trying to change him
like a little toy car I once tried to fix.
I am no toymaker, but don't say I didn't try.
Dec 2014 · 453
The Bird of Heaven
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
A thousand years from now,
the human race will find The Bird of Heaven,
and fall in love with such a beautiful creature.
Wings crafted of pure white, cascading
a variety of colors and shades over the
lands it gracefully soars across. It leaves
a sort of shimmer that mesmerizes all,
a glint in the eyes of those who catch a glimpse.
For some it is salvation from everything.
A thousand and ten years from now,
the human race will capture The Bird of Heaven,
and study this beautiful creature.
Wings are tattered up close, holes allowing
pockets of colors to fall through to the
lands below, casting a rainbow effect. It leaves
a residue that sticks to the skin and burns,
a tear in the eyes of those who suffer the touch.
For some it becomes a horror of nature.
A thousand and eleven years from now,
the human race will shame The Bird of Heaven,
and fall in love with the idea of such a beautiful creature.
Distance creates a false image, projecting
ignorant assumptions and misplaced awe upon
the people who allow themselves to believe. It leaves
a perfect picture of something not so perfect,
an image in the eyes of those who hunger beauty.
For some, they hunger beauty to own, not to cherish.
A thousand and twelve years from now,
a man might see The Bird of Heaven,
and love it from the inside out, and say,
*What a beautiful creature.
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