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K Coleman
York,PA    18~working on illustrating my thoughts through words
The Wicca Man
65/M/UK    I am a poet, writer, photographer, procrastinator, prognosticator and philosopher! I don't write enough - the procrastinator - but occasionally The Muses return! My style ...
23/M/Maryland    Trying to make something of these words. Always looking to read, write, and discuss. -Feel free to message- I wrote this stuff but none of ...
Edward Coles
26/M/Hat Yai, Thailand    some guy
22/F/US somewhere    I love animals and want to be a zookeeper. I am very creative...not in the form of poetry but I'm trying... simply venting the craziness ...
To be fully standing in the light, one must cast a shadow.
Andrew Durst
Tarentum, PA.    I am 23. Instagram: @andrewdurst
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
Become less. Soli Deo Gloria.
The beauty in all things is their interconnectedness
Pedro Garcia
I write about things.
Roger Turner - Poet
Writer in Actually, just someone who started writing for fun and enjoyment. I now have one book in three languages, and colouring book form. ...
Infamous one
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing ...
Brooke Davis
25/F    I do not need to be remembered. All that will matter is that I was here... in this moment.
Cynthia Cliff
(An account for the darker poetry)
26/Agender/Mother Earth    Hi! I'm Stormitive. I like poetry and I write poetry. I also like writing raps, songs, stories, making music, singing, dancing, and other forms of ...
Daniel Kenneth
Boston    "I wish I could say this was a story about how I got on the bus a boy and got off a man more cynical, ...
Anna Pavoncello
Earth    I write a lot of poetry about nature. When in doubt, nature's there for me. So, if you're going to read any of it, be ...
York PA    I'm not much of a poet. Most of mine don't rime. But what I have to say if you have the time is words from ...
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