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 Jan 2015 Babi L
Write. Write until your hand hurt and your brain gives out. This is what makes you happy.

2. When you're 18, a boy is going to kiss you for the very first time, and you're not gonna like it. This is because he is not the right one for you.

3. It's okay to watch 5 episodes of a TV show in one day. These are the days that you will never remember, but they are also the days that will keep you sane.

4. That girl you call your best friend; she's going to betray you. And it is your choice to forgive her or not.

5. Your real best friend is your brother, because he has always had your back, and you will always have his.

6. No matter how sad and lonely and worthless you feel, none of the bad things you think are true. You are worth more than the bad days.

7. Your high school graduation will not be what you want it to be. And you will never be okay with that. But it's okay to not be okay with the way the world works sometimes.

8. The friends you make in your first semester of college will outweigh 90% of the people you have met up until then, and that it absolutely okay.

9. Your mom is better than you have ever given her credit for, and you will realize this more and more each year.

10. Wait for him. Wait for the guy that will sweep you off your feet from the very first glance. Do not settle. Ever.
I wish I could go back in time and tel myself these things to avoid 8 years of tears
 Dec 2014 Babi L
Craig Harrison
Love is when you are missing some of your teeth
but you're not afraid to smile
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when your hair is falling out
but you don't wear a wig
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when you lose your arms and legs
but you don't hide away
because you know your friends will still love you
even though part of you is missing

Love is when people accept you for who you are
and you can relax and breathe free
because that's what love is
Inspired by Emma k aged 6

I don't know this person but it was something I read online (first 4 lines) and I thought it was very cute and true and I wanted to share it with you
 Dec 2014 Babi L
 Dec 2014 Babi L
We stood there in silence
Covered by the mystery of
Emptiness all around us
Only two figures standing were
You asked me what's wrong, clueless
I slowly shook my head replying
"I'l be fine"
But than you pulled me in a
And whispered in my ear
"You can fool everyone else but not me dear"
 Dec 2014 Babi L
Phoenix Rising
-The moment you stop wanting it, you will have it
-The moment you stop planning, your life will begin
-To be happy, you must stop saying you will achieve it after a goal
-Forcing will not help what's meant to be a falling into placement
Her heart pounds uncontrollably
         Thoughts are spinning
She cannot fathom
                a right choice
   So she purposely
       silences her voice
           Why should she go through
    pain for others
When no one will walk through fire
        for her
Why should she get out of the rain
            and thunder
     When everyone shows her
            nothing but anger
   Life is not what SHE chooses,
         she has no say
The only choice she can make,
       is her dying day
           She'll be forgotten
    from then on out
Only memories of a
               pathetic useless girl
       Little did they know,
her pen met paper every night
      So she left words of sadness
for the whole **** world
 Dec 2014 Babi L
Amitav Radiance
Some memories are so beautiful
That they never fade away
Cutting across the darkness
To light up the present moments
Into eternity they will travel
Bringing solace till the last
They are not meant to let go
Till we have seen the last day
 Dec 2014 Babi L
And felt as beautiful as you think she is.

I wish I walked into a room and grabbed attention as much as she grabs yours.

I wish I spoke and captivated someone the way she captivates you when she says your name.

I wish I awoke in the morning and heard my true love's heartbeat next to mine as she does every day.

I wish I knew a love as strong as your love for her.

I do not wish for your love, though, because I know that is one thing that is far out of my reach. I only wish for someone to love me the way that you love her, so that maybe someday I will love him as much as I still love you.
 Dec 2014 Babi L
Towela Kams
As I feel my mind romp
Ceaselessly into the past
I twitch to it's sight
And I know I'm scared
All my happy thoughts
Are interrupted by obscure memories
Dark, grey flashbacks
Reminding me that I'm chained
To a world of immense pain

Helpless and crushed
I seek a permanent solution
I attempt to find peace
In what the world offers me
Indirectly, I'm sitting upon
Invisible dough of deceit
Concealing it's strategy to defeat me
Reminding me that I'm chained
To a world of immense pain

The chains are visible now
A keyhole appears in clear view
The more I allow fear in my thoughts
The more the keyhole diminishes
So I give my first shot at faith
Believing first, forget seeing
The master key to save me
Reminding me that I'm free
From a world of immense pain

So I've drawn up my conclusion:
I choose believing over seeing
That my inner heart be wholly converted
Than my eyes merely convinced.
For everything I see tells me not to believe
And everything I believe tells me not to see
The two contradict each other
So what do I choose?
Faith over fears
I'd rather believe then give into my tears.
Umm. Your views?
 Dec 2014 Babi L
Francie Lynch
There's good reason
Why they say I'm
Madly in love.
Look at my behavior.
Sweating, palpitating,
Shortness of breath,
Clean shaven,
Clean underwear.
This isn't normal
Male behavior.
And then I repeat it,
Thinking the outcome
Will be different.
 Dec 2014 Babi L
Silent Thoughts
I don't want you to see the beauty in me
I want you to see beauty
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